Alberta Ed inniative

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Re-Thinking High School Continuing the Conversation… Building on the dialogue stimulated by educators across the province, the Alberta Education High School Completion Team invites you to participate in biweekly “tweet-ups”, or, on-line conversations aimed at transforming the high school experience for students and teachers. These biweekly tweet-ups are open to educators, administrators, and interested jurisdiction leaders from across the province. Participants can express ideas, share views, and converse about new strategies. In addition, each tweet-up gathering will be archived and a topic guide will be created so that all educators across the province can review the main themes and messages expressed through-out the hour.


What is Twitter anyway? Twitter is an information network made up of 140-character messages called Tweets. It’s an easy way to discover the latest news related to subjects you care about. Many users find it fun or exciting to contribute their own content to Twitter (called this “tweeting). Need more info? Take a Twitter Tour.

What am I Going to Get Out of This? Reading Tweets and

discovering new information whenever you check in on your Twitter timeline is where you’ll find the most value on Twitter. Some people find it useful to contribute their own Tweets, but the real magic of Twitter lies in absorbing real-time information that matters to you.

No Seriously, how do I do this? If you’re a beginner, here are

the basics: You can look up anybody on Twitter and see the person’s tweets, but following people puts the tweets directly into your feed. Once you have signed-up for an account you can also share a message by typing a maximum of 140 characters of text and clicking the “Tweet” button. If you want to pass along an interesting tweet in from your newsfeed, click “Retweet.”

Topic: Why is intellectual engagement of students a critical aim for 21st century learning? Date: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Topic: How do we create environments where students are expected to be responsible for their learning? Date: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Topic: How can we support innovation in teaching through collaborative connections? Date: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Topic: Is technology redefining the meaning of teaching? Date: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

And the conversation continues every two weeks at #rethinkhs. Presented through a partnership between the Central Alberta Regional Consortium and the Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia.

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