Issue 1
October 2021
HFCC Library Newsletter Address: 33 Inverness Road, Kowloon Tel: 2337 9123
Welcome to the E-book Garden!
How to activate your E-book account?
3. The New RAS An interview with Ms Candice Ng, the new Teacher Librarian
2. Read + Share = Fun! Book recommendations by teachers and Library Prefects
4. Monday to Friday Our devoted team of Library Prefects
5. Past, Present and Future Snapshots of the School Library
Editor’s corner Vinci Ng 5D (10) Editors’ Words The Garden of Eden always fascinates me, as it is where human life begins and different life forms develop. Metaphorically, reading gives us the nourishment we need and empowers us in our life journey as well. While the hurdles of the pandemic plague our daily lives, I believe we can stay refreshed as we draw our strengths from the sea of books. This E-publication not only records the bits and bobs of the development of the School Library, it also marks the beginning of our new reading adventure as we begin to explore the new domains of E-reading platforms and online book sharing. With the combined efforts of all editors, library prefects and teachers, it is our greatest pleasure to raise the curtain on the completion of the first issue of our brand-new Library E-newsletter. Neale Donald Walsch, a well-known American author, once said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Never be afraid to try new things.” Working on this Library E-newsletter grants me a pristine opportunity to explore areas of endeavor outside my personal experience. I enjoyed the process as it allowed me to take a glimpse into the reading adventures inside our beloved pink castle. Let’s begin our reading odyssey and quench our thirst for learning by flipping through the Library E-Newsletter as the first leap!
Editors’ Choice of Paperback The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom As an old saying goes, “You are the master of your sea”, which means that you are the only person in control of the trajectory of your own life, and you act as the only captain of your fate. However, on the contrary, have you ever thought that others’ actions are also influential on your own path? Mitch Albom discusses the idea that all lives are connected and nothing is completely random. We all have divergent perspectives on things, and there is no such thing as a random act as we are all interconnected and indissociable. In the book, Eddie, a maintenance man, impacted many people with his seemingly mundane activities. This signifies that we are all influential. Our words, our actions, and our behaviour, do impact others. This book genuinely reinforces the idea that everyone can make a positive impact in this world by the little things we do, and sharing this book to your friends and family is indisputably an ideal way to do so.
Welcome to the E-book Garden! Our E-book Collection (English and Chinese)
Your 7-digit student number)
Wow! E-books are so convenient!
Read + Share = Fun!
Library Prefects’ choices of E-books
Mythology:timeless tales of gods and heroes by Edith Hamilton
Vinci Ng 5D As the book title suggests, the book is flooded with a compendium of Greek and Roman mythologies. It can be read as a single page-turning narrative. On the other hand, its full commentaries as well as its comprehensive index of God names makes it valuable for literature lovers seeking an authoritative and detailed account of the spectacular stories that make up the bedrock of Western literature. The greatest stories ever told in the book includes the labours of Heracles, the Trojan War, as well as the voyage of the Argonauts. The book can be seen as a perfect match for both first-time readers and the mythology “veterans”. It is irrefutably a motivational read and it will surely act as a benign Siren Song for you. Don’t hesitate! Take a look at it now!
《成年禮:給不再是孩子 , 卻還不是大人的你》 作者:冒牌生
Read + Share = Fun!
Ms Canice Ng’s choice of E-book Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw
This play appears to be misogynistic as it begins with two men’s bet on whether they can change a lower-class flower girl’s speech and etiquette to make her pass as an upper-class girl in a refined society. Yet, its ending shows that a girl could stand on her own and assert her individuality against a male-dominated society. It would interest anyone who ever ponders upon the relationship between human beings and the society, and the power relationship between members of different social classes. In terms of language and style, Pygmalion is the first literary work I encountered that led me to become aware of the difference between colloquial and formal speeches in English. Why do we learn “aren’t” in school, while watching actors and actresses saying “ain’t”? Is it necessary to “correct” someone’s speech when it is not uttered in an absolutely correct form? Readers would learn about different uses of English in different domains, and think about issues in relation to language and identity in a broader context.
Read + Share = Fun!
Interview with Mr Hung Mr. Hung’s choice of paperback
Read + Share = Fun!
Mr Markus Li’s choice of Paperback 《人生路引》 楊斯棓
Reading is one of the good habits that you should definitely keep after graduation. It saves you a lot of precious time by learning through the wisdom of those pioneers. Purchasing a book is not expensive. Yet, reading a book could be unexpectedly expensive as you may spend tens of hours reading a book that gives you no inspirations or new ideas. On that account, choosing a good book to read is of utmost importance.
The author is a family physician and he is surely a book lover by all means. He has read thousands of books and he promotes reading by offering free books for his patients in the clinic. In his book, he recommends the best book that he has ever read in his lifetime for resolving problems encountered in 28 different aspects of our life. By following his recommended book list, I have every confidence that you could develop your wisdom and techniques to resolve problems in the shortest time ever.
