Interview Q3 September 2017

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Gamifying Spontaneous Awareness How do you extract every last brand from a participant in a brand awareness question? In telephone it’s easy, just keep probing and give the participant some time. In online it’s harder. But there is a way. Make it into a game. Not a complicated game, no fancy graphics, badges or programming. Just say it’s a game, add some rules and an objective and you’re there. So when we tested this question: “Thinking now just about mobile phones. Here is a little game. You have 60 seconds to write down all the brands of mobile phones you can think of, to a maximum of 10. Your time starts now!” the results were startling. The first time we played the game, in the UK, we got a 50% increase in the average number of brands mentions (up from 4 to 6). We got the same effect in Australia, in Hong Kong, in China, in Japan. Everyone plays games, it worked. But is it worth it? If the additional brands dredged up were the obscure, the hardly used, the long tail of brands…

then probably no, it wouldn’t be worth the effort. But they were not, they were more mentions of the same brands. And that matters. It matters because marketers make budget decisions and set campaign objectives based on not only their brand’s rank, but also the size of awareness. If your brand has 25% awareness you make one decision and if it gets to 33% you do something else. And that’s where we run the risk of shortchanging our clients. Where was the work in all this? Just in not being lazy and reaching for the tried and tested question format. Oh, and we did a little desk research to see if the right maximum number should be 5, 10, 15 or 20. Just took a quick look at retailer’s websites, on average they sold 8 brands. For more information, please contact Mark LLoyd:

Pete Cape (AKA “Dr. Pete”) Global Knowledge Director, SSI, is among the most respected, entertaining and thought-provoking presenters in the marketing research industry. Pete has almost 30 years’ experience in market research and is a frequent speaker at conferences, seminars and training workshops around the globe as well as a regular contributor to research and marketing publications.

Pete Cape, Global Knowledge Director, SSI 2



Well here we are. Q4 again, another year rushing headlong towards Xmas. It has really been an exciting year for the industry, with the theme of the year appearing to

Publisher: Research Association

have been “change”. At the time of writing, we’ve just completed Conference 2017 “The New Insights Eco-System, in the Age of the Customer”. Again and again we heard the theme of “change” from the speakers and the audience.

client needs, methodologies, technologies or consumer trends, it is obvious that we are living in a period of change no less dynamic than the dawn of the industrial age. And what does this mean for RANZ and its membership? At the very least I think we can all agree that adaptation and evolution are critical to the continued growth and of


firms and the Association. How do we propose to navigate this period of change? It’s an exciting (and scary!) time for the insights industry and each of us needs to have some sense of our aims and aspirations for the next few years. Here at the Association, members

The dedicated team which produced this newsletter includes: Emily Bing

perfect time to do that. We are getting a small representative steering group together to oversee the process and the intention is that the review be wide-ranging

Whether it be business practices,


Rob Bree General Manager

both in terms of participation and the matters to be addressed. We

Sue Cardwell Rachel Prendergast Nicola Legge Daniel Peeters George Wilks Robyn Moore Andrea Mitlag

haven’t agreed a schedule yet but

Layout and design by

we’ll conduct most of the process

Charmaine Fuhrmann

in early 2018. At Conference the mood seemed to be that we as an industry need to really change gear if we are to be fit for purpose and able to serve the needs of the market. Without that change of gear, as one speaker put it, we will go the way of Encyclopaedia Britannica and Kodak. This will require a fundamental shift in how we see ourselves as a profession. And based on what we saw and

Images are copyright to their owners and should not be copied without permission Copyright (c) Stock.XCHNG Photos, 123RF Stock Photos, RA. InterVIEW is published four times a year by an enthusiastic sub-committee of the Research Association committee. The views expressed are not those of the Research Association. We welcome your input and your requests for advertising space.

heard at Conference, it feels like we are ready to make that change. So let’s get on with it.

Visit us:

are asking us to review our overall strategy and now really is the

Rob 3




Conference 2017 Wrap Up

12 03

20/20 ‘Pecha Kucha’ style winning presentation ‘Appropriating Appropriately’

Word from the Board

Global Reseach Business Network Learning Center and Webinar Review

25 5 Trends of Market Research




Company News

PD Event Overview: KPEX with Richard Thompson



Duncan Stuart Book reviews

Upcoming PD Event: Callaghan Innovation


Movers and Shakers 60 Seconds with Cathy Hinder


33 Update from RANZ Social

35 5


Vaibhav Kawale, Head of Market Research, Consumer NZ “The need for a step change – I was fascinated with Spencer’s passionate call for a transformative change to all of us, as an industry. It sure seems ironic that in the age where more and more businesses are trying to become more customer centric, we as an industry are struggling to grow. In this digital age, insights generation techniques are rapidly evolving and as we know, many of these are not strongly associated with “market research” per say. For me, this paper highlighted our perception challenge - often the market research skillset is viewed as limited to the more conventional (and largely primary) data collection and analysis methods. It can be argued that we are defined more by the tools we use than by the purpose we serve. This paper was a timely reminder that, to stay ahead of the curve, not only we need to embrace the change and become more agile but also get better at communicating our core purpose.”

