Macon Water Authority 2016 Popular Annual Financial Report

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We will grow as a premier regional public utility that embraces innovation, focused on the comprehensive management of water resources and be recognized for superior customer service, financial and environmental stewardship, community service, and leadership.


Our mission is to provide quality water and sewer services for the enhancement of the quality of life and economic well-being of the customers and communities we serve.

Our CORE VALUES‌ Service




We provide reliable, responsive, and quality services with a commitment to serving our customers with courtesy, respect, and efficiency.

We are committed to applying our knowledge and skills in protecting the environment, public health, and safety. We will conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects well on our profession and actively participate in the associations of the water/wastewater industry.


We are open, honest, and ethical in all of our dealings with our customers, the communities we serve, and each other.

We continuously identify and incorporate innovative approaches and technology that bring value to our operations and the delivery of services to our customers.

We are good stewards of the environmental and financial resources in which we have been entrusted. We maintain and invest in our infrastructure to ensure its sustainability for future generations.


We share a personal and professional commitment to protecting the safety and health of our employees, their families, and the public.

2017 Save The Dates



May 7 – 13

National Drinking Water Week

Welcome 3 Meet the Board 4 Strategic Planning & Capital Improvements 5 Water Quality, Capacity, & Reliability 7 Economic Development 9

May 11

Amerson Water Treatment Plant Open House

Financial Summary 10 Financial Leverage 12 Affordability 13 Competitiveness & Rate Comparisons


Public Outreach & Partnerships 17

June 3

12h Annual MWA Kids Fishing Derby

October 14

Macon’s 13th Annual River Cleanup, Ocmulgee Alive!

Welcome From the Desk of the Executive Director & President

From the Desk of the Executive Vice President of Business Operations

On behalf of our Board and my colleagues at the Macon Water Authority (MWA), welcome to the yearly overview of our organization that is our Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016.

One of the most enjoyable responsibilities I have at the MWA is playing an integral role in the development and creation of this Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR), which we use to communicate to our customers and our community the activities and the financials of the MWA from this past FY, which ended September 30, 2016.

This report provides you with timely and relevant information about our finances, our systems, our operations, and more. But the real story behind the facts and figures of our award-winning utility is the hard work and dedication of our water professionals and Board Members who work together for the sole purpose of ensuring you have safe, reliable water and sanitary sewer services.

This current PAFR is filled with information about the Authority, our community involvement, financial performance, and more. It is a condensed version of what may be found in our Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which is available on our website at

This time last year, the water industry was reeling with concerns over water quality in the aftermath of the public health crisis that occurred in Flint, Michigan. And just a few months ago, MaconBibb County experienced an exceptional drought with the most consecutive days without rainfall (52 days) in our modern history. The regulatory response by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division was to implement restrictions on water use for our region. These real-world examples of unsafe public drinking water and challenges to our water resiliency serve to remind us at the MWA of the critical importance of our responsibility to our customers. While our water and sewer systems and operations are, for the most part, out of sight and out of mind, we know you truly appreciate the value of these services and their prominence in the quality of life and economic prosperity we all enjoy. Knowing this makes us even more proud to serve you. Sincerely, Tony Rojas, Executive Director & President 3 •

The financial information included in this publication is compiled from the Authority’s recently audited set of financial statements, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and for which we received an “unmodified” or “clean” audit report from independent auditors. I am thrilled to once again report that the MWA received – for the 19th consecutive year – recognition for “Outstanding Achievement in Financial Reporting” for our FY 2015 CAFR, as well as the award – for the fourth consecutive year – for “Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting” for our 2015 PAFR, with both honors coming this past year from the Government Finance Officers Association. The Authority had a productive and financially solid year in 2016. We continued to improve the customer experience, reinvest strategically in our system, identify long-term planning goals, and focus on the value of water. Affordable and competitive rates, along with dependable and safe delivery of water and wastewater services, continue to be driving forces behind the short-term and long-term planning objectives of the Authority. I hope you find this PAFR informative, and I personally welcome any comments or feedback regarding its content. Sincerely, Guy Boyle, EVP Business Operations & Chief Financial Officer

Meet THE BOARD The MWA, created by an Act of the Georgia General Assembly, is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors consisting of a Chairman elected countywide, four elected Members representing respective districts, and two Members appointed by the Macon-Bibb County Commission from its own ranks. This past year featured the re-election of two Members – Mr. Javors J. Lucas, who is going on 35 years representing District 2, and Mr. Dwight Jones, who begins his first fullterm representing District 3.

