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2022 - A Year of Potential Fulfilled

2022, the fourth operational year of the Foundation, began with a new sense of confidence, resilience and optimism regarding the Covid pandemic and global economy, combined with intensified global responsiveness to international crises.

• Responsive as always to emergencies, we continued to consolidate our global role assisting those most in need, acting promptly to support refugees and displaced people from Ukraine in Europe’s largest refugee crisis since World War 2.

• This led us to receive, evaluate and select new project proposals of promise for the furtherance of our Vision “to restore the critical balance between people and nature within a generation”.

• We advanced existing long-term partnerships and programmes, completed several medium-term programmes and launched new initiatives and strategic partnerships worldwide.

• Significantly increasing our Foundation’s resources, the MSC Group has committed to fund-match every donation made by MSC Cruises guests, doubling the impact of their generosity.

• Lastly, we strengthened the Foundation’s team, competencies and assets to support our increasing programme portfolio and emergency relief initiatives.

• Complementing this, we completed 2 impact studies and implemented innovative processes and procedures to ensure we become increasingly effective at strengthening our programmatic and implementation delivery.

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Programmes and Activities

Emergency Relief

• The MSC Group and MSC Foundation provided extraordinary support exceeding CHF 7 million to deliver sustained global relief and assistance to refugees from Ukraine, providing free containers, logistics and transportation to organisations working on the ground, and launching a global fundraising campaign with donation matching to double the impact.

• We demonstrated our global emergency response capabilities, leading 8 emergency relief initiatives in 9 countries

6 ongoing Programmes

• We reached a record 430,000 direct beneficiaries worldwide – twice as many as the year before.

• Our flagship Super Coral Programme saw significant progress in 2022. We set up underwater coral nurseries as the first step to propagating coral species resistant to climate change in and around Ocean Cay and we welcomed two marine biology graduate interns to the island to expand our work of identifying resistant coral species in the Caribbean. The programme also began sharing its knowledge with the world, raising awareness with edutainment infographics on the importance of corals for the health of ocean ecosystems.

• We contributed to maintaining continuity of environmental and marine conservation education in Italy through our programmes with long-term partner Marevivo, reaching 1,440 Guardian Dolphins of the Islands and 886 Nautici in Blu students

• We made eco-friendly bricks from recycled plastic waste and built 41 more classrooms for a total of 112 in the Ivory Coast under a programme that won a UNICEF Global Inspire Award. 3 women were trained in the collection of plastic waste and are organized in a formal association. 99.000 Kg of plastic waste were recycled. Approx 2.000 additional children will gain access to quality education.

• We brought hope and healing to 695 people and trained 293 medical professionals and community leaders with Mercy Ships. We celebrated the arrival of the new Global Mercy in Rotterdam, inaugurating the Cargo Deck sponsored by MSC.

• We continued to grow, leveraging our strategic ocean conservation partnerships with Nova Southeastern University, the University of Miami and the Ba’a Foundation

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New Partnerships

• We launched 2 new strategic partnerships. The first with the Qatar Foundation in Doha to support a programme to conserve and restore Qatar’s coastal environment.

• The second, with the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City, assisting two community support programmes, one in the field of education and the other of the environment.

International Event

• Shaping sustainable tourism now and for the future: the UNWTO and MSC Foundation joined forces for the first ever Global Youth Tourism Summit, held in Sorrento (Italy). Here, MSC shared its unique know-how and expertise in responsible tourism with 130 youth delegates aged 12-18 from over 60 countries worldwide

New Initiatives

• We launched a call for project proposals in partnership with Le Village de Credit Agricole in Italy called “SeAct | MSC Foundation for Coral Restoration”, attracting innovation talent to power the scaling up of coral restoration.

• We launched the “Best Tourism Final Degree Project” Award at the Complutense University of Madrid.

• We sponsored the restoration of Genoa Cathedral in Italy.

• We gave festive smiles gifts to 324 children from families in need in Switzerland.

