MSBA Journal: November-December 2014

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November-December 2014

Volume 67, No. 3


Century Leadership

21st Century Leadership:

Leaders Must Embrace, Take Lead on Technology Teach Each Other Gift Law Now Applicable to 94th Annual Leadership School District Officials Conference January 15–16, 2015

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PRESIDENT’S COLUMN Walter Hautala, MSBA President

2 ���������������� Daylight Saving Time Ends 4 ���������������� Election Day (no meetings or activities 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.) 6–7 ������������ MSBA Board of Directors’ Meeting 11 �������������� Veterans Day (no meetings) 12 �������������� MSBA Pre-Delegate Assembly Meetings 13 �������������� MSBA Pre-Delegate Assembly Meetings 13–14 �������� MASBO Fall Conference 15 �������������� MSBA Pre-Delegate Assembly Meetings 16–22 �������� American Education Week 19 �������������� Minnesota School District Liquid Asset Fund Plus Annual Meeting 27 �������������� Thanksgiving Day (no meetings) 28 �������������� Optional Holiday

2015 Leadership Conference preview MSBA Staff


Divisions 4 5 6 30 40


STRAIGHT TALK Kirk Schneidawind, MSBA Executive Director

VENDOR DIRECTORY Pierre Productions & Promotions, Inc.

Articles 8 12 16 18 20 22

21st Century Leadership Bruce Lombard Teach Each Other Jeff Charbonneau

Gift Law Now Applicable to School District Officials MSBA Staff The key to better teaching is a principal who boosts morale Heidi Hahn New pension reporting rules may sound false alarms about districts being in the red Susan Barbieri Safe Schools: What School Board Members Need to Know Steve Swensen The MSBA Journal thanks the students of Ulen-Hitterdal Public Schools for sharing their art in this issue.

2 ���������������� MSBA New Board Member Orientation, Phase I, St. Peter 5 ���������������� MSBA Board of Directors’ Meeting 5 ���������������� MSBA Insurance Trust Meeting 5–6 ������������ MSBA Delegate Assembly 9 ���������������� MSBA New Board Member Orientation, Phase I, Fergus Falls & Marshall 10 �������������� MSBA New Board Member, Orientation, Phase I, Thief River Falls 11 �������������� MSBA New Board Member Orientation, Phase I, Mountain Iron & Rochester 12 �������������� MSBA New Board Member Orientation, Phase I, St. Cloud 13 �������������� MSBA, Phase II Orientation, St. Cloud 25 �������������� Christmas Day (no meetings)

JANUARY 2015 1 ���������������� New Year’s Day (no meetings) 5 ���������������� Terms Begin for Newly Elected Board Members 13 �������������� MSBA New Board Member Orientation, Phase I, Minneapolis 14 �������������� MSBA Board of Directors’ Meeting 14 �������������� MSBA Phase II Orientation, Minneapolis 14 �������������� MSBA Charter School Board Training, Minneapolis 14 �������������� MSBA Leadership Conference Early Bird Workshops 15–16 �������� MSBA Leadership Conference 16 �������������� MSBA Board of Director’s Meeting 19 �������������� Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday Observed (no meetings)


Kristin Sullivan

November/December 2014    3

CONTENTS November/Decenber 2014  VOLUME 67, NUMBER 3


Officers President: Walter Hautala, Mesabi East President-Elect: Kevin Donovan, Mahtomedi District Directors District 1: Kathy Green, Austin District 2: Jodi Sapp, Mankato Area District 3: Linden Olson, Worthington District 4: Betsy Anderson, Hopkins District 5: Missy Lee, Columbia Heights District 6: George Kimball, White Bear Lake Area District 7: Melissa Sauser, Farmington District 8: Carla Bates, Minneapolis District 9: Karen Kirschner, Mora District 10: Michael Domin, Crosby-Ironton District 11: Tim Riordan, Virginia District 12: Ann Long Voelkner, Bemidji Area District 13: Deborah Pauly, Jordan Staff Kirk Schneidawind: Executive Director Kelly Martell: Executive Assistant Tiffany Rodning: Deputy Executive Director Greg Abbott: Director of Communications Denise Dittrich: Associate Director of Governmental Relations Denise Drill: Director of Financial/MSBAIT Services Amy Fullenkamp-Taylor: Associate Director of Management Services Sandy Gundlach: Director of School Board Services Barb Hoffman: Administrative Assistant to Governmental Relations/Finance/Meeting Coordinator Sue Honetschlager: Administrative Assistant to Management, Legal and Policy Services/MSBAIT Donn Jenson: Director of Technology Bill Kautt: Associate Director of Management Services Grace Keliher: Director of Governmental Relations Katie Klanderud: Director of Board Development Gary Lee: Director of Membership Services Bruce Lombard: Associate Director of Communications Bob Lowe: Director of Management Services Cathy Miller: Director of Legal and Policy Services Sue Munsterman: Administrative Assistant to Board Development/Communications Sandi Ostermann: Administrative Assistant to Association Services and Finance/Receptionist Tim Roberts: Production Room Manager The MSBA Journal (USPS 352-220) is published bimonthly by the Minnesota School Boards Association, 1900 West Jefferson Avenue, St. Peter, Minnesota 56082. Telephone 507-934-2450. Call MSBA office for subscription rates. (Opinions expressed in the Journal are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent MSBA policy.)

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Quotes of Note captures some of the more interesting statements MSBA staff have read in local, state and national publications.

MSBA on the ACT

New approach to truancy

“I think it’s a real issue for districts. Accountability is a good thing, but at the end of the day, you also have to understand you have a limited number of instructional days.”

“The best accomplishment of all of this is that everyone is working together instead of doing their own separate things.”

MSBA Executive Director Kirk Schneidawind, regarding some educators’ concern over the state requiring the ACT tests and MCA tests for graduation

“I voted for a school” “The community has given us a wonderful gift with this new school. Recently, a man in our community told me he ‘didn’t vote for a building to be built. I voted for a school to be built.’ That showed me that this community truly values education.” United South Central Superintendent Jerry Jenson, on his district’s new school funded by a voter-approved bond referendum

All-Day K “The investment that has been made in all-day kindergarten and in early learning scholarships and breakfast for kindergartners is going to have a really significant impact on students across the state of Minnesota and in Osseo Area Schools.” Osseo Area Superintendent Kate Maguire

“I learned about the importance of allday kindergarten from the experts, the teachers who really have that knowledge and have that comparison of part-day with all-day, and talk about the additional academic progression they were able to provide.” Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton

“I think the high level of our standards now requires that we have full-day kindergarten.” Minnesota Department of Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius

Rochester School Liaison Officer Lisa Weber, on a new approach to truancy that focuses on teamwork among the school district, police and parents, and assigns a new prominence to the county attorney’s office, which will use its legal muscle at the front end of the process before a student’s unexcused absences become too great

Closing the generation gap “Our motto is to change the world through the children and community. By coming to the school, we are able to cross those generational lines and spend some time with the youth.” Alexandria Kiwanis Golden K Club President Gary Zavadil, on the club’s monthly tradition of greeting kids with handshakes as they arrive to start their school day

Survey says: Minnesota schools are good “There have been a lot of knocks on public education for spending, but opinions about quality have not gone down. Education has always been a core value of residents of this state. The dedication to public education is very strong.” Bill Morris, whose Decision Resources conducted a poll that showed 66 percent of Minnesotans today describe their schools as good, compared to 45 percent in 1974

STtraight T alk ’ his year s national poll shows American sentiment going against federal intrusions in education


If there is one message coming out from the latest PDK/Gallup Poll on education, it’s that people are NOT happy with federal intrusions and mandates for their children. Never before has local control received such a big response.

Kirk Schneidawind MSBA Executive Director

The 2014 survey results show only 27 percent support for President Obama’s education initiatives – down from 41 percent in 2011.

The 2014 survey results show only 27 percent support for President Obama’s education initiatives – down from 41 percent in 2011. The main reason? People don’t think the federal government should be telling teachers what to teach. The respondents were afraid that a teacher’s flexibility would be taken away. Standardized tests didn’t fare much better. A majority of people (54 percent) don’t think standardized tests are helpful for teachers or their children. More than half of Americans (56 percent) believe that local school boards should have the greatest influence in what is taught in public schools, not a federal or national standards board.

So with the Legislative session coming up, how does this apply to board members and what they do? MSBA has always pushed for local control and flexibility – on when to start school, what standards should be taught and how to use multiple ways to judge a student’s achievement. We will again be pushing for the flexibility of school boards (not the State Fair and not resorts) to set starting dates for schools. And we will again be taking policy and funding resolutions that our local districts send to us and puting them before our Delegate Assembly. The ones that pass become part of our legislative advocacy platform. MSBA practices what it preaches when it comes to advocacy. We don’t decide what our legislative platform will be. The school board member delegates coming to our Delegate Assembly December 6 will be telling us what we should be advocating for. That’s as close to grassroots, local control as you can get.

As for national Common Core standards, again people want state-developed standards. As more people hear about the Common Core, the more they dislike it (60 percent). In Minnesota, the state has adopted Common Core reading standards into the MCA test. The math standards have not been used because the state just recently adopted new, tougher math standards. What the research is saying is that the public believes that decisions related to schools are best made by those closest to the action – our elected school board members. And one last finding from the poll is that more Americans think students should have shorter summer breaks and a little longer breaks at other times of the year.

Ashley Halvorson

November/December 2014    5

President’s Column

Some good words and accomplishments from the boards I’ve worked with


As I move on from president of the Minnesota School Boards Association to become its past president, I want to pass along some observations and accomplishments our Association and board were able to do because of the outstanding people serving with me.