Sam Hart Chairman

Frank Patterson Vice Chairman and District 4 Member

Dot Black

District 1 Member

Mr. Sam Hart completed his second year as Chairman of the Authority, while Vice-Chairman Frank Patterson, representing District 4, and Dorothy “Dot” Black, representing District 1, also continued service as elected Members of the Board. Rounding out the MWA Board are the two appointed Members from the Macon-Bibb County Commission – Mr. Bert Bivins, who was reappointed to the MWA, and Mr. Gary Bechtel, who is a newcomer to the MWA Board, filling the seat previously held by long-time public servant Mr. Ed DeFore (see accompanying feature). The regular MWA Board Meetings are open to the public on the first Thursday of every month. MWA Board Members also conduct business through monthly committee meetings involving referrals to the Pension, Finance, Engineering, Personnel, Policy and Outdoor Recreation Committees. MWA customers and Macon-Bibb County benefit from the strong leadership and cooperative spirit of the MWA Board, which appropriates financial resources and determines policies for the operation of an Authority that ranks among the best in the industry. For the complete bios on all MWA Board Members, please visit

MWA Honors Service of Mr. Ed DeFore

Javors Lucas

District 2 Member

Dwight Jones

District 3 Member

Bert Bivins

Macon-Bibb Representative

Gary Bechtel Macon-Bibb Representative

For 14 years, the Macon Water Authority (MWA) has benefited from the service of Mr. Ed DeFore, whose 45-year tenure as an elected official in Macon-Bibb County was the longest in the community’s modern history. Mr. DeFore served as an appointed Member to the MWA from 1992 to 1996, and again from 2006 to 2016. He first served on the Authority as a Representative of the Macon City Council, and then through appointment as one of two Representatives from the MaconBibb County Commission. Mr. DeFore was elected to the Macon City Council in 1971, serving for 42 years until consolidation, when he was elected in 2013 as the Macon-Bibb County District 6 Commissioner. Mr. DeFore is a lifelong resident of Macon, and he and his wife Pat have been married for 66 years. A complete profile of Mr. DeFore is in our news archives at • 4

Strategic PLANNING

Last year, the Macon Water Authority (MWA) management team and staff, with input and endorsement from the Board, completed the thorough and critically important process of creating a Five-Year Strategic Plan. It identified the following strategic focus areas: Organizational Development, Customer Service, Asset Management, Economic Development & Community Redevelopment, and Security & Emergency Preparedness. Using the Five-Year Strategic Plan as a guide, the MWA then initiated a Program of Work for 2017, which prioritizes specific goals and objectives within the focus areas to be accomplished this year. MWA water professionals will pursue these developmental Program of Work tasks, all while continuing to fulfill the day-to-day responsibilities of the water/sewer utility. It says something about an Authority when it is committed to strategically planning and continually looking for ways to improve, rather than rest on the merit of its past accolades. The ultimate benefactors of the MWA Five-Year Strategic Plan and resulting 2017 Program of Work will be MWA customers and the Macon-Bibb County community, as they continue to enjoy the very best in water and sewer services from a utility dedicated to addressing potential areas of deficiency. “The 2017 Program of Work will serve as our playbook for implementing the goals and objectives identified in the Strategic Plan that will be completed in the coming year,â€? says Tony Rojas, MWA President and Executive Director. 5 •


The MWA established Macon Soils Incorporated (MSI) in 1998 as a non-profit subsidiary to supply biosolids and other nutrient rich materials to farmers for use as fertilizer. MSI is dedicated to responsible environmental stewardship and the beneficial utilization of appropriate residuals in building soil fertility and achieving sustainable agriculture for citizens of Middle Georgia.