2 new MSC Foundation Centres

• We opened 2 new MSC Foundation Centres on MSC Cruises ships, bringing the total to 5 to inform millions of guests every year about the most pressing needs worldwide and inspire them to action.


• Communicating regularly worldwide, we nurtured relationships with thousands to rise to the challenge together, reaching 1,900 subscribers with our newsletter and almost 500,000 people though our social media channels.

Future Programmes

• We launched a global pitch for an impactful new long-term Ocean Conservation programme

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Partner: Red Cross Geneva

Switzerland: Geneva


Partners: Genoa City Council, Helpcode

Italy: Genoa


Partner: Centro Sociale

Giovanile Onlus

Italy: Naples


Partner: The Mayor's Fund to Advance NYC US: NYC


Partners: The Mayor's Fund to Advance NYC, Parks & Recreation US: NYC


Partner: Genesis Junkanoo



partners: University of Miami, Nova Southeastern University

Bahamas: Ocean Cay


Partner: Marevivo

Mediterranean Sea


Partner: Complutense University

Spain: Madrid


Italy: Genoa


Partner: UNWTO

Italy: Sorrento


Italy: Sorrento


Partner: UNHCR





Partner: Somnang Association

Cambodia: Phnom Penh


Partner: World Food Programme

El Salvador



Partner: Ba’a Foundation

Saudi Arabia


Partner: Geneva Association



Partner: Mercy Ships



Partner: UNICEF

Côte d’Ivoire


Partners: Ass. I. Chevalley, Ass. Int. des OEuvres Hospitalières de St-Gabriel, Payot bookshops.

Burkina Faso


Partner: Gift of the Givers

South Africa




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A Committed Partnership with UNICEF

MSC Foundation celebrates raising € 11 million for UNICEF programmes worldwide

Celebrating a partnership with UNICEF that has saved and transformed many thousands of young lives over 12 years, the MSC Foundation announced that total donations from MSC’s fundraising activities for UNICEF programmes totalled over € 11 million


1. Promoting education in 126 vulnerableBrazilian communities from 2009 to 2013

2. Supporting China’s food supplement programme to prevent child malnutrition from 2018 to 2019

3. Reducing child malaria mortality in Africa in 2013

4. Providing lifesaving treatments for 115,668 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Somalia and Malawi from 2013 to 2020

5. Addressing plastic waste pollution (616.000 kg of plastic collected), education (90 new classrooms for 5.184 students) and women empowerment (188 women) in the Ivory Coast from 2019 to 2022.

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Pierfrancesco Vago, MSC Cruises Executive Chairman and Chair of the MSC Foundation Executive Committee, with MSC Foundation Executive Director Daniela Picco, presenting a symbolic € 11m cheque to Bettina Junker, Executive Director of UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Lifesaving treatment programme for Severe Acute Malnutrition, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Somalia, Malawi, 2013-2020. Food supplement programme, China, 2018-2019.“Plastic waste goes to school” programme, Ivory Coast, 2019-2022. Education programme, Brazil, 2009-2013.

Start of partnership with UNICEF


July 2009

New issue of MSC for UNICEF Kids United magazines for young readers on MSC Cruises ships

MSC for UNICEF Ambassadors eld trip to Malawi in October

MSC partners the UNICEF Ying Yang Bao Programme to ght child malnutrition in China


€ 9 millions reached

Promoting education in 126 vulnerable Brazilian communities from 2009 to 2012, reaching 8,000 people

Launch of “ Plastic waste goes to school ”, to address plastic pollution education and women empowerment in Ivory Coast

Free shipment of goods and vital supplies for Cyclone Idai victims in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe

Free logistic support for Ebola-a ected communities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Donation of 23,000 items in 6 containers for Nchalo community in Malawi

6,244 children in school 112 classrooms completed 188 women waste collectors trained and organised in a formal association 616,000 Kg of plastic waste recycled

Field trip in Ivory Coast

8 containers donated as community spaces & for storage of rebuilding relief items for victims of 2021 Haiti earthquake


Second MSC for UNICEF Ambassadors trip to Malawi inOctober

Total donations reach € 11 millions



Donations pass € 12 millions

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Your journey for the children in Ivory Coast 10 years of MSC UNICEFand


We reach the € 2 millions milestone

Reducing child Malaria mortality in Africa

Lifesaving treatment for Severe Acute Malnutrition in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Somalia and Malawi from 2013 to 2020 2013


3,412 children under 5 su ering from SAM receive lifesaving food supplies over 5 months

MSC management eld trip to Malawi 2016 2017

€7 millions total donations

€ 5 millions

MSC and UNICEF launch the song “I Can Believe” 2015

€ 4 millions celebration, Expo Milano

Incidence of child Severe Acute Malnutrition in Malawi reduced from 4.1% in 2016 to 1% in 2019 following 5 years continuous support by MSC


Lebanon COVIDfree transport of 6 containers of medical supplies, bene tting 80,000 people

Africa’s rst plastic brick factory opened in Ivory Coast Production of bricks launched in March

115,668 children saved from malnutrition in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Somalia & Malawi


3,228 children learning in new classrooms 400 tons of plastic waste being recycled

71 classrooms nished and fully equipped in Ivory Coast

MSC Cargo signs WEF Supply Chain & Transport Industry Charter in support of UNICEF and COVAX vaccine distribution

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Emergency Response

Containers donated to assist Rotary Club Italy humanitarian support for forced displaced people

MSC donated three 20-foot containers and converted them into a transportable kitchen, first aid room and sanitary facilities to assist the Rotary Club’s prompt humanitarian support for forced displaced people arriving in Calabria, Italy.

Cultural Heritage

Donation to the Correale Museum in memory of Prof. Mario Russo

We donated € 50,000 to the Correale Museum in Sorrento, Italy, supporting an exhibition on angels featuring a statue of Archangel Michael loaned from the Treasure of San Gennaro, the restoration of artistic works, installation of new lighting and sound systems, and reorganisation of the exhibition, library and archaeology areas.

A home for vulnerable youth

Donation to the Naples youth charity Centro Sociale Giovanile Onlus

The Centro Sociale Giovanile has been supporting young people from the local community since 1988. The MSC Foundation contributed € 7,000 to the purchase of a house where the charity runs a shelter home for young orphans and children in precarious family circumstances.

news 10 February

Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

Supplying the UN Refugee Agency’s regional support for refugees fleeing Ukraine

We committed to support the UNHCR’s response for refugees from Ukraine by purchasing and delivering 130,000 relief items, and by providing free logistics and transportation for around 40 high cube containers of other relief over a period of at least 6 months.

We also launched a global fundraising campaign “Joining hands for refugees from Ukraine” to assist this purchase of relief items, fund matching all donations and using them entirely to buy blankets, camp beds and sleeping bags.

news 11 March

Keeping Cancer Survivors on the water in Spain

40-foot container donated to the Asociación Málaga Dragon Boat BCS

The MSC Foundation partnered with MSC Spain to donate a 40-foot used container to the Asociación Málaga Dragon Boat BCS group of women breast cancer survivors, who train together in a Dragon Boat rowing team and give cancer awareness talks worldwide.

Super Coral Programme

2 new graduate interns to protect the coral

Our partnership with Nova Southeastern University and the University of Miami grew from strength to strength as the second group of graduate interns began work. They have already completed two research studies to date - one on coral reproduction and the other on coral resistance in adverse situations – while also producing 4 public information infographics

Cultural Heritage


A new theatre for San Michele

€ 20,000 donation to build a theatre in the San Michele neighbourhood of Piano di Sorrento, Italy.

news 12 March

Welcome to Global Mercy in Rotterdam

MSC Foundation and Mercy Ships flags fly together on world’s first purposedesigned civilian hospital ship

The MSC Foundation was invited to Mercy Ships’ Global Changemakers event in Rotterdam to mark the successful completion of its new hospital ship, Global Mercy. The highlights for the Foundation were the ceremony that saw both our flags flying together and, above all, the unveiling of a plaque on deck 11 of the ship honouring our longstanding partnership. The plaque reads: “Cargo Deck sponsored through the generosity of MSC Foundation”.

news 13 March


UNICEF partnership continues supporting victims of the 2021 Haiti earthquake

Together with MSC Haiti, we donated 8 used containers to UNICEF for use as community spaces and for the storage of post-emergency relief items in Haiti.

Assisting Gift of the Givers emergency response to KwaZulu-Natal floods

MSC Foundation donated ZAR 1 million in cash and in kind (food parcels, blankets and other necessities) for Gift of the Givers to distribute to people affected by the floods in KwaZulu Natal. MSC Cruises’ MSC Orchestra and two MSC Cargo vessels operating out of Durban also donated water from their onboard water treatment plants to the communities.

Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

Supporting the Italian Red Cross to assist refugees in Italy

We donated a 20-foot container to the Italian Red Cross for immediate use in its activities assisting refugees from Ukraine in Italy, and then subsequently for its rescue initiatives following natural disasters.

news 14 April

Enhancing Wildfire Response Capabilities

Advanced handheld radio technology aids Greek firefighters

MSC Foundation and MSC Greece donated 100 fully-accessorised digital handheld radios worth around € 60,000 to the Port of Athens Fire Department. This equipment will help the Fire Department prevent and contain future wildfires, enabling firefighters to communicate the location of outbreaks promptly and coordinate their response efficiently for greatest effect.

Caring with the Roparun Foundation

Forty-foot container donated to fundraising relay race

We joined with MSC Netherlands to donate a 40-foot container to the Roparun relay race from Paris and from Bremen to Rotterdam, in which the teams raise funds for palliative cancer care services.

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Chief of the Fire Department, Lieutenant General Alexios Rapanos, Christina Theodorika, Chair of MSC Greece S.A., George Metaxas, CFO of MSC Greece S.A and Lieutenant General Georgios Pournaras.


“SeAct |MSC Foundation for Coral Restoration”

Attracting innovation talent to power the scaling up of coral restoration

The MSC Foundation approached Le Village by Crédit Agricole to launch “SeAct | Foundation for Coral Restoration”, our first call for innovations applicable to coral restoration that harness innovative strategies, technologies, materials or techniques that are in harmony with the marine environment.

96 proposals were received by the 31 October deadline, 18 of which were subsequently shortlisted and two selected as winners: Coral Spawning Lab from the UK and Intellireef from the USA.

Joining forces for people with disabilities

10th Ent’raid cycling adventure from Angers to Dénia in southern Spain

Partnering with MSC Explora Journeys, we supported the 10th Ent’Raid Association cycling adventure. Ten cyclists and five assistants completed the 1,400 km route from Angers in France to Dénia in southern Spain, raising funds for the association’s charity partners.

news 16 May

Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

Joint action with Renfe, DB Shenker, Transfesa, Spanish Ministry of the Interior, AECID and the Ukrainian Embassy in Spain brings relief to refugees from Ukraine

When the Ukrainian Embassy in Madrid put out a call to support people impacted by the conflict, there was an immediate response from official institutions, NGOs and companies across Spain, which donated 800,000 kilos of relief items, mainly food, medicines and winter clothes. The MSC Foundation partnered to bring them in a humanitarian corridor from Spain to Ukraine, lending 20 forty-foot containers free of charge over 3 months.