Glen Wright, Insights Manager, Auckland Transport

2017 6 InterVIEW InterVIEWJanuary SEPTEMBER 2015 2017

“Conference was a great opportunity to share our experience at the centre of the new insights ecosystem. There is a different and diverse mix of suppliers ‘doing insights’ and selling in to both my team and our business generally. While there are new ideas and skills available, the case for revolution can be somewhat overstated. It was good to see client side speakers and share experiences about how we are leveraging the wide range of skills at our disposal. I also appreciated the presentations that told us what companies are providing, but also encouraged us to think differently about our own business and customers.”

KEYNOTE Dame Diane Robertson: Chair, Data Futures Partnership A path to social licence: driving trusted data use

Robyn Moore, Chief Researcher, The Research Collective “1. Big data is only a small slice of the research pie. 2. Big data is more in the realm of big businesses with big budgets for research. 3. Our brains are the difference between data and insights. 4. We need to evolve our role(s) to fit our client’s needs more effectively” To find out more about what others thought of the 2017 RANZ conference check out the event video here.

HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE 2017 RANZ CONFERENCE KEYNOTE Professor Roger Marshall: Professor of Marketing, AUT Research in Marketing in a changing world Roger kicked off the conference with a consistent theme that continued throughout during the day - big data is an incredible tool, but we must KISS. With the rise of new technology, anyone can do their own research online. But we must realise that this often presents a short term view and traditional research is still just as important. Big data is great if it’s used well, but big data is not always good data and it can be dangerous to rely on it solely, for example ‘once you get big data, everything looks significant’. He reminded us of the importance of looking for serious, sensible differences and keeping it simple. Big data is exciting, but it doesn’t make our life easier.

Dame Diane presented a unique perspective on turning big data into smart data. We continue to add to the mountain of personal data every day, and the need to keep data safe and private becomes more important as that mountain grows. People are becoming more aware of how their data may be used - older people tend to be more concerned, whereas younger people who have grown up in the technology age tend to be less suspicious. NZers want security/protection, the choice to opt-in/opt-out and the value/use of data. This is very relevant to the research industry as we need to be transparent, and respectful about how we’re using people’s data or we risk crippling our industry.

KEYNOTE Spencer Willis Why I love you, but had to get away! Spencer’s opinion piece focused on the evolution of the market research industry where he pleaded with us to take a look at ‘who we are’. As researchers, we ‘have the gold and just don’t use it’. We could solve every organisation’s problems, but why do marketers have a larger voice at the board table? And why are other industries trying to play in our research field? Will our version of research die or evolve? Research is too important to die, but we can change things - even though change and innovation is hard, we must adapt and focus on a single minded goal as researchers.


WINNER PEOPLE’S CHOICE: Duncan Stuart: Explorer, Kudos Organisational Dynamics Conversations with your toaster? Time for a Digital Detox!

KEYNOTE Elizabeth May: Vice President APAC, Research Now Splice it,dice it and stitch it back together As Vice President of APAC Research Now, Elizabeth presented a case study on using modular questionnaire design to reduce the survey length, and improve data quality. Reducing an online tracking survey from 32 minutes to 25 minutes, then stitching it back together, improved responsiveness, and the quality of the data especially on mobile. As we evolve, clients are making things more complex, but respondents want simplicity - especially on mobile. We need to spend time to look beneath the surface and innovate. Try new things and decide what we are going to do differently.

WINNER BEST PAPER: Mark Buntzen: Founder & Director, The Distillery Insights to Action Mark spoke about the value of taking a coaching approach (asking and being solution-focused), leading to changing the locus of insight from the researcher to the client, and where a change in language is appropriate. Are we addicted to Insight (as agencies)? And what if we let clients discover insights with our guidance? A way to stay active is to use active language, especially the present tense e.g. the German language is an example where present tense is normally used. We need to avoid “nominalisation” – as when a verb is nominalised it becomes a noun and loses its action-focused, and embrace the stages of action: Awareness, Reflection, Insight and Action. 8


Duncan began with a “smart concrete slab” and how we are producing and collecting data we never thought of before, but should still seek to simplify. Big data can cause damage if it’s not used right and even an algorithm that gets things right 95% of the time, also gets things wrong 5% of the time. We need to think about whether we want to be part of the problem or the solution, and consider where research sits in terms of the big picture rather than being totally data driven.

OUR CHANGING INDUSTRY Nicola and Jonathon from Ipsos continued the theme of our moving industry by reminding us that we are people people, and we understand the human elements of a problem that data can miss. Our industry is being disrupted but let’s not forget how to stay relevant. Victoria from KANTAR TNS spoke about how

the industry is losing relevance, technology is prevalent, but there are opportunities. The change in perspective presents new ways of analysing data e.g. mobile, social media and data mixing and we should consider using other channels to help tell our stories and predict outcomes.

Bart Langton from Ipsos talked about how

numbers will tell you one story, but be sure you have your

knowledge of human behaviour to focus on the real story. We should be “looking through machine learning eyes with behavioural science brains”. This process involves crunching numbers in different ways to discover insights but ensuring you are doing this through a lens of how humans truly behave.

AUTOMATION, DATA ANALYTICS AND OUR CHANGING INDUSTRY Using big data with the additional element of machine learning was the theme of Dr Will Koning’s presentation, where using a combination of numbers and science provides researchers with a powerful tool for deep data dives by providing context and purpose to the numbers. Their example of Pfizer (pharmaceuticals) using insurance data opened the doors to identifying tens of thousands of potential patients who needed more effective drug treatment.