IMPROVEMENTS One of the greatest benefits to customers of a financially-strong utility is the investment in capital projects to improve the delivery of services. Such is the case at the MWA, evident in the millions of dollars that are being reinvested back into the Authority’s water and wastewater facilities and infrastructure. Some of the highlights of recent and future Capital Projects at the MWA include: • The MWA expended approximately $300,000 to make improvements along its access road that bounds the Western side of the Ocmulgee River between Riverside Cemetery and Amerson River Park. The access improvements will allow the MWA to rehabilitate a major interceptor at a cost of $1 million, and will also be used as a part of the Ocmulgee Heritage Trail System that connects Riverside Cemetery and Amerson River Park. • This past fiscal year, the Authority expended approximately $2.5 million to renew and rehabilitate a major 48-inch diameter sanitary sewer interceptor between the Authority’s Riverside and Main Street Lift Stations. • In addition, the MWA will invest $3 million to renew and rehabilitate 24inch and 36-inch diameter sanitary sewer mains in the Tobesofkee Basin, extending the life cycle of these assets over 75 years. • The Authority is assisting the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) by funding $2.8 million of the $15.2 million needed to relocate the Authority’s water and sewer infrastructure impacted by the widening and reconstruction of planned improvements to the I-16/I-75 Interchange. • The Authority is developing a Water Distribution Master Plan that will forecast needs for a 20-year period using an enhanced computer model to simulate current and future demand conditions. • The MWA will use $30 million in Revenue Bonds and expend $3 million in Capital Reserves on a Progressive Design/Build Project to renew and renovate its Lower Poplar and Rocky Creek Water Reclamation Facilities. • The Authority will provide $1.2 million to fund water and sewer infrastructure for the Macon Housing Authority’s redevelopment of the Tindall Heights Community. • 6

Water Quality, Capacity, & Reliability SET MWA APART

Thanks to long-term planning, leadership, and proper management, the MWA is a model water and sewer utility, facilitating regional economic development by providing quality, capacity, and reliability in its water and sewer services. The MWA is known for providing the highest quality drinking water – rated the Best Tasting in North America – but the Authority also is noted for a secure, abundant raw water supply, made possible by MWA’s leadership who envisioned Javors Lucas Lake as a resilient resource that can both withstand drought and accommodate growth. As evidence, MWA water resources were put to the test in 2016, when Georgia experienced its third driest year in nearly three decades, including a record number of consecutive days (52) without rain. As a result, the state Environmental Protection Division (EPD) placed water use restrictions on most Georgia communities, although those impacting Macon-Bibb County were minimal thanks to the MWA’s plentiful water supply and ability to meet production demands even through these drought conditions. With the crisis in Flint, Michigan the previous year raising awareness of the public health importance of water quality, the Georgia drought of 2016 likewise brought attention to the significance of water storage as well as production capacity and reliability to a community’s well-being. Thus, MWA’s water quality, as well as its abundant capacity and system reliability, set the Authority apart from others.

7 •

Photo by Mark Strozier

Water Quality

MWA water quality is assured through the best management practices and operations provided by water professionals who are among the most accomplished in the industry. • The MWA goes above and beyond the minimum standards for regulatory compliance in water quality testing. • The MWA hosts annual audits from the Georgia Environmental Protection Division of its Amerson Water Plant and drinking water system. • The source water for MWA drinking water production – drawn from Javors Lucas Lake and the Ocmulgee River – is of the highest quality. • The MWA continually reinvests in system upgrades and capital improvements to assure its infrastructure is in excellent condition. • MWA tap water has been named the Best Tasting Drinking Water in North America, as awarded by the American Water Works Association.

