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Race Calendar

Race Calendar

my first race of the year, I am back on track, eating right, trying out new things for this stiff, achy body. Thank you to all who submitted their running stories in 2019. You help more people than you will ever know. RRR 1/14/2020

Story Writing Contest Winners for 2019


First Place – “Running in the Middle of the Pack” by Robert Rayder (Dec.)

You can still run a WORS race

It’s too late to sign up for the entire Winter Off-Road Series, but you can still purchase a single entry to run in the 8K, set for Feb. 9, at Nesbit Park (Stanky Creek Trail), or the 10K (Feb. 23 at Shelby Farms Park). Race times are 2 p.m. Purchase entries at the race venue. More information is available at memphisrunners.com

Auto Home Life Business Motorcycle

Second Place – “Steepness in Seattle” by Rome Dalasalas, (Sept.)

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Pamela Lofton Wells LOFTON WELLS INSURANCE 901-388-SAVE (7283) wellsp1@nationwide.com loftonwellsinsurance.com

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