Bloom’s taxonomy

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Bloom’s Taxonomy

Click to edit Master text styles Click to edit Master text styles ◦ Second level 

◦ Second level ◦ Third level

 Fourth level  Fifth level

Old Bloom’s Taxonomy

◦ Third level

 Fourth level  Fifth level

New Bloom’s Taxonomy

Remembering “Knowledge of what is does not open the door directly to what should be.” Albert Einstein

   

Remember previously learned material Used to be our end goal The basics of learning, the nuts and bolts Facts to build from

Associated Verbs            

Define Identify Label List Match Name Outline Recall Recognize Reproduce Select State

Questions Reflecting “Remembering”    

What’s 2+2? What’s the symbol for Iron? Which president freed the slaves? What does “denouement” mean?

Understanding “…it means understanding that something is what it is and that there's got to be a way through it.” Michael J. Fox  

Grasp the meaning of the material More than just memory recall ◦ Restate data in your own words

Associated Verbs      

Comprehend Condense Discuss Distinguish Interpret locate

Questions Reflecting “Understanding”    

What does this mean? Is this the same as…? What seems to be? What are they saying?

Applying “I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” Leonardo da Vinci   

Use learning in new and concrete situations Act on the material that’s presented Solve problems by applying acquired knowledge in a different way

Associated Verbs       

Apply Carry out Construct Demonstrate Operate Produce Use

Questions Reflecting “Applying”     

How would you use? How would you solve? How would you organize? In what other way would you plan to…? How would you apply what you learned to develop…?

Analyzing “There'll be differences of opinion in just about every intelligence analysis that you make.” Robert Mueller  Understand both the content and the structure of the material  Examining and breaking information into parts ◦ Understanding the order and relationship of these parts

Associated Verbs       

Analyze Build Compare Construct Contrast Differentiate Organize

Questions Reflecting “Analysis”  

What are the parts of… How is _____ related to _____?

◦ This is an RBIS strategy; compare/contrast

  

How would you classify? What is the function of…? What do you see as other possible outcomes?

Evaluating  

Justifying a decision or a course of action Judging the value of ideas, materials, and methods by developing and applying criteria and standards Making decisions based on in-depth reflection, criticism and assessment

Associated Verbs         

Checking Hypothesizing Critiquing Experimenting Judging Justifying Monitoring Testing Detecting

Questions Reflecting “Evaluating”           

Judge the value of... What do you think about...? Defend your position about... Do you a good or bad thing? How would you have handled...? What changes to… would you recommend? Do you believe...? How would you feel if...? How effective are...? What are the consequences...? What influence will....have on our lives? What are the pros and cons of....? Why is....of value?

Creating 

Putting together ideas or elements to develop an original idea or engage in creative thinking Creating new ideas from what has previously been learned Putting elements together to form a coherent or functional whole Reorganizing elements into a new pattern or structure through generating, planning, or producing

Associated Verbs        

Designing Constructing Planning Producing Inventing Devising Making Composing

Questions Reflecting “Creating”   

    

Design Devise a possible solution to... If you had access to all resources, how would you deal with...? Devise your own way to... What would happen if ...? How many ways can you...? Create new and unusual uses for... Develop a proposal which would...


applied to



the recall of specific information 

Who was Goldilocks?

Where did she live? With whom?

What did she do in the forest?


an understanding of what was read 

This story is about ___________ (topic).

This story tells us _________(main idea).

What did Goldilocks look like?


the converting of abstract content to concrete situations   

How were the bears like real people? Why did Goldilocks go into the little house? Draw a picture of what the bears’ house looked like. Draw a map showing Goldilocks’ house, the path in the forest, the bears’ house, etc.


the comparison and contrast of the content to personal experience 

  

How did each bear react to what Goldilocks did? How would you react? Compare Goldilocks to any of your friends. Do you know any animals (pets) that act human?


the organization of thoughts, ideas, and information from the content  

List the events of the story in sequence. Do you know any other stories about little girls or boys who escaped from danger? Make a diorama of the bears’ house and the forest. Make a puppet out of one of the characters. Using the puppet, act out his/her part of the story.


the judgment and evaluation of characters, actions, outcomes, etc., for personal reflection and understanding

Why were the bears angry with Goldilocks? Do you think Goldilocks was happy to get home? Explain your answer. Do you think she learned anything by going into the bears’ house? Explain your answer. Would you have gone into the bears’ house? Why or why not?


  

Do parents have more experience and background than their children? Give an example from your own history. Do you think this really happened to Goldilocks? Why or why not? Why would a grown-up write this story for children to read? Why has the story of Goldilocks been told to children for many, many years?

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