System Capacity

In terms of raw water supply and finished drinking water storage, the MWA is rich in water resources. • Javors Lucas Lake holds 5.8 billion gallons of raw water at full pool. • The MWA is permitted to pump between 35 to 110 million gallons per day (MGD) from the Ocmulgee River, as needed, into Javors Lucas Lake for raw water storage until drinking water production. • The Frank C. Amerson, Jr. Water Treatment Plant has a production capacity of 60 MGD, with an expandable capacity of 90 MGD for the future. • The MWA has 36.9 million gallons of finished drinking water storage in 23 tanks, distributed to customers through 1,664 miles of transmission mains and water lines.

Distribution Reliability

Rarely do MWA customers turn on their faucets and wonder if water is going to flow. That’s because of the reputation of the MWA for reliability in the delivery of clean, safe, and great-tasting drinking water. Through capital improvements, including operational redundancies, service interruptions and outages at the MWA are sporadic.

Photo by Mark Strozier • 8


DEVELOPMENT ‘16 Our Awards

The Georgia Section of the American Water Works Association’s (GAWWA) Operator’s Meritorious Service Award, as the Top Water Plant Operator in the state, for Ronnie Evans. U.S. President’s Volunteer Service Silver Award for Environmental Stewardship, Public Service and Volunteerism to the Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP).

Some industry professionals have stated that without water and sewer, you can not have economic development. Industry will not locate in communities where these critical services are not well managed and maintained. If so, economic development in Macon-Bibb County and Middle Georgia is at an advantage, thanks to the award-winning Macon Water Authority (MWA).

• Kumho Tire, who will employ a workforce of approximately 450 people, is completing its first and only U.S. manufacturing facility within the Sofkee Industrial Park – a $450 million structure. • FedEx Ground is constructing a larger 248,000 square-foot distribution center within the I-75 Industrial Park, located near I-75 that will offer more amenities for the company to continue to meet and exceed customer demands in the area. • Love’s Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc. bringing its brand of “highway hospitality” to motorists with a new 12,000 square-foot facility, located within the I-75 Business Park. The Macon Water Authority (MWA) invests $704,000 annually into a revolving fund earmarked for land acquisition and construction of infrastructure, to create development-ready industrial sites to attract businesses to Macon-Bibb County.

9 •

FedEx Ground

Some examples of recent economic development success in Macon-Bibb County, facilitated by MWA investments and infrastructure:


Financial SUMMARY

An extremely productive year in operations, high demand for water resources, and conservative stewardship of financial resources and capital assets resulted in a strong financial performance for the MWA in Fiscal Year 2016. The Authority also continued to produce an annual fiveyear rate plan with the MWA Board set to adopt rates for 2017 to 2019 early into the new Fiscal Year 2017 operating year. With an annual focus on long-range affordable rate setting, five-year capital planning, and a conservative operational budgetary process, the Authority continued to meet all obligations to water and sewer customers, bond holders, and employees. The strength of the Authority’s balance sheet contributed to maintaining its position as one of the most affordable and competitively priced water and sewer utilities within the state of Georgia. The MWA Bond Rating with Standard and Poor’s remained at investment grade “AA” and with Moody’s at investment grade “Aa1.” During FY 2016, the Authority’s operating revenues were $52,123,494; while operating expenses, which included depreciation, were $47,494,153. The Authority’s Amerson Water Treatment Plant produced and delivered over 8.4 billion gallons of drinking water to MWA customers during the year. The Rocky Creek and Lower Poplar Water Reclamation Facilities treated over 12.3 billion gallons of wastewater during this same period. For complete details, the MWA Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is available online at • 10


Revenue Total Revenue = $52,123,494 • The Authority revenue increased 4.2% vs. 2015. • Water revenues increased 4.3% vs. 2015. • Sewer revenues increased 3.2% vs. 2015. • Other operating revenues, including various types of permits and fees, increased 10.5% versus fiscal year 2015. Non-operating revenues decreased by $14,262 or 2.2% versus fiscal year 2015.