Working together for the welfare of children

Supporting a children’s day centre in Phnom Penh

The MSC Foundation donated € 10,000 to help the Somnang Association continue running its children’s day centre in Phnom Penh, which provides a friendly environment, food and tutoring by volunteers for 32 vulnerable children

news 17 May

MSC Foundation activities during the Global Youth Tourism Summit

Shaping sustainable tourism with UNWTO

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and MSC Foundation join forces for first ever Global Youth Tourism Summit

The Global Youth Tourism Summit in Sorrento assembled 130 youth delegates from over 60 countries. Together with UN and government officials, tourism industry representatives, experts and celebrities, they explored many aspects of sustainable tourism.

MSC provided a 1-day programme of training sessions and workshops called Shipping & Tourism as Drivers of a Sustainable Future, which was delivered in the MSC Training Centre on the 30th of June.

Here, the delegates enjoyed practical sessions on a ship bridge simulator led by top MSC Captains, and a workshop on how to tie nautical knots from the bowline to the fisherman’s knot. Later, they visited the “Seaman’s Table”, where they could follow the history of nautical instruments from the sextant, compass and binoculars to the advanced technology on MSC ships today.

Subsequent sessions focused on the sustainability practices and environmental technologies with which the MSC Group is continually reducing its environmental footprint and delivering on its commitment to be carbon neutral by 2050.

news 18 June
news 19 June


MSC Foundation activities during the Global Youth Tourism Summit


Educational field trip

On Saturday the 2nd of July, we joined the Italian NGO Marevivo and the Punta Campanella Marine Protected Area to take the delegates on a conservation field trip called “Exploring the Rich Resources of Our Seas”.

Accompanied by expert guides and a marine biologist, the delegates experienced and learnt about the rich ecosystems of Punta Campanella at the western end of the Sorrento Peninsula.

The Summit concluded with the launch of the “Sorrento Call to Action” for young people to be active participants in the growth of tourism as a pillar of sustainable and inclusive development focused on people, planet earth and welfare.

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VIP excursion onboard m/n Patrizia and the Closing Ceremony of the GYTS

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Concert of Ukrainian national choir “Veryovka” directed by Maestro Carlo Ponti. Closing Ceremony. Beautiful Capri by Yacht Patrizia. Valeria Mazza, Didier Drogba and Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization.

Supporting Quality Education

Books and containers donated to create public libraries that assist education

MSC Foundation and MSC Cargo Switzerland supported the Swiss “Lire-Partage” initiative led by Payot bookshops, donating four 50-foot high-cube containers with 160,000 books and other education equipment, plus their transportation from Switzerland to Burkina Faso.

Genesis Junkanoo helps youth

y in The Bahamas

Supporting young people’s development through culture

We donated USD 10,000 to strengthen the Genesis Junkanoo Organisation’s TeenHawk Programme for Bahamians aged between 13 and 18, which leverages culture for community, personal and leadership development.

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BAHAMAS Anthony Beal, Association Internationale des OEuvres Hospitalières de StGabriel, Marina Anselme, MSC Foundation, Lamoussa Traoré, husband of Isabelle Chevalley, and Isabelle Chevalley, President of the Association Isabelle Chevalley.

Marevivo restores full in-class and field activities EDUCATION

Teaching care for the sea with Marevivo

Our long-term partner Marevivo completed another year of its Nautici in Blue programme, reaching more than 886 students aged 15-17, over 60 teachers and 11 school managers at 13 nautical institute secondary schools across Italy.

The participants and family members took part in a final certificate presentation event on “MSC Meraviglia”, welcomed by senior members of the MSC Foundation and MSC Cruises teams, and then interacting with the Captain, Hotel Management team and onboard HR Department.

Guardian Dolphins back in force across Italy

Marevivo was able to implement its Guardian Dolphins programme in full again across 10 Italian islands and 1 town after COVID restrictions were lifted. The programme supported by MSC Foundation saw Marevivo’s experts join over 134 primary school teaching staff to guide 1,440 pupils aged 8-10 through a wide range of in-class and field activities, while indirectly impacting a further 2,000 through peer interaction.

news 23 June ITALY

Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

Joining hands for refugees from Ukraine

Thanks to the generosity of 1,252 people in 41 Countries, our campaign “Joining hands for refugees from Ukraine” received donations that were doubled through donation matching to total CHF 312,420. Combining this with direct MSC Group funding and support, we purchased and delivered 130,000 relief items (80,000 high thermal blankets, 40,000 sleeping bags and 10,000 folding camp beds) to UNHCR reception and transit centres in Poland, Moldova, Romania, Hungary and Ukraine.

Four 40-foot containers of thermal blankets sent to Moldova

Partnering the UNHCR’s efforts to assist refugees from Ukraine in Moldova, we sent four containers of thermal blankets to the refugee agency’s warehouse in the country, where MSC Moldova management provided full support from checking upon arrival to delivery in the field.

Strengthening our organisation

Conservation biologist Dr Owen O’Shea joined us as Marine Programme & Research Manager of the MSC Foundation Marine Conservation Center on Ocean Cay. Bringing immense experience with 43 research papers to his name, Owen is already providing invaluable guidance as construction of the Marine Centre proceeds.

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Alexander Di Leonardo, Country Manager and Special Projects Lead MSC Moldova and Rachid Bouda, Managing Director MSC Ukraine.

Winner of award for ‘Best Tourism Final Degree Project’ announced

New award at the Complutense University of Madrid honours MSC Cruises Spain President Emiliano González who passed away in 2020

Janna Schurmann won the new “Award for Best Tourism Final Degree Project” for her thesis “Theoretical approach to dark tourism and analysis of the Belchite case”. The award recognising top students with a commitment to tourism as a driver of sustainable development will run for a minimum of four years, with each winner receiving a € 4,000 prize and the opportunity to benefit from an internship of at least six months at MSC Cruises’ European o


Ele Festival in Adiaké, Ivory Coast COMMUNITY SUPPORT

MSC and MSC Foundation sponsor the 6th Ele Festival in Adiaké

The MSC Foundation and MSC Group sponsored the 6th Ele festival, held in Adiaké from the 27th to the 30th of July. MSC has sponsored the festival every year since its creation in 2017 to showcase the region’s culture and traditions. This year it hosted more than 20,000 visitors.

news 25 July

Supporting disaster preparedness in Madagascar

Free transportation of firefighting equipment & vehicles from France

MSC France and the MSC Foundation contributed to the establishment of Antsirabe’s first ever fire and rescue Unit, donating the transportation of one 40-foot hard top container from France, loaded with a full complement of fire service vehicles, equipment and outfits.

Cultural Heritage

MSC Foundation sponsors the exhibition “I Tesori della Madonna del Lauro”

The Basilica of Santa Maria Del Lauro in Meta near Sorrento hosted an exhibition of the Basilica’s famous treasures, curated by Andrea Fienga and promoted by the City of Meta and the Basilica itself, with the support of the Metropolitan City of Naples and MSC Foundation.

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Plastic Waste Goes to School

MSC Foundation continues support for innovative UNICEF programme in Ivory Coast

UNICEF’s half-year report on “Plastic Waste Goes to School” provided the heartening news that a further 41 classrooms had been built between January and July 2022, taking the total completed to 90 classrooms. These are now benefiting 6,244 children. During the period, UNICEF also trained 3 more women in the collection and recycling of plastic waste in local communities,

bringing the total number of women trained and organised in a formal association to 188. As a result, an additional 99,000 kg of plastic were recycled to make modular plastic bricks, taking the overall total to 616,000 kg of plastic waste collected and recycled since the beginning of the programme.

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Super Coral Programme paves way for future

Work finalised on the Super Coral Programme up to September included the completion of the detailed underwater mapping of the most numerically abundant coral species in the 64 square-mile Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve, which identified 9 coral species that account for around 80% of the species observed to date.

Moreover, we selected the most appropriate coral restoration sites and the locations of the primary and secondary coral nurseries, the latter of which will be leveraged to engage with guests in coral conservation awareness raising activities.

