OBJETIVES .......................................................................................................... 1
COVERAGE .......................................................................................................... 1
GUIDELINES......................................................................................................... 2
PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................ 4
1. OBJETIVES The MRV’S Group Climate Change Policy, approved by the Board of Directors on 06/19/2017 reinforce the Company’s commitiment with the sustainable development, regarding climate change and the need of execute our activities in a balanced and responsible way, in all cities we operate. It also establishes principles and guidelines to be applied in the activities of the MRV Group in the entire country, with the objective of promoting the proper and efficient management of its greenhouse gas emissions ("GHG").1 2. COVERAGE This Policy covers all companies of the MRV Group, its employees, partners and suppliers. The guidelines should be observed and fulfilled by all companies of MRV Group and serve as a source of permanent consultation for all employees, partners, suppliers and other MRV Group relationship groups (shareholders, 1
Greenhouse Gases (GHG) constituents of the atmosphere, both natural and man-made, that absorb and emit infrared radiation. The emission of these gases is regulated by the Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty supplementary to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Source: Glossary ISE year 2016.
investors, clients, real estate agents, accredited brokers, Public authorities, representatives of regulatory agencies, municipalities, notaries, representatives of private entities, etc.) with the objective of implementing and / or defining strategies. The fulfillment of this Policy is fundamental to guarantee the reduction of MRV Group Greenhouse Gas emmissions. 3. GUIDELINES MRV Group Climate Change Policy establishes that all employees, partners and suppliers shall: -
Promote, implement and disseminate actions related to sustainable development;
To seek new construction technologies and use of economically viable raw materials and improve engineering processes in order to minimize environmental impacts;
Use of sustainability criteria, including, but not limited to, analysis of greenhouse gas emissions, selection and management of suppliers and partners whenever possible;
Use water and energy consciously with control and management, adopting measures to replace obsolete equipment for better use of resources;
Reduce, reuse and recycle waste, whenever possible;
To support national and international initiatives related to climate change, seeking to apply efficient mechanisms to combat climate change and align opinions, such as the Brazilian GHG Protocol, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and the Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2).
Participate in voluntary initiatives aimed at empowering its employees involved in the GHG survey process, in the search for solutions to implement measures for the company's self-regulation regarding possible regulatory regimes that may arise in the future, regarding the topic of Climate Change;
Elaborate procedures, promote trainings and awareness of employees, partners and suppliers for actions related to Climate Change;
To contribute effectively to combat the negative effects caused by Climate Change by identifying, quantifying, reducing and compensating its greenhouse gas emissions whenever possible;
Carry out annually the survey of the Group’s operations and activities that emit and generate Greenhouse Gases, quantifying these emissions and publishing them in the Emissions of Greenhouse Gases Inventory and carrying out the dissemination through the MRV Sustainability website (;
Establish, implement and monitor projects to reduce greenhouse gases emission accounted in the Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, ensuring that the GHG emissions management process is fully implemented;
Establish annual targets for impact on variable compensation with the objective of encouraging the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of employees and executives of the MRV Group;
To promote and encourage technological innovation, investment in R&D and the design of new projects and products to be designed in a sustainable way, also contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating their climate effects;
Encourage the analysis of GHG emissions in its production chain, prioritizing the selection and development of suppliers and service providers, also working along the supply chain, whenever possible;
Promote and encourage the reduction of GHG emissions associated with transportation and logistics, the design of new products, services and/or business models that allow the reduction of GHG emissions;
Identify risks and business vulnerabilities against climate change, seeking to adapt with this phenomenon.
Promote studies and encourage the adoption of internal carbon price in MRV Group;
Promote the internalization of externalities generated by GHG emission by means of economic instruments;
Develop an action plan, with adaptation measures, to mitigate risks and strengthen resilience to climate change.
4. PROCEDURE Any doubts or clarifications about the application of this "Climate Change Policy" should be sent to the Corporate Governance, Ethics and Sustainability