Read + Share = Fun!
Ms Kary Chan’s Choice of Paperback 《我城 》
《我城》是西西「頑童體」的作品,以主角陳果調皮童趣的眼光、直率 稚嫩的文字描繪七十年代殖民地上香港人的焦慮和挑戰。作為欠缺歸屬感的戰 後難民,來到這座城的青年理應覺得前路茫茫,然而西西筆下的他們以積極開 朗的態度過生活,從事基層工作,卻敬業樂業、辛勤耐勞,發掘知識與成功感 ,又懂得享受平凡生活裏微小的快樂,甘之如飴,為這座混亂的城帶來活力。 相信現時的年輕人在學業、未來規劃、社交、家庭關係、身份認同等方面都有 煩惱,我寄語同學們學習書中的角色,縱使你們對當前的生活不盡滿意,也無 須過份擔心,只要抱持希望,憑著你們獨有的幹勁發揮潛力,定能編織美麗精 彩的新世界。
Our Devoted Team of Library Prefects 2021-22 Mond a
(left to right) Themis Kong 3D (12) Laraine Lam 3D (14) Abby Ng 3D (21)
Victoria Wong 4A (27) Shania Wong 4D (29)
(left to right) Angie Shing 4B (20) Amber Chung 4A (12) Moon Ng 4D (20) Priscilla Lee 3C (14)
Rachel Lam 4B (12) Cadence Cheung 4A (09)
y a esd
n d e W
(left to right)
Back row Ally Fan 3C (07) Ellison Xu 2D (27) Mandy Lee 2A (09) Angel Yang 4C (29) Front row Ashley Leung 3B (09) Natalie Lam 4B (11) Audrey Lam 4B (10)
(left to right)
y a d urs
Back row Selina Chow 2D (09) Angel Woo 2C (27) Anna Zhang 2A (27) Bianca Pang 5A (22) Front row Carla Tze 5A (24) Hillary Tsang 2D (24) Charlotte Wu 3A (25) Hayley Ma 2A (14)
(left to right) Back row Yuki Niu 4C (23) Joanna Cheng 3A (05) Janelle Tong 3A (24) Edna Chau 5B (04) Myra Lee 5C (16)
Front row Crystal Lim 2C (17) Vinci Ng 5D (10) Cheryl So 2D (21) Venice Chan 5C (5) Kelly Chan 5C (2) Dora Chau 5C (7)
Words from our Library Committees 5A 22 Bianca Pang (Chairlady) George R.R. Martin, an American novelist and short story writer, once said, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” Our lives will become more colourful as we try to experience different people’s lives by reading widely and broadly. Although our School Library is temporarily closed for renovation, schoolmates can still access the sea of books through Lightsail and Hyread. I hope all of our schoolmates will keep reading, and experience different colourful lives in books!
4A 09 Cadence Cheung (Vice Chairlady) My experience of reading e-books through Hyread has been very satisfying so far. I can find books from different genres easily, and more importantly, I can find the book I am interested in very easily. Moreover, one book title can be borrowed simultaneously by three students. Hence, I strongly recommend our schoolmates to take a look in Hyread. I hope our schoolmates may keep finding joy in reading books anytime and anywhere. Last but not least, I am really looking 11 forward to “greeting” our new School Library!
5C 07 Dora Chau (Vice Chairlady) Walt Disney, once said, “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” This is definitely my favourite quote among all that I have ever heard in my life. It is true that books always give us more than treasure. Also, I anticipate that the new School Library will bring numerous presents to our students through which they all enter into a majestic world!
5A 24 Carla Tze (Vice Chairlady) 最近圖書館正在閉館翻新,雖然暫時沒有圖書 租借服務,但學校依然為同學提供各項相關資 源和活動。在閉館期間,同學可以到學校網頁 借閲中英文書。此外,今年中一至中三的RAS 分為Lightsail 和閲讀報告兩部分,老師會選出 優秀的報告給予獎勵。雖然學校沒有硬性規定 高中同學要交閲讀報告,但依然可以爭取奬 項。希望大家在圖書館閉館期間繼續陪養閱讀 的興趣和習慣,並一同期待圖書館的新面貌!
3D 21 Abby Ng As the proverb says, “Today a reader,tomorrow a leader.” Reading is totally my cup of tea! Thanks to the advancement of technology, we can now conveniently read e-books through the Internet. As a committee of our school Library Club, I am as keen as mustard to explore more at the newly renovated library.
