Platnium Partner March 2018
Countdown to RAEAWARDS RANZ Strategic Review News from Wellington Reclaiming space and voice in organisations
5 TRENDS FOR MARKET RESEARCHERS with Sue Cardwell WHAT’S NEW IN WELLINGTON? exciting changes to the 2018 Census with Vince Galvin
60 SECONDS with Rachel Prendergast
PD EVENT REVIEW: Building better insights
Nicola Legge RANZ Board Member
Hello and welcome to this issue of InterVIEW. I have an $84,400 question for you. I’ve just filled in my online census form – participating in the country’s largest survey project and one of the few that’s entirely fact-based. While indirectly contributing to decision-making, my line of codes is unlikely to influence anyone; but we already had THAT survey last September, no doubt with a considerably lower response rate. It’s been a brave move on a large and very public scale to put the census online. I wonder if online voting will be next? The census provides an interesting opportunity to think about the risks and benefits for everyone involved. What are people looking for? Where does the sentiment of the majority lie? How many care enough to really engage? The Board here at RANZ grapples with similar questions. As part of the strategic review currently underway, we will receive some help. Aside from that stream of work there’s a lot of other planning going on behind the scenes right now. Your Comms Team (for which I am the board liaison) has a big year ahead. Please keep an eye out for InterimVIEW, as this is our main way of keeping in touch with you. We use InterimVIEW for announcements of interest about our own association as well as from the wider “insights ecosystem”. Feel free to send us items you’d like to see
included. We try to include links to relevant articles and event announcements on a regular fortnightly cycle. In addition, we produce InterVIEW each quarter, and are open to submissions from members. When we have important, interesting or time sensitive news to share, you’ll see Facebook and LinkedIn posts. We also support the website, to which there have been a few enhancements added recently and more to come, so check it out. Our team is further responsible for promoting RANZ benefits such as the GRBN relationship (including the Learning Centre) and QPMR accreditation, recently made available to RANZ members. There’s a plan for each – so a lot going on at RANZ behind the scenes. And the $84,400 question? There are 84,400 seconds in a day. If we convert to $1 per second we arrive at $84,400. OK, so we don’t get paid that much – but what is our time worth and how do we maximise it? An individual RANZ membership is $150 for a year. So that’s maybe a couple of hours per member that are “covered” by the sub. We do so much more than the numbers would lead you to believe! Clearly the economics are questionable, so RANZ runs on crowd-sourcing. I’m proud to be associated with a group that is professionally presented and oriented. My question is whether or not you have anything in your piggy-bank of time or connections to help out? Please give it some thought – all contributions are welcome!
Better as One Research Now SSI has almost 60 years of combined leadership experience and innovation. Together we provide world-class research data solutions for more than 3,500 market research, consulting, media and corporate clients. | Š 2018 Research Now Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Written by Sue Cardwell
Coming from a background in marketing and market research, Sue Cardwell now looks after customer experience and insight at Public Trust. “5 trends” is her regular contribution to InterVIEW. Sue helped relaunch InterVIEW in 2011, but is now happy to have handed the magazine on to fresh talent. She loves to hear your comments - tell her what you think with a tweet. 1. Hygge - the Danish obsession with getting cosy It’s pronounced ‘hoo-ga’ and you’ll be hearing more about this trend of caring for yourself. But hygge is not a meditative practice like mindfulness. It’s about tangible physical comfort instead - think of a fireside, the softest knitted sweater, a good book, a homemade cake… It’s everything that gives you comfort. Brands from bakeries to home decor stores are celebrating the Hygge trend, and we can expect more pampering to come.
2. Coffee with milk and two shoes Shared retail spaces and surprising brand alliances are all the rage these days. Take the recording studio inside Nando’s, or Shinola’s multi-brand retail space as community hub. Or closer to home: Kiwi success story Allbirds merino shoes now has a pop-up appearance inside equally iconic Coco’s Cantina on Auckland’s K Road. What does it mean? For Allbirds, it’s a lean entry into a store environment. Nando’s benefits from the edgier cachet this gives the familyfavourite brand. Shinola tempts hipsters to linger in their environment with offerings which don’t cannibalise their own (unlike a classic department store). Whether for audience access, to change brand perceptions or piloting a new distribution model, brands will be looking for ways to measure the value delivered by these unlikely alliances. Tweet this
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The Smile Newsstand in Shinola’s Tribeca store. (Nicholas Steever)
3. Auckland 2.0 Auckland is already more diverse than London and New York, with 39% of its population born overseas. Auckland’s population will surpass two million in the early 2020s, and most of the increase will be new New Zealanders, without the Kiwi brand attachments of those who have grown up here. Many already feel Auckland is different from the rest of New Zealand; it will become more, so as most migrants settle in our nation’s largest city. Brands hoping to make meaning for New Zealanders will need an Auckland strategy that is different to what they do elsewhere. We can also expect new brands to appear, those who have or can create meaning for the new New Zealanders. Share this on LinkedIn
4. Blockchain - the new internet? Remember when Wikipedia became mainstream? Suddenly the different versions of stories - whether due to political differences or something else - became transparent. At any given point in time, there was one version of the truth, and changes through time could be traced. This is the impact that blockchain technology has for financial transactions. One version of the truth. History is never deleted, only added to, in an indelible record. Nobody and no country or firm is in charge of the network as a whole, and everywhere the record is the same. Blockchain was invented for cryptocurrency transactions, so why does it matter for brands and those who curate them?
There are many applications, but perhaps the most immediate is the black box of where we spend our advertising dollar. Blockchain brings accountability and trust via secure and inviolable smart contracts. Read about other blockchain terminology we’ll soon be hearing. Tweet this
5. A girl’s best friend is her money If I told you to picture an investor, you’d be forgiven for picturing a white man. As I write this, it’s International Women’s Day and it seems that women’s economic power is holding them back at least as much as the sexual abuse highlighted in the #metoo movement. But although women make great investors and need greater retirement savings, few invest. Enter Kiwi startup Sharesies. It’s an investment platform with low barriers to entry, so anyone could feel empowered to give investing a try. It’s not the cheapest or most diverse DIY investment platform, but it has a lot of features that new investors will like, such as ethical investment options. Share this on LinkedIn
R A N Z S T R AT E G I C R E V I E W Survey results provide direction
he RANZ strategy steering group invited all RANZ members to participate in a survey during February 2018, with 168 members who shared their views with us. It was designed to be a highly qualitative exercise – and by heavy use of open ended questions garnered 27,000 words of wisdom from RANZ members painting a picture of the changing face of our industry and the needs of members. There is deep concern that traditional research providers are being quickly surpassed by new technology driven start-ups, and the decade-long rise of Big Data. ‘I managed to annoy a few members by forcing responses to some open-enders,’ says Duncan Stuart who authored the questionnaire, ‘but I’d have done the same in a face to face interview – sometimes by probing harder we get real gold. The steering group wanted more than a glib NPS type of approach.” The survey is part of the strategy steering group’s wider listening exercise including face to face interviews with members, SME business owners and other related stakeholders in the future of the profession.
One theme to emerge in the survey is the difference in opinions held by younger versus more senior members of the association, and a feeling that the older guard tend to overdominate the activities of RANZ. There’s a strong desire to inject fresh voices and new ideas into the dialogue and to make the association more of a thought-leader. There’s also a strong desire for RANZ to do things with more proactive energy and genuine excitement. One thing is for sure - members love the field of work they’re in, and what they need is an association that reflects this passion. The steering committee's insights have been shared with the board, who will be meeting to assess the implications for the strategic plan and prepare for member consultation. Two further rounds of formal member consultation are planned with the overall plan being the main matter of the 19th of June AGM. Still TBC, we aim to hold a member’s meeting in May to discuss the main themes and Board recommendations.
Written by Duncan Stuart
n one of those balmy summer days in late January, Roz Calder headed to a local bar just a few metres from the NeedScope office. She planned to celebrate her retirement from NeedScope International by sharing a few drinks with a few colleagues. Nothing big. To greet her were more than 100 colleagues and clients creating a kind of ‘This is Your Life’ moment for the unflappable Roz who shared memories of her early days in the industry – starting off in a small research office within Reckitt & Colman and moving to Research International, then Heylen before setting up (with her partner Michael Cook) Focus Research, which evolved into NeedScope International which serves a blue chip portfolio of major global brands.
companies – the move relied on self-belief mixed with more than a little bravado. “They were exciting days” Roz told the audience. Guests offered their anecdotes about working with Roz and then there was one more surprise when Winifred Henderson got up to speak – she announced that Roz Calder has, in fact, been made as a Life Member of RANZ. A fitting tribute to someone who has invested so much energy into the association and was a mover and shaker in the profession since her first involvement in her 20s. Congratulations Roz!
It was the gamble of setting up Focus that Roz says was the highlight of her career. She and Michael mortgaged everything to bankroll the start-up company, and for three months backed themselves that things would turn out. In hindsight, the success of Needscope may look pretty self-evident, but in 1994 – and up against a list of well-established competitor research 9
Written by Vince Galvin
InterVIEW would like to welcome Vince Galvin, our RANZ Board member from Stats NZ, as our Wellington correspondent. Vince will keep us updated on news from down in Wellington. In this first feature , Vince focuses on the 2018 Census of Population and Dwellings, which took place on Tuesday 6th of March. Here he explains some of the issues that were on his radar heading into Census day. This article was written ahead of the Census.
