1 minute read
Book Review (by Happy Skywalker
Happy Reading
with Happy Skywalker, NASM CPT RRCA Running Coach
By Sakyong Mipham Reviewed by Happy Skywalker
“The difference between the mind and the body is that no one is surprised to get winded while running to catch the bus. Nobody gets mad at themselves, saying, “I can’t believe I can’t run 26.2 miles!” However, when we become overwhelmed by longer hours at work, more emails or more parenting duties, we become irritable, moody, and unhappy. It doesn’t occur to us that our mind is out of shape. ― Sakyong Mipham, Running with the Mind of Meditation: Lessons for Training Body and Mind
About the Book
This is not just a running book, and not just a meditation book. It’s about running with the mind of meditation, and Running with the Mind of Meditation is a valuable read if you want to increase the resilience and power of your mind as well as your legs.
This short read assumes that you are either new to meditation, to running or to both. Mipham gives you guidance and encouragement to take your meditation efforts through the attitudes of 5 different animals: the Tiger, Snow Lion, Garuda (human/eagle mix born ready to fly), Dragon, Lung-ta (windhorse). These animals give you a framework to explore your running and receive its gifts or face its challenges.
You’ll love this book if: You value running for its contribution to your mental health as well as your physical health. You like books full of personal anecdotes and advice from the experience of experts.
You won’t love this book if: you’re frustrated by flowery or poetic language, or you hate connecting with your inner self.
About the Author
Sakyong Mipham is a Tibetan lama and leader of an international community of 165 meditation centers called Shambhala. He’s also a 3:05 marathoner and the author of Turning the Mind into an Ally, Ruling Your World: Ancient Strategies For Modern Life, Smile of the Tiger, and more.
Running with the Mind of Meditation: Lessons for Training the Body and Mind is available in print, audiobook, and ebook.