MS Direct AG Company Brochure | English

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Bringing you closer to your customers

Contents Editorial


Who we are, how we think, what drives us


Milestones in the history of two family firms


A wide range of services and solutions from a single source


Our areas of expertise


CRM solutions – for tailor-made contact


Customer services – in dialogue with your customers


Direct marketing services – getting your message across


E-commerce solutions – for positive shopping experiences


Logistics services – right place, right time


The convenience of a comprehensive service package


A sample of our wide range of services


Certified quality


We’re here for you and your customers


MS Direct AG


Editorial Dear Reader You hold the essence of MS Direct in your hands: what makes us different, what shapes us, what is important to us. We are a long-established family firm with roots in different places but just one mission and one identity: to see our clients’ customers as individuals, to understand them and to win them over – across all direct points of contact. If we want to inspire our clients, we must first motivate in each and every one of our employees and make sure that they feel valued and attain specific skills and expertise. And this is exactly what we has always set us apart. Corporate values and virtues such as appreciation, trust and reliability, as demonstrated by our founders Peter Stössel and Heinz Rohrer, accompany us in everything we do. Client focus is our top priority, your wishes and objectives are the benchmark for our work, and meeting or even exceeding them is our ultimate aim. With this in mind, we constantly try out new approaches, and continue to grow as a result. We are proud of our committed workforce, and grateful for the many valuable client relationships we have built up over our almost 40-year history. They have made it possible for us to grow continuously and to become what we are today: the Swiss market leader in client relationship management and e-commerce. We hope you enjoy gaining an insight into our work.

Milo Stössel Group CEO


MS Direct AG

MS Direct AG


Who we are, how we think, what drives us

Contact with our clients’ customers is our core compe-

Rapid technological development and the associated evolu-

tence. We are passionate about inspiring people through

tion of customers’ communication, information and shopping

our day-to-day contact with them, and strive to achieve

habits provide us with an exciting and challenging environ-

this goal with tailor-made and comprehensive solutions

ment. This is consistent with our “can-do” mentality, and inspi-

and services, as well as continuously building on our exper-

res us to keep trying out new approaches. When it comes to im-

tise and investing in our infrastructure.

plementation, however, our approach is pragmatic and structured, with a view to ensuring that our objectives can be

For a project to succeed, we need to establish a relationship

achieved as efficiently as possible.

with our clients that is based on partnership and trust. This includes, for example, being proactive and providing transparent information about the status of projects at all times. For us, hurdles are not obstacles but rather challenges and an incentives to develop ourselves further. Our employees also recognise that the individual is at the heart of what we do. We value our employees’ work, their contributions and their personal dedication, and express our appreciation by respecting, encouraging, involving and empowering them. In addition to this, we also offer our employees clear standards and fixed salaries. We have been committed to open communication for almost 40 years now. Thanks to our experienced and qualified staff, we possess considerable expertise in all direct points of contact between retailers and their customers – and in the development of solutions in the background. This is a great benefit for our clients, who enjoy a single point of contact for all of their customer-related processes, but can still rest assured that each individual area will be dealt with by an experienced specialist. This frees up more capacity for our clients to focus on their core businesses.


Facts and figures about MS Direct AG Established in 1978 Number of employees around 900 Revenue CHF 100 million Headquarters St. Gallen Locations Meilen, Muttenz, Wittenbach, ­Adligenswil und Lauterach (Austria) Areas of expertise CRM Solutions Customer services Direct marketing services E-commerce solutions Logistic Services Customer contacts over 700,000 per month Parcels sent around 200,000 per month Storage space 30,000 m2 Chairman of the Board of Directors and Group CEO Milo Stössel CEO Tobie Witzig MS Direct AG, together with MS Direct GmbH, Quickmail AG and Swiss E-Commerce Academy, is part of the MS Direct Group.

MS Direct AG

Because contact with your customers is our core competence.

Because, for us, customer orientation is not a buzzword but a mindset.

We inspire your customers every day across every media channel and with every contact experience.

Because, for us, customers are neither data nor numbers, just people.

MS Direct AG

Because we, as a long-established family firm, have built up a high level of expertise.

Because we take a solution-oriented approach and are open to innovation.



MS Direct AG

Milestones in the history of two family firms It all started with a second-hand mail inserting machine. Today MS Direct AG is the market leader in Switzerland in customer relationship management and e-commerce. One part of MS Direct’s history starts with MS Mail Service AG, which focused on direct marketing, mail-order and subsequently e-commerce services such as logistics and call-centre services. The second part comprises rbc Solutions in Meilen, Switzerland, which evolved to become the leading full-service provider in contact and lead management. Founders Peter Stössel and Heinz Rohrer spent several decades building up their companies into prestigious and renowned service providers. The two family firms decided to join forces in 2007, and the collaboration has intensified continuously ever since, culminating in the creation of today’s MS Direct AG on 1 June 2015. The company employs around 900 people at its locations in St. Gallen, Meilen, Muttenz, Wittenbach, Adligenswil and Lauterach, and generates an annual turnover of approximately 100 million Swiss francs.

Sale Sale of MS Mail Service to the KarstadtQuelle Group


Establishment of MS Mail Service GmbH in Lauterach, Austria With the establishment of a fully-owned subsidiary in Lauterach, MS Mail Service starts to provide a wide range of services in Austria and Germany.





New building with rail connection Construction finishes on the company’s new building with rail connection in St. Gallen for parcel logistics and mail order.

Return of MS Mail Service to family ownership The buyback clearly demonstrates the Stössel family’s commitment to developing the company further and taking it into the future.

Changeover to electronic data processing and development of customer services Goods are now labelled and stored with the aid of an IT system. A large number of mail-order companies outsource their call centres to MS Mail Service. Establishment Peter Stössel founds MS Mail Service AG in St. Gallen with a second-hand mail inserting machine.

Establishment Heinz Rohrer establishes a consulting company for direct marketing in Meilen.

Expansion of services: call-centre services Call-centre services – both inbound and outbound – are another key area to be added, putting the company in direct contact with its clients’ customers for the first time.



Expansion of services: database marketing Database marketing and services are introduced, and continue to form part of the core competences of today’s MS Direct AG.

MS Direct AG

Change of leadership Heinz Rohrer hands over operational management of the company to Tobie Witzig. At this point, rbc is generating over 10 million Swiss francs in annual turnover and employs around 100 people.



Development of electronic channels rbc becomes a full-service provider in contact management and dialogue marketing with the gradual development of electronic channels.


2003 Expansion of services: cloud solutions rbc is one of the first companies to offer its services not only on an outsourcing basis but also at its clients’ premises – using what is now referred to as cloud computing, SaaS (software as a service) or XaaS (everything as a service).

Acquisition of Arvato Services, Switzerland With the acquisition of Arvato Services, Switzerland, MS Mail Service expands its expertise in the area of e-commerce fulfilment, taking on all of the company’s employees and creating a new strategic pillar for logistics and call-centre services with the location in Muttenz near Basel.

Change of leadership Milo Stössel takes over the management of the company in the second generation and drives the e-commerce business forward.

Milo Stössel takes over leadership of the Group On 26 December 2013, company founder Peter Stössel dies following a sudden, serious illness. Milo Stössel takes over the leadership of the Group.

Collaboration with rbc MS Mail Service becomes majority shareholder of the contact management specialist rbc. The range of services is expanded, but both companies continue to be run independently.

2009 2007


Establishment of Quickmail AG MS Mail Services establishes the subsidiary company Quickmail, Switzerland’s first private delivery company.




Expansion of infrastructure Changeover to the CRM solution Microsoft Dynamics, which can be used to organise campaign information and contact data and display them in a comprehensive and integrated manner.

Collaboration with MS Mail Service Heinz Rohrer sells rbc to MS Mail Service. The company continues to be run independently under the leadership of Tobie Witzig.

2008 – 2010 2006


Swiss Dialogue Marketing Award The Swiss Direct Marketing Association (SDV) presents rbc with the SDV Award for its online solution


Certifications Within three years, rbc receives all industry-relevant quality certifications such as the SQS “DirectMarketing/ TeleMarketing” label, the SQS “GoodPriv@cy®” data protection label and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) for secure credit-card payment transactions. Audits and re-certifications are carried out on an ongoing basis. In addition, rbc is also awarded a silver competency as a Microsoft partner.

Merger of MS Mail Service and rbc MS Mail Service and rbc are officially merged and begin operating under the name MS Direct AG. The company is a leading fullservice provider in customer-relationship management and e-commerce. Tobie Witzig, previously CEO of rbc, takes over the leadership of the company with its headquarters in St. Gallen; Milo Stössel becomes Chairman of the Board of Directors and Group CEO.

MS Direct AG

A wide range of services and solutions from a single source

Inspiring customers and building up long-term relations-

Specialisation despite extensive range of services

hips is vital to the success of every company. Achieving this

Despite our broad selection of services, we have qualified

goal is becoming increasingly challenging, however, which

specialists in every area who, thanks to interdepartmental

is why it is just as well that service partners such as MS Di-

exchange, are also able to identify and understand the overlaps

rect exist. We have the expertise, experience and techno-

between the individual industries. Our account managers have

logies to provide potential and existing clients with com-

advanced interface expertise that enables them to suggest

petent and well-informed support at all points of contact.

those measures that have the greatest possible potential for success in any given situation. This assures our clients that they

Client contact has never been as diverse as it is now. The number of media outlets, channels and end devices is constant-

are keeping pace with fast-changing developments and the opportunities that these developments create.

ly increasing, and customer demands in terms of reaction times and expertise are increasing as technologies become faster

Flexibility through outsourcing and cloud services

and more user-friendly. Providers must be able to offer a con-

Sometimes it is the breadth of services we offer that convin-

sistent experience at all points of contact in order to avoid con-

ces a customer to work with us, while often the full benefit of a

fusing their customers and to establish a positive image. At the

collaboration does not become apparent until the need for

same time, it is vital to exploit channel-specific benefits and

further services emerges during the course of a project. Much of what we do is also available as an individual service: from

It takes specific know-how and continuous investment in the latest technologies to provide customers with competent and well-informed support at all points of contact.

personnel to expertise to technology. Regardless of whether internally or externally – we tailor our services accurately to suit the needs of our clients and integrating these seamlessly into clients’ process landscapes.

store all contact information in a central location. Today, very few companies are able to successfully network and integrate all of these channels in real time without outside help. Our wide range of solutions and services for customer relationship management and e-commerce is unique to Switzerland and makes us an attractive service partner for both large and small companies.

MS Direct AG


Our areas of expertise CRM solutions We use our expertise and tailor-made solutions to support our clients in generating data about their customers and storing and maintaining it in a central location, drawing valuable knowledge from these data and capitalising on this knowledge through dialogue measures. In addition to this, we supplement data from various channels such as social media, telephone, e-mail and SMS campaigns, merging them with existing customer data.

Customer services Either in the Customer Interaction Center (CIC) or at our clients’ premises, we spend 365 days a year fulfilling standards, identifying needs, meeting requirements – all in the name of our clients and in the primary European languages. With this aim in mind, we communicate across all relevant channels and tailor our offerings and communications content individually through direct access to our clients’ systems in order to suit our dialogue partners.

Direct marketing services We use personalised and individualised campaigns to actively guide our clients’ customers towards making a purchase. Our services include dialogue design, target audience selection and procurement of their contact data, as well as the subsequent implementation of mainly cross-media campaigns, including response processing, fulfilment and data maintenance.

E-commerce solutions Over the years we have built up expertise in mail-order retail and e-commerce that is unique within Switzerland. Our services range from individual online shops to campaign management, order processing and accounts receivable management all the way to returns management. Thanks to our flexibility, modular services and modern systems, we are able to facilitate growth and ensure perfectly coordinated omni-channel solutions.

Logistics services National, international and foreign mail-order retailers receive all logistics services from a single source – from customs clearance to warehousing and packaging to the dispatch of goods and returns processing. We deliver to the international market from a central storage warehouse either within Switzerland or close to its borders. Foreign retailers benefit from a comprehensive offer, including duty drawback and fiscal representation in Switzerland.


MS Direct AG

MS Direct AG


A single contact for all customer-related processes

Comprehensive advice across all points of contact

MS Direct – your full service provider for customer relationship management and e-commerce

Identifying of the best possible solution through networked, crosschannel thinking as opposed to “tunnel vision�


Efficiency facilitated by the use of synergies and a reduction in coordination work

Maximum support thanks to a collaboration based on trust

MS Direct AG

MS Direct AG


CRM solutions – for tailor-made contact Professionally structured and analytical customer relation-

•C RM system

ship management (CRM) has a positive effect for both the

Our IT specialists design and implement individual CRM solu-

customer and the provider: customers feel that they are being

tions or adapt Microsoft Dynamics, the tried-and-tested CRM

taken seriously and are offered services that truly interest

and campaign management system, in order to meet our clients’

them, while providers are able to present detailed information

needs. The system is seamlessly integrated into the client’s

on their activities and have an excellent basis for decision-

process landscape via interfaces, and can also be connected

making in product development, marketing, after-sales ser-

to checkout systems, online platforms and other systems.

vices and management. Both aspects ultimately lead to an increase in value for the customer, which is key to the company’s

How you benefit: Whether you are looking for proprietary


software or a cloud solution, a flexible CRM system which is tailored to meet your needs serves as a knowledge base for all customer contact and marketing activities.

“MS Direct is a reliable, experienced and flexible partner for the outsourcing of customer dialogue measures. We value their conscientious approach and their strong identification with our brand. MS Direct has contributed to our long-term growth and meets our strict quality requirements.”

• Data management We use special programs to revise, update and complete data from all channels, enhancing them with useful additional information as necessary. A direct connection to the client’s system can also be established in order to access up-to-date address data and additional information, identify possible growth areas and obtain new customer addresses at any time. How you benefit: Your data are up-to-date and complete at all times, which allows you to reduce wastage and plan future activities more precisely.

René Rüdisühli, Marketing Manager Imaging, Nikon AG

• Data analysis A proprietary application enables us to analyse factors such as the sociodemographic, psychographic or geographical disWe focus on all areas of CRM – from the conception and im-

tribution of customers quickly and affordably. In addition to

plementation of tailor-made solutions to the procurement,

this, our analysts carry out comprehensive customer base

maintenance and enhancement of data all the way to compre-

and shopping basket analysis, geolocalisation and customer

hensive customer and shopping basket analyses. Our activities

value calculations, and can also develop forecast models on

in the areas of customer services and direct marketing services

the basis of past customer behaviour.

follow on seamlessly from here, ensuring not only that the prerequisites for successful contact are met, but also that the ex-

How you benefit: You know your customers’ profiles, are

periences themselves are exceptional.

able to approach them based on their individual potential and needs, and have a reliable basis for making forward-looking corporate decisions.


MS Direct AG

MS Direct AG


Customer services – in dialogue with your customers Providing personalised and competent support is particularly

• I nbound

important today, as customers remain loyal to providers that

From supervision of individual channels such as social media,

not only offer exceptional services but also value them as indivi-

e-mail, blogs, live chats and hotlines to management of all in-

duals, respond to their needs and concerns and provide them

bound enquiries and orders – a collaboration can take many

with competent advice. Achieving this across all relevant chan-

forms. This also includes entering information into the CRM

nels is a significant challenge for many companies. Those who

system and sending out invoices, tickets or documentation.

offer their customers valuable support at every stage of the

Projects that call for technical expertise are supervised by

purchasing process, however, have a good chance of making

our “Tech + Telco” Customer Interaction Center.

sure that a purchase will indeed be made. How you benefit: Your customers feel well looked after, which in turn results in greater customer loyalty, while the burden on your organisation is relieved, which frees up capacity. In the event of technical issues, your customers receive the

“For ÖKK, partial outsourcing means minimising risk and creating flexibility in terms of personnel and infrastructure costs, while also achieving a significant increase in quality.”

Saverio Cerra,

Head of Private Customers ÖKK

help they need from the first moment of contact without having to acquire the necessary technical expertise themselves.

• Outbound We offer a wide range of outbound services, including generating and qualifying leads, scheduling appointments, winning back lost customers and carrying out market and customer surveys. An account manager is responsible for designing the campaign, implementing the project with the appropriate specialist staff, as well as monitoring progress and making improvements as necessary. How you benefit: You set objectives and reap the rewards, while we take care of everything else. In each and every discussion you can be sure that we will focus completely on your needs, keeping your targets in mind at all times.