Walter Hautala MSBA President

Keep your communities informed: Everything you do needs to come full-circle. In this age of social media and email, it is very cost-effective and even more important to keep your parents and citizens of your district informed about what you are doing and why.

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For the Association, our board’s biggest accomplishment was hiring a new executive director. We were lucky to have good candidates and luckier that Kirk Schneidawind accepted our offer. I have no doubt that with his vision for a 21stCentury Association, our school boards will be well-served. Already, MSBA has made many technology improvements – a new website, a mobile application for the Summer Seminar conference, and short informational videos that launch this fall both to promote board members and to answer member questions. Overall, I think the MSBA board has also improved communications to their local members. Many of us give updates on what the Association is doing; MSBA is also helping to provide updates on Minnesota State High School League issues; and we have made bigger efforts to target regional boards to become part of our advocacy system of Fall Regional Meetings all the way to the Delegate Assembly. Those delegates and MSBA’s advocacy staff have also been very instrumental in finally pushing funding through for allday kindergarten, for working with the Legislature to finally increase money on the general funding formula; and for being the biggest proponent behind increasing funding to students through the State Trust Lands legislation. Public schools today are funded much better than they were just four years ago. And districts have wisely targeted those increases to the classroom with the goal of increasing student achievement. As for board service overall, I am lucky to work with very high-achieving boards at both Mesabi East and the Association. Reaching that level of achievement with a board doesn’t come easily. That’s why I also leave you with a few recommendations:

1. Listen to your constituents and staff: You have good ideas. But so do the people you represent, and so do members of the staff who are charged with doing the lion’s share of the work. Listening means not making up your mind on an issue until you’ve heard from everyone. Listening means keeping an open mind to opinions that may be 180 degrees different from your own. And listening also means having dialog – not debate – with the people in your school district. Personal conversations can accomplish much more than entering every issue like it is a debate you want to win. 2. Continue to receive training: School district laws, policies and procedures can be overwhelming. But that’s why you have an Association like MSBA – founded to give school board members training at a very low cost. You can receive everything from the mandatory training in Phase 2, to training on community engagement, working together as a board, the roles of superintendent and a board, negotiations – the topics and training are endless. Especially when you sign up for the Leadership Conference, which has nearly 100 different workshops tailored for any issue board members may face. 3. Keep your communities informed: Everything you do needs to come full-circle. In this age of social media and e-mail, it is very cost-effective and even more important to keep your parents and citizens of your district informed about what you are doing and why. Keep your discussions at the board table so people know why you voted the way you did. And make sure when decisions are made, those are communicated to the public – along with the reasons why. Transparency is very important. 4. Let your legislators know your needs: Unfortunately, board members can no longer simply concentrate on individual district issues. Much of the funding for school programs and personnel comes from the state. So you need to work with your legislators to let them know your stories of how legislation is affecting your district. You need to advocate. You need to have discussions with those state representatives. I’m thankful I had the opportunity to serve two years as MSBA President and look forward to serving one year as past president with our incoming president, Kevin Donovan, who will be a great leader for the Association. I’m proud to be a public school graduate, teacher, administrator, board member and president of MSBA. Who could ask for more!

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ExpEriEncE thE EidE Bailly diffErEncE

w w w. e id e b a November/December 2014    7

Faith Arntson

21st Century Leadership

Leaders must embrace, take lead on technology


Bruce Lombard Kevin Honeycutt, Leadership Conference keynote speaker 8    MSBA Journal

The grown-up Kevin Honeycutt is a leader who spends his time espousing the importance of leadership – but young Kevin Honeycutt spent most of his early life as a follower.

Raised as a child exposed to poverty and alcoholism, Honeycutt followed his rapidly relocating family through 20 states. Through his nomadic and traumatic childhood, young Kevin developed emotional issues and struggled in school. “I wasn’t stupid but they didn’t test the things I was good at,” Honeycutt said. As Honeycutt witnessed education around the country, he collected powerful experiences that influenced his future. He would go on to teach K–12 art in public schools for 13 years, and he spent 17 years leading creative adventure summer camps for kids of all ages. Presently, Honeycutt is a technology integrationist and a staff developer out of central Kansas. His website,, provides a plethora of resources about leadership, technology and much more – including a self-directed staff development series to help schools understand and stop bullying. “Now part of my passion is to help schools understand that there are other things to see in children other than test scores...and to cultivate inventiveness and creativity,” he said. “I’ve spent my life trying to make sense of the tragedy that was my childhood and to use that as an impetus to make positive change.” Honeycutt is also a school board member, currently serving his third term on the Inman Public Schools Board of Education in Kansas. On Thursday, January 15, Honeycutt will speak about the importance of leadership and technology via his “Challenges and Opportunities for Today’s Learning Mind” presentation at the 2015 MSBA Leadership Conference. In an interview with MSBA, Honeycutt touched on some of the topics he will cover with his school board colleagues in Minnesota. MSBA: What will be your main message to Minnesota’s school board members? HONEYCUTT: Mostly that leadership matters. No matter how much you want change to happen, if leadership doesn’t get it, it’s not going to happen. We have to lead by example and do the things we talk about. The focus (of my presentation) is going to be on the crucial nature of leadership and continued learning. It’s healthy to learn. No matter what age a person is, it’s important to continue to learn, especially if it’s our job to lead. When the pioneers went west, they couldn’t take advice from the colonists because they didn’t understand the reality of the prairie or frontier. Had they taken advice from the colonists, they would have died. They had to learn in

real time beside their children on the journey. I think once again we are on a journey and leadership has to be part of that wagon train. MSBA: What are some examples of how school board members can improve their leadership and vision? HONEYCUTT: Social media is a big one. Leveraging the power of social media to tell the good news about your school district. To not be a secret genius in a time when anyone can talk. Living out loud, sharing the good news about what we do, telling our story better. I think that we have better stories than the politicians who sum us up. I think we need to tell our stories better and bigger. That’s one thing. The other is leveraging technology to give our kids an advantage. You don’t have to know how to do everything to be an advocate of those tools. MSBA: What are some of the technological tools that you recommend? HONEYCUTT: I will talk about 1-to-1 tablets and laptops. There are creative ways to get those in the hands of kids. And looking at policies that we’ve had in the past that have become prisons in the future. Looking at ways to have better common sense in how we let kids and teachers use get rid of our fear and replace it with steadfast determination. When times are hard, people have two choices: they can shrink and stay safe and wait to die – or they can get big. I think bold people get big in hard times and it serves them well when things get better. They say “never waste a good crisis,” because you can make great change in a time of crisis. That’s where leadership comes in. That’s where vision comes in. This is a better option than being so conservative and being so afraid that we ultimately end up blind because we played it safe. MSBA: As a current school board member, is there any specific insight you can give your Minnesota colleagues? HONEYCUTT: I will give you an example. We went 1-to-1 iPads a few years ago. When we did that, the school board also started using iPads because we have to do the things we talk about. We have to live by example. We had to buy our own iPads because politically we couldn’t bill them to the district – but it was important for everyone to understand (how to use them). If we are going to lead, we have to do the things we say. In Kansas, our per-pupil funding is just over $4,000 per kid. It’s one of the lowest in the nation, but we’ve managed to give our students 1-to-1 iPads in spite of that small budget. November/December 2014    9

21st Century Leadership: Leaders must embrace, take lead on technology

We’ve been inventive because we’ve known that it is crucial to get kids ready for their future. And to do that, we can’t just teach them our past. We want kids to have an advantage in the world. Even though we are a small town (of less than 1,400 people), we think bigger thoughts. We think it is possible to do be innovative in a time of uncertainty. I think the safest place to be is bold. We still have a smalltown feel...but we also have a mind on the future. We’re “tradigital” leaders.

things and trying them out. I think every district probably needs to be playing with at least one of any new device that shows promise and studying it – and seeing if they can get ahead of the curve for once. I like to see us thinking about technology before we see our kids walk in the door with it. MSBA: Any advice for school board members on how to curb bullying?

HONEYCUTT: They should talk to parents and talk to teachers and get everyone in their community MSBA: As someone who has been on both sides of to live on the same digital playground the kids are the teacher-board member relationship, is there raising themselves on. Kids are raising themselves anything you can speak about to on digital playgrounds and no enhance teacher-board member one is on recess duty. I think as relations? a community we can move into Challenges HONEYCUTT: It’s important to those spaces. Good kids will do have an honest, real and cordial stupid things if no one is watching. and Opportunities It’s relationship between boards not about preaching to the and teachers. I go to a lot of kids, it’s about teaching them the for Today’s schools for my job, and I see things they say online are going adversarial relationships and it’s to represent them the rest of their Learning Mind counterproductive because we lives. are all working toward the same Bullies never care about the victim. goal. I think in our town, we do a Kevin will delve into They always care about themselves. really good job of laying our cards If you remind them that all of this the multi-tasking, on the table…just being honest is findable and that everything with each other in trying to do they do is traceable, they squirm a quick-researching, what’s best for kids. And reminding little bit. They start to realize this ourselves that we have to work oportunity seeking is on the record and you don’t together for the best outcome get to sit in the grassy knoll and for our children. I think it has to mind and seek to help take a free shot at people. This is a be a goal to say teachers aren’t community conversation. This is a participants identify employees, they are partners. daily conversation. MSBA: After your presentation is ways they can empower MSBA: Any final thoughts? finished, what do you want board students to become HONEYCUTT: Talking to school members to come away with? leaders is sacred work to me. HONEYCUTT: I want them to skilled in using the tools Because when leaders understand, get connected in social media systems change and good things of today to become for get on Twitter® and happen next. We can’t do anything to leverage social media in their without leaders and I admire them better learners. role as leaders. I use social media because if they are like me, we do as a funnel of opportunity for our this for nothing. It’s a calling, it’s district. I am connected to 30,000a service thing. I admire that. I plus educators on Twitter and I admire people who put their hat in the ring for that find things. I find grants. I find opportunities or they sort of thing. I can’t wait to talk to them. find me because I’m connected. Getting beyond Bruce Lombard is MSBA’s Associate Director of Communications. the idea that Twitter is a social thing that we do for He can be reached at fun, and realizing that we can leverage it to give our schools an advantage. That’s one. Visit for more information about Kevin Honeycutt. The other is opening our minds up to new technology, to keep our eyes out for what’s next that will give our kids an advantage. Grabbing new

10    MSBA Journal

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Designing for the Possibilities November/December 2014    11

Teach Each Other

Paige Busby

2013 National Teacher of the Year will be the closing keynote speaker at the 2015 MSBA Leadership Conference 12    MSBA Journal


There are a lot of questions in the field of education these days – most of which are devoted to solving problems ranging from the achievement gap to teacher evaluations and everything in between. At each conference I attend, I have heard countless answers – each promising that it will solve the problem and lead us all to some kind of educational utopia.

Jeff Charbonneau

However, most of the solutions start by pointing out what is wrong. And that’s why we haven’t solved any of our issues yet. We are pointing to what is wrong and not pointing to what is right. If I did the same thing in my classroom, how long do you think I would last as a teacher?

I teach physics, for college credit, at the high school level. Straight up it is hard stuff. If I greeted my students each day by scolding them for what they have done wrong, from their homework to their handwriting, there is no way I would be able to fill the seats in my room. Instead, I value the work they have done, commend what is correct, and further solidify the learning that did occur. At that point, as a partners in the process, we look for ways to improve.

It works. By teachers valuing the student-teacher relationship above all else, even as more important than content, students succeed at levels higher than even they expect they can reach. As an education profession, we are spending far too much time focused on the wrong things. The reality is that there are two worlds in education. One is filled with credentials, certifications, curriculum, strategies, forms, procedures, and far, far too many acronyms to mention. Then there is the world of education that matters: the relationships we make with students. Many people have asked me what the largest challenge is in my career. Without a doubt the most difficult part of the job is creating and maintaining positive relationships with students. After that, everything else – and I do mean everything – becomes much easier.

In fact, if we look closely at the relationship-based dynamic of the classroom, we will find the answers we seek to virtually every educational issue we face.

Let’s explore the qualities of a great classroom. 1) Great classrooms are hands-on. Students learn by doing. In science, language arts, history, or any subject, students learn deeper by doing real work themselves. 2) Great classrooms are filled with confidence. The teacher has confidence in his or her instruction and content, and the students have a growing confidence in themselves and their abilities. 3) Great classrooms are adaptable. From assemblies to class pictures to snow days, great classrooms adapt to the situation and don’t miss a beat. 4) Great classrooms are student-led. For all the effort the teacher puts in, great classrooms are only created when the students take ownership and lead the class. 5) Great classrooms are positive. Fundamentally, the entire classroom environment can be explained in one word: positive.

Now let’s think about a great education system. 1) Great education systems value experience. Experienced veteran teachers are valued for their honed skills and ability to use the events of their careers to put trends and ideas into perspective. At the same time, beginning teachers are valued for their experience with social media, technology, innovation, and world of work experience. 2) Great education systems support all participants. Teachers need support from their administration, just as administration needs support from the teachers. It’s twoway and ongoing. 3) Great education systems are flexible. When a teacher comes up with a great idea that is against the rules, the November/December 2014    13

rules get changed. Bureaucracy does not stand in the way of improving student learning.

Teach Each Other

4) Great education systems are teacher-driven. Teachers know that they can effect change in a school by doing it on a regular basis. 5) Great education systems are not afraid to showcase success. Great systems value communication with the community and ensure that they are showcasing the work of the students.

Great education systems mirror great classrooms. Look at the lists again. They are virtually the same. Interchange the words teacher, students, and administration and either list works just as well to explain the other for exactly the same reason. That’s because we already know how to educate kids. Great classrooms do it every day. Let’s stop looking for new solutions, and instead scale up the solutions that we already know work. Administrators should look like great teachers, with teachers being treated like their students!* 1) They let their staff get hands-on with the curriculum and professional development. 2) They are confident in their knowledge, but also foster a growing confidence in their teachers. 3) They adapt and change building policies to allow teachers the flexibility to teach with new tools and in new ways. 4) Like teachers, they understand that the leader is not the one with the most control; instead they empower those around them. 5) Finally, success in the classroom, the school, and the community is celebrated and shared.

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But it goes further than that. Teachers and administrators – I want you to treat all of the adults in the room the same way you treat your students. Teach them! When a student is struggling in the classroom, teachers spend extra time to understand where the student is, what issues he or she is facing, and then mold their instruction to that student. What if we were to do exactly that with the policymakers, too? Rather than head off to the capitol to “tell” elected officials what you think, try teaching them as though they are your students. How often does simply “telling” students to do their work, actually work? Telling does not work. Teaching does. At the same time, remember that we, too, have much to learn. As a teacher, I need to also be the willing student. I need to learn from other teachers, administration, parents and the community. After all, the best teaching can only occur after a teacher learns about the others in the room. Imagine an entire education system built to look like a great classroom – where the underlying theme to everything is positive relationships with students, staff, administration, parents, and the community. If we could do that, put the real world of education first, then our problems would become much easier to handle. *If that caught you off guard (teachers being treated like students), then I have to ask, “How are you treating your students?” Jeff Charbonneau is a science teacher at Zillah High School (Washington) and was named the 2013 National Teacher of the Year by the Council of Chief State School Officers. Jeff is the keynote speaker for Friday’s Closing Session of the 2015 MSBA Leadership Conference. Follow Jeff on Twitter at @JeffCharbonneau.

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Gift Law

Shanae Sakrismo

Now Applicable to School District Officials


As part of the Health Insurance Transparency Act (HITA) sponsored and supported by Education Minnesota, the 2014 Legislature made the local government “gift law” applicable to school district officials for the first time. The law amends the definition of “local official” to include the following: “an elected or appointed member of a school board, a school superintendent, a school principal, or a district school officer of any independent school district.”

MSBA Staff

16    MSBA Journal

In short, the gift law, which has been in existence since 1994, provides that an “interested person” may not give a gift or request another to give a gift to a local official, and that a local official may not accept a gift from an interested person.

In our effort to share common direction on this issue, MSBA staff have worked with other statewide organizations – the Minnesota Association of School Administrators, the Minnesota Association of School Business Officials, the Minnesota Elementary School Principals’ Association, the Minnesota Association of Secondary School Principals, and the League of Minnesota Cities – to develop a plan to educate our respective members about this new law.

• services of insignificant monetary value;

Who is an “interested person”?

• food or a beverage may be given at a reception, meal, or meeting away from the recipient’s place of work by an organization before whom the recipient appears to make a speech or answer questions as part of a program; note that this exception is the only one that allows for giving of food or beverage and, likely, the $5 “trinket or memento” exception doesn’t apply to food and beverages;

An “interested person” is a “person or a representative of a person or association that has a direct financial interest in a decision that a local official is authorized to make.” The law does not require that a specific decision involving the interested person exist at the time of the gift. Accordingly, the law likely applies to anyone who might at some time financially benefit from a decision the school official may make. As a result, the law affects the actions of almost any vendor (attorneys, financial advisors, accountants, contractors, sale representatives, etc.) who is likely to have a contract or financial arrangement with a school district.

What is a “gift”?

A “gift” is defined to include “money, real or personal property, a service, a loan, a forbearance or forgiveness of indebtedness, or a promise of future employment, that is given and received without the giver receiving consideration of equal or greater value in return.” In short, a gift is almost anything of value that might be given to a local official.

Who is a “local official”?

Again, in addition to city and county officials, the law now specifically applies to the defined set of school officials mentioned above. Also important to note is that the law not only applies to the elected decision makers, but it also applies to staff who either make decisions themselves or are in a position to recommend decisions. Accordingly, the most conservative and, thereby, the safest approach in addressing this law would be to apply it to all employees, so school boards should consider adopting MSBA/MASA Model Policy 421 – Gifts to Employees.

• a plaque or similar memento recognizing individual services in a field of specialty or to a charitable cause; • a trinket or memento costing $5 or less; under this exception, items valued at less than $5 may be given away and received at vendor booths at conferences; • informational material of unexceptional value;

• g ifts given because of the recipient’s membership in a group, a majority of whose members are not local officials, if an equivalent gift is given to the other members of the group; • a gift by an interested person who is a member of the family of the recipient, unless the gift is given on behalf of someone who is not a member of that family; and • gifts given by a national or multi-state organization of governmental organizations or public officials (if a majority of the dues to the organization is paid from public funds) to attendees at a conference sponsored by that organization if the gift is food or a beverage given at a reception or meal and an equivalent gift is given or offered to all other attendees. Also important to note is that the law prohibits gifts to school officials, not to school districts. Accordingly, no gift law problem exists if the gift is given to the school district itself. In addition to this communication piece, MSBA is currently reviewing the “gift law” as it pertains to MSBA’s events and trainings. As a final note, MSBA strongly encourages school board members to apply the most conservative interpretation of the “gift law” and simply decline personal “gifts” from “interested persons.”

Do exceptions to the law exist?

Yes, the law has a lengthy list of exceptions, described below: • political contributions – given in accordance with law; • s ervices to assist a local official in the performance of official duties, including, but not limited to, providing advice, consultation, information, and communication in connection with legislation, and services to constituents; this exception likely permits contributions to, or sponsorship of, education conferences attended by school officials;

November/December 2014    17

The key to better teaching is a principal who

boosts morale! DNisha Shelton

“The best morale exists when you never hear the word mentioned. When you hear a lot of talk about it, it’s usually lousy.”


– Dwight D. Eisenhower

Several years ago, one of the districts that I serviced failed to pass their referendum. Sixty-five teachers were cut, school of choice was eliminated, two elementary schools were closed and activity fees skyrocketed. Needless to say, there was a lot of talk about morale. This scenario was happening all around the state of Minnesota and I wondered: How do leaders motivate and encourage staff to invest during such challenging times?

Heidi Hahn

Research leaves no doubt that the single greatest factor influencing student achievement and student outcomes is the teacher. A study conducted by Zigarelli (1996) concluded that the single, general measure of teacher satisfaction is a highly significant predictor of effective schools. Hattie’s (2003) meta-analysis of studies on teacher efficacy found that teachers’ responses about their job satisfaction made up 30 percent of the variance in determining what influenced learning the most (Hemric, Eury & Shellman, 2008). “Many studies indicate that social factors such as group interaction, supportive relationships, skills, high performance goals, and above all, morale (job satisfaction) are the most important determinants of productivity and success in human enterprises” (Bhella, 2001, p. 369). Multiple studies have found

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that teachers of scholastically high-achieving students have higher levels of job satisfaction (Anderson, 1953; Bhella, 2001: Koura, 1963). In addition, a critical review of 25 years of morale/job satisfaction research conducted by Blocker and Richardson (2002) concluded that the keys to teacher morale and job satisfaction are the principal and the leadership that building principal provides. With these facts in mind, it would seem imperative that principals understand how to increase the level of job satisfaction and overall staff morale because these have a direct impact on student achievement and school effectiveness (Bhella, 2001; Blocker & Richardson, 2002; Whitaker, Whitaker & Lumpa, 2009; Zigarelli, 1996).

Leadership practices to improve teacher job satisfaction The purpose of my dissertation study was to identify which leadership practices principals use to improve teacher job satisfaction, and to identify which of these leadership practices teachers believed had the most impact on their levels of job satisfaction. Using the theoretical framework of Whitaker et al., 2009, and Blasé and Kirby 2009, survey instruments were created for both principals and teachers. The surveys focused on seven core leadership areas which included staff acknowledgment/recognition, shared leadership, professional autonomy, creating staff expectations, leading by standing behind, communication and professional role. More than 600 Minnesota teachers and administrators representing 21 school districts participated in the study. The research study revealed a multitude of highly effective leadership practices that increase teacher job satisfaction. The leadership practice that influences a teacher’s level of job satisfaction the most is the acknowledgement and recognition he or she receives from the building administrator. Teachers reported higher levels of job satisfaction when a principal was genuine in acknowledgement and recognition of good work, and when the principal knew more about the teacher than just what the teacher was teaching. The second most influential leadership practice is professional autonomy; but guess what? Principals and teachers have very different perspectives on this! Teachers expressed higher levels of job satisfaction when they were supported by their principals and had the freedom to utilize strategies that they felt were effective. In the study, not a single principal picked this leadership strategy as a top practice to influence teacher job satisfaction, whereas 45 percent of the teachers did. Additional leadership practices that were linked to teachers reporting higher levels of job satisfaction included: • Principals seeking teacher input/involvement at the early planning stages of a project

• Principals trusting teachers to make informed instructional decisions • Encouraging and allocating time for professional learning communities • Principals taking time to listen to teachers’ concerns and work to problem-solve with teachers regarding these concerns • Developing and implementing a school-wide behavior/ discipline plan • Principals consistently modeling the behaviors and actions that are expected from teachers • Principals clearly, consistently, directly and tactfully communicating what is expected from teaching staff • Principals encouraging teachers and teaching staff to have informal drop-in meetings The study revealed myriad effective leadership practices, and the principals that participated in the study reported that the data they received was something they could immediately use with their staffs. Principals reported that they finally had something “tangible” in regards to teacher morale and job satisfaction and that the data led them to having meaningful conversations with staff. Principals and staff celebrated the positives, and began creating plans to improve areas where they could grow. Several principals have reported back that the culture has changed in their buildings. One principal stated “the energy is ‘palpable’ and we are more connected for our students.”

Some additional findings Additional analysis from the study revealed: • Male teachers reported higher levels of job satisfaction than female teachers. • Teachers aged 56-plus reported the highest levels of job satisfaction. • Metro teachers reported higher levels of job satisfaction than the suburban and rural teachers. • Teachers were more satisfied than their principals perceived them to be. I am so passionate about how teachers impact students and their learning. Beyond this study, I continue to work with principals and teachers from around the state, and together help them explore leadership practices that have the greatest impact on teacher job satisfaction. Some principals have connected this to their principal evaluations as an effective measure for their engagement with and responsiveness to their teaching staff. It is a gift to learn from passionate leaders and the dedicated teachers that they serve. Dr. Heidi M. Hahn is the director of special education for the Paul Bunyan Education Cooperative in Brainerd. Her research earned her the Robert Green Scholar award. To reach her, you can e-mail November/December 2014    19

New pension reporting rules may sound false alarms about districts being

in the red


New accounting changes for reporting public pension costs from the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) take effect this year, and there is concern brewing that the new accounting rules will cause confusion and raise false alarm regarding the financial well-being of public pension plans, including Minnesota’s.

Susan Barbieri

The new GASB numbers can be misleading and create a distorted picture of the systems’ long-term financial soundness. Beginning in 2014, GASB changes will require school districts and local governments such as cities and counties to show their share of Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) and Teachers Retirement Association (TRA) pension costs prominently on their balance sheets. Previously, the costs and financial status of Minnesota’s pension plans were reported only in the systems’ annual reports and regular reports to Legislature. Here’s a look at the new rules:

What’s new in the GASB rules? Previously, unfunded liabilities were annually disclosed by the retirement systems on their financial statements and to legislative oversight bodies such as the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement. Now state and local governments and school districts will each have to report their proportionate share of these unfunded pension liabilities as a liability on financial balance sheets. Under the old accounting rules, those government units only disclosed the annual contribution to the pension systems needed to fund the retirement systems and pay off the unfunded liability. The underlying economics and health of the plans are not affected, but the new standards will require school districts and local governments to report liabilities that had previously not been reported in financial statements. These liabilities have always existed and are not new. Furthermore, the new rules do not change what school districts and local governments owe in annual contributions to the retirement systems. The new disclosures should have no impact on budgeting practices.

Why is GASB requiring employers to show this information? Transparency and disclosure are good, but it’s important to provide context for the numbers. The presence on local government or school district balance sheets of a large number representing unfunded pension costs could give the incorrect impression that employers/taxpayers have an immense debt that must be paid immediately. This is not the case. Pension costs are amortized or paid off over long periods. The retirement systems plan for this, and work to make sure annual contributions are sufficient to pay off any pension debt on a schedule. This works much like a homeowner’s mortgage. Even though a homeowner might have a $100,000 unpaid mortgage, there is no expectation that this be paid off in one year.

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Brittany Sullivan

The owner makes manageable monthly payments and pays down the mortgage debt over a scheduled time period. This is what governments and school districts do when they make regular contributions to the retirement system.

How will local governments and school districts get the pension liability information? TRA and PERA will annually calculate and report to each employer unit that unit’s proportionate share of unfunded pension liabilities. These unfunded pension liabilities will be reported to the government unit or school district so that they can be shown as liabilities on balance sheets. Employers currently have no comparable reporting requirements in statements, footnotes or schedules. Instead, they report only their annual pension contributions.

Won’t people be alarmed if pension costs loom large on employer balance sheets? They shouldn’t be. The GASB numbers will be somewhat confusing. The liability amount reported on the employer balance sheet will represent the employer’s proportionate share of liabilities and will be paid down by employers’ annual contributions to the pension funds over many years. A June 2012 report from the Center for Retirement Research stated: “It would be unfortunate if the press and politicians characterized these new numbers as evidence of a worsening of the (pension) crisis when, in fact, states and localities have already taken numerous steps to put their plans on a more secure footing. …Policymakers should not let the new numbers throw them off course.” Susan Barbieri is the communications officer for the Teachers Retirement Association. You can reach her at sbarbieri@ November/December 2014    21

Safe Schools:

Steve Swensen

22    MSBA Journal


December 14 will mark two years since the 2012 Sandy Hook (Newtown, Conn.) School Shooting. This tragedy affected the lives of countless persons, both in the local community and throughout the country. No one wants to ever experience such a traumatic incident as the one suffered by Sandy Hook students and staff and their parents, family, friends, and acquaintances. This life-changing event and the painful emotions it generates continue to be endured to this day. Sadly, Sandy Hook does not stand alone as a tragic symbol of school-targeted violence.

On September 24, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released a study on 160 active shooter incidents occurring in the United States between 2000 and 2013. A total of 39 incidents took place in educational environments, with 27 of those occurring in schools (defined as Pre-K thru 12th grade) and 12 at Institutions of Higher Learning (IHE). The 27 school incidents resulted in 57 people murdered and 60 wounded. In two of those incidents, school board members were shot during board meetings. Under the remaining 25 incidents, 14 occurred in a high school, six in middle or junior high school, four in an elementary school, and one in a school conducting Pre-K thru 12 classes. Further breakdown shows that 23 incidents took place while school was in session. Yes, it is true that, when compared to other situational risks of violence, schools are relatively safe and secure environments for both students and staff. However, as multiple numbers of school shootings and other acts of targeted and indiscriminate violence across the country clearly show, the need for enhanced security at our schools is undeniable. When a single incident of school violence can cause unimaginable horror and devastation to one’s community, this becomes even all the more evident. The question then becomes what measures designed to enhance school safety/security are reasonable and appropriate? What makes schools truly unique is their entrusted status of being both educator and caregiver. Every day parents send their kids off to school and every day parents trust their kids will return home safely. Often, if not always, it is the action(s) taken by school staff and administrators prior to and during incidents that ensure this. Consequently, it is incumbent upon schools to make the proverbial right decisions wherever school safety/security is concerned. In order to do so, schools must be fully informed on not only the basic processes of security, risk, threat, and emergency management; but the advanced processes as well. Each of these four management components is critical and must supplement the others if the goal is to enact model school safety/security programs. Programs must also take into account the inherent differences between early childhood programs, kindergarten, elementary, middle/ junior, high school, and next step transition programs, and their respective site environments and facilities. It should be understood that just because certain measures are being implemented at one location and for one group of students, it doesn’t necessarily mean those measures should be the same for other locations and students.

The factors of consideration for this include the age/grade of students, assessed special needs, site environment, facility composition, and building space design and layout. An example is the amount of direct assistance students in early childhood, kindergarten, and grade schools or with special needs require during building evacuations versus that required for middle and high school students. Currently schools have focused more on security measures designed to be used in response to an incident occurring. While this “reactive” approach is not wrong, it is also not entirely correct. There should be no mistaking that these types of security measures (e.g., emergency and incident response plans, evacuation and lockdown drills, duress/ panic alarms, intrusion detection, partnering with first responders, etc.) are essential to developing optimal school security programs. However, they must be both comprehensive and implemented in combination with “proactive” Contemporary Protective Threat Management Initiatives (PTMI).

Protective Threat Management Initiatives Model PTMI programs for safe schools are based on U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Marshals Service protective intelligence and investigation programs. They are specifically designed to deter and prevent acts of violence; including identifying and de-escalating threatening behaviors and actions. Key PTMI program measures and components consist of: • Early Warning Signs (EWS) and Inappropriate Communications and Behaviors (ICBs) – which are potential pre-indicators of violent actions. • threat and case management strategies. • School Threat Assessment Response Teams (START). • student connectivity, anti-harassment, and anti-bullying programs. • school/student assisted and encouraged protocols for reporting concerns and threats – in a majority of incidents a peer(s) has had some indication or known about it ahead of time. • valued internal (e.g., school counselors, psychologists, case managers, etc.) and external (e.g., law enforcement, consultants, therapists, etc.) resources. • discipline policies and procedures that have evolved beyond being solely punitive or zero tolerance programs – e.g., a suspension may be warranted, but when the student returns to school, what measures have been set in place to prevent reoccurrence? November/December 2014    23

Board Members Need to Know

Safe Schools: What School

It is understood that resources are limited and thus must be maximized in order to minimize the assessed threat risk. In certain cases, school districts have even sought out referendums to fund security enhancements; and communities have indicated their support by subsequently approving these referendums. Whether funding is allocated through referendum or budgetary means, community expectations are that schools will enact measures that not only mitigate incident impact, but will also deter and prevent violent incidents.

in areas not as secure. What this means is that, when assessing measures for school safety/security, due consideration must also be given to extracurricular activities, transportation, parking, recess, classes being conducted outside, field trips, etc. Diversionary tactics (e.g., bomb threats, fire alarms, etc.) may also be used by threat sources to bring potential victims to lesser secured areas. Just as severe weather conditions are taken into account in designating areas of refuge for school evacuations, so must the risk of targeted violence.

Equipment and building design for safety

The risk of violence and other incidents cannot generally be eliminated. It can, however, be effectively minimized, mitigated, and managed (i.e., the 3-m concept). A good example of this for schools is the risk of fire, where fire prevention awareness programs, building codes, alarms, smoke detectors, heat sensors, suppression systems, and emergency drills have basically eliminated the chance of catastrophic fire. The same concept can be reasonably utilized for other assessed risks to provide an appropriate safe school environment. It readily follows that facility emergency/incident response plans perform an integral role within this overall process.

A high percentage of school shootings and other acts of violence are committed by internal threat sources (i.e., student on student, student on staff, or staff on student), which means even the most advanced controlled access systems, renovated entryways, and closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems – which are primary investigative and evidentiary in scope, albeit with certain tactical response advantages – will not deter or prevent all such incidents. That does not mean we discount these measures. It means we take into account what they are optimally designed for in order to maximize their assessed value. For example: in addition to the investigative/evidentiary and tactical benefits, the proper type and placement of CCTV systems will also deter non-violent crimes such as vandalism and theft; and certain violent crimes where the fear of detection and identification exists – which is why school CCTV systems should be overt and not concealed. The previously stated inherent differences between schools will also impact the decision making. An example is new construction and renovation projects for school entryways. In addition to realizing certain quality control benefits, entryway enhancements for Pre-K and Elementary schools will, when properly designed and utilized (including policies/procedures and systems integration), deter and prevent crimes against children from internal and external threats. The same statistical analysis supporting this also shows that renovating entryways for middle/junior and high schools provides limited benefit. As these measures are also likely to have higher associated costs, this is important for school board members and administrators to recognize when prioritizing securitybased expenditures and initiatives. Whenever physical security measures are being considered, the resulting influence of “incident displacement” must be taken into account. The cause and effect of incident displacement is realized when one area or another is secured and incidents subsequently begin occurring (i.e., being “displaced”)

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The crisis plan Minnesota Statute 121A.035 specifies that school boards must adopt a written crisis management plan for each school in their district (an all-hazards approach being the established best practice). There is legitimate concern, however, that some schools may decide nothing more is required other than having district policies and general procedures. This not only has the real potential to impede emergency response efforts – resulting in greater injury and loss of life – but also carries with it significant concerns of vicarious liability. This is further compounded when individual schools are left entirely to their own devices – quite likely resulting in certain schools having outstanding plans and others having inadequate ones. The latter vs. the former becomes all the more problematic when addressing crisis management and ensuing liability. To establish consistency and continuity throughout the district, “boiler-plate” plans should be developed and disseminated to each school. In application these plans not only provide the necessary instruction, guidance, and direction, but also delineate how to do things, not just what to do. Site-specific information (e.g., contacts, special needs students, areas of refuge, etc.) and materials (e.g., floor plans, photographs, etc.) are then simply incorporated within the plan. The “boiler-plate” model also has the added benefit

as patrol, enforcement, and investigations. While more and more departments are emphasizing the importance of security, risk, and threat management, a strategic gap still exists. These departments will be the first ones to say that they don’t have the requisite expertise – in which case a qualified security professional should be sought out and consulted. This is no different than hiring an architect for long-range facility planning, renovation and construction projects. In fact, if the architect you’ve hired for these projects doesn’t have a security consultant on staff or retainer, you may want to question why not; as their input ensures proposed space designs/layouts will complement, not oppose, security measures. A number of school districts throughout the country have established security director/manager positions. While all of these districts should be commended for doing so, they must be careful not to “designate” the positions for emergency management purposes only. It would be negligent not to reiterate that model school security programs successfully integrate all aspects of security, risk, threat, and emergency management. Multiple factors go into deciding whether or not the same type position should be created for other districts. Such decisions are based on a district’s Geographic Information System (GIS) and site demographics – to include assessed threat risks. A general rule would be that all large-sized districts, most medium-sized districts, and few small-sized districts require a security director and appropriate staff. Districts not having an assessed need can either form a cooperative among neighboring districts, establish and sustain a liaison with a district(s) having a security director, and/or consult with a qualified security professional.

Casey M cCollum

of providing “train-the-trainer” expertise to school officials; and a ready reference in certifying that each plan is comprehensive and has been completed and/or updated.

Partnering with your community Partnering and coordinating with first responders is also essential to crisis management plans. There shouldn’t be any question where police, fire, and medical services will be dispatched from; and the types of services they provide. First responders should be familiar with all schools and know who their primary points of contact will be during emergencies. They are the subject matter experts in their chosen fields and should be relied upon accordingly. However, security has become a specialized field requiring subject matter expertise. The days of the “night watchman” are long gone. Fire departments are the primary source for related life safety issues and police departments for incident response and traditional law enforcement functions such

Assessing Safety Needs It is noted that said consultation may result in an express need to conduct a security and/or risk assessment. If so, security assessments must be clearly defined in scope – e.g., an assessment conducted only during school hours will not offer findings essential to determining the level of safety/ security lighting, extracurricular activities, after-hours pedestrian/vehicle circulation, etc. They should be both November/December 2014    25

Board Members Need to Know

Safe Schools: What School

performance- and specifications-based, incorporating a layered or concentric process of security that thoroughly assesses: (1) GIS; (2) site-plan and contiguous environment; (3) facility envelope and perimeter; (4) facility interior; (5) utilities and communications; (6) school operations; and (7) tests, training, and exercises. Risk assessments differ in that they provide a comprehensive analysis (utilizing multiple conditional probabilities and severity of consequence factors) assessed in context to and association with: (1) empirical data, elements, and factors; (2) school operations; and (3) Limitations, Deficiencies, and Vulnerabilities (LDVs). In closing, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a relatively recent concept that is being looked at for safe schools. It was originally developed to deter crimes of opportunity and minimize loss prevention; while being primarily used at industrial, military, and commercial facilities. Even though there are no national standards for CPTED measures, there are accepted principles.