Horst Feldhaeuser from Infotools ex-

plained the difference in the new buzzwords in research - automation, machine learning and AI, and gave some interesting examples of how these are being used in research behind the scenes. If automation helps to reduce time and cost, it leaves us doing more of the fun stuff around adding value in bringing insights to life.

CUSTOMER CENTRICITY A great example of staying relevant and moving with the times came from David Thomas from BNZ who explained how BNZ makes quick, bite sized changes across the business to deliver action and outcomes using LEAN, fast paced analytics.

Matt Meffan from Vision Critical talked about how companies can fail at becoming customer centric. Interaction with the customer is a key component of brand loyalty and successful companies need to continue to be customer centric in this digital environment. He spoke about their ability to reach consumers using digital platforms and directly interact with brands to build loyalty.

Glen Wright spoke about how Auckland Transport has got to know their customers by developing a model where they can understand the customer, make iterations, refine and evaluate quickly and efficiently to deliver outcomes. This has reduced the need to write long and complex briefs so now they go straight into the insights and start making action.

Luke McKeown explained how IAG has em-

bedded a customer centric approach within their organisation. Over the past 5 years IAG has gone from knowing little about their customer to creating a voice-of-the customer programme to better deliver on their customer promises. His key learnings are 1) You can’t rush being a customer-led organisation 2) Culture is king 3) Direct users feedback is confronting and 4) Be ready to pivot

Damian Willems and Maxime Lapeyre’s from NZTE presentation gave us an example of how

simply we can use available online tools to access and visualise data from websites. Using automation tools for refinement, you can access data via back doors of sources, such as from Yelp, and use that data to populate a geo-mapping tool, such as Carto to generate an interactive visualisation of data for you and your clients to use. Our access to data continues to grow. Researchers need to be adaptable to harvesting that data in useful ways and the barrier to adaptation for many is primarily our confidence and knowledge in technology rather than the existence of that data. 9

20/20 ‘PECHA KUCHA’ STYLE FINALISTS It’s always such a great way to end the day hearing from an amazing talent of young researchers! The four finalists blew us away with their passion and stories which were engaging and interesting.

Margaret Reid from ANZ talked about her job

Congratulations to Ishita Mendonsa from NeedScope who took out the winner’s title for her presentation on cultural appropriateness. See page 12 for her full paper.

in ensuring customer insights are understood within her organisation and are not just labelled as “good to know”. She took us through how her job takes her from the frontlines of the farming communities to the boardrooms of ANZ senior management and ensures that the customer is not forgotten along the way. Buy-in is important from all levels within the organisation to ensure credibility and trust in results and how they affect ANZ’s bottom line.

BEST PRACTICE ONLINE SAMPLING Derek from SSI took us through some examples of

having confidence in online participants, and a drift in and out of attention doesn’t reflect poor data quality. Instead he recommends we implement 2-3 strike rates and rather than disqualifying someone on one measure in an online survey, multiple factors need to be considered.

Catherine Hinder from Nielsen told her

story of a voluntary ambulance officer outside her 9 to 5, which presented similarities to research in that you can only try your best with the full information available to you, even though sometimes you might fail.

Michael Wells from TRA presented his recent

research into exploring the factors that contribute to better data quality on online panels. There is a misalignment of values using online panels, from respondents not being fairly compensated to them not being honest as they see their answers undervalued. There is an opportunity to realign our values by making an effort to increase data quality. Supplier best practices suggest sample and/or quality control management is crucial and the opportunity lies in placing proper value on these elements of the research.




Navneet Singh from Nielsen spoke about her journey in life, about accepting her Indian culture and understanding what that means to her as a Kiwi exploring the world.

Matt Bartlett from Auckland Council’s topic on the very relevant upcoming election persuaded us that the voting age should be lowered to 16 and that we need to do more to engage young people and get them to care enough to vote.



It was a great honour to be given the opportunity to induct and welcome a new Fellow to the Research Association. The unofficial definition of a Fellow is someone that you’d want on a deserted island surrounded by sharks with problems and a thirst for insight and answers. It was unanimously agreed amongst the Fellows that Karin Curran is some one you’d want on that island. Her commitment to the industry is renowned, her passion and knowledge of our core document – The Code of Conduct – is unrivalled. She fights for the rights of researchers to perform to best practice standards, she volunteers an extraordinary amount of her time to dealing with every question, every request for advice and also every instance of bad practice, to ensure our industry is one to be proud of. Her commitment and passion to her colleagues is something I’ve personally benefited from. It wouldn’t take much effort to find a plethora of researchers and like-minded people who have benefited greatly from working with or listening to her sage advice. Combine that with her personal attributes such as compassion, empathy, commitment to healthy debate and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge about the human condition and what makes people tick, and you have a worthy member of the Fellows of the Research Association. The industry is better for her involvement and long may it continue. Thank you Karin. You’ve made my career better and the industry I love, stronger.