In our Customer Interaction Center, we maintain contact with our clients’ customers across all inbound and outbound channels. Our staff speak several languages and have a flair for

• In-house contact centre for inbound and outbound

seeing things from the customer’s perspective, which allows


them to identify customer needs and provide them with opti-

It is not always possible or logical for customer-related pro-

mal services. They are supported in their efforts by a modern

cess to be outsourced, for example in cases when strict data

infrastructure and clearly defined processes. This means, for

protection regulations apply. In these situations we simply

example, that inbound social media posts are processed via a

set up the contact centre at the client’s premises. We recruit

single dashboard, telephone enquiries are passed through to

and train specialist staff, make our technology available in re-

the appropriate individuals based on their skills, and that web-

turn for a software licence fee and supervise the team once

site visitors are supported via live chat or live co-browsing. In

operations are up and running.

order to maintain consistently high quality, we provide targeted training and coaching for our employees, monitor custo-

How you benefit: You receive the advantages of both an in-

mer interactions regularly and keep a close watch on all rele-

ternal solution and an external one, profiting from our ex-

vant key parameters.

pertise, variable costs, short communication routes and a uniform corporate culture.


MS Direct AG

MS Direct AG


Direct marketing services – getting your message across Nowadays, direct marketing can take many different routes,

•C onsulting

including print mailing, inserts, telephone, e-mail and social me-

Our expertise and experience encompass all direct contact

dia. While the concept of direct mail marketing is losing ground

channels such as direct mailing, e-mail, social media, landing

against the backdrop of the online boom, it is also taking on a

pages and more. This enables us to advise our clients using

new significance by virtue of the fact that it appeals to more

an approach that aims for overall success as opposed to

senses and is more engaging and personal than any online mes-

being focused on individual channels, and to create a dia-

sage. However mailings still require complementary measures

logue design for them that guides their customers as effi-

such as landing pages and telephone or electronic follow-up ac-

ciently as possible towards making a purchase.

tions in order to be as effective as possible. While today’s customers are constantly switching between various channels and

How you benefit: Your existing and potential customers

end devices, they still expect to receive a consistent message.

receive offers that interest them, are tailored to their needs and reach them at the right time via the right channel.

• Implementation We select the right target addresses from around 5.8 million private addresses with over 150 quality attributes, one million

“MS Direct is a flexible contractor that covers all aspects of direct marketing.”

Josua Walt, Marketing

Communications Consultant,


e-mail addresses and 700,000 business addresses from various address databases in Switzerland, or we use the addresses you have already compiled. In addition to this, we also take on the printing, packaging and personalisation of your mailings and then pass them on to the Swiss Post or Quickmail for dispatch. How you benefit: You receive all of the services required for your mailing from a single source, eliminating the need for coordination work on your end.

• Campaign management We plan, manage and implement multi-stage, cross-media campaigns via our web-based platform with the aim of proviWe support our clients throughout the entire dialogue pro-

ding your existing and potential customers with the best

cess. We work together to plan individual dialogue steps across

possible support in making their purchase. In order to meas-

various direct-marketing channels – from SMS competitions to

ure the success of the campaign and tailor follow-up measures

e-mail or social-media campaigns to direct mailing and fol-

even more closely to the target audience, we aim to maintain

low-up actions. We define target groups, provide contact data,

a closed cycle at all times, even integrating checkout systems

and plan, manage and implement the campaigns – in the case

into the CRM system.

of direct mailings this includes printing, packaging, addressing and dispatch via the Swiss Post or our partner company Quickmail.

How you benefit: We allow you to make targeted use of your advertising budget by implementing measures efficiently and ensuring that the relevant offers receive a positive response from your customers.


MS Direct AG

“I’d like to receive the information I need from the first contact.” We provide our staff with in-depth training to ensure that they are able to provide competent support and

“I’d like to talk to someone who speaks my language.”

respond to the majority of client queries from the first contact.

All of the staff at the Customer Interaction Center speak several languages. We also speak Swiss German with our clients from German-speaking Switzerland.

