A day in my life

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By Becky Foellmer

I wasn’t sure wh ere we were goin g until we pulled up and op ened the car doo rs. A farm ! ! ! !

I, first, met Sonata and she did not like me. You want to know how I knew that? All I wanted to do was play and instead, she took her big, heavy paw and landed it right on my back!

I decided I better find someone else to play with, so I headed towards the pond. I noticed a picnic table nearby and meandered over to see if there might be a bite to eat. As I looked around the edge of one of the legs, you won’t believe my luck!

All of a sudden, out of nowhere, there were bees flying everywhere! I’m sure you can guess what happened next.

YEP! Right on my nose. Really? What’s going on here?

At this point, I thought my best bet was the deck at the back of the house. What could go wrong there?


Yep. You guessed it. I went up to that cat to see if we could play, and he reached out with his big, sharp claw and scratched me.

Right in the same spot on my nose where the bee stung me!

Finally, night fell.

I have never been so happy for night to come.

In case you’re wondering, my name is Nickelback. Did you ever have a day like that?

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