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All human societies, tribes, religions, and nations have been influenced by others. Globalization, colonization, and the digital revolution are just some of reasons that we take on many aspects of different world cultures in our daily lives. The fact of the matter is that cultural appropriation occurs and is all around us. Let me tell you a little story. Many years ago, my IrishAmerican flat mate and I went to a Halloween party. She was dressed up in a sari she borrowed from me, and while she was feeling upbeat about the party, I was deeply uncomfortable with her 12


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choice. Yet, I remained silent. You might ask—why is it that I didn’t express my feelings to her? For many, like me, the discussion of cultural appropriation is too hard, too uncomfortable and too messy. Yet, in retrospect, I argue that while it is a difficult conversation, we really should discuss why appropriation can be offensive sometimes. So, what is cultural appropriation and why is it offensive? And why are some aspects of culture okay to share, while others not? The first thing to note is that, cultural appropriation is not the same as cultural exchange, where people share mutually with one another.

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Appropriation, by definition, occurs when there is a skewed power dynamic where members of a dominant culture take elements of another culture without permission. This use without permission is what further perpetuates the cycle of social and systemic oppression of minorities. Cultural appropriation is also quite different to assimilation and integration, which occurs, when a minority group must adopt facets of a dominant culture to survive. Minority or marginalized groups do not have the liberty or power to try on traditions for fun, particularly where adaption in a new place is a necessity.


A good way to envision this is to think about the Coachella music festival, where we routinely see concert goers wear bindis, Native-American headpieces and other ethnic or indigenous artifacts. Some might say—“it’s just a bit of fun and make up!” But apart from the permissions issue I mentioned earlier, it is often those who enjoy social and systemic privileges that tend to appropriate these ethnic symbols.

Another way to think about this double standard might be when we think of some of the ‘trends’ that are in vogue. We see the glamorization today of boxer braids and corn rows after the Kardashians have sported these on numerous occasions. But young black women with corn rows or boxer braids might have to fight for acceptance in certain sectors of society, where as a young European woman 14


might be admired for the same thing. Though it is often invisible, there are two sets of rules for how we might perceive the wearing of cultural artefacts. A key problem with this casual “dress up” is that it trivializes historical oppression—and in many cases this oppression has been violent and horrific, where the resulting trauma has lasted generations. Every time I see a fashion show where individuals have worn sacred Native American head pieces, or a product with ste

reotypical motifs or terms on it, I’m amazed at the blindness towards the history and oppression involved. When violence has targeted a group of people through genocide, slavery, or colonization, we must ask ourselves — Are we celebrating this dark history? Are we merchandising these horrific historical crimes for fun or profit? Or are we working to heal the damage from it?

A case in point is the NFL franchise The Washington Redskins. Despite many complaints and lawsuits that the use of the word “Redskins” was disparaging and reflective of white privilege, they have retained the name. The mascot used on the logo is incredibly racist as well. Closer to home, we see the use of the word Redskins on Nestle’s “Redskins” lollies which can be bought at any super market or convenience store. Without the right context, ethnic terms and symbols tell one dominant, stereotypical story about the ethnic group it is representing. And shockingly, in 2017 we are still representing cultural groups on merchandise in these incredibly one dimensional ways. In 2013, Nike also made this error when they launched collection inspired by indigenous ‘Pacific’ designs. When a huge, powerful multinational company co-opts indigenous art into one single generic category called ‘native art,’ it does not pay respect to the individual tribe or the indigenous artist. In fact, it ensures that we consume indigenous culture in a very superficial and transitory way. For many, this fleeting encounter with a product is the extent of the engagement they might have with another cultural group. The biggest issue with merchandising cultural symbols is that cultural property is a form of intellectual property. This is why in 2012, the Navajo Nation sued Urban Outfitters for illegally using the Navajo name on many of its products.

Urban Outfitters essentially ‘took’ and profited from Navajo motifs, which infringed upon the Navajo Nation trademark. In other words, just like we have geographical patents for location specific products like French Champagne, German Riesling, Darjeeling tea, Basmati Rice, and Bratwurst sausages etc., cultural symbols like art and music are also a form of wealth. Therefore, when we take ideas, practices and concepts without crediting its creators, it is essentially plagiarism.

on one of the ad’s issues: the protestors with curious signs like “Join the conversation.” A lot of inspiration for this ad campaign was apparently drawn from the Black Lives Matter movement. Yet the context of police brutality, the pain, and the violence that was the prime mover of the BLM movement was ignored.

I’d like to switch gears to something closer to home for me: Is Yoga cultural appropriation? In some ways, I argue that it can be. It doesn’t mean that people of all cultures cannot enjoy this ancient method of well-being and fitness– as long as we are aware of the roots of Yoga, its ties to Hinduism. This includes being aware of out of context symbols and words such as that random Ganesha statue in your yoga studio, or my pet peeve with the use of the word Namaste or Om improperly in a sentence. Often people will take a picture of themselves doing Yoga, and attach a #namaste. This is a highly perplexing phenomenon for me! #youknowwhoyouare

As market researchers, when we market to certain cultural and social mindsets, we really need to make sure that we do our homework into the historical oppression, the hidden cultural dynamics that are involved. When a particular issue is socially relevant, we may have the very best intentions in reflecting that social truth. However, for many people barriers like class, race or ethnicity means that they may not have the right tools to express a story that is not theirs to tell to begin with.