“I’d like to feel valued as a client.” People are at the heart of everything we do. Understanding, winning over and inspiring people is our ultimate objective.

Client expectations are our benchmark.

“I’d like to be able to reach the right person straight away.” Thanks to individually structured campaign scripts and sophisticated interface systems that directly link us to our clients, we are able to handle requests and concerns quickly and, most importantly, pass them on to the appropriate party.

“I don’t want to end up in a queue.” With personnel planning that is continuously being adapted to keep pace with all projects, our workforce management team ensures that sufficient numbers of experienced and trained employees are available to cover even peak periods.

MS Direct AG


“I’d like to be contacted via my preferred channel.” We cover all direct contact channels and take customer preferences into account, recording them in the CRM system.

“I expect to receive friendly and competence advice.” All CIC staff are provided with solid basic training and are coached extensively in the respective projects. We also perform audits on an ongoing basis to ensure that we meet our quality requirements at all times.

“I’d like to receive my products quickly and in perfect condition.” Some 350 employees work at our logistics centre to ensure that customers receive their products on time and in pristine condition.

“I’d like to find products quickly in the online shop and order them easily.” Our online shop solutions offer your customers an inspiring shopping experience.

“I’d like to receive a quick response.” The level of service provided is one of the most important parameters in our projects. For us, reacting quickly is a matter of course.

“I’d like to receive advertising that really interests me.” We use personalised and individualised campaigns across all direct contact channels to actively guide your customers towards a purchase.


MS Direct AG

MS Direct AG


E-commerce solutions – for positive shopping experiences Virtual shopping channels are becoming more and more po-

•M anaged e-commerce (front end)

pular, and for many companies it is increasingly important to

We individualise your online shop and build interfaces to our

operate an online shop. A good online shop is user-friendly, fea-

efficient ERP system or to your internal systems. We import

tures modern web design and facilitates a positive shopping

and manage product data, integrating a wide range of pay-

experience. Visitors who find the product they need easily and

ment methods, voucher mechanisms, social media outlets

can efficiently navigate the order process are more likely to ac-

and newsletters. In addition to this, we are also responsible

tually complete their purchase. Companies will only be able to

for shop hosting and reporting on all business processes.

truly inspire their customers if they also handle all downstream processes rapidly, correctly and in a client-specific manner.

How you benefit: You receive all the technical and operational services you need to run your online shop from us – and it is all tailored to work with your internal logistics.

• Purchase and fulfilment

“MS Direct is much more than a logistics partner. They offer first-class full service from A to Z.”

We handle all product-related processes, from the order suggestion system to accounts receivable to warehouse and inventory management. What is more, we take care of fulfilment services including packaging, individual insert management and shipping and returns management. How you benefit: You don’t need to worry about procurement or about product storage or shipping, and instead can focus completely on developing your shop.

Niels Degen, Managing Director of Madeleine Schweiz, Austria

•O rder and promotion management We also take on all customer-related tasks, providing support including maintaining customer data, managing subscriptions, processing back orders and carrying out partial deliveries. We handle promotion management for campaigns, maAs an e-commerce service provider, we offer all the services

nage suppliers and implement drop shipping.

that companies need for a successful e-commerce business model – individually tailored to their customers, easily scalable,

How you benefit: You can offer your customers personal-

reliable and efficient. We attach particular importance to ensu-

ised, uniform service across all campaigns and sales channels,

ring a uniform customer experience across all measures and

even including personal greetings cards for gift shipments.

channels – for perfectly coordinated omni-channel communication concepts. We focus on key parameters from consumer

•A ccounts receivable and accounts payable

buying behaviour to return rates, thereby helping to ensure the

We provide all financial services for invoiced purchasing and

ongoing optimisation and profitable growth of e-commerce so-

payments. At your request, we check customer credit ratings,


print invoices, organise payment runs and process arrears, including debt collection. IHow you benefit: You benefit from our well-established infrastructure, while reducing payment defaults to a minimum.


