Dear all Our company locates in Asia where the land of bamboo is. For a thousand generation, bamboo is our nation’s friend which benefits us in our livelihood every time and everywhere. Now, we continually work harder to promote bamboo as a socially and environmentally- responsible material. 100% crafted by hand, spun bamboo product has utilized the flexibility of bamboo that gives us the room for any creative shapes. To come to a complete spun bamboo product, the process has to go through 10 steps, all by hand, which confidently present you here sustainable, functional and stylish product.
Warm and cold food Hand wash in soapy water and wipe dry
Microwave, oven, dishwasher, very hot items
Modern trend… •Striped pattern, transparent color. •Various sizes, colors •Light weight but sturdy •...
Aesthetic Boat Bowl… •... •Unique shape, endless array of hue, color • Handles to make serving a breeze •…
Traditional trend… •... • In round shape with various dimension. •Beautifully handcrafted squash-colored. • Glossy or matte finish, lacquered inside or outside. •…
Big size… •… •Best served for a biggest crowd •A quaint stylish in a modern home •...
Innovative trend… •… •Innovative, chic and fashionable •...& more
Jam bowl Oval bowl
square bowl
Water drop bowl
Flower bowl
Bam b o o s e rv e r is m ade fro m e c o frie ndly s p un b am b o o m ate rial that m ake s it lig ht, s afe fo r c hildre n. We c an m ake a w ide v arie ty o f c o lo rs , diffe re nt s ize s s o that yo u c an c o m b ine it w ith b am b o o lac q ue r b o w ls o f e v e ry hue that are als o av ailab le at MSafina ho m e ’s s to re .
Crafted from 100% organic bamboo
n g i s e d n i Style
These salad hands fit perfectly in the palm of your hand. Salad hands do your hand’s work. Bamboo is harder, denser and lighter which leaves the salad its own fresh.
The p rac tic al o b je c ts w e us e e v e ry day c an b e w o rks o f art, b ring ing unc o mmo n b e auty into o ur liv e s . This larg e multi- tas ke r c an trans fo rm fre s h fruit o r a s alad into an e dib le s till- life , o r b e c o me the e ye - c atc hing fo undatio n fo r a flo ral c e nte rp ie c e . Be autiful o n yo ur dining tab le , als o flus h w ith s o fa. Ev e n w he n it's no t in us e , ric h c o lo rs and e c o - frie ndly b amb o o c o re make it w o rth ke e p ing o n dis p lay .
ď‚ž Cocktail
tray in square or round shape give an elegant sense in serving. ď‚ž Breakfast in bed or appetizers in the dining room
Fruit tray Bread tray Cookie tray …
Made of strong, eco-friendly bamboo with a natural food safe finish. Food on these tray becomes fresher and better server for any occasion . Various colors and shapes will favour your aesthetic sense.
ď‚ž We
work hard to bring you a new sense for a normal serving one. It’s not only functional but also pleasant!
You can access us for more update bamboo product on: MSAFINA INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED Add: 6th Floor, Kinh Do Building, 292 Tay Son Street, Dong Da District, Ha Noi City Showroom: 4F, 256 Ba Trieu Str, Hai Ba Trung Dist, Ha Noi City mail: