YFC Hunter Region - Semester 2 Branch Newsletter 2012

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Latest News from the Hunter Team Well, here we are at the end of another phenomenal year! We have seen amazing ministry occur, people healed, the next generation trained in youth mission/ministry. There have been new opportunities open, supporting other YFC branches and other organisations in their calling and mission, prayed, partnered, and in some cases cried with youth pastors all around out region. We have said good bye to two amazing staff who have supported YFC Hunter for over 10 years, we have met and shared our stories with hundreds of High School students in our region. One of the many events that YFC have been involved in, that has brought the life and Love of Jesus to many young people in the Hunter Region was the Luis Palau CityFest festival. We were asked to look after all things Youth and young people. We had a team made up of YFC, Scripture Union, Rush and some help from a few local church leaders, and we were able to cover over 75% of all State and Christian high schools. We also trained over 12 churches in the YouthAlpha program in preparation for follow up after the CityFest event, with many other already prepared. During the event we had over 30,000 people with over 600 decisions / questions / recommitments made over the 2 day festival. In 2012 we ran 6x more Auslife programs than ‘11, and 5 Shift programs (replacement for the old No Limits program). Even though the team was new for ‘12, they did great learning on the job, working alongside the YFC Central Coast team and showing the love that God has for the youth in our schools. However, as good as 2012 has been we believe that God has much more in store for us in 2013. One of the most redefining events that is on the horizon for 2013 is that we must move premises (see pg 4). Since YFC was reformed in the Hunter Region at the beginning of the new millennium we have had a home thanks to Islington Baptist Church in the old church manse. This has been a huge blessing to both parties, as we have opened opportunities for mission or provided practical needs for each other during the past 12 years, with one of the many huge highlights being that in 2010 - 2011 we were able to open opportunities for their, then youth pastor to minister to, and have students join their youth group. We were also able to connect the youth pastor in with a local network of youth pastors for encouragement and resources. We are looking towards a new year with more opportunities in schools, but more importantly looking to the future. With our intern for ‘12 Tom staying on for next year to launch a music club ministry and I hope to work more with the ‘car culture’ around the region, these new opportunities will be critical to supporting our Schools programs and reaching a different demographic. We look forward to the new year and seeing what God will do every young person in and through us in 2013.

Branch Information

Prayer Partners Hunter Region Important Dates 2012 Margaret Greys Farewell Christmas break

Dec 13 Dec 14

2013 Office reopen Jan 14 Stewardship Training Pt3 Jan 14-16 YFC National Conference Jan 16 - 20 Training trip to China (Brookses) Jan 28 - Feb 20 Onramps training Feb 4 - 8 Auslife training Mar 11 - 15 Auslife seminars hopefully in Mid March Lunch time groups will be operating as normal beginning the week after school goes back.

Within YFC Hunter, we have a tremendous amount of prayer support and a fantastic team who look after this aspect of our branch. Chris Bullock has been utterly brilliant looking after this crucial aspect of our work, as well as bringing words of encouragement and wisdom to the team. We realise that many of you who receive our personal newsletters and combined newsletter may not be aware that you can receive a prayer email. Each week everyone in the office sends a few points for prayer and praise. Some of our supporters really value the weekly updates and up to the minute prayer needs that we share. If you would like to be added to this network please email Chris at chris.bullock@yfc.org.au and you will be added to the list.

Finances At the end of 2012 YFC - Hunter Region farewells Margaret Grey after 10 years of faithful volunteer work. She has had a huge lasting impact on the stability and strength of how we have administratively performed during that time. However Margaret is leaving a huge hole with regard to our finance management. This mammoth task has thankfully been taken over by the YFC National Resource Centre (NRC) in Melbourne. They, as of December 1st, are looking after all the salaries, book keeping and receipting. This continues to allow those of us doing the ministry on the ‘coal face’ to continue without the burden of managing the finances of a branch. We will be paying the NRC for the services out of funds that come in from programs and other fundraisers but we will not be using pledged support to pay for this. Thank you to everyone for the wonderful support you give to YFC both financially and prayerfully. Without your support the work of YFC - Hunter Region would not be able to continue.


Branch Information

Schools Ministries Hunter Region has been a part of many programs in the last 6 months…. Many of which were a huge success! In August, we ran 2 Auslife programs and a Shift program. The Auslife programs were located at Glendale High School, for year 11 (Relationships) and year 10 (Self Esteem). The YFC team and small group leaders had a blast at both programs with a few year 11 students giving their lives to God. In September, we ran another Auslife at Glendale, for year 9 (Goals and Values). This program was a struggle as we started with a total of 9 students. The Auslife team worked through it with God and all the react cards were positive. We were congratulated on the effort under the circumstances. This was a great blessing to YFC and the small group leaders. This school term we’ve been running 2 Shift programs (Newcastle High School and Belmont High School). These have been a great experience for students and staff as it’s a new program and it uncovers a lot more about Balanced Life and the trickiness of having to balance all areas equally.

Internships 2012 Journeying with our interns this year has been an amazing privilege! They have grown in maturity, skill and hearing God. They have learnt and put their learning into practice through both mission and ministry opportunities in their respective branches. They all finish the year with stories of working with each other, the branch teams and young people around NSW. All in all our internship inaugural year has been a wonderful success. 2013 We have 5 signed interns in NSW next year. They will be working out of the Central Coast, Hunter and Port Macquarie branches. They will be training together and collaborating on a number of mission/ministry opportunities through out the year. At hunter our intern (John) will be working closely with local schools, chaplains and SRE teachers to improve his skills when working with and around young people. We look forward to welcoming him to the team next year. If you wish to know more about the YFC internship year please contact Esther at esther.brooks@yfc.org.au.


Branch Information



New Office Needed













Our vision for the new building/space is where YFC Hunter can put down roots into a community, to better support the local churches in that area, better minister into the local High Schools, give opportunities to employed or volunteer youth workers to impact their area, and disciple more students into the local churches. Our basic office needs are space for up to 10 staff, separate meeting room(s), storage space (approx the size of 4m x 3m standard bedroom), bathroom, and a lockable shed. On top of these things we would love to also have one large room for a youth space on ground level, in the suburbs of Newcastle/Lake Macquarie, a kitchenette, Low Rent (or donation), close working partnership with local churches in the area, within walking distance from a local High School and a 3 car garage for program options. Some of the building ideas are, an unused church or hall, and unused Church Manse, a commercial shed or even a suburban shop.

Every space has potential; even those battered by the trials of life...

THIS SPACE COULD BE YOURS... In 2013 we will be looking at providing new ministries and new opportunities to be involved in current schools programs in the Hunter Region and northern NSW. We are also looking to provide new out of school events and ministries in our region, so if you would like to be a part of the team or find out how you can contribute to mission, please contact us...

Youth For Christ - Hunter Region PO Box 444, Mayfield NSW 2304 (02) 4961 1535


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Staff Stories

ALEX DIBLEY Hi from me again! For those who have not been kept up to date, I hope you get as much enjoyment at what God is doing as I have experienced throughout the last couple of months. There has been a lot of work involved this term with YFC. We’ve been running 2 brand new shift programs (Belmont High on Tuesdays & Newcastle High on Thursdays). Some of our staff have also been organising and preparing for CityFest which was a great success! I’ve been involved in the Newcastle High program as a mentor, while also organising all the administration functions of both programs. The mentoring part of this has been a bit of a struggle but also a great experience. I’ve also recently returned from my honeymoon. My (now wife) and I got married on the 3rd November and we’ve been down on the Central Coast for 15 nights on a fairly long relaxation/restoration for both of us! During this time I had a lot of time to sit in prayer with God as to what next year holds for not only myself but also Blythe and our lives as a couple. I love working for Youth for Christ but at the present time finances aren’t looking that good for next year. … If you would like to begin to support me financially please contact me ASAP and remember all donations over $2 are tax deductible. If you and unable to support me financial I would ask that you help by praying specifically that God will release funds and individuals to give so I can continue to what I have been doing.

BRITTANY BINGHAM Brittany has been working hard on setting up a template for a Dance Club based ministry (as you would have read last combined newsletter). She has all but completed the program, however we were unable to find a Church (or group of Churches) that wanted to pilot the idea. Her job at Gloria Jeans also wanted to have her work on the day that Brit had set aside to volunteer for YFC, so because by term 4 we had no one willing to run the program she has gone back to work on her Wednesdays at Gloria Jeans. Brittany is also getting close to her wedding date (in January) and have been busy with all those plans. She have been a very valuable part of the team over the year and we wish her well on her wedding day and her future as she and her man move further north.