MS Direct AG

MS Direct AG


Logistics services – the right place at the right time The logistical challenges facing mail-order retailers are huge,

•C ross-border solutions

particularly when volumes are high, products are brought to-

We manage customs clearance digitally for goods entering

gether from different sources and more than one market is

Germany or Switzerland. Our foreign customers benefit from

being served. What’s more, customer expectations are increa-

our comprehensive market expertise, our knowledge of

sing with regard to delivery speed and quality as well as straight-

customs and our full-service offers, including a Swiss mailing

forward returns. Meeting these expectations is vital for every

address and fiscal representation. Thanks to advance customs

retailer, making speed and flexibility key factors for success.

clearance and standardised interfaces, delivery times are short, even when using the client’s central warehouse. On behalf of our Swiss providers, we ship every country in the world from our central warehouse in Switzerland or just over the border via our international partner network . In terms of drop

“Conscientious, honest and competent. MS Direct puts the customer first.”

Wolfgang Lichti, Head of Services, Betty Bossi

shipping, both domestic and foreign partners and suppliers can be incorporated. How you benefit: Foreign retailers: you obtain straightforward access to the Swiss market, benefiting from high purchasing power and low VAT as a result. Swiss retailers: there are no limits to your international expansion. Minimal effort is required on your part, as we take on the task of customs clearance, including international carrier management.

• Fulfilment Our fulfilment services range from warehouse management to packaging and shipping to returns processing. We integrate IT systems, flexibly adapt warehouse capacities and workWe provide our clients with streamlined individual services or

forces in line with order volumes and carry out quality inspec-

take over all of the logistical activities associated with the flow

tions on goods received from various sources within the frame-

of goods – from warehouse management to fulfilment to re-

work of cross-docking concepts.

turns management. Foreign providers hoping to expand into Switzerland receive a convenient comprehensive package en-

How you benefit: Your customers receive packages quickly

compassing the goods collection from the client’s central

and carefully packed, without requiring you to build up your

warehouse, customs clearance and physical processing on site.

own infrastructure.

For Swiss providers serving the international market, we ship to the EU and around the world. Around 350 employees work at our logistics centres, which cover a total area of around 30,000

• Returns management

square metres at various locations throughout Switzerland, en-

Our extensive expertise in areas such as the fashion industry,

suring on a daily basis that products are inspected, carefully

for example, makes us specialists in the handling of returns.

packaged and passed on to carriers such as the Swiss Post or

We inspect returns and carry out refreshing, labelling and

our partner company Quickmail in good time.

packaging, and customs duty and VAT are reimbursed thanks to digital customs clearance. How you benefit: The rapid processing of returns means that accounts receivable are updated on a daily basis and products are quickly returned to storage.


MS Direct AG

The convenience of a comprehensive service package It is a huge relief for a company to have a service partner that covers all industries and has both specialist expertise and a broad understanding of all customer-related processes. This gives rise to synergies and simplifies coordination, but also requires a collaboration based on partnership and trust. As a long-established company, this has always been our top priority.

aking the end customer happy is one of our main concerns – doing so efficiently is the other. Customer life cycle We support our clients in every stage of the customer cycle with our extensive expertise and modern infrastructure – from the first contact with potential customers to winning back lost ones. Customer journey In between these two steps, we regularly accompany our clients’ customers on their way to completing a purchase. We base our approach on past customer behaviour, on our experiences and forecast models, and with a view to tailoring channels and offers so that they best fit customer needs. Shopping experience We strive to make the shopping experience a consistently positive one for your customers, whether they are shopping via telephone, mobile end device or online shop. For purchases made over the phone, we offer a competent and friendly staff and sophisticated systems, in the online shop we provide an attractive layout, well-conceived product presentation, clear navigation and optimised product suggestions , payment processes and checkout processes. And, in the final step, we ensure that products are packed with care and reach the customer quickly.

MS Direct AG



MS Direct AG

A sample of our wide range of services Our client are companies from every industry, from start-ups to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to international corporations, including non-profit organisations, educational institutions, manufacturers and retailers active in B2C markets or in industrial goods. Every industry has its own specific requirements when it comes to marketing. Thanks to our long-standing collaboration with customers from a wide range of backgrounds, we have accumulated in-depth knowledge and valuable experiences in a large number of areas. The following list shows examples of the services we typically provide for each respective sector.