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Properly utilized CPTED incorporates strategies that utilize preexisting materials and modify contemporary ones to effectively deter criminal activity. While its primary components of natural surveillance, access control, territorial reinforcement, activity support, and maintenance are uniform, their application will vary (especially where schools are concerned) depending on the site environment, facility, and operations. CPTED program success is ultimately measured by evaluating the impact strategies and measures have on crime and whether those concerned have positive perceptions of their own and others’ personal safety/security. Steve Swensen retired from the United States Marshals Service, District of Minnesota in 2009; is the founder and Director of the Center for Judicial and Executive Security (CJES); and a nationally recognized subject matter expert on security, risk, threat, and emergency management. Steve’s wife, Kate, has been a teacher in St. Paul Schools for more than 25 years and their youngest son currently attends South Washington County Schools. 26    MSBA Journal

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21st Century Leadership

Keynote Speakers Kevin Honeycutt Thursday, January 15

Challenges and Opportunities for Today’s Learning Mind The opening keynote speaker, Kevin Honeycutt, will delve into the multitasking, quick-researching, opportunity-seeking mind and seek to help participants identify ways they can empower students to become skillful in using the tools of today to become better learners. Kevin will share ideas and powerful stories to inspire you and reinvigorate your mission as an educational leader.


94th Annual Leadership Conference January 15–16, 2015 Minneapolis Convention Center Leaders must always lead by example, even more so during this ever-evolving digital age. Successful school boards must not only embrace technology — they must get ahead of it. Proper, efficient use of today’s technological tools can help students achieve greater heights and assist school boards in sharing their success stories to the public. MSBA’s 94th Annual Leadership Conference will offer motivational keynote speakers, a wide variety of workshops, skills sessions and round table mini-sessions to help you find new ideas and connect with other school board members from across the state. You will come away with a knowledge of the trends, tactics and tools required to provide students with a 21st century education. You will also learn how to leverage technology to your advantage by telling bigger, better stories about your schools. 30    MSBA Journal

Kevin — a current three-term school board member in Kansas — grew up in poverty and attended school in many cities across the United States. As he witnessed education around the country, he collected powerful experiences that still influence his conversations and his work with educators. He spent 13 years teaching K–12 art in public school, and for 17 years spent summers leading creative adventure camps for kids of all ages. In 1991 he received the Making IT Happen Award, which is an internationally recognized awards program for educators and leaders in the field of educational technology integration in K–12 schools. The program identifies and rewards educational technology leaders around the world for their commitment and innovation. In 2011 he became an Apple® distinguished educator and he continues to train students and teachers in the use of Apple’s powerful learning tools. In his life, he’s gone from being an at-risk kid doing stints in foster care to traveling the globe talking to audiences of educators, business people and kids.

Jeff Charbonneau Friday, January 16

Teach Each Other Imagine an entire education system built to look like a great classroom – where the underlying theme to everything is positive relations with the school board, students, staff, administration, parents and the community. Our closing keynote speaker believes that if we could put the real world of education first, our problems would become much easier to handle.

Biography: Jeff was named the 2013 National Teacher of the Year by the Council of Chief State School Officers. He teaches physics, chemistry and engineering at Zillah High School (Washington), the same school he attended. Jeff is a big proponent of STEM/STEAM education. He runs a statewide robotics competition, while also serving as the school’s yearbook advisor and assistant drama director. He helped transform his small school into a place where nearly every student graduates with some college credit.

Pre-conference Training Sessions Phase I: New Board Member Orientation 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 13 Hyatt Regency Minneapolis Tuition is $85. Walk-ins add $10.

Help new board members hit the ground running with this session. Phase I covers the role of the school board, the role of the superintendent, and common scenarios facing new board members.

Phase II: Mandatory Training

8:45 a.m. – 4 p.m., Wednesday, January 14 Hyatt Regency Minneapolis Tuition is $150. Walk-ins add $25. Presented by MSBA staff and state experts. Phase II includes the financial training school boards are required to have by state law. The session covers core topics such as the budget, school financing, local levies, policies, significant laws affecting school boards, collective bargaining and personnel issues.

Evening Early Birds Superintendent Evaluation

7 p.m. – 9 p.m., Wednesday, January 14 Minneapolis Convention Center Tuition: $85. Walk-ins add $10.

Bargaining Basics

7 p.m. – 9 p.m., Wednesday, January 14 Minneapolis Convention Center Tuition: $85. Walk-ins add $10.

Presenters: Gary Amoroso, Executive Director, Minnesota Association of School Administrators; and Sandy Gundlach, Director of School Board Services, Minnesota School Boards Association Evaluating the superintendent’s performance is one of the school board’s most important duties. MSBA and MASA believe that having a positive working relationship between a school board and its superintendent is critical to accomplishing a school district’s mission and priorities. One way to develop this relationship is by having an effective, constructive Sandy Gundlach evaluation process and procedure that helps drive school district improvement efforts. MSBA and MASA worked together to develop a resource for school boards and superintendents: “Superintendent Evaluation: A Resource for School Board Members and Superintendents.” Workshop participants will learn how MSBA and MASA approach superintendent evaluation, become familiar with the new “Superintendent Evaluation” resource, and walk through the evaluation process from start to finish. Gary Amoroso

Presenters: Gary Lee, Director of Membership Services; Amy Fullenkamp-Taylor, Associate Director of Management Services; and Bill Kautt, Associate Director of Management Services, Minnesota School Boards Association Gary Lee

Amy FullenkampTaylor

This is essential training for new negotiators and a great refresher for veteran negotiators. Negotiating employee Master Agreements is among the board’s most complex, technical and stressful duties. This session is designed to introduce new board members or board members new to the negotiating team to the negotiations process. Presenters will discuss the Public Employees Labor Relations Act (PELRA) and other laws that may impact negotiations, and will take board members through the negotiations process — from choosing the bargaining team to reporting the settlement.

Bill Kautt

November/December 2014    31

Our Distinguished Group of 2015 Conference Exhibitors 4.0 School Services Student transportation A.T. Group, LLC Employee benefits Action For Healthy Kids MN State level not-for-profit health and wellness resources Aim Electronics/Daktronics, Inc. Electronic scoreboard/message displays, logo tables and chairs, and mats Ameresco Energy services Anderson-Johnson Associates, Inc. Landscape architecture, civil engineering, site planning API Supply Lifts Aerial work platforms Architects Rego + Youngquist, inc. Architectural planning, design, and management of educational facilities Ardent Lighting Group High-quality sports lighting and playground structures Arvig Security, business phone systems, network services Athletic Performance Solutions Athletic flooring ATS&R Planners/Architects/Engineers Specialize in K–12 school planning, architecture, engineering, technology, interior design, and site development

Ban-Koe Companies Access control, visitor management, video surveillance, mass notifications, and emergency messaging Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN Insurance BoardBook BoardBook provides the flexibility of iPads, laptops, or printed agenda packets for board meetings Bossardt Corporation Construction management services BusinessWare Solutions Service and storage virtualization, Chromebooks, wireless, and management print services Center for Energy and Environment Engineering/energy/operations/ recommissioning Central States Terrazzo Association Terrazzo flooring Chartwells School Dining Services Food service management Clark Engineering Corporation Engineering Contegrity Group Incorporated Construction management services CTS Group Performance contracting (energy-saving facility retrofits) Dashir Management Services, Inc. Building and grounds management

August Ash Internet marketing and website development

DLR Group Architectural, engineering, planning and interior design

A’viands Food & Services Management Food service management

Donlar Construction Construction management, general contracting and design/build services

32    MSBA Journal

DSGW Architects Architecture EAPC Architects Engineers Architecture and engineering services Edgenuity Educational software Education Minnesota ESI Financial Services Financial services and long-term care Educators Benefit Consultants TPA handling flex accounts, HRA, HSA, COBRA and 403(b)/457(b) administration and compliance, as well as Affordable Care Act consulting and software management system Ehlers Independent public financial advisory services Eide Bailly, LLP Audit and health care reform Emergency Networks, LLC IT strategy, solutions and support Empirehouse, Inc. Energy-efficient windows, heavy-duty entrance doors, glass and metal railing systems, decorative glass, and egress consultation services ESSDACK Education service agency FieldTurf Artificial turf Fisher Tracks, Inc. All-weather track surfaces FLR Sanders, Inc. Athletic flooring Foster, Jacobs & Johnson, Inc. Consulting Frontline Technologies Group Aesop/VeriTime/AppliTrack

GCA Services Group Comprehensive facilities services and operations

HealthPartners The largest consumer-governed, nonprofit health care organization in the nation

ICS Consulting, Inc. Owner’s representation, construction management

Gordon Bernard Company School calendars, handbooks, registration books, spiral-bound planners

Healy, Bender & Associates, Inc. Full-service architectural firm specializing in educational facilities

IEA, Inc. Health and safety

Groves Academy Learning disabilities education

Herc-U-Lift, Inc. Personnel lifts, scissor lifts, material handling equipment, forklifts

Haldeman-Homme, Inc. Casework, bleachers, lockers, wood floors, science and tech. equip., computer and library furniture, athletic equip., auditorium chairs and seating, PLTW, 3-D printers, and laser engravers Hallberg Engineering, Inc. Engineering

Hiller Commercial Floors Commercial floor covering Hoglund Bus Co., Inc. International school buses, parts, and service I + S Group (ISG) Architects + Engineers

Infinite Campus Student information system Ingensa, Inc. Facilities consulting services Innovative Office Solutions School supplies, equipment and furniture, janitorial supplies INSPEC, Inc. Architectural/engineering services

Design for Learning

Pillager Secondary School Addition. Learn more about the project at:

Architecture | Engineering | Surveying | Environmental Alexandria | Bemidji | Brainerd/Baxter | Crookston | East Grand Forks | Grand Forks | Rochester

Engineering | Architecture | Surveying | Environmental

November/December 2014    33

Our Distinguished Group of 2015 Conference Exhibitors Intereum Furnishings, architectural products and installation services International Masonry Institute IMI demonstrates the advantage of masonry and skilled union craftsmanship

Continued from page 33

LifeTrack Services Graduate follow-up surveys, snapshot surveys, athletic/activity surveys and Title IX interest surveys Lightspeed Technologies, Inc. Classroom audio technology

Johnson Controls, Inc. Facility and energy solutions

Long Lake Conservation Center Environmental education

Karges-Faulconbridge, Inc. Mechanical and electrical engineering, commissioning services

Lowery McDonnell Company School furnishings and equipment

KDV CPA services Kennedy & Graven, Chartered Legal services Kiefer USA Athletic/commercial flooring and artificial turf

Lunchtime Solutions, Inc. Food service management Marsden Services, LLC Facility maintenance, janitorial, and security Marvin Windows & Doors Wood and clad wood window and door manufacturer

Know the Truth Prevention program

McKinstry Energy, commissioning, building optimization

Knutson Construction Construction services

Midwest Tennis & Track Co. Athletic track and tennis court surfacing

Kodet Architectural Group, Ltd. Architectural services

Minnesota Alliance With Youth Dropout prevention initiative, Grad Minnesota information and youth council updates

Kraus-Anderson Construction Company Professional construction management services, referendum assistance, and facilities planning and management Lancer Dining Services Food service management Larson Engineering, Inc. Civil, structural and curtain wall engineering LHB Architecture and engineering LifeSpan of Minnesota, Inc. Children’s mental health services 34    MSBA Journal

Minnesota Association of School Business Officials Providing education, training and services to staff that serve in school business management Minnesota Concrete & Masonry Contractors Association Masonry promotion Minnesota Department of Education Division of School Finance Minnesota National Guard State/government program – free resources for people who work with military families

Minnesota Optometric Association Informational brochures Minnesota School Nutrition Association Educational/training Minnesota Service Cooperatives Minnesota Service Cooperatives Minnesota State High School League MSHSL/MSBA Olympics Minnesota State Industries ADA interior signage and exterior signage Minnesota State Patrol - Office of Pupil Transportation Safety School bus safety/regulations MLA Architects, Inc. Architectural/educational planning MN Ag Education Leadership Council/ MN Ag in the Classroom Education materials and grant information MN Rural Education Association Advocacy for rural Minnesota school districts MN School Food Buying Group – Anoka-Hennepin ISD 111 School food service cost savings Musco Sports Lighting Sports field lighting Musser Environmental Consulting, Inc. Health and safety consulting National Insurance Services Group insurance benefits - MSBAIT Life/ LTD plans National Joint Powers Alliance Cooperative purchasing Nexus Solutions, LLC Facility planning, design, construction North Central Bus & Equipment School buses

North Central Insulation Providing the Sprayed Foam Roofing System for over 33 years, benefitting owners with lower maintenance and energy costs Northeast Service Cooperative Service Cooperative/technology Northland Securities, Inc. Northland Securities is a diversified financial securities firm recognized as a municipal advisor and underwriter of taxexempt and taxable debt issues NPCG, LLC Playground equipment and surfacing O’Meara, Leer, Wagner & Kohl P.A. Attorneys

Palmer Bus Service Student transportation

PreferredOne Health benefits administration

PFM Asset Management LLC MSDLAF+ MSDLAF+/PFM Asset Management, LLC

Pro-Tec Design Integrated security solutions

Piper Jaffray & Co. School district cash flow program Playgrounds Etc., LLC Playground safety surfacing and site amenities PMA Financial Network Inc. Investment and financial advisory services PreciouStatus Computer software

Public Financial Management, Inc. Financial advisor R. A. Morton and Associates Construction management Read Naturally, Inc. Reading intervention programs Renaissance Learning Renaissance Learning™: a leader in K–12 assessment, teaching, and learning Riverport Insurance Company Insurance

a W. R. Berkley Company ®

November/December 2014    35

Our Distinguished Group of 2015 Conference Exhibitors Roof Spec, Inc. Building envelope engineers Scholastic Equipment Co., LLC Furniture and equipment for education School Specialty School supplies, equipment and furniture, Inc./ John Baylor Prep Management and planning systems Schuler Shook Acoustics/AV consulting/theatre planning/ architectural lighting design

Continued from page 35

Seating & Athletic Facility Enterprises, LLC Specializing in sales and service of outdoor aluminum bleachers, grandstands, press boxes, and indoor telescoping bleachers Skyward Inc. Skyward student, budgetary and human resources administrative software exclusively for K–12 school districts Sport Court Minnesota Athletic flooring and components

Stahl Construction Construction management and consulting Staples Advantage Scholastic furniture, technology, facilities and classroom/office supplies Student Assurance Services, Inc. Student accident insurance Student Transportation of America Transportation services Taher, Inc. Food service management

Sports Technology Sports field sound systems Springsted, Inc. Provides independent financial advisory and consulting services to school districts

Teachers On Call TOC 24/7, featuring Aesop technology... customized, streamlined substitute staffing service for Pre-K–12 public, private, and charter schools



From your first question through achievement of your goals, Nexus Solutions will move your plan from study to action. With nearly 20 years of public K-12 experience and hundreds of millions in successful projects implemented, we’ll show you the answers to reducing cost while improving your facilities for years to come. Contact Mike David at (612) 747-1003.


msba-journal-7x5-final.indd 36    MSBA Journal



2/3/14 11:18 AM

Team Quest Professional development Tectum, Inc. Acoustical wall and ceiling panels; structural and acoustical roof decks Telin Transportation Group Bus sales The Center for Efficient School Operations Consulting services to school districts in the areas of facilities, health and safety, and transportation TIES Education Technology TIES online enrollment software turns parents into supporters Treasured Transportation Student transportation

Tremco Incorporated Roofing products/weather proofing services

W. L. Hall Company Windows, skylights, lockers, fire doors, bleachers and auditorium seating

TSP Architects and Engineers Educational planning, architectural and engineering services

Webber Recreational Design, Inc. Park and playground equipment

Ucare Group Medicare products Unesco, Inc. Facility master planning and optimization Vaaler Insurance, Inc. Property, Casualty, and Workers’ Compensation Insurance VS - America, Inc. Classroom furniture/dynamic, flexible solutions

Wendel Architecture, engineering, interior design, planning Widseth Smith Nolting Architecture, engineering, land surveying, and environmental services, with six offices serving school districts throughout Minnesota Winkelman Building Corp. Construction management services Wold Architects & Engineers Architecture and engineering services

November/December 2014    37

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MSBA’s Vendor Directory

MSBA’s Vendor Directory helps connect school districts with the products and services they need. The directory is always at your fingertips. You’ll find it printed in the back of every Journal magazine as well as on the MSBA Website at Most listings in the Web version of this directory include a link so you can head instantly to a Website or e-mail address. The directory includes everything you need to know to contact a company quickly—phone numbers, fax numbers and addresses—in an easy-to-read format. If you have a service or product you would like included in this directory, please contact Erica Nelson at 763-497-1778 or Architects/Engineers/Facility Planners Architects Rego + Youngquist, inc. (Paul Youngquist) 7601 Wayzata Blvd., Suite #200 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 952-544-8941, Fax 952-544-0585 Arvig 888-992-7844 ATS&R Planners/Architects/ Engineers (Paul W. Erickson) 8501 Golden Valley Road, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55427 763-545-3731, Fax 763-525-3289 Clark Engineering Corporation (Douglas Fell) 621 Lilac Drive N Minneapolis, MN 55422 763-545-9196, Fax 763-541-0056 Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. (Cuningham Group®) (Judith Hoskens) 201 Main Street SE, Suite 325 Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-379-3400, Fax 612-379-4400 GLTArchitects (Evan Larson) 808 Courthouse Square St. Cloud, MN 56303 320-252-3740, Fax 320-255-0683 Hallberg Engineering, Inc. (Richard Lucio) 1750 Commerce Court White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-748-1100, Fax 651-748-9370 I+S Group (ISG) (Rod Schumacher) 115 E Hickory Street, Suite 300 Mankato, MN 56001 507-387-6651, Fax 507-387-3583 ICS Consulting, Inc. (Pat Overom) 5354 Edgewood Drive Mounds View, MN 55112 763-354-2670, Fax 763-780-2866

40    MSBA Journal

Johnson Controls, Inc. (Kathleen Donovan) 2605 Fernbrook Lane N Plymouth, MN 55447 612-554-5160, Fax 763-566-2208 Kodet Architectural Group, Ltd. (Ed Kodet) 15 Groveland Terrace Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-377-2737, Fax 612-377-1331 MLA Architects (Mark Lenz) 12 Long Lake Road, Suite #17 St. Paul, MN 55115 651-770-4442, Fax 651-770-1997 MSBA Playground Compliance Program (in partnership with National Playground Compliance Group, LLC) (Tim Mahoney) PO Box 506 Carlisle, IA 50047 866-345-6774, Fax 515-989-0344 Nexus Solutions (Mike David) 11188 Zealand Avenue N Champlin, MN 55316 612-747-1003, Fax 763-201-8410 TSP Architects and Engineers (Gary Sabart) 18707 Old Excelsior Boulevard Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-474-3291, Fax 952-474-3928 Unesco, Inc. (Kevin McGauley) 584 Woodland Drive Mahtomedi, MN 55115 952-486-7854, Fax 952-487-9389 Wendel (Jim Wilson) 111 Washington Avenue N, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-332-1401 Widseth Smith Nolting (Kevin Donnay) 7804 Industrial Park Road Baxter, MN 56425 218-829-5117, Fax 218-829-2517