$20 M

$15 M

$10 M

$5 M

$0 Sewer Revenue

Other Operating Revenue

Non-Operating Revenue

Operating Expenses $50 M

Operating expenses increased $1,728,219 vs. fiscal year 2015. The primary drivers of this increase vs. 2015 were:

$45 M

Engineering Maintenance

$40 M

Amerson Water Treatment Plant

$35M $30M

Sewer System


Customer Care

$20 M

Sewer Treatment Plants

$15 M $10 M

Water Distribution


General & Administration

$0 2012

11 •


$25 M

Total Expenses = $47,494,153

• Costs associated with the customer care and field service operations: $457,859. • Costs associated with operations and maintenance of the water distribution system and wastewater reclamation plants: $294,352. • Costs associated with additional pension funding: $570,000. • Costs associated with health insurance: $400,000.


$30 M

Water Revenue








Financial LEVERAGE The Authority’s Outstanding Debt

As of September 30, 2016, the MWA had $92 million in outstanding debt. This compares with $86.7 million that was outstanding as of September 30, 2015. Outstanding debt is comprised of water and sewer revenue bonds payable to bond holders in the amount of $88.7 million, as well as $2.99 million in notes payable to the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) and $273,686 in capital leases. Water and sewer revenue bonds, as well as low interest GEFA loans, have been a major financing tool for the renewal and replacement of water and sewer infrastructure.

The Authority’s Debt Coverage

A measure of financial stability and responsible stewardship of financial resources may be found in a healthy debt coverage ratio. Debt coverage is a calculation that assesses a business’s ability to pay principal and interest owed to its investors. Debt coverage also is a metric that contributes

to the determination of bond ratings by public rating agencies, such as Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s, for outstanding Authority bonds. Debt coverage is calculated by taking total revenues minus total expenses (excluding depreciation), and dividing that by the total principal and interest paid to bond holders during the year. $52,761,119 - $32,938,605 = $19,822,514 / $7,479,946 = 2.65 The Authority’s Coverage for 2016 was a very healthy 2.65. The Authority Coverage Ratio was virtually unchanged from the 2.71 in 2015 and from 2.61 in 2014. Authority Bond Covenants require a minimum of 1.2 times for coverage; the higher the coverage ratio, the more favorable financial outlook for the Authority, which generally equates to a more favorable bond rating.

Balance Sheet

The Authority Board sets a target for coverage at 1.75, so achieving a ratio of 2.65 significantly improved upon both the bond covenant requirements and the MWA Board target.

The Authority’s Bond Rating

The MWA maintained its strong “AA” rating with Standard & Poor’s and “Aa1” with Moody’s. These ratings reflect solid financial stewardship by both the MWA Board and Staff during 2016. Strong bond ratings allow the Authority to borrow at reduced interest rates and issue new debt at more favorable rates. In addition, due to strong financial management, the Authority was able to continue to take advantage of historically low variable rates on $23.6 million of outstanding debt, which resulted in interest rates as low as five basis points (or 5/100th of a percentage point) during 2016. This enabled the Authority to save rate payers hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional interest payments to debt holders over the year.

Authority Debt

Total Assets

Total Liabilities

Deferred Outflows of Resources

Deferred Inflows of Resources

Total Net Position





























Long Term

Short Term

Debt Coverage






















2.40 • 12

‘16 Our Awards

Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP) Plant of the Year Award for the Frank C. Amerson, Jr. Water Treatment Plant – the fifth time the facility has won this award as the Best Operated Plant in Georgia since opening in 2000. GAWP Platinum Award for the Rocky Creek Water Reclamation Facility for 17 consecutive years of 100% permit compliance. GAWP Gold Award for the Amerson Water Treatment Plant for 100% permit compliance. MWA tap water selected as the Best Tasting Drinking Water in Georgia’s District 5. GAWP District 5 Top Water Plant Operator for William Brown. GAWP District 5 Top Wastewater Plant Operator for Jarvis Fennelle.

