S&T Innovations 2011

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Fall 2011

Science & Technology


Using the power of today’s science to influence tomorrow’s technology Inaugural Edition


Advancements in

Human–Robot Interaction

STEM Outreach

Introducing today’s youth to future possibilities


Future Contributions from HATS-ON


Training in a Virtual World

showcasing projects supported by



Innovations about the newsletter Science & Technology (S&T) Innovations is an annual publication with the primary purpose of promoting the use of today’s science to influence tomorrow’s technology. This newsletter hopes to inspire those within industry, academia, and Government to initiate innovative thinking that contributes to the S&T community. This inaugural edition is focused on topics and projects related to Human–Robot Interaction (HRI). Collaborative efforts highlighted within S&T Innovations are sponsored by organizations such as the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM), the U.S. Army Research Laboratory Human Research Engineering Directorate (ARL HRED), and the SFC Paul Ray Smith, Simulation and Training Technology Center (STTC). This publication is produced by the Applied Cognition and Training in Immersive Virtual Environments (ACTIVE) Laboratory at the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Simulation and Training (UCF–IST).

Newsletter Staff Content Editor: Irwin L. Hudson Managing Editor: stephanie Lackey, Ph.D. Editor/Director of Art & Production: Joy M. Martinez Graphic Design Support: Eric C. Ortiz Copy Contributors: Lauren Reinerman-Jones, Ph.D. Daniel Barber Eric C. Ortiz Julie N. Salcedo Crystal Maraj The newsletter staff can be contacted at: University of Central Florida Institute for Simulation and Training ACTIVE Lab 3100 Technology Parkway Orlando, FL 32826, USA E-mail: active.newsletter@ist.ucf.edu For more information, visit www.active.ist.ucf.edu

Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Army or UCF-IST. IST publication tracking number: ist-cr-11-01

Partnership & Collaboration Irwin L. Hudson S&T Manager, ARL HRED STTC Mr. Irwin L. Hudson is the S&T Manager responsible for leading STTC’s Unmanned Ground Systems Research. This research focuses on Human–Robot Interaction, Physiologically-based Interaction, Unmanned Ground Vehicles, Remote Weapon Systems, Virtual Combat Profiling, and STEM Outreach. Mr. Hudson is Contract Officer Representative (COR) for The HRI Analysis for Training Simulations and Operational Neuroscience (HATS-ON) program. He also serves as the Assistant Contract Officer Representative (ACOR) to Dr. Neal Finkelstein for the Research Academic and Operational Support (RAOS) Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract, which supports a large percentage of the research and development budget for STTC’s Blended Systems Research Branch (BSRB). Irwin earned his Bachelor of Science degree in 1991 from Mississippi State University in Computer Engineering with minors in Math and Human Factors. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Modeling and Simulation from the University of Central Florida. stephanie Lackey, Ph.D. Director, ACTIVE Lab Dr. Stephanie Lackey is the director of the ACTIVE Lab (www.active.ist.ucf.edu) at UCF– IST where she researches methods to improve simulation-based training technologies and robotic systems through the application of established and emerging trends in systems engineering and human systems integration. Dr. Lackey joined the ACTIVE Lab in 2008 following seven years of Government service with the U.S. Navy’s Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD). Her efforts at NAWCTSD focused on high-risk research and development aimed at rapid transition of virtual communications capabilities to the Field and Fleet. UCF–IST ACTIVE Lab Nestled in the heart of the Florida High Tech Corridor in Orlando, UCF–IST’s ACTIVE Laboratory is at the forefront of Modeling and Simulation research. The ACTIVE Lab is engaged in basic and applied research and development for the analysis and improvement of human performance. Our multi-disciplinary team of more than 35 members conducts investigations in a variety of fields, including Human–Robot Interaction, Physiological Assessment & Human Factors, Simulation–Based Training & Education, and Conflict Risk Analysis & Management.


