INSTRUCTIONAL GRANT APPLICATION: TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION The following are a few ideas for potential summer Instructional Grants, which would leverage new or existing educational resources to enhance Academic Development and Technology Readiness. 1. Utilize the Teaching & Learning Guides framework to enhance academic development of “type name of course here”, providing students with access to online tools and instructional resources that are aligned with existing learning themes/units/ lessons for the course. 2. Develop an online environment (ex. website, blog, podcasting, cable access channel, etc.) and plan specific ways that this environment will be used in the coming school year to expand communication and engagement with students and parents. 3. Technology Integration Workshop (2-days): “I or We” will spend a day with our Technology Integration Specialist, who will provide an overview of specific technology tools that align with key curriculum standards or instructional practices in “type in your course name or the name of your LA team”. We will examine bestpractice use models by other educators. A second day of the workshop will focus on the development of our own model classroom uses of select tools and resources (integrating the use technology into new or existing lessons/units). 4. Technology Integration Workshop (2-day): “I or We” will spend a day learning to use the high school’s new Tandberg videoconferencing system and other technologies that will enable students to connect with people and beyond-building learning opportunities. A second day of the workshop will focus on identifying and establishing connections and planning for specific beyond-building projects, collaborations or engagements that students will experience during the school year. 5. Technology Integration Workshop (2-day): “I or We” will spend a day with our Technology Integration Specialist, who will provide an overview of Plato Learning, the Plato Learning Environment (PLE), and demonstrate how Plato resources can be used to differentiate instruction. A second day of the workshop will focus on aligning and integrating Plato curriculum resources with our local curriculum. 6. * The workshop model of exploring specific tools or resources, examining bestpractice uses, and working to developing plans for how to integrate their use into your own learning environment(s) is an effective model for a wide variety of instructional grants. If you are revamping existing lessons/curriculum or creating new learning experiences for students, it is a great time to identify ways that technology can effectively help students reach desired learning outcomes. Other ideas... Google Earth & Maps
Places to Start a Paperless Classroom
Google Tools for the Classroom
Using Images & Video in the Classroom
Digital Storytelling
Build a Professional Learning Network
Student ePortfolios
Student Publishing (Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts