Bacteria is a member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms that have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus including some that can cause diseases. Bacteria spreads and can get you sick or give you a disease. Bacteria can be very deadly. This is what bacteria is. Bacteria are microscopic living organisms that are usually are one celled that can be found everywhere. Scientists classify bacteria into three shapes, sphere, spiral or a rod. Bacteria gets a lot of people sick in the world you see it in the news like when kids get sick and spread It everywhere. It is not useful to people at all. Lots of people get sick a year from bacteria. If you don’t want to be sick try not to touch stuff that looks dirty or moldy. The more we know about bacteria the more we will know how to avoid it. If we don’t get sick by bacteria less people will die each year. Bacteria may be small but they make up for it in size, because they are everywhere also it spreads very easily in almost any way. Bacteria can get into your body and it has caused lots of deaths.
Greenland -Science concept Plants: a living organism of the kind exemplified by trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses, typically growing in a permanent site, absorbing water and inorganic substances through its roots, and synthesizing nutrients in its leaves by photosynthesis using the green pigment chlorophyll. Plants can reproduce just like living being. Plants can make air by taking Carbon Dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Plants can hear us talking even though we don’t notice. They can become multiple species. Carbon Dioxide is what we, human breathe out to make air for plants. Chloroplast is what plants use for capture sunlight. Photosynthesis is what plant use to make its food by sunlight.
-Why it important? People also use it for food and use it for medicine to treat people sickness and disease. Like black chokeberry, it has rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C and Lutein has a well-established record in protecting against oxidative damage. -Making positive changes It can change the world by refreshing pollution, help people sickness by growing medicine plant, and also clean water.
The barrier is that plant mostly die in winter and fall, so you got to grow them in summer and spring. Sometime plant need more water than other plant and some plant are harder to grow. My idea is more pursuing because if you don’t know life as a plant then you don’t know what plant you grow and, how each plant have a different effect or use
The skeletal system consisting of bones and connective tissues, which protects and supports the body tissues and internal organs. Each bone is a complex living organ that is made up of many cells, protein fibers, and minerals. The skeleton acts as a scaffold by providing support and protection for the soft tissues that make up the rest of the body. The skeletal system also provides attachments points for muscles and cartilage. ( Skeleton is all of the bones in an organism. Provides structure, support and protection. Internal skeleton is located inside of body. The external skeleton is the hard outer covering that provides structure, support, protection. Skeletal system is all of the bones in the body, together with the ligaments and cartilage. (
A women named Catherine Kelly had a rare disease that had to do with bone cancer. Before she was able to get the surgery she had to get chemo therapy. Kelly had to limit the stuff she did such as work and stuff around the house with her kids. Her daughter had to help her take care of her children of 8 ( Another story on the skeletal system was my friend broke one of their bone, this is an example of the skeletal system and how you need it to have support and structure. Bone cancer occurs in the skeletal system and some ways to prohibit bone cancer are not using tobacco, eating healthier, maintain healthy weight and be active, protect yourself from the sun, avoid risky behaviors, and get immunized. Some ways to stop these are stop selling tobacco, fast food restaurants need to have healthier options, cheaper gym memberships, and higher SPF in sunscreen and lotion. These are worth perusing because people will be able to live and longer and healthier life. The barriers that might exist are not having the supplies to continue to fix the problems.
Flowers The flower is the seed bearing part of the plant. It is also the reproductive part of the plant. Flowers are the reproductive part of the plant. The leaves use sunlight for energy to take apart water from the ground. The stem conducts water and nutrients from the roots. The roots absorbs water and minerals from the soil. The plant takes in carbon from the air and lets out oxygen in its place. People need oxygen to breath so the plant is important. Flowers get their food from the soil, sun, and the water. The plant uses photosynthesis to gather food.
How Flowers Eat and Grow--Photosynthesis Some facts about flowers are that flowers get their food from sunlight, water, and minerals in the soil; flowers are the reproductive parts of a plant, and plants make their own food by photosynthesis.
Plants can photosynthesize due to cells called chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll; this is what makes plants green. Sun strikes the chloroplasts and combines with carbon dioxide that plants get from their leaves, and water that plants get through their roots, to produce sugar, or glucose. This is the plant's food, and this gives the plant energy to grow and produce flowers.
