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Picture pioneers
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English doctor P.M. Roget found that seeing an object in similar positions over a rapid sequence, like this one of a horse running, resulted in the object appearing to move. In 1824, he called this “persistence of vision.” Inventors wanted to create a better way to produce the illusion of moving images from still ones.
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French premiere The first to figure it out were the French brothers Auguste and louis lumière. They held the first public showing of projected moving images in a Parisian café basement in 1895. Their combined portable camera and projector, the cinematograph, recorded “moving pictures” on a strip of celluloid film. The premiere was a hit with the paying audience and hailed the start of the moTion picTure era.
ay... By in cinematog venting the masters oraph, we became with more f the short film, than to our na1,000 clips mes.
Silent movieS were replaced by “talkies” (flms with dialogue and music), starting with The Jazz Singer in 1927.
s... Film frst The a nnual m ovie awards cerem ony call ed the Academy Award s, o r o Sc arS, began in Hollyw ood in 1 929.