Collecting Data over the Internet his will be the third Census that has had an option to supply data over the internet. In 2006 about 7% of the forms were supplied over the internet, and this increased to 34% in the 2013 Census. In both these cases we essentially used the traditional approach of knocking on the door and dropping off Census materials. As you may be aware of, one of the most significant changes with the 2018 Census is that we are aiming to collect 70% of respondent information online.
Every household in New Zealand has been sent an access code to complete their Census online, with paper forms still available for those who prefer them. Our testing has given us the confidence that a large proportion of New Zealanders will respond without us having to visit their dwellings, enabling us to devote more attention and energy to maximising the responses we can get from the rest of the community. The Content of the 2018 Census If you have been following the media coverage you will have seen that there was some controversy about what content has been included, modified and excluded. If you are a regular user of census data, you will see that this was a lot to get your head around, and the reasons we gave for all our choices can be viewed on the Stats NZ website. The Engagement Strategy This is tempting fate, but if there is any “insider” information in this article it is that our efforts to engage with the “hard to reach” populations has gone better than usual in 2018. If you are a devoted fan of our Census coverage reports (there may be some?!), you will know that the 97% coverage that we estimate from the Post Enumeration Survey can hide larger coverage issues in some sub-groups.
We have always made extensive efforts to maximise coverage (Census night barbecues for the homeless, relationships with diverse community groups and material available in over 20 languages) but this time we have built extensive relationships with some key influencers in these communities. The presentations on what have been achieved look fantastic and we are very hopeful about the impact this will have on coverage. Looking after information What hasn’t changed is that when individuals take part in this year’s census, either online, or by paper, they can rest assured that Stats NZ have safeguards and procedures in place to make sure information is secure and remains confidential. Building a system that’s ready We know that all of these changes need to be supported by systems that are very different from those that we have used before so it is hosted on the Common Web Platform, a service that allows New Zealand government agencies to create and host safe and secure websites. When individuals complete the census, their information is encrypted and can only be unlocked once it is received by Stats NZ systems. When Stats NZ receives their data,
responses to questions are stored in data centres within the Government private cloud. When can users expect to access the 2018 Census Data? The first release of the 2018 Census data is due in early October 2018. This release will include population and occupied dwelling counts at the national level, regional council, territorial authority, local boards, and the new statistical area level 2 (SA2) level geography including changes since the last census. The first release responds to customer needs for early census data and also acts a thank-you to the public for their contribution. In December 2018, the second release of data will be published and customised data requests can be run. Following this, General and Māori electorates are announced in late 2018/early 2019 along with a phased release of products during 2019. For more information about the 2018 Census, head to our website
Are we doing enough?
Written by Ishita Mendonsa
couple of months ago, towards the end of Friday night work drinks, two other colleagues and I remained. We were each at different points in our life and career, and yet when everyone had left and enough wine had been consumed, we felt safe and able to share a few of our challenges as women in the workplace. The honesty and vulnerability of the personal stories shared has lingered with me. What made that particular place, space and time, safe enough to share these stories? As we witness the #MeToo movement unfold, seismic shifts in normative gender roles have occurred. Ripples from this social media earthquake have been felt in many industries, but most visibly in entertainment. The power of celebrity voices in the movement has had other tangible effects such as the restoration of voice and agency to victims of sexual assault, aggression, and harassment. But what does this mean for women in the workplace? In New Zealand, there have been significant shifts in women’s participation in the workforce since the 1970’s. Since then work has been done to further gender parity in organisations but as most professional women will tell you, the patriarchy is still rampant in many organisations. And these effects are often implicit and invisible. For instance, despite these shifts, in many families responsibilities
and behaviours continue to follow traditional sex-role stereotypes where women continue to bear the onus of ‘care’; and in many work places women with families struggle to find the support they need to advance in their careers. There are also times when a "loud" voice, a competitive persona, having a strong identity can sometimes be conflated with "bossiness" or being too brash. Why did these colleagues and I discuss deeply personal life stories? I think it had something to do with the interpersonal transaction in that moment, being stripped of the organisational power dynamics. The expression of empathy may have had something to do with it too. There was no judgment, no repercussion, and only a sense of validation felt. I have also noticed that discussions among women tend to be distinct and different in nature and content to the discussions in mixed-gender or all-male groups. In her article about safe places for African American women, Olga Davis (1999) had similar observations. She noticed that the kitchen (among other locations) inadvertently served as a place of resistance—a place where white authority could be challenged, creativity and community nurtured, and black women could assert their own power in ways specific to them. In other words, despite the historical subjugation of women in general and black women, the kitchen was used as a positive place of survival, sustenance, and agency. Although the gender dynamics of NZ society may not reflect the same histories, realities, or struggles, my observations attest to the fact that at the very least, exclusively female spaces are likely offer some sense of solidarity. Women use supportive spaces to discuss emotions and experiences that stem from a female-centric view of the world. While researchers such as Paul Ekman have established that humans have certain basic emotions which may be universal, we also have subjective cultural experiences which give rise to unique emotional expressions and
experiences (Evans, 2008). Given that identities are multidimensional, the complex interweaving of cultural stimuli, personal emotional triggers, social circumstances, and other subjective elements, in turn, precipitate the production of complex feelings. Historically, women have not always been able to discuss these complex feelings for fear of negative feedback or more extreme reactions, or perhaps because they feel compelled to fulfil certain gender role expectations in their lives or communities.
Safe spaces are a metaphor for change and empowerment, but there is no universal approach to safety. Organisations and communities must recognize that in order for employees to feel truly empowered, unique approaches must be developed towards solving identified issues. Safe spaces can serve as inspirational places, where social isolation is decreased, silos are broken down, and where people can feel free to express their diverse individualities.
The original founder of the #MeToo movement, Tarana Burke talked about how the basis of the movement was to foster connection, and show empathy. Moreover, as Burke herself tweeted last October, “The point of the work we’ve done over the last decade…is to let women, particularly young women of color know that they are not alone”. In organisations, when women’s diverse feelings do not support existing social or gender structures, they “are frequently seen as threatening” (Spender, 1992, p. 57) to the status quo, and as a result, their voices may be suppressed, and they may not be supported in their milieu of their culture.
So I leave you with this line of inquiry—what are we doing to foster spaces of connection, empathy and validation for women in the workplace? Are organisations doing enough to foster physical, symbolic and emotional construction of safe spaces where women come together in spontaneous or organised ways? And most importantly—are adequate efforts being made to help women, particularly women of colour feel comfortable in their experiences, and confident enough to have a voice?
In the workplace, according to Jeffrey, Beswick and Meade (2015), safe spaces can be avenues for the ‘unlearning’ of sexism and allow managers delve into the barriers that prevent an inclusive work environment. An interesting point that was made in this study was that safe spaces can aid self-reflexivity and learning, where the sharing of stories that were previously unheard can generate insights that help to facilitate a more equal environment. In truly listening to female employees, and the barriers and challenges they face, safe spaces can allow for a departure from a classically competitive work force that is focussed on success, and allow for the cultivation of wellbeing.
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Ishita a qualitative researcher working with NeedScope International (Kantar) in the areas of Consumer Behavioural Insights and Brand Communications. Her background involves a decade of research/ teaching in the areas of Interpersonal Communication, Intercultural Communication (Race, Gender, Identity), Public Speaking & Qualitative Research Methods. In 2017 Ishita won the RANZ 20/20 competition, and she has previously been awarded the International Journal of Diversity's Graduate Scholar of the Year award. 13
To relax, I: Enjoy yoga, pilates, dance, creative writing and taking our puppy for a walk. InterVIEW is coming to dinner. I’m cooking: Pizza and Greek Salad or maybe a Thai chicken curry instead. The music I’m listening to right now is: Ed Sheeran in preparation for his concert or French Cafe or Bosa Nova style music. Last good book / article / podcast: The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doer.
achel is Communications Manager at Harmonic Analytics. Her business experience includes marketing and communications roles in New Zealand and the UK, including TelstraClear, NTL (London), Lexis Nexis Butterworths and Fujitsu New Zealand. She lives in Wellington with her family including two children, a tabby cat and a Japanese Spitz puppy. Chilled out weekend brunch? Meet me at: Cafe Du Park - outside relaxing amongst the trees. Maybe after a walk up Mt Kaukau. Special night out? We’re going to: A NZ Arts Festival show. Usually dance based. Dinner at the Cuba Street night market beforehand. I get stressed out by: Lots of noise (unless it’s a concert!)
My dream holiday is: I love travelling. 6 months in Europe with my family would be great with a stop to explore Vietnam on the way. An ideal weekend: Walking down Oriental Parade in the sunshine with my family, collecting shells on the beach, followed by lunch or gelato. Dinner and an arts festival show. People who have inspired me recently: Lloyd Jones for his writing and latest book ‘The Cage’. Reece Witherspoon for proactively creating opportunities and producing successful film and television projects. Michelle Obama and Jacinda Adern for being strong and sticking to their beliefs. The best thing I’ve learnt in my career is: Back yourself and have confidence. A portfolio career can be creative and interesting – developing a mix of business skills (beyond your core interests) opens up more opportunities. 14
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WA K E - U P
22 MARCH 2018
his was a different style of event for RANZ, and it brought bleary-eyed early morning attendees in droves. The sharp delivery on challenging topics soon woke us up, and the debate continued long after the presentations. Every corner of the room was keen to contribute to the discussion.
Another approach was more daring. Simon Curran of Shine showed a healthy disdain for waiting for permission and alignment of stakeholders. Insights don’t belong to research agencies, and we can break down the barriers of a high price tag. He felt the responsibility, he explained, of recommending clients undertake research - one he doesn’t take lightly.
RANZ, surely, has achieved its goal here. Not only did the event engage members, but it also pushed into the open an important if challenging debate for the industry.
Yet collaboration was a common thread. Kate’s presentation centred on involvement of stakeholders in and outside of the business, while Camryn extolled collective understanding as foundational to insight usability, and Simon spoke of the need to act as a community of consultants, clients, and researchers without divisions when speed is of the essence.
Collaboration, speed and minimalism The themes running through the speakers’ presentations were collaboration, speed and minimalism. We heard how insights can (and should) be delivered quicker than before - in a world obsessed with design thinking, rapid prototyping and agile methodologies. As the old adage goes, perfection is the enemy of good - and “a good insight that drives action is much better than a perfect insight which goes nowhere”, Kate Thomas of Spark pointed out energetically. Go boldly, or go together? On one hand, the presenters valued being considered, and considerate. “If an insight isn’t right for the organisation today, bank it”, suggested Kate. Camryn Brown of EY continued the theme, discussing how we can understand stakeholders to engage them in better conversations about insights.
Some of the fascinating ideas I learned at this event: • Immersive rooms as a way of observing people’s real (vs stated) interests. (via Simon Curran) • Most organisations lack sufficient collective understanding. To attain this, we need to blend what is known with what is not known - introduce context first. (via Camryn Brown) • Insights teams can be agile - though you need to work around the short-term thinking that might result from 2-week sprints. (via Kate Thomas) This first professional development event of 2018 was spicy food for thought as well as adding to the insights practitioner’s arsenal of approaches. May the rest be every bit as good!
Simon Curran Click to play video
Kate Thomas Click to play video
Camryn Brown
QPMR ACCREDITATION GET THE QUALITY MARK RANZ members are now eligible to get the Qualified Practising Market Researcher (QPMR) accreditation. 3+ years industry experience and a practical research assignment.
Join the QPMR scheme as an international member for $220NZD.
Meet the eligibility requirements and submit the QPMR application and self-assessment form along with a current resume. Researchers on both client and agency side are invited to participate.
Once approved to undertake the QPMR assessment complete a practical research assignment in response to a prepared research brief within 14 days. Submit the brief along with a signed Statutory Declaration stating that you did not consult another person when completing the practical assignment.
Pass the research practical assignment and be awarded QPMR accreditation. Receive the QPMR mark (see below) and a PDF QPMR certificate.
To maintain your accreditation, keep learning and developing professionally, and submit a yearly QPMR diary outlining your professional development activities over the previous 12 months. Annual QPMR renewal fee is $100NZD
To undertake the QPMR assessment contact the QPMR Manager, Julie Regan, at 18
The RANZ Social Team
RANZ Social Pub Quiz
hat a fantastic Pub Quiz night held at the Kantar Offices! The pizza & drinks went down well to start the evening, as the many attendees from different research companies and a couple of students got to know one another. Teams for the Pub Quiz were formed together with some quite inventive names, and then it was time for the 5 rounds of questions. With some healthy competition, it came down to well-versed rounds of general and pop knowledge – and in the end there was one clear winner. Well done to O’trivia Newton-John. Runner-up team was Tequila Mockingbird, while Lemon & Prime took out the creative name prize.
The Winners – Team O’trivia Newton-John
Thanks to everyone who came along and made it a very enjoyable evening. Thanks to our sponsors - The Research Association of NZ, Kantar NZ for letting us use their offices, and Heavensent Gourmet for some delicious gourmet prizes.
For more updates and news from RANZ Social, join us on Facebook!
Celebrating the Contribution of Research, Data & Insights to New Zealand 17 August 2018 Hilton Hotel, Auckland CLICK HERE for further details