Plants take in carbon dioxide, or CO 2 ,through little holes in their leaves, which are called stomata. They then produce and release oxygen through the stomata. Plants and animals were meant to live together! Animals need the oxygen that plants put out, and plants need the carbon dioxide that animals put out.
Sometimes people add fertilizer, or plant food, to give plants extra minerals and nutrients so that they can grow better. Fertilizer does not take the place of sunlight and water. Without sunlight and water, plants will die.
Parts of a Flower The outside of a flower that can be seen easily consists of petals, the colored part of the flower, and the sepals, the small green structures that look like little petals at the base of the flower.
Inside a flower is the pistil, or the female parts of the flower. The pistil looks like a vase with a long neck. The top of this "vase" is called the stigma. The long neck is called the style. The bottom, fatter part of the vase is the ovary and contains the ovules, or eggs.
Also inside the flower are the male parts of the flower, called the stamens. The stamen consists of the anther and the filament. The filament looks like a stiff, standing piece of string. On top of the filament is a rounded ball of pollen called the anther. The pollen is usually a bright yellow or orange color. Pollinators like bees, animals, and birds come and gather pollen from the flowers. The pollen sticks to their bodies. When they go to visit another flower to gather more pollen, the pollen from the previous flower drops into the pistil of the new flower, fertilizes the eggs inside the ovary, and seeds are made. Interesting Facts about Flowers
Flowers did not always exist; they first appeared 140 million years ago. Before that, ferns and cone bearing trees dominated the earth. Several centuries ago in Holland, tulips were more valuable than gold. Broccoli is actually a flower. Some plants such as orchids do not need soil to grow-they get all of their nutrients from the air. Some plants produce toxic substances that kill other plants around them-the sunflower is an example.
Carnivorous plants are flowering plants that eat bugs and small animals! For example, the Venus fly trap has leaves covered by little hairs. When a bug lands on the hairs, the trap snaps shut and digestive juices digest the bug. Other carnivorous plants such as pitcher plants have leaves that form pitchers that are full of digestive fluids. Insects, frogs, and other small creatures are attracted to the nectar and bright colors on the pitchers and flowers. Some unfortunate critters fall in, drown, and are digested.
Fun Facts about Flowers: Weird Flowers Not all flowers smell good. One of the world's rarest, largest, smelliest, and strangest looking flower is the titan arum, or the corpse flower. It is called the corpse flower because it smells like a rotting dead body. The bloom is over 8 foot tall and 12 feet in circumference. They smell like rotting flesh in order to attract flies, their preferred pollinator. People have been known to pass out from the smell!
The largest Flower in the world is the flower of the Puya raimondii, which has a flower stalk 35,000 feet tall and bears over 8,000 white flowers.
Mimosa punica, or sensitive plant, will actually fold up its leaves when it is touched. It has whitish pink fuzzy flowers that look like little pom poms.
The Bird of Paradise is a beautiful, oddly shaped plant that resembles a colorful tropical bird. Corkscrew vine flower, Vigna Caracalla, has a flower shaped like nautilus shells.
Snap Dragon flowers look like little mouths. If you squeeze the sides of the flower, the mouth will open and it can "eat" things. When you release the sides of the flower, it will close again.
Lunaria, or money plant, has purple flowers that turn into silver papery quarter shaped seedpods that can be used like play money or jewelry.
False dragonhead or obedient plant has a spike full of flowers that can be bent into position.
Hollyhocks are fun flowers for kids. They have large beautiful flowers that can be made into dolls. Cut off a flower, bud and all for the body and skirt and then choose a bud for the head. Attach it with a toothpick. Draw a face with markers.
Press and dry flowers and make crafts. Pick flowers that can be flattened, like violets and put them between the pages of very heavy books. The pressed flowers can be made into placemats, jewelry, and other crafts. One of the fun facts about flowers is that some flowers can be eaten! Flowers of the squash flowers, such as pumpkin blossoms, can be fried in a batter and eaten. Violas, nasturtiums, pansies, and violets can be candied or frozen into ice cubes. Dandelion flowers can be made into jellies, added to salads, or made into tea. Before you eat any flower, make sure an adult has said it is safe. Some plants are poisonous or have been sprayed with poisonous pesticides.
Make a daisy chain of flowers by picking flowers with long stems, making a slit in the stem, and pulling the stem of the second stem through until the flower head can't be pulled through. Continue this to make a chain which can be made into jewelry or garlands.
A&E BAC Inc.
Bacteria Ella Schroder, Alyssa Wiese
Bacteria Bacteria are microorganisms that have walls and can create diseases. It thrives in diverse environments, as well as in soil, the ocean, and in human intestine. Bacteria can be seen all the time in our everyday lives, such as making dairy products and vinegar. With e-coli helping to digest food in mammals. Another skin bacteria can be seen growing on the skin and helping cancer grow. Using the bacteria that we have available, you can easily make differences all over the world. But let’s narrow it down to you as an individual. Bacteria as we all know, lives inside of us and grows, so with that existing bacteria, we are able to digest multiple substances. And to give an example of a positive impact on the world, bacteria is capable of getting rid of hazardous plants. Thus making our world a better place for plants to prosper, giving us food, which leads to a decrease in hunger. Most to all of the bacteria in our bodies weigh a total of 4 pounds, and if you line each individual bacteria up end to end, it will nearly reach 10 billion light years.
Here is a simple example of strepthroat bacteria…
Here is an example of pneumonia bacteria that often occurs in humans… PAGE 10
Seeds Seeds are how plants reproduce, they normally have a hard shell with a soft interior. Seeds when planted absorb water. The water goes through the seed and changes it into sugars and ECT. These feed the plant until it absorbs sun energy.
They can use this science to plant seed in specific locations to increase O2 amounts, you can see it in china’s smog of toxicity where all the smoke is stuck down near the street. And the other epidemic is the starvations in Africa and we could possibly increase food by planting food. Some barriers could be that you can’t afford to ship or bring food to Africa or you can’t afford plants. And finally they are worth pursuing because you can save a life.
Caffeine: What it does to you First you need to know what caffeine is. Caffeine is a chemical compound that can increase you mental awareness, for good and bad. This targets the receptors in the cells’ membrane. The receptors take in adenosine which makes you tired, so naturally the caffeine blocks that keeping you awake. The caffeine can have positive and negative effects on the human body. The positive effects are that it can prevent Parkinson’s disease which is when you cannot stop shaking mostly in the hands, for example Michael J. Fox (Marty McFly). It can also prevent certain cancers. The negative effects are that you get sleep disorders or insomnia. It can cause increased blood pressure. You can also get caffeine intoxication, which comes from too much consumed caffeine. You can die from caffeine Coffee contains caffeine so that overdose. There is also a risk during pregnancy. you stay awake.
Caffeine is a widely consumed “drug” that is commonly used in the US. People use it to help they stay awake. They can also use it for awaking early, or staying awake on a late night at the office. According to CNN News, caffeine overdose is deadly. As well as boys being more affected that girls when consuming caffeine.
Adenosine makes you sleepy, and Caffeine blocks the adenosine, keeping you awake.
Consuming high amounts of caffeine in a short period of time is a problem. We need to raise awareness by making websites and These sodas and others ads and putting them have caffeine in them. on popular websites or **Key Terms** Caffeine intoxication: too much on billboards. caffeine CAFFEINE IS BAD! Overdose: too much caffeine also Parkinson’s disease: a disease that can be prevented by caffeine
Adenosine: a nucleoside that occurs in cells
Nature Newsletter: Flowers
Flowers are the seedbearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs that are usually surrounded by colored petals. Flowers are often called blooms. Plants are made up of leaves, roots, and stems. Most produce flowers, fruits, and/or seeds. Flowers or plants produce their own food. Chlorophyll is the color pigment that makes the leaves green. Using carbon dioxide, water, nutrients, sunlight, and chlorophyll is how plants make food.
Plants are much more important than just something beautiful to look at. Plants remove toxins and carbon dioxide in the air we breathe. They feed the population of honeybees, which pollinate our food, or crops. Animals eat many flowers, and some do are eaten whether or not they carry fruits. Flowers can be seen everywhere from pretty school gardens, memorials in Washington D.C., and of course in weddings. A specific flower, the rose, is used in a famous parade, THE ROSE PARADE!