Finally, a new infographic on coral spawning and life cycles, completed the series commenced in 2021.

Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

Emergency support for Ukrainian refugees in Italy

MSC Cruises and the MSC Foundation donated 1,902 kg of potato gnocchi pasta, 388 kg of orecchiette pasta and 1,800 kg of tomato sauce to an initiative of the Town Council of Santa Marinella near Rome and the local charity Misericordia Santa Marinella to feed refugee families from Ukraine – mainly women and children – welcomed by the local community.

news 28 September

Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

Meeting our partners and refugees from Ukraine

As part of the MSC Foundation’s support for the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR, our Executive Director and Secretary General travelled to Warsaw, Poland. Greeted by UNHCR Poland Senior External Adviser Andrea Kichhof, who provided a deep overview of the situation, they visited one of UNHCR’s busiest warehouses and a “Blue Dot” reception centre where the refugees shared their stories.

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Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

Donation of free transportation from procurement countries to UNHCR warehouses in and around Ukraine.

As part of an agreement with UNHCR, MSC Foundation and MSC Cargo provided free freight between April and October for 100,000 solar lanterns from China to Ukraine, 2,806,500 surgical masks from Spain to Poland and thousands of JYSK-donated housing and cooking items from Northern Europe to Ukraine and Poland (totalling 251 dining sets, 425 chairs, 15,200 bedsheets, 12,867 duvets and 7,248 towels).

Improving school meals in El Salvador

MSC Foundation and MSC El Salvador donated five 20-foot containers for conversion into self-sustaining school kitchens to provide meals for underprivileged children.

Community Sports Centres (CSC)

Donation to create and enhance Community Sports Centres in Naples

We donated € 5,000 to support the Laureus Italia Foundation’s Community Sports Centres, which provide free sports facilities, education and psychoeducation activities for children and families with economic problems facing social exclusion.

In total, relief and support from the MSC Foundation and MSC Group since the beginning of the war exceed CHF 7 million

news 30 October

MSC Foundation hosts SwissFoundations workshop

Workshop brings members of the Corporate Foundations Working Group together to examine best practices in the management of administrative and overhead costs

The MSC Foundation conducted a thorough benchmarking analysis of the practices of 51 charitable foundations worldwide and shared its findings with 15 fellow-member foundations which gathered at the MSC Headquarters in Geneva and online on the 10th of October 2022.

Cultural Heritage

Genoa cathedral restoration

We donated € 450,000 to help fund the restoration of Genoa’s San Lorenzo Cathedral in Italy, an important symbol of the city. The distinctive Gothic main façade, dating from the 1330s, was making the building dangerous, with its stonework crumbling, mortar in bad condition and columns weakened. The MSC Foundation funded the complex restoration of the main façade and its three giant doors.

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GENOA Mons. Carlo Sobrero, Daniela Picco, MSC Foundation Executive Director, S.Em. Card. Angelo Bagnasco.

MSC Foundation activities during MSC World Europa Naming Ceremony celebrations


Launch of a new partnership with the Qatar Foundation

A pioneering new marine conservation programme in Qatar

On Sunday the 13th of November, the MSC Foundation hosted the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for a pioneering new marine conservation programme in Qatar.

The signing took place in Doha on board MSC World Europa. The agreement sees the Qatar Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Qatar University and Qatar Foundation state their intention to partner in an innovative national programme to conserve and restore Qatar’s coastal environment, which the MSC Foundation is to support with grant funding.

news 32 November

High-level delegation of partners & stakeholders welcomed in Doha

A delegation of illustrious guests, including sustainability and marine conservation leaders, VIPs, partner organisation representatives and members of our Advisory Board were invited to the MSC World Europa Naming Ceremony Celebrations to present the MSC Foundation’s work and strengthen our relations.

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Her Highness Sheikha Hind bint Hamad Al Thani and Alexa Aponte Vago. Simonetta Cenci, Alessandra Priante, H.E. Salam Hamzeh Ghaith Princess of Abu Dhabi. Qatar Foundation and Qatar University Representatives. Bader Al-Rabiah and Mike Horn.

