Tim Berners-Lee The World Wide Web (WWW) was born at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland in 1990. Projects at CERN created huge amounts of data that scientists around the world needed to access, so English physicist Tim Berners-Lee proposed an information system for CERN that used linked documents on Web pages accessible via the Internet.
World Wide Web The INFORMATION-SHARING system that unlocked the Internet for millions of people
The browser bar displays the website’s name, and is used to navigate the web.
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The world’s first website was set up by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in 1990. The site showed how people could build their own websites, and Berners-Lee and his colleagues sent out software and spread the word as widely as they could, so that more sites soon appeared. As time has passed, websites have become more sophisticated, containing pictures, videos, sound, advertisements, and more. Hyperlinks, such as this ad, take you to a new web page.
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CERN made the source code for the World Wide Web software available to everyone free of charge. Even today, anyone can run a website and access the web for nothing. Making the technology freely available was the key to its success. By 1993, the World Wide Web was doubling in size every three months—there are more than 250 million sites on the web today.