Chlorophyll- a term used for several closely relented green pigments found in plants. Roots- the part of a plant that attaches it to the grounds PAGE 13
Flowers can help us in many ways. They are the reason that plants can continue to reproduce. We should continue to plant these flowers everywhere to add beauty to the green planet, and to brighten some ones day. There can be more nectar for honey bees, who take the nectar from flowers and make honey. We can brighten some ones day with a gifts that usually include flowers.. Continuing to plant, then sell, then buy flowers will help our community to lighten the moods of our friends and to simply make the world a more beautiful place. Someday I would like to plant a single flower in the yards of my neighbors to let them see the beauty.
Flowers are always used in everything that involves beauty. We love the smell of roses, the bright colors of a daisy and in conclusion I hope you realize the importance of our science topics, FLOWERS
Soil Soil is the upper layer witch plants grow in black and brown substance with a mixture of clay, rocks, sand and silt. Soil is a mixture that can help people grow plants and filter water to help people survive. People eat and grow all over the world. Deposition is the dropping of a sediment by wind, water, ice, or gravity. Subsoil is the layer of soil just below the uppermost layer of soil.
Soil is often called the "living skin" of the earth. In rural areas, it's easily visible, but in large cities, it's hidden beneath buildings and roads. Two important ways that people use soil are for agriculture and the support of buildings and roads. Soil surveys of large areas, geotechnical tests of soils at construction and farm sites and simpler home garden soil tests guide usage choices by identifying soil strengths.
Build a huge garden and sell all the plants and food I grow for a cheap price and make profit. Help wide range of soils and climate around the world give rise. And help create a wide range of trees which are used for various types of soil. And for growing a various amount of flowers.
Human body system The human body system is what keeps your body working and moving. The system is inside of you or it is you it keeps your body working (heart pumping, blood flowing, etc.‌) the skeletal system keeps your brain from getting damaged and so does the other parts in your body like your arms the bones protect your arms from getting hurt and allows it to turn and move. The muscular system gives you strength that way you can lift stuff up and be able to move. The nervous tells which part of the body to move if not then we would just fall down or just stand there. The immune system tries to keep you from getting diseases.
How is this in the real world? The human body system is in you because you are a human and you are in the real world and the problem it solves is that you can solve the problem the system will do whatever you want. You should keep your body healthy and active that way you get stronger and faster and smarter that way you can make a positive in packed on the world.
Attack of the Bamboo Bamboo: A giant woody grass that grows chiefly in the tropics where it’s widely cultivated
Writers of article: Heather & Jordan Hello there fellow humans, have you ever seen a green stick-like plant that is extremely tall. Well if you have no idea wh at we are talking about, it is called a bamboo. B-A-M-B-O-O. Scientific name: Bambusoideae BAMBOOZLED: Bamboo is a very important plant in our ecosystem. It keeps a lot of animals alive and well. Bamboos grow in the tropical and subtropical parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America, growing as far north as the southern United States or central China, and in south Patagonia. Bamboo also grow in parts of Australia. Bamboo grows faster in the rainy season due to the more amount of nutrients they get. House bamboos are actually not bamboo’s at all. They are classified as “bamboo” but in reality it isn’t.