This lack of context is also something we see in Pepsi’s recent campaign featuring Kendal Jenner, which has now been taken off the air due to its numerous problems. Even a much loved brand like Pepsi is capable of terrible cultural blunders, and I want to focus

There is nothing wrong with borrowing from another cuisine, or dress or music if it is done with sensitivity and appreciation. But it is a problem when we speak for others, so we need to make sure that the stories we tell, reflect the voice of those involved.

And more importantly, we need to make sure that when we enjoy certain privileges we are not profiting from the blood, sweat, tears and the labour of those who have been oppressed. Thinking back to my flat mate who wore my sari with the best intentions. What would I say to her today? Perhaps I would tell her that what maybe a costume for some, is a matter of identity for those belonging to that culture. Artifacts and aspects from my social context, that are a part of my cultural history, aren’t meaningless clothes to be used for a game of dress-up. Many of my friends have worn saris with my guidance. Similarly, I wish she had asked me if it was the right context to wear a sari. I wish she had delved deeper into the craftsmanship, weave or style of the sari she was wearing. To summarize, avoiding offensive cultural appropriation is about obtaining permission. It is about getting the context right. It is about asking the question: Who has the right to portray and profit from a certain cultural symbol? It is about how a story gets framed, and who gets to tell that story. In other words, if we want to ‘appropriate appropriately’ we need to think about the dynamics of power, the issues of authentic ‘voice’ and most importantly, if we are being respectful. 15




Fiftyfive5 is responding to an evolution in the demand for social and government research from the private and public sector and has appointed Mathew Densten as Director, Social and Government. “Our social and government offer combine our consulting-led approach to research and proven track record in delivering tangible results for clients with Mathew’s expertise in social research bringing a unique social and government offer. Mathew will be Sydney based and will also work with our growing New Zealand office.” said Mark Sundquist, Partner, Fiftyfive5. For more details, CLICK HERE.

Congratulations to Angus & Associates who have been selected as a finalist in two prestigious industry awards programmes; the New Zealand Tourism Awards (previous category winners in both 2016 and 2015) and the international 2017 SSI Quest Awards. Read more HERE.

Congratulations to Colmar Brunton who won Bronze in ESOMAR’s global Research Effectiveness Award for 2017 in Amsterdam this month. Colmar Brunton was up against two U.S. heavyweights - tech giant Microsoft Corporation and the Advertising Benchmark Index (who partnered with the Association for National Advertising and Alliance for Family Entertainment for their entry). A great achievement - well done to everyone involved! Read more HERE.

The Clemenger Group New Zealand has acquired Perceptive Group to add data-driven marketing capabilities to its offering. Perceptive and Clemenger BBDO/Touchcast work alongside the group’s other marketing services including Colenso BBDO, 99, Raydar, BrandWorld, JustOne, Porter Novelli, Creative Activation, OMD, PHD and Dynamo. For more info CLICK HERE 17




udienceAND Targeting

Around two dozen members recently shared breakfast with Richard Thompson, CEO of KPEX. KPEX is locally sourced, sustainable and produced by a co-operative. It delivers what it says on the box and it’s affordable and available everywhere. Despite the description and the early morning start, KPEX is not a new brand of cereal, but a new way of buying and selling digital advertising. KPEX is short for the “Kiwi Premium Advertising Exchange”, established late last year in partnership by Fairfax Media, MediaWorks, NZME and TVNZ. It provides, for the first time, a pool of digital inventory for advertisers, with the combined scale delivering a competitive and locally focussed marketplace.



Source: KPEX Product Offering

So why was KPEX needed, how does it work and where is this going? First up, global ad spend continues to increase and while the growth of online is slowing somewhat, digital advertising is still responsible for most of that growth, particularly mobile advertising. As might be expected, Search (i.e. Google) and Social (i.e. Facebook) accounts for most of the digital advertising spend. Still, there’s a sizeable portion left over that is naturally fragmented – shared across a wide range of sites. It’s in this busy marketplace that KPEX plays, which is why it made sense for the big NZ players to work together rather than stand alone in the market. It also makes a more compelling proposition (and therefore a more valuable one) as local advertisers know their advertising


is being delivered alongside that of other reputable brands. All the websites covered by KPEX are local, and 70% of New Zealanders can be targeted – an attractive offer indeed. The goal is to deliver the right content to the right person at the right time. Although still more “shotgun” than “rifle” accurate, the job becomes easier the more data points there are for each individual, which is another good reason to collaborate. Richard provided the example of travel. While the fact that I have visited a travel site shows I may be interested in travel-related messages, it is only by looking at my other interests you can determine if I am more interested in a wine tour or a hiking adventure. For an advertiser to know what I’m really interested in they need more information. Which is where pooling multiple data points comes into its own. So, here’s the model. It’s a bit like TradeMe. On one hand, you have buyers, who want to set up house. On the other, you have sellers, with household items they want to turn into cash. In the middle, you have TradeMe, that brings the two together. The advertisers and media agencies are the buyers and the publishers are the sellers, with KPEX helping them to identify each other and the sale to go to the highest bidder. Of course, it’s not done one on one. The buyers work through a “demand side platform (DSP)” and the sellers through a “supply side platform (SSP)”, with the advertising exchange sitting between them fuelled by data and metrics. Programmatic advertising is here to stay – Richard predicts that 90% of digital advertising will flow programmatically within a decade. However, as with most frontiers, programmatic advertising is facing several challenges as the concept matures. The top three according to Richard are: regulation, the move to mobile and ad blocking. He is happier about regu-