13 •


Affordability of water and sewer services have been studied for years by governments and professional associations, such as the American Water Works Association, in an effort to measure the economic impact of water and sewer rates on customers within a community. The Macon Water Authority measures rates against several economic indicators, including the impact of water and sewer rates on Median Household Income (MHI), the impact of rates on low wage earners, and the impact of rates on families living at the federal poverty level. It is commonly stated that water and sewer rates that require under 2%-2.5% (4-5% collectively) of MHI or wage earnings to pay are considered affordable.

The two graphs below use the MHI for Macon-Bibb County from 2013, when the latest federal census data was available, of $25,773.

The graph below maps the impact to a wage earner who is paid $9/hour, or $18,750/year.

Typical Family of 1-4 People Using 5,500 Gallons a Month

Customer Working Full Time, Earning $9/Hour ($18,750/Year) Using 5,500 Gallons a Month

MWA Water Bill as % of MHI

0.82% MWA Water Bill as % of Annual Income

MWA Sewer Bill as % of MHI




MWA Sewer Bill as % of Annual Income








(% Considered Affordable)

The graph below shows MWA’s affordability based on the Federal Poverty Level of $24,250/year for a family of four.

Family of 4 at the Federal Poverty Income Level ($24, 250/ Year) Using 5,500 Gallons of Water a Month


MWA Sewer Bill as % of MHI



(% Considered Affordable)

Typical Family of 2-4 People Using 7,500 Gallons a Month MWA Water Bill as % of MHI


0.94% MWA Water Bill as % of Annual Income






(% Considered Affordable)


MWA Sewer Bill as % of Annual Income







(% Considered Affordable) • 14

Competitiveness ‘16 Our Awards

Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP) Collection System Platinum Award for scoring 95% or higher on the annual review of the MWA sewer system for six consecutive years. The GAWP Certificate of Distinguished Merit for the MWA Amerson Water Treatment Plant Laboratory. The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of the United States and Canada for the 19th consecutive year. The GFOA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting for the fourth consecutive year.

15 •

The University of North Carolina Environmental Finance Center (EFC) and the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) collect rates from hundreds of local governments and water/sewer utilities from across Georgia – accounting for approximately 99 percent of all customers served by public water systems in the state. These rates specify how and how much utilities charge water and sewer customers for those respective services. According to this data, the MWA again ranked among those utilities with the most affordable and value-based rates in Georgia.

The following value ranking is based on a family using 5,500 - 7,500 gallons of water during one month. Sewer rates are also included in these calculations Typical Family of 1-3

Typical Family of 2-4

Water Used

5,500 Gallons

7,500 Gallons

Typical MWA monthly bill



Average monthly bill for utilities in the study



Highest rate charged by utilities in the study



Percent that a typical MWA monthly bill is lower than the average utility in the study



Percent that a typical MWA monthly bill is lower than the highlighted utility in the study



The following value ranking is based on a sub-sample of the 346 utilities in the study. This sub-sample is comprised of 47 water and sewer utilities in Georgia that serve customers with similar income levels as those found in the Macon-Bibb area. Typical Family of 1-3

Typical Family of 2-4

Water Used

5,500 Gallons

7,500 Gallons

Typical MWA monthly bill



Average monthly bill for utilities in the study



Highest rate charged by utilities in the study



Percent that a typical MWA monthly bill is lower than the average utility in the study



Percent that a typical MWA monthly bill is lower than the highlighted utility in the study



Rate Comparisons of Water Providers in Georgia from Most to Least Expensive Monthly Bill Comparisons*

Typical Family of 1-3

Typical Family of 2-4


5,500 Gallons of Water Used

7,500 Gallons of Water Used




Athens-Clarke County



Cowetta County Water & Sewer Authority



Douglasville-Douglas County Water & Sewer Authority



Marietta Water



Newton County Water & Sewer Authority



Jackson County Water & Sewer Authority



Rockdale County Water & Sewer Authority



Clayton County Water Authority



College Park



Paulding County



City of Monroe



Gwinnett County



Twiggs County



Henry County Water & Sewer Authority






Polk County Water Authority



Cherokee County Water & Sewer Authority



Jones County



Carroll County



City of Augusta



Forsyth County



Butts County Water & Sewer Authority



Cobb County



Fulton County



Columbia County



Macon Water Authority



Columbus Water Works



Savannah - (Inside City Limits)


$55.45 *Rate Survey Data as of July 2016 • 16

Public OUTREACH The MWA is involved in several public outreach events and initiatives throughout the year, aided by the Macon Water Alliance, which is a Georgia Non-Profit Corporation that is dedicated to changing lives, educating minds, and protecting the environment. Highlights of various public outreach activities that are supported by the Macon Water Authority and the Macon Water Alliance include:

National Drinking Water Week

Organized by the American Water Works Association, this year’s event is being recognized during the week of May 7-13, with an open house at the MWA Amerson Water Treatment Plant set for Thursday, May 11.

The MWA Kids Fishing Derby

The 12th Annual MWA Kids Fishing Derby will be held on Saturday, June 3, for kids aged 3-16.

17 •

Macon’s Annual River Cleanup – Ocmulgee Alive! The 13 Annual Ocmulgee Alive! will be held on Saturday, October 14, as an affiliate of the Georgia Rivers Alive Campaign. th

Georgia Adopt-A-Stream

The MWA provides test kits for use by volunteers who help us monitor the health of our local rivers and streams.

Environmental Education

Highlighted by annual field trips to Amerson River Park, which is the former site of the MWA’s Riverside Water Plant.

Water and Sewer Assistance

Charitable assistance from MWA customers who donate funds to fellow customers needing help with utility payments.

Macon-Bibb Earth Day

Sponsorship of this annual event on April 19 at Tattnall Square Park will provide education on “go-green” initiatives in the community.

Partnerships MWA community partnerships are cultivated through continual financial support and mutually beneficial relationships with like-minded organizations and individuals, such as:

Clean Air Coalition

For the past few years, the MWA has united with Macon-Bibb County and 20 other municipalities and counties throughout Middle Georgia to form a Clean Air Coalition. The mission of this Coalition is to work together to achieve measurable improvements to air quality within the region to assure that we remain in compliance with all elements of the U.S. Clean Air Act.

5x5 Program

The MWA continues to partner with the Macon-Bibb County Commission to implement the 5x5 Neighborhood Improvement Program. Through this initiative, local agencies and utilities, such as the MWA, concentrate their public services, maintenance activities, and upgrades in a blockby-block initiative to improve the living and working conditions of the community.

Storm Water Management Services

Since 2008, the MWA has assisted the Macon-Bibb County Commission by providing technical and program management services on projects to rehabilitate stormwater infrastructure. The Authority and County Commission have a mutual interest in stormwater management and the rehabilitation of this critically important infrastructure.

Macon Economic Development Commission

The Macon Economic Development Commission (MEDC) is a marketing partner of the MWA, responsible for supporting and expanding existing industry and businesses, primarily by developing and improving the workforce in Macon-Bibb County. As a driving force in economic development, the MEDC offers many competitive advantages for companies looking for opportunities to retain talent and grow in this area of Middle Georgia.

Macon-Bibb County Industrial Authority

The MWA partners with the Macon-Bibb County Industrial Authority (MBCIA) to continually fund economic development and redevelopment efforts for the benefit of all local governments, utilities, companies, and citizens. The MBCIA serves as the lead economic development authority and single point of contact for recruiting and marketing developers, site selectors, and companies who are looking to bring industry to Macon-Bibb County. The MBCIA develops and owns land in several industrial parks for leasing manufacturing, warehousing, and office space for new and existing businesses. • 18

Macon Water Authority 790 2nd Street Macon, GA 31201 (478) 464-5600

A digital copy of the MWA’s 2016 PAFR is available online at

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