Viruses. A virus is a substance and its spreads from place to place. A virus is not alive, is also not 1. Bamboo is the fastest worldwide, growing at a whopping 2-3 feet Weitthink if people each day a computer virus. It has to take over and killstop a host would cutting 2. Bamboo’s are very tall in growing up to keep living and spreading. bamboo and using it 3. There are over 1450 species of bamboo that are in various AtheHost is very important to as items than maybe climates around world there would be a lot a Virus because if the virus 4. The bamboo has the highest level of starch than any other plant in the world more bamboo tree. doesn’t have a host the virus 5. Bamboo produces the largest amount of oxygen Spread awareness, will die and if the virus dies help the bamboo Size of bamboo dependsis on no the species of bamboo. Largest there more hope for the species of bamboo can reach 1300 feet in height. foundation virus to keep living and Book Club Events Reading List for the Month Bamboo can grow either as woody, tall plant or as shorter, spreading. herbaceous plant. Bacteria is different from Viruses. Bacteria is Flowers of bamboo are rarely seen. Some species of bamboo It years. also doesn’t need a host to keep living or grow flowersliving. after 65 or 120 Itarranged spreads onat the its own! Bamboo canspreading. develop from the seeds in clusters BAMBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FACTS
end of the branches. Bamboo is a crucial element in the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. PAGE 17
There are many diagrams of a virus but I recommend It’s a good website. There are even more images of viruses then diagrams so here are a few websites,, these are some pretty good pics man. There are always viruses in the world. Recently the zika viruses was traced from a tourist in the Houston, Texas area. It is transmitted by mosquitoes. It causes rash, fever, and conjunctivitis. We should alert the world and tell them about viruses and how dangerous they are. We need to let everyone know, friends, family, foes, chums, everyone should know about the viruses!
Body Systems: Working Your Muscles As humans, we have complex bodies and functions to take care, as well as attempt to understand. One such example of one these body systems is the muscle system. Within the world, ‘muscles’ usually pertain to working out and\or fitness. But, in fact, have a huge purpose within our bodies. Today, when others loose limbs, they are replaced with artificial ones. And with our general movements, we need many muscles to work and process. For mankind, we must learn to take care of our muscles and how we can help keep our bodies good. Muscles are a system of parts that work together to form to one function. They connect and move together, creating certain wedges within your body. This is how we all move around. To learn more about muscles, a good website is
To start, people need to understand their muscles. Not just,” How much push-ups should I do?” But how you keep from overworking and stretching out muscle tissue.
When people think exercise, they may think it is an extreme working of the body. However, everybody, in the whole world should try to do small things in the world. Such as small stretching, little working on your muscles after doing activities and trying to move around. If we understand how our bodies function than we work them the right amount. And we can feel happier as a people, and take care of the world better with our bodies, as well as mental state. This is ideal so we learn to tell others of our bodies and be able to make the world a little more fit. So how can we make a positive difference on people’s lives and how they work in the world? While you’re doing simple tasks you can do small exercises to keep your mind well and your body adjusted. Also you can eat less junk food, such as cookies or ice cream, generally less of ‘bad ‘food. We can create an idea of how being fit within your body is good. But shouldn’t create it as this “cheesy” thing. We should have some type of program or some type of events that help to keep positive messages and inform people. Within
the world of marketing and economics, there is a lot of pushing towards bad health. But we can learn to understand the difference in marketing and how they can affect us. But at the end of the day, as a world, we should try to have a positive mindset. So we can work hard and feel good. Our muscles are interesting as they are not just, work, work, and work. They need to be balanced within somebody’s own capabilities. Find what works for you, so your body is strong. In conclusion, our whole body is a learning place. We, as humans, develop how we can support us and others. And if we work together, plan programs and understand our muscles, than we can live wonderful lives.
Caffeine By Nils Bjorkman and Jacob Morgan Caffeine is already known about worldwide. People know it as the thing that keeps you up in the morning from your coffee. Others know it as the “energy” in energy drinks. Some people try to limit their intake of the substance, while others see it as a necessity. But what is the secret behind this stimulating substance? Most people think that caffeine itself causes the alertness in the human body. But the truth is, it directs this process. You see, a natural chemical in the body known as adenosine makes the body tired. As the day goes on, more and more adenosine runs into the receptors, slowly signaling the body to calm down and get more tired. But caffeine is the same size and shape as adenosine, so the receptors accept it, blocking the adenosine flow. This stops the body from getting tired. But the real “kick” comes when the caffeine gives dopamine, the body’s natural stimulant, a boost, which makes the brain more active and alert. This gives people a useful morning alertness, but it can backfire later in the day. When the caffeine leaves the adenosine receptors, all of the built up adenosine rushes into the receptors, along with the dopamine stopping, making you crash. What we propose to do is to spread the word of the effects of caffeine. This way, people might limit their intake of the substance, which could lead to much healthier lifestyles. We hope that reading this will inform everyone about the side effects of caffeine, and with that, we close this article.