4D (20) Moon Ng 說時遲那時快, 我們的圖書館已經被使用超過 十年了。所以這次的翻新可說算是「大改革」。 首先, 我希望圖書館可以引進多一些新的書籍 和電腦。有時在我檢查書本的時候發現有些書 的年份可能是從開校留傳下來的; 還有圖書館 的電腦也開始運作得有些慢。所以我希望除了 裝修, 書籍和電腦也可以來一個大翻新。
4B 10 Audrey Lam This year, the school has introduced a new e-library service. I think our schoolmates will read more due to the convenience of borrowing books as they do not have to take the heavy loads of books back home. Moreover, I think they will prefer studying and reading under these conditions. Furthermore, I hope our library could resume its service as soon as possible, so that our library can attract more students into the world of reading.
4B 11 Natalie Lam 知道學校圖書館會有電子書籍租借 的時候,我十分期待。我認為電子書 籍除了能夠讓我更方便地閱讀外, 還可以保護地球,減少紙張的製造, 一舉兩得。
2D 09 Selina Chow 這兩年因為疫情,上課嘅日子 變少,令到同學在小息都不可 以到圖書館借書。希望圖書館 完成重建之後,都可以增加多 啲時間比同學去借閲圖書
3A 28 Charlotte Wu 這兩年因為疫情關係,使我們未能外出到圖書館借 閱圖書,而電子書成為了一個不錯的選擇,一方面 能夠排除到圖書館時潛在的感染風險,另一方面, 書籍種類比較多,十分方便。雖然電子書帶來的好 處多不勝數,但也希望圖書館重建之後能吸引更多 同學到圖書館借書,尋找閱讀交流時帶來的樂趣, 以增加同學對閱讀的興趣。 14
4C 23 Yuki Niu 圖書館迎來了翻新,希望全新的圖書館能吸 引更多同學來參與閱讀,也期待它能為同學 們提供更好的閱讀體驗!
5C 05 Venice Chan
作為圖書館的幹事,固然是希望能同學們能多閱讀。那 些陳腔濫調的說話相信大家也十分熟悉,我在這裏也 就不重複了。我也不能不能在紙上準確地說出閱讀能 帶給你甚麼,可是閱讀可以讓你悄悄變成自己,那些眼 睛到不了的地方,文字可以。希望同學們可以多到圖書 館借書,變成更好的我們。 3C 14 Priscilla Lee 今年圖書館大裝修,希望新圖書館可以增設 舊書捐贈區,以此來令同學不大需要的圖書 能夠分享給想看書的人。
4A 27 Victoria Wong 當大家想到學校圖書館時, 會想起什麼? 是 沉悶的感覺,還是日常運作如借書和影印? 至於我,則想起在圖書館內服務的一點一滴 ,如試後執書和值等 。我對圖書館有滿滿的 回憶,我也十分高興可以見證到新裝修圖書 館啟用,打開新的一頁。 15
The New RAS
An Interview with Ms Candice Ng
Many students are interested to know why you would take up the role as the Teacher Librarian. Could you tell us more?
Editor I see promoting reading in HFCC a meaningful task which may be easily overlooked. Reading enables us to enter different characters’ worlds, and opens our eyes to see beyond our present situations. It is especially important now since we cannot travel elsewhere. I like the metaphor by Mary Pope Osborne – “Reading is a passport to countless adventures”. Reading really takes us to places otherwise unimaginable to us. I hope more Holy Familians will join us in this adventure in building up a strong reading culture in HFCC!
Ms Ng Yes, I can sense your passion in reading as a Literature student. But what about non-literature students? How can they get involved in reading in HFCC?
This year, we have designed a new Reading Award Scheme, in which we stress the importance of reading in terms of quantity and quality. In junior forms, we are now using Lightsail in lieu of the old Reading Awarding Scheme booklet. A Book Report Writing Competition will be held across all levels in order to encourage a deeper dive into content and meaning amidst the sea of books. I am not only interested to know what students read, but also how well they understand the design of the books and how they can possibly apply what they have read in their daily lives. I can’t wait to know students’ responses regarding these new initiatives. I am a book lover as well, and I also hope our schoolmates will develop a desire for reading.
Great to know! Please introduce some good reads to your friends. Holy Familians may submit your sharing to the editors of this E-newsletter so that your schoolmates will know more about what you’ve read! Right. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on reading. I hope you will enjoy your new role in this school!
Ms Ng
Ms Ng
Past, Present and Future...
Schoolmates have been wondering how our new School Library will look like after renovation. While this is still an unknown to us, let’s take a
Snapshots of the School Library
look at the Library across different generations!
Past, Present and Future...
Editorial Board
(left to right) Amber Chung 4A 12 Angie Shing 4B 20 Ms Candice Ng ( Teacher Adviser) Myra Lee 5C 16 Vinci Ng 5D 10
Ms Cara Cheng (Principal) Ms Kary Chan Ms Kenny Chan Mr Edwin Hung Mr Markus Li