Contents Program Overview 4 HATS-ON Overview

Transition of past research to HATS-ON and beyond

HATS-ON Project Overviews 6 HRI 2 Comparing interfaces for human–robot communication


Physiologically responsive robots for improvement of human–robot teams


7 UGV HRI Sims

Identifying capabilities for Joint UGV HRI simulations



Virtual environments for remote weapon systems training

8 RoboLeader


A single agent interface for the control of multiple unmanned systems


Virtual environments for Combat Profiling training


Serious games for combined system, task, and tactical training

IVD Systems

Indirect-vision display driving research for the reduction of motion sickness

Program Support 10 STEM Outreach Initiatives

Investing in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics for the future

14 Our Complements

HATS-ON complementary work for the RCTA

15 On the EDGE

Taking a closer look at incorporating robotics into virtual worlds

Program Overview

HATS-ON Overview Transition of past research to HATS-ON and beyond By: Irwin L. Hudson After working diligently for the past 5 years with unmanned systems, it is apparent that now is the time to gain a better understanding of how humans and robotic agents must collaborate and cooperate to accomplish a collective mission. A thorough examination of the interdependencies and contextual contingencies faced by human–agent teams was initiated in the HATS project in 2006. Some of HATS’ primary goals were to ensure reliability, manage uncertainty, and achieve adaptability within and across human and robotic systems. The project produced effective methods for training within traditional and emerging HRI—the study of interfaces between humans and robots. HRI is an interdisciplinary field influenced by several major fields of study, such as human–computer interaction, artificial intelligence, robotics, psychology, and social sciences. The HATS program was a concerted research and development effort between industry, academia, and Government. Moreover, it provided an infrastructure poised to further advance the fields of HRI and simulation-based training. While making significant headway with human agent teaming studies, we discovered there would be a substantial benefit in researching the effects of operational neuroscience on HRI. Hence, the newly formed program—HATS-ON—was created. The general premise is to leverage the success of HATS to generate an even more powerful body of work that will help advance the worlds of HRI, training, simulation, operational neuroscience, and human factors. HATSON explores a wide variety of topics that impact HRI within various operational environments, such as how to train Soldiers for interacting with robotic entities and how to use simulation-based training for emerging high value skill sets (e.g., Combat Profiling). ATO – Army Technology Objectives HATS-ON is comprised of nine research areas as well EDGE – Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment as STEM outreach. The figure on the next page displays HATS – Human Agent Teaming Simulations a comprehensive illustration of current projects and HATS-ON – HRI Analysis of Training outreach ventures, along with the important research they Simulations and Operational Neuroscience transition—or feed into. The ultimate aim of this program HRI – Human–Robot Interaction RCTA – Robotics Collaborative Technology Alliance is to reduce the risk of downstream acquisition enterprise STEM– Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics efforts via interdisciplinary investments in empirical studies focused on value-added research topics. Possible areas of transition include the RCTA, U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) ATO, multiple virtual environment development tasks (such as EDGE), and the SFC Paul Ray Smith Simulation and Training Technology Center (STTC) STEM initiatives. In essence, HATS-ON aims to make a difference in the way we view the future of HRI.

Terms to know:


S&T Innovations


Project Overviews


Emerging commercial technologies present opportunities to evolve human–robot interfaces. New commercial-offthe-shelf (COTS) devices, like the Microsoft Kinect and accelerometer/gyro-based gloves, provide inexpensive methods to classify body posture and gestures for direct and natural communication with a robot. However, the effectiveness of these technologies in noisy, dismounted applications requires further examination. The Human–Robot Interaction & Interfaces (HRI2) project investigates enabling technologies to support Human–Robot Communication (HRC). Comparisons of novel Human–Robot Interaction (HRI) methods available via research and commercial endeavors explore the effectiveness and viability for use within dismounted environments. Research Objectives • Compare technologies to support HRC in dismounted environments • Develop methods for classification of continuous sensor data streams (e.g., accelerometers, skeletal joints) for gesture recognition in noisy environments Technical Challenges

• Effectiveness and viability of emerging technologies for HRC

• Classification of continuous sensor data streams

(e.g., accelerometers, gyros) for gestures in noisy environments

Planned Accomplishments

• Prototype interfaces for HRC • Empirical study comparing interfaces and

classification methods • Recommendations for the Robotics Collaborative Technology Alliance (RCTA) • Publications and technical reports



Traditional HRI in military operations involves the operator explicitly controlling or teleoperating an unmanned asset using a computer interface. The Physiologically-based Robot Interaction as Multimodal Exchanges (PRIME) project supplements traditional communication channels for human–robot teams by providing the human’s current cognitive state to the robot. Various physiological measures can be used to assess workload in near real-time, and classification frameworks can be developed to form a closed-loop system to augment robot behavior. These classification frameworks will support the robotic systems’ abilities to react to their human teammates’ needs as they change throughout a dynamic environment, improving the performance of the team as a whole. Research Objectives

• Investigate the ability of various physiological sensors to detect operator state

• Examine the feasibility of implementing

physiological sensors into the operational environment • Determine the benefit of providing operator physiological state to robotic systems as an additional communication channel Technical Challenges

• Implementing physiological state-classification into a real-time, closed-loop system

• Determine how the robotic system should behave during various operator states

Planned Accomplishments

• Decreased operator workload • Improved operator/robot team cohesion and effectiveness

• Publications and technical reports


Availability of simulations focused on Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) has increased in recent years (e.g., Robotic Interactive Visualization and Exploitation Technology [RIVET], ModSim). In order to address the needs of the Joint Warfighting community, an improved understanding of available simulation capabilities is necessary. The UGV HRI Simulations (UGV HRI Sims) project plans to identify and assess simulations, conduct an expert panel for future simulation capability requirements, and report findings to support downstream acquisition decision–making and future research and development. Research Objectives

• Conduct research to investigate modern simulations

from Army and COTS sources • Assess suitability of the Military Armored Vehicle Expertise Recognition, Identification and Classification Knowledge (MAVERICK) training system with 3D stereoscopic operability into usage with UV systems • Conduct an expert panel on requirements for future Joint UGV HRI simulation capabilities • Partner with industry, academia, and Government Technical Challenges • Finding simulations that can fulfill diverse needs across the HRI research community • Create reasonable trade-offs of capabilities to inform requirements documents • Support and coordinate with Safe Operations of Unmanned Systems for Reconnaissance in Complex Environments Army Technology Objectives (SOURCE ATO) and the RCTA Planned Accomplishments • Create scientific and technical foundations for a Joint UGV HRI simulation capability


The primary focus of the Systems Training Research in Virtual Environments (STRIVE) project is to support experimentation in HRI training and evaluation. The magnitude and urgency of the demand for unmanned systems presents problems in providing sufficient systems training. Weaponization of those systems compounds the issue and may affect human–robot trust. This represents a need to increase research efforts investigating training and trust solutions. The STRIVE project investigates the use of Virtual Environments (VEs) for Remote Weapon System (RWS) operation and mission training. Testing scenarios are developed using the U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation’s (PEO STRI) game-based learning program of record, Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2). The utilization of a game-based platform may increase engagement and optimize training time. Research Objectives

• Develop and evaluate a VE framework for

RWS and human–robot collaboration training • Empirically assess individual perceptions (e.g., trust, reliability, etc.) in mixed-initiative VE teams Technical Challenges

• Existing level of realism in available VE

platforms • Limitations of open source applications Planned Accomplishments

• Recommendations for virtual RWS and

human–robot training design/development requirements • Increase familiarization and trust in weaponized unmanned systems • Publications and technical reports

S&T Innovations


Project Overviews



Research Objectives • Investigate user interface designs for control of multiple unmanned systems • Investigate 360° Indirect-Vision Displays (IVD) • Investigate the impact automation has on management of multiple unmanned systems • Test feasibility of system designs with live prototypes

• Identify appropriate levels of fidelity and

The utilization and task complexity of Unmanned Vehicles (UV) for military operations continues to increase. The future battlefield may require a single operator to supervise multiple UVs simultaneously. The RoboLeader project developed an agent that interprets operator intent and issues detailed command signals to a team of robots of lower capabilities. In real time, RoboLeader can replan routes for its subordinate robots after changes in the battlefield occur (e.g., intel about a specific area being occupied by insurgents, robots encountering obstacles that require rerouting). Instead of managing the robot team directly, the human operator only deals with RoboLeader. Consequently, the operator can maintain Situational Awareness (SA) of the developing battlefield and shift focus to other tasks.

Technical Challenges • Impact on SA • Effectiveness of systems in live environment Planned Accomplishments

• Reduction in personnel required to operate multiple unmanned systems

• Improved SA in multi-tasking environments


The purpose of the HRI Assessment of Virtual Immersive Collaborations (HAVIC) project is to research implications of utilizing virtual characters in simulation-based training. Specifically, this project investigates the use of Virtual Environments (VEs) for Combat Profiling training. Combat Profiling skills enhance Warfighter vigilance, SA, and perceptual sensitivity to the presence and status of potential threats in the environment. Current training methods include lectures, multimedia instructional aides, experiential learning with live role players in mock villages, and VEs (e.g., Tactical Questioning System [TACQ]). The HAVIC project investigates the dynamic of high fidelity virtual characters within VE. Research Objectives

immersion for simulation-based Combat Profiling training • Investigate the dynamic of VEs and virtual characters for Combat Profiling training Technical Challenges

• Limitations of open source simulation applications • Translation of operational interface to available simulation interface modalities

Planned Accomplishments • Recommendations for design/development requirements for virtual Combat Profiling training • Recommendations to increase Warfighter accessibility to Combat Profiling training and to decrease implementation costs associated with traditional methods


The goal of the Multiple Entity RWS Gaming Environment (MERGE) project is to formulate recommendations for the design of game-based training that will promote engagement, maximize training time, increase training transfer, and improve team and human–robot trust. This initiative investigates the application of serious gaming that integrates system, task, and tactical training. Specifically, a serious game prototype that combines Remote Weapon System (RWS) operation, human– robot collaboration, team trust building, and Combat Profiling skills is planned to be developed for this research. Research Objectives • Develop a serious game prototype that combines training in Combat Profiling, RWS operation, and human–robot collaboration • Evaluate the efficiency of a serious game for integrated training Technical Challenges

• Features and functionality of available game design applications

Planned Accomplishments

• Rapidly advance capabilities of Warfighters by

combining system, task, and tactical training in a game-based structure • Reduce Warfighter training costs by collapsing capabilities into relevant, mission-focused scenarios

IVD Systems

The U.S. Army Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) program is currently developing manned vehicles that will support Indirect-Vision Display (IVD) driving, such as driving via a visual display rather than direct viewing of the environment. The current plans for the GCV program and new vehicular programs, such as the Increased Mobility and Operational Performance through Autonomous Technology Army Technology Objectives (IMOPAT ATO), are to use a 360˚ horizontal/90˚ vertical visual display to provide local SA information to the driver and other vehicle Soldiers. Visually-induced motion sickness has been linked to the commander’s 360˚ IVD as well as other design factors. Sickness effects can hinder training, performance, and safety. Research Objectives • Compare major display design factors that contribute to motion sickness • Develop a framework for display design based on the factors that result in the least amount of sickness effects Technical Challenges

• Issues of individual differences resulting from a fractional factorial research design

• Inability to measure all factors known to contribute to motion sickness

Planned Accomplishments

• Reduced motion sickness symptoms in training devices using IVD systems

• Recommendations for display design in IVD systems

• Publications and technical reports

S&T Innovations


Program Support

STEM Outreach Initiatives Investing in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics for the future By: Irwin L. Hudson Since its inception, the SFC Paul Ray Smith, Simulation and Training Technology Center (STTC) has been a loyal supporter of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. We believe it is important that the research and development community help provide our Nation’s students—from kindergartners to undergraduates—an education that emphasizes the importance of STEM. As part of our core objectives, we promote and encourage our youth to pursue careers in STEM-related fields. The importance of STEM outreach has never been more critical. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, workforce projections for 2014 by the U.S. Department of Labor show that 15 of the 20 fastest growing occupations require significant science or mathematics skills to successfully compete for jobs.1 Although the Bureau predicted that professional Information Technology (IT) jobs will increase 24% between 2006 and 2016, it seems as though more and more students are not choosing majors in these areas.2 There is something wrong with this picture. A high priority should be placed on preparing our children to lead our country in the 21st Century and succeed in the global marketplace. That is why our approach has always been to support, promote, encourage, and provide the opportunities for access to STEM events. The following section highlights the current STEM Outreach Initiatives of the HRI Analysis of Training Simulations and Operational Neuroscience (HATS-ON) program. In strong collaboration with the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Simulation and Training (UCF–IST), the U.S. Army Research Laboratory Human Research Engineering Directorate (ARL HRED) is making an impact for STEM education efforts.






Recent Robotics Club Accomplishments 2011

• Competed at AUVSI and ONR’s 14th International RoboSub Competition • 2nd Place AUVSI International RoboBoats Competition • 2nd Place 19th Annual Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition


Robotics Club The Robotics Club at UCF is a registered student organization that grants students the opportunity to learn and apply technical skills by developing robotic systems. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of robotics, the club offers many challenges to students from diverse backgrounds (e.g., Electrical, Mechanical, and Computer Engineering). Students apply knowledge gained in the classroom to real world problems, such as chassis design, control systems, software architecture design, artificial intelligence, machine vision, path planning, circuit design, power systems, sensor interfaces, system integration, and much more. Many of the systems developed by the Robotics Club at UCF compete internationally against other universities. Competition worthy robotic systems include advanced autonomous capabilities, which students design and implement from the ground up. The main thrusts of the club’s developments are to participate in the domains of ground, underwater, and surface autonomous vehicles within the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) competitions. The club also collaborates with other student organizations at UCF including student chapters of the Institute of Electrical and

• 2nd Place AUVSI Autonomous Surface Vehicle Competition (ASVC) • 8th Place AUVSI Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition (AUVC) • Top 10 IEEE SoutheastCon Hardware Competition


• 1st Place AUVSI Autonomous Surface Vehicle Competition (ASVC) • 4th Place AUVSI Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition (AUVC) • 3rd Place IEEE SoutheastCon Hardware Competition


• 1st Place AUVSI Autonomous Surface Vehicle Competition (ASVC) • S&T 3rd PIlace IEEE 11 nnovations SoutheastCon Hardware Design Competition

Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Generous support and sponsor-ship are provided by the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM), ARL HRED, STTC, UCF– IST, and the Student Government Association of UCF.

BattleBots Since 2006, the UCF–IST ACTIVE Lab, in conjunction with RDECOM, ARL HRED, and STTC, have traveled to Coral Gables, Florida, to support the BattleBots/ BotsIQ event. At this event, over 80 teams—comprised of middle school, high school, and college students— participate in three different tournaments. The first event, known as the Task Oriented Robots tournament, requires students to use the VEX® robotics kit to construct small robots that pick up rings and place them onto marked poles. The next tournament


focuses on the 15 lb. BattleBot division. In this division, teams construct combat robots that weigh up to 15 lbs. that must destroy, disable, or pin other robots within a small arena. Finally, the most exciting tournament is the 120 lb. Middleweight BattleBots event, which is featured on the BattleBots television show. This event is similar to the 15 lb. division, but on a larger scale. Each year the competition grows and shows that interest in STEM education is on the rise. For more information about BattleBots, please visit http://www.battlebots.com. Read more about the upcoming STEM TECH Olympiad on the back cover.

Otronicon Otronicon is an annual four day event celebrating interactive technology and how it shapes the way society lives, works, and plays. It provides a showcase of simulators and the latest video gaming technology and software. Demonstrations include larger than life video game experiences, state-of-the-art medical and military simulators, and game design workshops taught by industry professionals. The ACTIVE Lab exhibit, with the support of ARL HRED, highlights several Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) research efforts. Video displays show multiple looping videos

demonstrating the Mixed Initiative eXperimental (MIX) Testbed and the MIX Testbed RoboLeader Supervisory Control Simulator. The displays overlook a Wiimote Robot Obstacle Course. The objective of the obstacle course is to use a Wiimote to teleoperate a small robot from the starting point, through the maze, and to the finish line in the shortest amount of time via an Indirect Vision Display (IVD). The robots represent a smaller scale version of the UGVs used for experimentation, research, and operational environments. Positive feedback received from the Otronicon experience is proof of this effort’s success and shows the impact of demonstrating

robotic UGVs in a fun atmosphere to both entertain and inform. This is an optimal venue to introduce the public to the relevance that our “neat little toys” have in today’s military environment and beyond.

FVWC The Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge (FVWC) is an open, global challenge for the best implementations of a Virtual Environment (VE) within a virtual world. It is an annual event led by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory’s Simulation & Training Technology Center (STTC) conducted to explore innovative and interactive solutions in VEs. The criteria are intentionally unbounded to encourage creative results, and it is open to all contestants. This is a great opportunity to improve the real world through virtual

world applications. There are two focus areas and two $25,000 grand prizes. The first focus area, the Holodeck, explores how to integrate users and VEs seamlessly using low-cost off-theshelf products. Proposed solutions are limited to $600 or less of hardware aside from the computer platform. The solution should improve some element of the immersive experience, such as visual, audio, navigation, etc. The solution will be replicated at STTC in Orlando, FL for judges to evaluate. The other focus area is Engaging Learning, which explores demonstrations of learning activities in VEs. The Army wants to learn more about what strategies developers are using to encourage learners to play with learning material. Entries should be examples of learning within a VE. Of special interest are Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), however, all topics are welcome. Entries will be scored in areas such as ease of use, learner engagement, and training effectiveness. For those designers and code builders interested in creating within Second Life or OpenSim, development space is available on a first-come, first-served basis; however, ANY virtual space can be used to demonstrate engaging learning. In addition to cash prizes, winners will also receive travel accommodations to attend the 2012 Defense Gametech Users Conference in Orlando, FL to showcase their creations. The deadline for entries is December 7, 2011. For more information, go to www.fvwc.army.mil

S&T Innovations


Program Review

Our Complements

RCTA Consortium Members Army Research Laboratory General Dynamics Robotic Systems Carnegie Mellon University Florida A&M University University of Central Florida University of Pennsylvania Boston Dynamics QinetiQ North America Cal Tech/Jet Propulsion Lab

HATS-ON complementary work for the RCTA By: Stephanie Lackey, Ph.D. and Lauren Reinerman-Jones, Ph.D.

The need for communication has expanded from human–human interactions to that of human–robot interactions. This need is a result greatly based upon military requirements to improve performance and decrease cost in terms of both dollars and lives lost. Over 6,000 unmanned systems are operating in Afghanistan today and that number is expected to grow.1 According to a Congressional Mandate, by 2015 one-third of operational ground combat vehicles will be unmanned.2 Several benefits of a large number of unmanned assets include: acting as force multipliers, extending manned capabilities, and allowing Soldiers to conduct their missions from relative safety.3 These reasons seem advantageous; however, they ignore the current state-of-theart, which is that these unmanned systems are restricted to teleoperation or manual control. That paradigm is likely to cause a loss of situational awareness in the operator as he or she is not actively engaged in his or her surrounding environment due to attention allocation requirements; meaning control and communication is solely the operator’s responsibility, often resulting in increased workload. Compounding this limitation, another


Warfighter is essential to guard and protect the operator in the field. Thus, the standard unmanned system to date is severely limited in its ability to support operational missions. A critical element to achieving the optimal system for Human–Robot Interaction (HRI) in an operational environment is revolutionizing the interaction itself. In other words, the interaction should imitate or mimic that of human–human communication. Achieving this objective will enable human–robot teaming. The U.S. Army Research Laboratory Human Research and Engineering Directorate (ARL HRED) seeks to accomplish just that. The Robotics Collaborative Technology Alliance (RCTA) represents a collaboration between nine organizations from industry, academia, and Government. This is a five year, five year renewable project to improve the state-of-the-art in robotics as they are utilized by the Warfighter. There are four thrust areas: Intelligence, Perception, Dexterous Manipulation and Unique Mobility (DMUM), and HRI. The HRI Analysis for Training Simulations and Operational Neuroscience (HATS-ON) program







supports the RCTA HRI thrust by supplying methods and prototype technologies. Specifically, the findings and products from three HATS-ON research projects can be leveraged. First, is a comparison of emerging technologies for robotic interfaces. This effort is investigating multiple interface methods and delivering recommendations to support natural and intuitive communication between humans and robots. Another research effort is investigating the implementation and utility of physiological measures for influencing and directing robot team member behavior. Insight into when a human team member is overloaded and needs support is an example of the recommendations this effort can provide. Finally, scientific and technical foundations for Joint Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) HRI simulation are under development and provide recommendations for the implementation of modeling and simulation techniques. Through direct coordination with performers and leadership, HATS-ON complements and augments research efforts pursued by the RCTA. For more information on RCTA, visit: www.arl. army.mil/www/default.cfm?page=392

On the EDGE

Taking a closer look at incorporating robotics into virtual worlds By: Irwin L. Hudson One mission of the Contract Office Representative for HRI Analysis of Training Simulations and Operational Neuroscience (HATS-ON) is to transition research and development technologies and lessons learned to next-level initiatives. In order to fulfill this mission, it is important to support and complement efforts developed by fellow researchers. For the past two years, researchers have explored virtual worlds, Virtual Environments (VEs), and gaming platforms in search of gaps and/or areas of interest beneficial to Human–Robot Interaction (HRI). We believe that we have found an area within the Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment (EDGE) platform that could Screen shot of the EDGE interface. Image courtesy of ARL HRED STTC utilize our line of research. Since most of HATS-ON’s efforts center around interactions between humans and unmanned current collaborative techniques for improvement, systems, EDGE is an ideal environment to develop monitoring, and co-development. The standards are based experimentation utilizing the placement of unmanned on all user defined DoD services. Another benefit of EDGE systems. The goal would be to examine the use of various is its ease of use. Access to the environment is available to interface options and multi-modal communication for HRI all users based on permissions, not hardware. EDGE is within virtual worlds. designed to be populated and instantiated by operational feeds and approved OE representations. This is not a static What is EDGE? environment. It is also not simply a stand-alone training EDGE is a persistent high fidelity representation of the system. It was designed to serve as a realistic representation Operational Environment (OE) (and/or multiple OEs of the current OE with inherent training capabilities. based on a platform approach to delivery). One of its EDGE is a Government-owned prototype that most attractive features is that it utilizes open standards provides a highly accurate VE that represents relevant OEs and co-development capabilities. The environment using the latest Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming promotes highly interactive and capable visualization of the (MMOG) technologies, while utilizing Army Materiel Department of Defense (DoD) models and terrain (e.g., Systems Analysis Activity (AMSAA) approved standards to OneSAF and SE Core). EDGE is also scalable, which means complement existing Army training methodologies. it is able to represent small, discrete entities (e.g., IEDs) as For further information regarding EDGE please contact well as large formations of units/personnel. Douglas Maxwell, Tami Griffith, or Matt Kaufman, or visit EDGE’s community-supported platform utilizes http://fvwc.army.mil/edge

S&T Innovations


STEM TECH Olympiad 2012 Planned Events:

STEM TECH Olympiad

We are proud to support and promote the world of BattleBots IQ (BBIQ). BBIQ is an educational program created by the producers of the wildly successful BattleBots television series in which homemade, remote controlled robots face-off in competition. As the television show grew in popularity, the number of student fans who wanted to build competitive robots increased as well. It soon became evident that the sport of robots in competition had the unique potential to impact middle school, high school, and college students in a powerful and positive way. The ever-evolving BBIQ supports unique opportunities to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) learning experiences. In 2012, the United States Alliance for Technological Literacy (USATL) will host a new event entitled STEM Tech Olympiad. In this event, the process of creating unmanned systems is brought

• LEGO Robot Competition for Elementary Students • VEX® Task Robot Competition for Middle & High School • BattleBots 15 lb. & 120 lb. for High School and College • AUVSI Underwater Robot Demonstration • Assistive Device Design Challenge with Miami Project to Cure Paralysis • Educational Video Game Competition • Programming On-Site for High School & College • Open Showcase for Individual STEM Inventions for Middle School, High School, and College • ERGO Telescope Cosmic Ray Symposium • College Design Challenge On-Site Design and Build Miami Beach Convention Center • April 26–29, 2012 • www.USATL.org

to life through students’ imaginations and captured as they design, build, and compete with their own robotic creations. Through this hands-on effort, students will gain practical working knowledge within the STEM focus areas. BBIQ’s National Education Director, Nola Garcia, has made it a mission to create opportunities for students to be actively engaged while learning basic and advanced concepts of building robots. She also provides students with a competitive platform in which to showcase their hard work. Nola’s vision will take on new possibilities aimed to pique STEM interests of our future generations. The 2012 STEM TECH Olympiad events will offer bigger challenges than ever before.

S&T Innovations Newsletter · Affiliates & Points of Contact Program Sponsors Neal M. Finkelstein, Ph.D. (BSRB/RAOS)................neal.finkelstein@us.army.mil Irwin L. Hudson (HATS-ON/RAOS/RCTA)................ irwin.hudson@us.army.mil Robotics Collaborative Technology Alliance (RCTA) Jessie Chen, Ph.D. (HATS-ON/IMOPAT/RCTA).............. jessie.chen@us.army.mil Florian Jentch, Ph.D. (HATS-ON/RCTA)........................ florian.jentsch@ucf.edu Stephanie Lackey, Ph.D. (HATS-ON/RCTA)............................ slackey@ucf.ist.edu Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment (EDGE) Tami Griffith (EDGE/FVWC)........................................ tami.griffith@us.army.mil Matt Kaufman (EDGE).......................................... matthew.kaufman@us.army.mil Douglas Maxwell (EDGE).................................... douglas.b.maxwell@us.army.mil Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Ventures Nola Garcia (BattleBots IQ/USATL).......................................nola@battlebots.com Jonathan Mohlenhoff (Robotics Club at UCF)...ucfroboticsclubnews@gmail.com Angella Van Gelder (Otronicon)...............................................avangelder@osc.org

UCF Institute for Simulation & Training Director Randall Shumaker, Ph.D........................................................ shumaker@ist.ucf.edu Deputy Director Brian Goldiez, Ph.D.................................................................bgoldiez@ist.ucf.edu Information/Publications Services Randall Williams......................................................................rwilliam@ist.ucf.edu UCF–IST ACTIVE Laboratory Director Stephanie Lackey, Ph.D.............................................................. slackey@ist.ucf.edu ACTIVE Lab Research Associates Daniel Barber............................................................................ dbarber@ist.ucf.edu Eric C. Ortiz................................................................................eortiz@ist.ucf.edu Lauren Reinerman-Jones, Ph.D............................................... lreinerm@ist.ucf.edu Jennifer Vogel-Walcutt, Ph.D.......................................................jvogel@ist.ucf.edu ACTIVE Lab Newsletter Coordinator Joy M. Martinez..................................................................... jmartinez@ist.ucf.edu

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