The Science Behind the Scientific Method
The Scientific Method The Scientific Method is a six step process that is used to solve problems and answer questions. Each step should be followed in order and in detail to get the best answer or results. The steps in the Scientific Method are, 1: State the problem or question, 2: Hypothesis, 3: Design the experiment, 4: Collect data, 5: Draw conclusions, 6: Gather and communicate results. It’s important to know what each of these steps means so that you can follow the process correctly. The question is the base of the process and what you are trying to answer. The hypothesis is your prediction of the experiment. Third, the experiment is what you are doing to solve the problem and test the hypothesis. When you collect data, you are observing the experiment. The conclusions are what you observed in your experiment. Finally, the results are what you found out and what you tell others about. You use the Scientific Method every day, without even knowing it. You can find the Scientific Method in every news story or event that happens, if you look closely. First, in the news, a firefighter said that they use the Scientific Method to solve how fires happen. Next, we found the Scientific Method in another story, by looking closely at it. In a news story about a new development in phones, we found each separate part of this process. Scientists wanted to develop more advanced medical technology, then they thought they would make a device for this. The scientists made this device by using previous information and communicated results through the release of their creation.
Finally, this process will be able to help people make positive changes and differences in the world or everyday life. If people turn to using this method, they will be better decision makers and solve problems more efficiently. For example, even starting small, everyone can make an impact in their own life. By starting with a problem you need to solve, you can think of something that might happen, ask others or look up a solution, listen to what they say, and tell others what you have found out. Although we cannot spread this idea to the whole world, we can start make a change in our individual lives.
PHOTOSYNTHESES Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy, normally from the Sun, into chemical energy that can be later released to fuel the organisms' activities.
In physics, energy is a property of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms, but cannot be created or destroyed.
HOW CAN YOU MAKE A DIFFERNCE?? Just leave the plants alone, and let them do their thing, give them the correct amount of water and light.
EQUATIONS: Energy: Photosynthesis
CURRENT USES? Science Gardening When we let the plants grow, they give us food, fresh air, and lots of eye candy. So let them grow!!
Soil Soil is just important to the environment as plants or animals. Soil is natural fertilizer that helps plants grow. It is defined as “the portion of Earth’s surface consisting of disintegrated rock and humus.” Soil helps with food chains because plants need soil to grow so then animals can eat the plant. Soil has nutrients to help the plant grow so animals can eat. A plant cannot grow without soil because of those nutrients. The 5 layers of soil are humus (very top layer), topsoil (2nd layer), subsoil (middle), parent material (4th layer), and bedrock (very bottom layer). The humus is very thin and it is at the time right next to a plants roots. Topsoil is where the roots end. Subsoil is where it starts to have a few rocks and has no roots. Parent material and bedrock have lots of rocks and have no roots at all.
Fertilizer is an artificial soil that does the same as natural soil. People can buy it from the store and fertilize their own gardens. It is an easier way to grow and make a garden. That is why soil is just as important as plants and animals. Soil may just look like dirt to you but it has a big part in the environment.
Animals Cells The knowledge of animal cells helps influence our world greatly. They allow us to know how to make medicines and how they work to let us function. There are several main parts of an animal cell. The main parts are the cytoplasm, organelle, vacuole cell membrane, and the mitochondria. Cytoplasm is the substance inside the cell. Organelle is the specialized part of a cell. The vacuole is a tiny cavity with fluid in the cytoplasm of a cell. The cell membrane is a thin membrane enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell. The mitochondria is an organelle containing enzymes that are responsible for producing energy Cells are important for many reasons. One of the biggest reasons is when it comes to being sick. If you get sick the virus will affect your cells. Since we have a large knowledge on animal cells we know what medicines we need to put in our bodies to stop the virus. If we didn’t know anything about animal cells then many of us would die from just getting a cold or an ear infection. Animal cells are also important because they make us up. Without them we would not exist. The knowledge of animal cells also gives us many positive changes in our world. One of the biggest ways is, it can help us figure out ways to make the lives of cancer patients longer. Our concept is worth pursuing because if we learn more about this topic we could help save lives. When we know a lot of details about animal cells it can help us stop big problems in our world. When we use the knowledge of animal cells and put this into our daily life it will help us have a stronger society and may even save lives.