Wold Architects and Engineers (Vaughn Dierks) 305 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102 651-227-7773, Fax 651-223-5646 Athletic Facilities I+S Group (ISG) (Rod Schumacher) 115 E Hickory Street, Suite 300 Mankato, MN 56001 507-387-6651, Fax 507-387-3583 Athletic Sports Floors/Surfacing Fisher Tracks, Inc. (Jordan Fisher) 1192 235th Street Boone, IA 50036 515-432-3191, Fax 515-432-3193 Midwest Tennis & Track (Brian Launderville) 22 South Main Street Denison, IA 51442 712-263-3554, Fax 712-263-5110 MSBA Playground Compliance Program (in partnership with National Playground Compliance Group, LLC) (Tim Mahoney) PO Box 506 Carlisle, IA 50047 866-345-6774, Fax 515-989-0344

Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. (Joseph J. Langel) 730 2nd Avenue S, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-339-0060, Fax 612-339-0038 Construction Management & Consulting Services ICS Consulting, Inc. (Pat Overom) 5354 Edgewood Drive Mounds View, MN 55112 763-354-2670, Fax 763-780-2866 Johnson Controls, Inc. (Kathleen Donovan) 2605 Fernbrook Lane N Plymouth, MN 55447 612-554-5160, Fax 763-566-2208 Knutson Construction (Todd Vigil) 7515 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 612-600-4464 or 763-525-3085 Kraus-Anderson Construction Company (John Huenink) PO Box 158 Circle Pines, MN 55014 763-792-3616, Fax 763-786-2650 MSBA Playground Compliance Program (in partnership with National Playground Compliance Group, LLC) (Tim Mahoney) PO Box 506 Carlisle, IA 50047 866-345-6774, Fax 515-989-0344 Stahl Construction (Josh Schultz) 5755 Wayzata Boulevard St. Louis Park, MN 55416 952-931-9300, Fax 952-931-9941


Educational Programs/Services

Kennedy & Graven, Chartered (Neil Simmons) 470 US Bank Plaza, 200 S 6th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-337-9300, Fax 612-337-9310

Minnesota State Academies for the Deaf and Blind (Brad Harper) 615 Olof Hanson Drive Faribault, MN 55021 507-384-6602, Fax 507-332-5528

Knutson, Flynn & Deans (Thomas S. Deans) 1155 Centre Pointe Drive, Suite 10 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 651-222-2811, Fax 651-225-0600 Pemberton Law (Kristi A. Hastings) 110 N Mill Street Fergus Falls, MN 56537 218-736-5493, Fax 218-736-3950

The Minnesota Service Cooperatives (Jeremy Kovash) 1001 East Mount Faith Avenue Fergus Falls, MN 56537 218-739-3273, Fax 218-739-2459

Electrical Engineers/AV Systems Widseth Smith Nolting (Kevin Donnay) 7804 Industrial Park Road Baxter, MN 56425 218-829-5117, Fax 218-829-2517 Energy Solutions Johnson Controls, Inc. (Kathleen Donovan) 2605 Fernbrook Lane N Plymouth, MN 55447 612-554-5160, Fax 763-566-2208 Unesco, Inc. (Kevin McGauley) 584 Woodland Drive Mahtomedi, MN 55115 952-486-7854, Fax 952-487-9389 Facilities Maintenance & Supplies Clark Engineering Corporation (Douglas Fell) 621 Lilac Drive North Minneapolis, MN 55422 763-545-9196, Fax 763-541-0056 Financial Management Ehlers (Joel Sutter) 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 651-697-8514, Fax 651-697-8555 Eide Bailly LLP (Ross Manson) Fargo, ND; Minneapolis, Mankato, MN 855-220-8634, Fax 507-386-6268 MSBA-Sponsored Administration and Compliance Service (A&C Service) Administration and Compliance Service (Paige McNeal, Educators Benefit Consultants, LLC) 888-507-6053 or 763-552-6053 Fax 763-552-6055 MSBA-Sponsored MNTAAB (Minnesota Tax and Aid Anticipation Borrowing) Program (Patty Heminover, Springsted, Inc.) 800-236-3033 or 651-223-3058 Fax 651-268-5058 MSBA-Sponsored P-Card (Procurement Card) Program 800-891-7910 or 314-878-5000 Fax 314-878-5333 MSBA-Sponsored PaySchools-Data Business Systems (Andy Eckles) 17011 Lincoln Avenue Parker, CO 80134 303-779-6573 or 855-210-8232 X 130

MSBA-Sponsored (Jim Sheehan, Ann Thomas) Sheehan: 952-435-0990 Thomas: 952-435-0955 PFM Asset Management, LLC MSDLAF+ (Donn Hanson) 800 Nicollet Mall, Suite 2710 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-371-3720, Fax 612-338-7264 Fire & Security Arvig 888-992-7844 Fitness Equipment 2nd Wind Exercise Equipment (Shon Hartman) 7585 Equitable Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-224-1240, Fax 952-906-6905 commercial Floor Coverings Hiller Commercial Floors (Dave Bahr) 2909 S Broadway Rochester, MN 55904 507-254-6858 or 888-724-1766 Fax 507-288-8877 Food Service Products & Services Chartwells K–12 School Dining Services (Tim Leary) 615 Bucher Ave Shoreview, MN 55126 888-407-4536 Taher, Inc. (Erin Marissa) 5570 Smetana Drive Minnetonka, MN 55343 952-945-0505, Fax 952-945-0444 Health Insurance PreferredOne (Mike Thielen) 6105 Golden Hills Drive Golden Valley, MN 55416 763-847-3549, Fax 763-847-4010 Insurance Bullis Insurance Agency - Assured Risk Protection (Marc Bullis) 407 East Lake Street #201 Wayzata, MN 55391 952-449-0089

Minnesota School Boards Association Insurance Trust (MSBAIT) (Denise Drill, Gary Lee, Amy Fullenkamp-Taylor, John Sylvester) 1900 West Jefferson Avenue St. Peter, MN 56082-3015 800-324-4459, Fax 507-931-1515 Riverport Insurance Company (Dave Kyllo) 222 South Ninth Street, Suite 1300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-766-3227, Fax 612-766-3397 Labor Relations Kennedy & Graven, Chartered (Neil Simmons) 470 US Bank Plaza, 200 S 6th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-337-9300, Fax 612-337-9310 Playgrounds MSBA Playground Compliance Program (in partnership with National Playground Compliance Group, LLC) (Tim Mahoney) PO Box 506 Carlisle, IA 50047 866-345-6774, Fax 515-989-0344 Public Finance Kennedy & Graven, Chartered (Neil Simmons) 470 US Bank Plaza, 200 S 6th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-337-9300, Fax 612-337-9310 Roofing North Central Insulation (Brett Geboy) PO Box 91 Eau Claire, WI 54702 715-210-4307, Fax 715-835-8830 Security/Communication Systems Arvig 888-992-7844 Software Systems MSBA-Sponsored PaySchools-Data Business Systems (Andy Eckles) 17011 Lincoln Avenue Parker, CO 80134 303-779-6573 or 855-210-8232 X 130

Technology Arvig 888-992-7844 MSBA-Sponsored PaySchools-Data Business Systems (Andy Eckles) 17011 Lincoln Avenue Parker, CO 80134 303-779-6573 or 855-210-8232 X 130 Technology Education PreciouStatus (Julie Gilbert Newrai) 275 Market Square, Suite 519 Minneapolis, MN 55405 888-959-8982 Transportation Hoglund Bus Co., Inc. (Jason Anderson) PO Box 249 Monticello, MN 55362 800-866-3105, Fax 763-295-4992 Minnesota School Bus Operators Association (Shelly Jonas) 10606 Hemlock Street NW Annandale, MN 55302 320-274-8313, Fax 320-274-8027 National Bus Sales (Paul Thompson) 8649 S Regency Drive Tulsa, OK 74131 800-475-1439 North Central Bus & Equipment (Sandy Kiehm) 2629 Clearwater Road St. Cloud, MN 56301 320-257-1209, Fax 320-252-3561 Telin Transportation Group (Dave Mohr) 16290 Kenrick Loop Lakeville, MN 55044 612-850-6348, Fax 952-435-9066 Wireless Communications Arvig 888-992-7844

November/December 2014    41

Advertisers ATS&R Planners/Architects/Engineers.......................... Page 11 Chartwells K–12 School Dining Services.......................... Page 42 Eide Bailly LLP..................................................................... Page 7 Hoglund Bus Co., Inc........................................................ Page 28 I+S Group (ISG)................................................................ Page 15 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered .......................................... Page 7 Knutson Construction....................................................... Page 38 Knutson, Flynn & Deans, P.A............................................ Page 37 Midwest Dairy Council...................................................... Page 43 MLA Architects.................................................................. Page 42 MSBAIT.............................................................................. Page 44 Nexus Solutions................................................................. Page 36 North Central Insulation................................................... Page 38 Pemberton Law.................................................................. Page 26 PFM Asset Management, LLC – MSDLAF+..................... Page 15 PreciouStatus...................................................................... Page 11 PreferredOne....................................................................... Page 2 Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. ...................................... Page 39 Riverport Insurance Company.......................................... Page 35 Rupp, Anderson, Squires & Waldspurger, P.A................. Page 29 Taher, Inc........................................................................... Page 29 The Minnesota Service Cooperatives............................... Page 27 Unesco, Inc........................................................................ Page 28 Widseth Smith Nolting...................................................... Page 33 Wold Architects & Engineers............................................ Page 27

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November/December 2014    43

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Denise Drill ddrill@

Amy Fullenkamp-Taylor ataylor@

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John Sylvester jsylvester@

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