Staff Stories

CHRIS BULLOCK We continue to be committed to our regular prayer letters. We give thanks to God for the many who faithfully support us through their prayers. Some new folk have joined our prayer supporters - and we would always welcome more! The time of prayer at our regular staff meeting is always a good time of reflection, praise and intercession. We are appreciative of the work of Colin Watters in his organisation of the weekly prayer partners across the branches. We try to remember each branch when our turn comes around - and at other times of special request. We appreciate it when we have feedback so that we can pray with a greater degree of intention. It remains a real gift, I believe, that staff are so open in their prayer. God sees into the depths of our being and our openness to God’s spirit and to each other deepens our discipleship.

ESTHER BROOKS What a year it has been. I have run the internship program in both Hunter and Central Coast Branches, been involved in fund-raising activities, facilitated values education programs, complete the international CoachNet training, completed a Cert IV in Training and Assessment, started a Cert IV in ministry & theology, the city wide festival CItyFest and the list goes on. And that has just been at the office. Again I say what a year. Ezekiel is getting bigger by the day. We have been so blessed this year by the 3 amazing ladies who have been looking after him while I have been working for YFC. Heather, Bec and Blythe have made this year possible. Without them I would not have been able to be involved in the amazing this that God has done through YFC this year. Please continue to pray for us as Jasen and I look at options for Zeke for next year. Pray that we get clarity about how to proceed. 2013 holds much excitement and much work for the YFC Hunter team. I am no exception. I will be overseeing interns at both Hunter and Central Coast and helping with the interns at Port Macquarie. I hope to finish the study I am currently working on in the very near future and whole family will be heading to China in February. Next year looks to be a good one and we all look forward to what God has in store for us. Thank you for your support in 2012!


Staff Stories

JASEN BROOKS With so much happening within YFC Hunter Region, Newcastle and YFC Australia, Christmas has really caught us a little off guard. There are some amazing stories that we have been apart of this year, from playing a key role in the CityFest festival, to talking with nine young guys from year 9 about spirituality and Jesus for 20mins talking about the questions they fired to us thick and fast. One of my personal defining moments was, when Esther and I had to rush to Perth days before an Auslife seminar at Glendale High School due to my grandfathers ill health. The Central Coast YFC branch alongside our new young team did an amazing job of smoothly dealing with the sudden changes that needed to be made, keeping a cool head and doing an amazing job. This new breed of passionate young missionaries really are an amazing bunch. Speaking of amazing, Esther and I have been asked by the YFC Aisa/Pacific Director to go and run some training where there isn’t even a YFC in the country! This is a real honour to be asked to serve, and because of the nature of this trip we have spent all our savings to make this a reality.

MARGARET GREY Well it’s that time again when we have reached the end of another year of Serving our Lord in the Hunter Region. For me personally this last half of the year has been a bit of a roller coaster having my mum being unwell, then being given notice that we had to be out of our rental accommodation by the end of November and nothing being available, then my parents deciding to sell their home to enable me to get finance to purchase a home. The applying for finance and looking for a property to purchase seem to have taken such a long time but it has all come together in God’s timing. Finance has finally been approved, a property purchased -- moving in on 10th December. This will be my final newsletter by the time you read this I will have retired from YFCA-Hunter Region, prayerfully moved into my new home -- caring for my parents as well as my two daughters and two grandchildren.


Staff Stories

TOM BOFINGER Wow! What a year it’s been. I’ve meet so many awesome people in the YFC family and had the chance to build relationships with so may young people not only in Newcastle, but all over. I’ve learnt so much during my Internship, like learning to trust God more and how I can better listen to his voice, to more practical things like how to communicate best with schools and how to organize and run a lunchtime group. So, where to from here? I’ve spent the last half of this year looking into options for what I can do next year. For example, get a “real” job, study music full-time, join staff at YFC, and I’m sure many of you who know me have heard many more weird and wonderful ideas that I’ve had. But after much prayer and pondering I really feel God giving me a vision for a Newcastle YFC music ministry, so, I’m staying with YFC! From the start of 2013 will be designing, planning and launching a mentoring/ discipling program based around music. Many of you who know me would probably agree this is right up my ally, and I have to say, I’m pretty excited about what God is going to do through this!

Partnership & Support I/We would love to give to: e.g. Staff, Programs etc.

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By cheque, please make all cheques payable to: “Youth For Christ Australia” Mail with this form to: PO Box 1462, GLEN WAVERLEY VIC 3150 Direct Debit, to BSB: 012 720 Account number: 3521 72631 To enable us to correctly receipt and allocate your electronic donation, please identify your transaction with your account name and email your details to hunter_region@yfc.org.au and/or mail this form to the above address. ALL DONATIONS OVER $2 ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE


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