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Executive Director’s Report for 2020

Beth Embry / Executive Director

Family Medicine Strong. Each of our members has lived up to that term during 2020. You have been challenged to learn new things, solve problems to the best of your ability while advocating for your patients and communities. As the new wave of cases increased, we were in awe of your commitment and prayed for your stamina. We are hopeful for change in 2021. Stay strong, Family Medicine.


Even with the constant changes since March, your MAFP staff has worked together to keep members engaged by implementing creative changes in safe environments. Our goal was to continue to serve you as we always have. The MAFP office remained open during COVID-19 with our staff always taking safety precautions. Here is a review of the work your MAFP leaders, staff and members have done.

ACADEMY - Maintaining a sustainable association through engaged membership and leadership • MAFP received 1st place for highest retention rate of active membership and 100% of resident membership • MAFP Executive Director presented membership campaign on AAFP webinar to other state chapters • MAFP created website page with resources and sent out 32 Covid-focused communications March - June • MAFP sent letter to Dobbs/Governor about slowing the spread – April 1 • MAFP sent letter to MS Congressmen re: telemedicine visit payments – April 7 • MAFP created PSA Video highlighting

COVID’s affect on African American communities – April 17 • MAFP created PSA Video and posters for reopening clinics – April 30 • MAFP sent letter to Governor and legislators re: reimbursement and grants for primary care - May 13 • MAFP created PSA reminder of safety precautions during holidays – November • MAFP sent letter to Governor requesting a statewide mask mandate – November 24 • MAFP staff researched, created, and implemented safety protocols for meetings • MAFP staff introduced two new

Foundation fundraisers raising over $11,000 • MAFP staff contacted members 12 times regarding outstanding dues through text, email, postcards • 2020-21 Online MAFP Directory offered in

December • Recognized members for membership anniversaries at MAFP Luncheon • Updated member contact information with a focus on FAX numbers • Conducted member survey in May with over 160 responses to determine needs of members during COVID-19 • Held staff strategic planning meeting ADVOCACY - Serving as the unified voice of family physicians in Mississippi • Applied and received AAFP Foundation grant for advocacy efforts during COVID • Dr. Dustin Gentry served on MBML

Hospice Ad Hoc Committee • Drs. Bill Grantham and Dustin Gentry testified regarding hospice • Dr. Dustin Gentry testified at legislature regarding Medicaid • Advocacy Committee worked through hundreds of bills during session • MAFP held successful Capitol Day on

January 30, featuring Lt. Governor as our speaker • FamDocPAC board set goal of $25,000.

Raised $16,124 including monthly donors • MAFP met with Pharmacy Board to share a vaccine notification letter from pharmacy to physicians • 4 MAFP members attended the Virtual

AAFP Congress of Delegates • Issued 5 statements, 4 letters to the

Governor, 9 letters to Legislators and

Congressmen, 2 letters to MSDH officials, and 1 letter to a private entity on behalf of family physicians

WORKFORCE - Expanding the family physician workforce to meet patient and community needs • MAFP President Dr. James Griffin and

MAFP staff participated in Virtual UMMC

Residency Fair • MAFP President Dr. James Griffin and

MAFP staff participated in virtual FMIG meeting for UMMC • Hosted Rural Scholars for drive-by

Christmas party, staff handed out MAFP swag and took pics with Santa • Presented MAFP opportunities to Family

Medicine Residents, to Forrest General on

Jan. 9 and EC HealthNet on Dec. 30 • 4 medical students served as Academy

Ambassador at MAFP Annual Meeting • Foundation sponsored 2 residents to attend Annual Meeting • Selected 4 residents and 4 students to

MAFP and Foundation Boards • Hosted William Carey students monthly for testing at MAFP headquarters • Sent congratulatory packets with free registration for Annual Meeting to graduating residents at 4 MS residencies • Foundation sponsored 3 medical students to attend MAFP Fall Conference

Available for $50 from MAFP Foundation

E-mail beth@msafp.org


Providing education through a variety of delivery mechanisms • Redesigned MAFP Annual Meeting and

MAFP Fall Conference to meet safety precautions and held live, safe meetings • Created new levels of sponsorship to include exhibitors who could not attend • NEW – Introduced “KSA Boot Camp” • NEW – Alabama AFP joined MAFP to offer

KSA to their membership • Three MAFP Past Presidents served as KSA presenters – great evaluations! • Recognized 4 MAFP members for earning

Fellow degree • 45 attendees and 12 exhibits for fall conference • Annual Meeting: 111 attendance; 90 live attendees and 21 virtual attendees; 31 exhibits • 1 Tobacco Cessation Lunch and Learn

Program – Jan. 8 PUBLIC AWARENESS - Improving public awareness of the roles and position of family physicians • Bi-weekly newsletter sent to 700 people with 35% open rate • Received 15 applications from 10 high schools for David G. Hall Scholarship • Offered Family Medicine Strong T-shirts • Offered MAFP Live Healthy masks • Worked with Miss Mississippi and medical students to create Tar Wars video to present virtually to elementary schools • 2 Tar Wars presentations made to more than 37 medical students; reached 596 4th and 5th graders • Press releases: Family Physician of Year;

New MAFP Officers and Board Members;

New Foundation Officers and Board

Members; New Fellows; New Physician of the Year; Humanitarian Award; Military

Service Award • Awarded Family Physician of Year, New

Family Physician of Year, Humanitarian and Military awards • Included Live Healthy car tags promotion in bike and run registration packets Developed idea for Family Medicine Strong

Watercolor print • Social Media: Facebook followers 1,227,

Instagram followers 323, Twitter followers 669. Members-only Facebook group increased to 124 • Updated annual meeting app • Our PSA video about African Americans being affected by COVID reached 17,000 people on FB • Our Facebook story about Picayune

Church rallying to sew masks for doctors reached 25,600 people • Dr. Bill Grantham MAFP President, visited with Supertalk radio to discuss family physicians’ readiness to see patients

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