lation than one might guess, seeing it as somewhat useful in keeping consumers onside with being delivered advertising they may otherwise resent. Mobile is a bigger issue, but that space is evolving rapidly. Mobile of course makes it harder to track the data that makes programmatic advertising work – but apps themselves are evolving to take care of this e.g. requiring log-ins for access. Annoying for users perhaps, but increasingly common – now you know why! Ad blocking is a fact of life, but programmatic advertising should help in reducing the need to block advertisements by improving relevance and usefulness. Acceptance of advertising should also improve as a result and the programmatic concept is set to expand from the digital world onto any number of connected devices as the “internet of things” grows. KPEX is moving to keep ahead of the curve, both technologically and by evolving its proposition and services. Richard challenged the researchers present to look for ways to join the advance – adding research-generated data to the mix of data points for mutual benefit. He suggested we think of the implications of programmatic advances for research. Programmatic requires data-driven marketing, but it must be the right type of data with the right type of mindset – driven by understanding the individuals not the media context. He also challenged us as researchers to adopt a predictive mindset – asking questions about the future rather than the past. For example, thinking about campaign optimisation rather than campaign assessment, thinking about the targetable preferences that customers are most likely to respond to rather than defining brand positioning and being much more specific about media measurement (not just looking at correlations with sales but specifically which message on which screen at which time delivers best). It may not be cereal, but it is food for thought indeed.







Curiosity hasn’t killed this research cat, not so far. Duncan has been a researcher since 1993 and he continues to do the late nights and worried sleeps endemic in our profession. His strategy has always been: spend 20% of your working life learning truly new stuff and trying new things. He is both a Fellow and a Life Member of RANZ.



THE BOOK OF HUMAN EMOTIONS The Book Of Human Emotions by Tiffany Watt Smith is a kind of dictionary or checklist, and de scribes itself as an e n c y c l o p a e d i a of feeling, from anger to wanderlust. While I wouldn't rate it as an essential book to add to your research library, it does provide an interesting and en tertaining refresher course about our complicated species. Watt Smith manages to remind us of the immense subtlety of human emotions - and in this respect I can see the book being of most use to qualitative researchers, or text analysts, as they seek to describe nuances coming out of their research. Is anger quite the word to describe the mood of the electorate? Maybe seething rage is closer? Under each entry she writes a delightful potted history of the emotion question, or provides vivid examples of where and how the emotions are felt. She does this with immense humour; and I for one, fell for her neat little trick when I looked up Exasperation. At that point the encyclopaedia tells you to see under Frustration. When you get to Frustration, the book tells you to look up under Exasperation. You know the feeling.



This isn't a new book, and has been published multiple times since 1996 when psychologist and author Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi pronounced six cent me hal yee) published the results of what was an extensive university study into the hearts and minds of more than 100 exceptional

individuals. What made these people exceptional? How come they were so creative? What was their secret? The study was carefully designed to ensure it was a balance by gender and by cultural background, in order that the conclusions might be considered more universal than, say, if the study had merely focused on a dozen hotshots from Silicon Valley. Creativity is a beautifully written book, and very accessible though you may wish to skip the 30 pages of footnotes at the end. The author breaks the volume to three parts. The first part covers the creative process, and he discusses the personalities, sense of flow and the creative surroundings that help enhance the process of coming up with brand-new ideas. It is more complex than those David Brentish ‘let’s workshop some ideas’ executives might imagine. In the second section, the author examines closely his sample of creative people, looking at their backgrounds and telling the oftensurprising stories of the later years of these exceptional individuals. These is a gleeful quality of the writing here, and, as the author explains, there is a certain amount of voyeurism involved in asking eminently creative people about their lives. "It is a little like watching celebrity shows like lifestyles of the rich and famous, where one is allowed to peak behind the facade into the living rooms and bedrooms of people who we envy from afar." The story he tells here are fascinating. Finally in the third section of the book, the author explores what he calls the domains of creativity. Here, he looks at creativity as applied to different avenues of human endeavour including the work of writers, planners and the people who shape our culture. There's a lot of big picture thinking here and plenty of lessons and insights. And there is a role for researchers too, I believe. Listen to Csikszentmihalyi as he describes the traits of creative people. He boils these down to 2 opposed tendencies: first a great deal of curiosity and openness, and secondly an almost obsessive perseverance. "Both of these have to be present for a person to have fresh ideas and then to make them prevail." Curiosity and perseverance: sounds like most researchers I know. Well recommended. 23

Ross Pearce, Programme Manager at Callaghan Innovation has assisted many companies across Australasia to commercialise their know-how and deliver improved commercial results through good innovation and design practice. In November’s Professional Development Event, Ross will educate us on ‘The Hunt for Value’. Against this backdrop, businesses must master innovation craft and discipline in order to create sustainable and profitable growth while avoiding terminal market disruptions. Ross’ presentation will explore the innovation challenges facing New Zealand business survival and growth over the next decade, where due to the increasing rate of change and big bang disruptions foresighting and predictive analytics are becoming more important than historic analysis.

