1 minute read

Crucial Conversations: Confronting Antisemitism

7:00 pm CT

Join the Museum for a four-part series on antisemitism. Through these public programs, we aim to foster an increased understanding of the origins and history of antisemitism, to discuss the recent increase in antisemitism globally and in the United States, and to identify concrete steps that can be taken to confront and disrupt antisemitism. For these sessions, we will convene a diverse group of experts to share their knowledge, experiences, and ideas.

5/6 – Session 1: Starting the Conversation

In the first session of this series, we will discuss the “why” behind the series and how we approach the conversation as a museum. We will examine the history of antisemitism, the longest hatred, as well as the statistics around the recent rise of antisemitic rhetoric and actions. The information provided in this session will lay the groundwork and serve as a point of entry for the conversations we will have throughout the series.

SAVE THE DATE - Registration coming soon

6/3 – Session 2: Antisemitism in the United States

In the second session of this series, we will assemble a panel of experts to discuss antisemitism in the United States: what it looks like, where it comes from, and its increasing presence. The conversation will focus on antisemitic speech and action from the political right, from the political left, and on college campuses.

SAVE THE DATE - Registration coming soon


Nancy Ann and Ray Hunt, in memory of Barbara Rabin

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