• Automotive and transportation

• Fashion and beauty

CRM, campaign management,

Logistics, customs clearance, returns mana-

lead management, scheduling,

gement, fiscal representation, e-commerce

sales support, inbound overflow

solutions, customer care, CRM, reactivation

• Education

• Media and publishing

Address management, data management,

Inbound subscriber services, new customer


acquisition, customer win-back, customer retention, conversions

• Service providers Address management, scheduling

• Non-profit organisations CRM, reactivation, donor acquisition,

• Electronics and entertainment CRM, campaign management, cashback,

campaign management, address management, data management

data management • Public institutions • Energy Lead generation, new customer acquisition,

Lead generation, CRM, new customer acquisition

technical support, CRM • Online and multi-channel retailing • Finance and insurance

Fulfilment, logistics, customs clearance,

CRM, cloud services, analysis, scheduling,

returns management, fiscal representation,

non-payment processing, reactivation,

e-commerce solutions, customer care, CRM,

customer service, overflow, content manage-


ment, user help desk, direct marketing, mailings

• Pharma und Gesundheitswesen Direct Marketing, Mailings

• Industry and technology Customer care, technical support, lead generation • IT and telecommunications Customer care, technical support,

• Tourism Fulfilment, logistics • Event organisers Customer care, ticketing

customer win-back • Food CRM, overflow

MS Direct AG


Certified quality A range of quality labels from neutral inspection organisations bear witness to our tireless efforts to ensure that our services are consistently of the highest quality. In 2008, rbc was the first provider of dialogue marketing services to receive the SQS “DirectMarketing/TeleMarketing” label in 2008. In August 2014, the rbc Customer Interaction Center was one of the first in Switzerland to receive the SQS “DirectMmarketing/TeleMarketing” label in accordance with the new standard EN 15838, which contains strict guidelines regarding the provision of support for all inbound and outbound channels.

In 2010, rbc also received the SQS data protection label “GoodPriv@cy®”. This assures our consumers the certainty that we comply with all provisions for data protection and the protection of personal privacy at all times. The certification is renewed every three years.

In 2009, rbc was certified compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) for secure credit-card payment transactions. We undergo a vulnerability assessment four times a year, and certification is renewed on an ongoing basis.

rbc’s Microsoft silver competency in the area of data platforms highlights the company’s SQL server and database expertise, making it clear to our clients that our employees have the specialist data knowledge required.


MS Direct AG

We’re here for you and your customers Would you like to network your competencies and focus more closely on your core tasks? Are you aiming to grow without having to expand your infrastructure in connection with customer-related processes? Would you like to provide potential and existing customers with competent and well-informed support at all points of contact in order to secure a sustainable increase in customer value? Then contact us. We are happy to set up a consultation without obligation, or to provide you with best practice cases and factsheets with detailed descriptions of our services. Further information can also be found on our website at We look forward to hearing from you! MS Direct AG

Wittenbach Muttenz

St. Gallen Meilen

Lauterach (Österreich)




MS Direct AG

General-Wille-Strasse 144

Ebikonerstrasse 75

Fürstenlandstrasse 35

8706 Meilen, Switzerland

6043 Adligenswil, Switzerland

9001 St. Gallen, Switzerland

Tel. +41 44 925 36 36

Tel. +41 41 317 34 00

Telefon +41 71 274 66 66

Hofackerstrasse 40

Scheibenstrasse 3

4132 Muttenz, Switzerland

6923 Lauterach, Austria

Tel. +41 61 485 11 11

Tel. +43 5574 803 10 Industriestrasse 2 9300 Wittenbach, Switzerland Tel. +41 71 274 66 66 MS Direct AG


Publishing information Publisher: MS Direct AG, St. Gallen Concept and design: Heads Corporate Branding AG, Zurich Text: Petra Hasler, KOMMA, Oberwil Photography: Simon Iannelli, Bern Printing: FO-Fotorotar, Egg


MS Direct AG

full service for customer relations

MSÂ Direct AG FĂźrstenlandstrasse 35 9001 St. Gallen, Switzerland Tel. +41 71 274 66 66 CRM solutions Customer services Direct marketing services E-commerce solutions Logistics services

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