When: Wednesday, 15 November 2017 Time: TBC Location: NZ Marine, 85 Westhaven Drive, Westhaven Cost: $49 RANZ Members $69 Non-members Group discounts available.

To register your interest, please CLICK HERE





HAVE YOU CHECKED OUT THE GRBN LEARNING CENTRE YET? Earlier this year RANZ quietly launched a great new member benefit – discounted access to the GRBN learning centre, suitable for researchers at all levels. This is an online learning portal, providing access to online training courses and webinars created by national associations, regional federations and GRBN. The portal has been launched with content from AMSRS (Australia), CASRO (USA), MRIA (Canada) and MRS (UK), so it brings together the best material for your research development needs from all over the world, and makes it accessible to you here in New Zealand.

Whether you’re a qual or quant researcher, there will be something of interest here for you, so check out what’s on offer by clicking through the link on the RANZ website. There’s an opportunity to review a selection of the webinars for free, and all RANZ members are entitled to a 30% discount off the price of webinars and 15% off courses, making this an affordable and convenient training option.

Discount codes are available by emailing: Claire Lloyd 25












hy surveytainment? Sounds like a soft metric – but actually it’s all about improving the very real and meaningful one of ROI. Has that got your attention? I recently invested 40 minutes to watch a webinar called “Better Survey Design for Higher ROI”. This was presented by Betty Adamou and shared by the MRS in the UK via the GRBN Learning Centre. Betty is the CEO and Founder of a business called “Research Through Gaming” – that was enough to pique my interest. As Betty notes at the start of the session, participant engagement is an issue for our industry, affecting response rates and data quality – and that means time and cost. I would argue it also means reliability and replicability – two other cornerstones of best practice. This seminar is not about gamification but about what Betty calls surveytainment. It turns out this encompasses the largely common-sense but often overlooked first principles of putting the user at the centre of the experience – in this case designing online surveys with those who will be answering it in mind. Betty has produced a list of 16 issues that “traditional” online surveys present – each of them challenges for us to overcome if we want to improve engagement (and lift our ROI). You’ll need to watch the seminar yourself to see the list, but I assure you there are few surprises. Not responding to the growing use of mobile devices, not meeting the expectations of digital natives and not addressing declining response rates all make the list.


Furthermore, she takes the concept of engagement a step further to those of us putting the surveys together – how often have you actually been bored with your own work?! This is a constructive webinar and the second half focuses on 10 steps you can take to improve engagement. This is where the common-sense comes in. There’s probably nothing on the list that you couldn’t come up with yourself, but it’s a nice summary of things to think about, especially if you have the ability to make changes beyond what the standard survey template suggests. Small things like aligning the “next” button under the question to minimise user effort, removing visual elements that distract the eye from the question, focussing questions on what you really need to know and removing words that aren’t needed, and thinking about where graphics can replace words are all included among Betty’s suggestions. Her webinar helpfully includes visual demonstrations for each point she makes, and a summary of the benefits delivered by each. The webinar closes with an appeal to researchers to consider the possibilities of artificial and augmented realities as research opportunities. For example, holding your smartphone over a product which then brings up a question for you to answer about it – or perhaps shows you an alternative pack design for evaluation. In summary, a good investment of my 40 minutes. It’s all too easy to focus on what the client wants and what we need for our data analysis plans and to relegate user experience to third place. I’d recommend this webinar to you. Next on my watch list will be Betty’s follow-on seminar “An Introduction to Game-Based Research Methods” – also available via the GRBN Learning Centre. 27





trends for 1


Why New Zealand is one of the world’s 3 most digitally advanced countries

market research

Scientists have worked out how to make more people choose carrots and other healthy vegetables, and to take bigger portions while they’re at it. It’s all to do with sexy names.

How do you measure a country’s digital advancement? The World Economic Forum has given it a shot, with the help of several impressive boffins, coming up with the Digital Evolution Index. New Zealand is among the top ranked countries, along with Singapore and UAE. How come? We keep our eyes on the horizon and foot on the innovation pedal.

Coming from a background in marketing and market research, Sue Cardwell now looks after customer experience and insight at Public Trust. “5 trends” is her regular contribution to InterVIEW. Sue helped relaunch InterVIEW in 2011, but is now happy to have handed the magazine on to fresh talent. She loves to hear your comments - tell her what you think with a tweet.

The scientists showed that healthysounding options are perceived to taste less good, whereas indulgentsounding options tickle our tastebuds and get people eating what they should. A lesson for all of us: sell with seduction rather than science.

We have widespread access to fast internet, and we’ve moved away from cash in favour of the digital economy. Crucially, we combine private investment with policy-led initiatives - digital advancement is part of the political debate, unlike in places like the US. But it could all end in an instant.

