History HistoryRe Revision vision
Germany in Transition 1929 - 1947 Topic 1 : Riseof Nazi Party and its consolidation of power
Germany in 1920s What was theTreaty of Versailles? • Treaty to decidewhat would happen to Germany after WWI • “War Guilt Clause” – Germany had to accept responsibility for starting war • Reparations – Had to pay £6600 million for the damagecaused • Lost 13%of their land • Army severely limited
Germans HATED treatyfound it humiliating and unfair
What was theWeimar Republic?
o Government set up to ruleGermany in the1920s. o Led by Gustav Stresmann
Faced some
Some people looked to more extreme parties like Nazis and Communists to sort out their problems in 1920s problems
weak government hyperinflation, French occupied Ruhr because Germany weren’t paying reparations
What was theMunich Putsch? 1923 – Nazi Party tried to seizepower Tried to hijack public meeting in Munich beer cellar Supported by 600 stormtroopers (SA) Easily crushed – not enough support • Hitler served 9 months in prison – Nazi party banned • Wrote‘Mein Kampf’ (autobiography) • Outlined his plans for Germany • Took timeto reorganiseparty • Gained publicity Nazis realised they would not get power through violence– decided to try to bevoted in!
What wereHitler’s ideas for Germany in Mein Kampf? Blamed Jews for Germany’s problems
Rebuild army
Get rid of Treaty of Versailles
Get rid of Communism
“Master Race” – pureAryan Germans should control other races
Who weretheSA? • Hitler’s privatearmy • Grew in sizeduring 1920s • Led by Ernst Roehm • Stormtroopers • Nicknamed ‘brownshirts’ • Intimidated opponents • Often caused violenceat communist meetings
How did theWall Street Crash help theNazis?
• Germany had borrowed money fromUSto pay reparations • USbanks recalled their loans • Unemployment, homelessness, hunger, strikes in Germany.
How did theDepression weaken the Weimar Government? The government raised taxes, cut wages and reduced benefits. Unpopular! People started to vote for more extreme parties, who promised solutions to these problems.
e.g. Communists and Nazis!
The Chancellor used a law which gave him special powers in an emergency. Germany was now ruled by Presidential Decree.
BUT The President was an 84 year old man – well past his prime and controlled by business and army leaders!
TheDepression was a gift to Hitler and theNazis‌ Unemployment ? The Nazis will get people to work building roads and public works
The Weimar Government is weak; you need strong leadership. Hitler is your man!
Worried about Communists? The Nazis SA are the only ones who know how to deal with them!
How did Hitler get appointed Chancellor in 1933? – Political Scheming! No party could get majority in Reichstag at this time Von Papen, leader of theCatholic CentreParty was madeChancellor but needed to forma coalition Hitler did a deal with von Papen. Hepersuaded Hindenburg to let Hitler beChancellor. Von Papen would bevice- Chancellor. 3 Nazis would begiven posts in thegovernment. Hindenburg agreed, believing hecould control Hitler. Big mistake!
How did theNazis get into power? (LIMPPAPER) •
• • • • • • • • •
LONG-TERM BITTERNESS - Deep anger about Treaty of Versailles in Germany
meant many peoplesupported Hitler’s ideas. INEFFECTIVE GOVERMENT – Many peoplein Germany wanted a dictatorship. No onestrong enough to competewith Hitler MONEY - financial support of wealthy businessmen (e.g. Henry Ford) gaveHitler the money to run his propaganda and election campaigns. PROPAGANDA - persuaded Germans to believethat Hitler was only person ableto makeGermany great again. PROGRAMME - Hitler promised everybody something, so they supported him. ATTACKS ON OTHER PARTIES - Stormtroopers attacked Jews, Communists and peoplewho opposed Hitler. PERSONAL QUALITIES - Hitler brilliant speaker. Good organiser and politician. Full of self-belief ECONOMIC DEPRESSION – seeprevious slide RECRUITED BY HINDENBERG Hindenburg realised Hitler was popular. HemadehimChancellor in a coalition government believing that hecontrol him.
How did propaganda help theNazis? Nazis did not havemajority in Reichstag. Needed to persuade people to support them
Radio broadcasts marches
Mass rallies
Minister for Propaganda = leaflets
Josef Goebbels
Later on, propaganda was moreintense– bookburning, etc
What was theReichstag Fire? • Feb 1933 • Reichstag Building (German Parliament) set on fire • Dutch - Van Der Lubbefound in thebuilding and charged with starting fire(after being tortured by Gestapo) • Hitler arrested and imprisoned 400 Communist leaders. Banned themfromtheReichstag, • Hepersuaded President Hindenberg to pass the Enabling Act. This meant hedid not haveto ask theReichstag’s permission to pass laws.
What was theEnabling Act? • • • •
Opposition politicians werearrested and imprisoned. SA could ransack homes of opponents. Enemies of Nazis could beexecuted. Workers could no longer join tradeunions To get a C+ you need to understand why this was so important! Basically… • I t gaveHitler thepower to rulewithout approval of theReichstag or thePresident. • TheReichstag had voted itself out of existence. • Hitler was now a dictator. The Weimar Republic was over.
What happened during the Night of the Long Knives? • SA weregetting too powerful and Ernst Rohm(leader) was disliked by other leading Nazis. • Rohmwanted theSA to takecontrol of thearmy . Hitler was worried that Rohmwould try to takeover. • Many SA men werethugs and Hitler was having troublecontrolling them. • June1934 – Hitler ordered SS to arrest SA leaders. Rohmwas shot, many others werekilled.
How did thedeath of Hindenburg help Hitler?
• 1934 – Just weeks after Night of Long Knives, President Hindenburg died. • Hitler declared himself President AND Chancellor. Hecalled this roletheFuhrer (leader) • Now hewas not only Chancellor but Head of Stateand Commander of theArmy. • Every soldier sworean oath of personal loyalty to Hitler. • Hitler now completedictator
How did theNazis consolidate their power? (makeit stronger)
• Reichstag Fire • Enabling Act 4 events helped theNazis
• Night of Long Knives • Death of Hindenburg