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By Sue Cardwell @tuesdaysue 30 InterVIEW SEPTEMBER 2017

A rose by any other name: renaming the carrots of desire


If you’re poor, you’ve no chance (unless you’re a Finn)


Is smoking disappearing? Perhaps. For the Brits, the solution is vaping, while the Swedes are switching to oral tobacco. That’s nothing compared to Finland, which has launched an ambitious and wide-ranging programme to eradicate the lot - it will be fascinating to watch which of their many measures work best. Sadly, cigarette advertising is now focused on a vulnerable target: the poor. This fab analysis says that smoking isn’t on the political class’ radar: they hardly see smokers anymore and anti-smoking education is disappearing. But without smoking, the difference in life expectancy between educated and uneducated shrinks significantly. Well worth a look! Share this on LinkedIn

The solution to homelessness that no one wants to believe in

The OECD has reported not only that New Zealand has one of the highest levels of homelessness, but that NZ homelessness has increased significantly in the last two censuses*. Many approaches have been tried globally to combat homelessness, but the solution that works will surprise and confront you. It is to give the homeless a home - with no prerequisites, and no questions asked. This feels like enabling something that should be earned. But the people involved stayed out of crime and had reduced health needs. It actually cost much less to give them a home than have them be homeless. Read the incredible solution that shouldn’t work, but does. Tweet this!


From black box to glass box: corporate transparency “When a business was a black box, the brand was whatever was painted on the outside. Now that a business is a glass box, the brand is everything. Every person. Every process. Every value.” We’ve known for a while that brands ought to be consistent across touchpoints, but this idea is more radical. Brands begin deep inside businesses, and not with what we choose, but with how employees feel. What was once backroom is now our window display. If that idea doesn’t scare you, perhaps it ought to. Share this on LinkedIn


60 Xxxx


FRIDAY NIGHT DRINKS? MEET ME AT: The Friday night after the RANZ conference was a much quieter affair than the night before! But normally you’ll find me at Fork and Brewer and then on to Danger Danger. I GET STRESSED OUT BY: Slow walkers on Lambton Quay. Keep to the left 22 InterVIEW 32 InterVIEWJanuary SEPTEMBER 2015 2017

and don’t stop in the middle. Road rules apply! TO RELAX, I: Do a shift as an ambulance officer. I know it seems counter-intuitive but it forces me to look outside of what is going on in my daily life and puts things in perspective. THE MUSIC I’M LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW IS: Acoustic covers of pop songs – think Sia’s Chandelier only with a piano. LAST GOOD BOOK / ARTICLE / PODCAST: Scarcity – Sendhil Mullainathan & Elder Shafir. It has influenced my thinking around the pressures low-income households face and it explains some




Laura Dowdall-Masters From: Research Mgr, The Navigators To: Snr Advisor, Wellington City Council Laura Dowdall-Masters is explanding her research experience with a client-side move to Wellington City Council as a Senior Advisor in the Research and Evaluation team.

Rachel Pita From: ‘Insights & Planning Mgr, Maori TV To: Group Account Director, Colmar Brunton Rachel is excited to rejoin Colmar Brunton after a 3 year client side break as Insights & Planning Manager at Maori Television. She joins Colmar as Group Account Director where she leads the AA Insurance, Auckland Council and Fonterra accounts in the quantitative team.

Penelope Edwards From: Project Manager, TNS NZ To: Cust. Insights Assistant, Vector Ltd Penelope has joined the team at Vector and is enjoying being more involved in quantitative research including data analysis and reporting on Vector’s customer insights.

Kavindi Gunarathna From: Snr Client Exec, Colmar Brunton To: Insights Manager at Spark

potential factors in financial decision-mak-

Kavindi is excited to move client-side and is looking forward to using her research & insights knowledge to deliver customer and business outcomes. She is going to lead Spark’s VOC programme to drive initiatives across the business.

ing that I hadn’t previously considered. MY DREAM HOLIDAY IS: To spend 6 months split between the Andes and Amazon. I’ve just come back from a few weeks in South Peru and Bolivia. The Uyuni Salt Flat is a place I’ll never forget.

Sue Cardwell From: Snr Projects & Brand Mgr, Fidelity Life To: Customer Experience Mgr, Public Trust Sue Cardwell joined Public Trust as Brand & Customer Experience Manager in August. Sue brings a wealth of experience from her days at Fidelity Life, Infotools and Ipsos, and is looking forward to leading her team on a journey of customer-centricity at Public Trust.

MY BEST (OUTSIDE MR) JOB WAS: Making Easter eggs at the Cadbury factory in Dunedin. It was my job to put the chocolate buttons inside the hollow eggs and then melt the two halves together.

Alyssa Lee From: Research Manager, Buzz Channel To: Cust. Exp. Insights Lead, Vodafone Alyssa joins the team at Vodafone as a Customer Experience Insights lead. 33











At our third event of the year, RANZ Social hosted a fun and interactive young researcher workshop to get the perspective of those researchers who have been in the industry between 1-3 years. We discussed some of the challenges and opportunities that our industry is facing as well as discussing some things we could learn from other industries, such as IT and hospitality. It was a great opportunity for many of us to catch up, meet new people and most importantly have a good time. Congratulations to Anastasia Coward-Morton who won the award for best presenter of the night! Anastasia is currently studying at the University of Auckland and is keen to expand her networks and meet new friends with a similar passion for market research.

Thanks to the event sponsors, the University of Auckland and NeedScope. We’d also like to say a big thank you to everyone who has attended our RANZ Social events this year, and to all the agencies that have supported us from the very start. We greatly appreciate it and we continue to receive positive feedback from everyone that attends. See you at the Xmas party (more details to be confirmed shortly)! Nicholl Oblitas-Costa and the RANZ Social team 35

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