MSC Foundation activities during MSC World Europa Naming Ceremony celebrations

Opening of the new MSC Foundation Centre

During the MSC World Europa Naming Ceremony Celebrations in Doha, we had the pleasure of opening the new MSC Foundation Centre on this extraordinary ecoship.

Extending over some 25 square metres on deck 7, the Centre provides guests with full information on our aims, programmes and initiatives thanks to the caring professional attention of MSC Foundation Host Danjela Dishi.

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Digital Artwork Auction for our Blue Planet ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION

We held a charity silent auction on MSC World Europa of seven exclusive digital works of art created and donated by Ouchhh Studio, drawn from their spectacular video artwork seen during the ship’s naming ceremony. At the end of the event, a German bidder and a French bidder each won an auction for a combined total donation of USD 17,600.

Taking the MSC Foundation’s message everywhere to take our actions further

Three Fs to present the Foundation: The first F is for family. Because having a family at the heart of a foundation makes everything different. The second F is for Foundation itself. Founding means putting down roots. But the growth of roots never ends.

Last Fs is for Far. Going far. Taking our message everywhere we can and constantly taking our actions further.

For sustained and enduring impact together, as our Founder, Captain Gianluigi Aponte reminds us: “We all have a duty to leave a better world for future generations”.

A recordbreaking ship on Italian TV EDUCATION ENVIRONMENTAL


Prof. Valerio Rossi Albertini, Italian television science presenter, nuclear physicist and professor of chemistry and physics presented MSC World Europa during the TV programme Unoattina, spotlighting for more than 9 minutes her sustainability innovations, including the pioneering use of LNG.

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Prof. Valerio Rossi Albertini. Winner of the charity silent auction Mr. Bjoern Arp.


MSC travels Ivory Coast to meet the faces of UNICEF’s Plastic Goes to School Programme

Field trip in Ivory Coast

Meeting the faces of UNICEF’s pioneering three-pronged programme

“Plastic Waste Goes to School”

We visited Côte d’Ivoire from the 27th of November to the 1st of December, travelling the country to meet our partners on the ground and the diverse beneficiaries of the innovative threepronged UNICEF programme Plastic Waste Goes to School.

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news 37 November

MSC Foundation activities during MSC Seascape Naming Ceremony celebrations

MSC Foundation launches partnership with Mayor’s Fund

We partner with Mayor’s Fund to support vulnerable New York City communities

The New York naming ceremony celebrations for MSC Seascape saw us announce a partnership with the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City,

supporting two programmes, the NYC Junior Ambassadors (NYCJA) and the Department of Parks and Recreation’s GreenThumb.

news 38 December
Eric Adams Mayor of New York City, Pierfrancesco Vago. Students from the NYCJA programme.
news 39 December
Kristen Edgreen Kaufman, Christie Saint-Vil, Aissata M.B. Camara. NYC Parks GreenThumb.NYC Junior Ambassadors.

MSC Foundation activities during MSC Seascape Naming Ceremony celebrations

MSC Foundation Centre opened on new flagship MSC Seascape

During the MSC Seascape Naming Ceremony Celebrations in New York, we had the pleasure of opening the second Foundation Centre in the year and the fifth overall.

The 60 square metre centre located on deck 5 is ably run by MSC Foundation hostess Benguita Bengue, who brings a friendly face to our name, providing information on our programmes and partners, sharing her personal experience of our field trip in Ivory Coast and assisting with the sale of MSC Foundation merchandise.

The new Centre hosts the spectacular Venini sculpture installation “Incanto del Mare” (Magic of the Sea), designed by Monica Guggisberg and Philip Baldwin.

Emma Ferrer Hepburn as UNICEF Representative

Emma Kathleen Hepburn Ferrer

UNICEF Representative

Artist, actress, former model, and granddaughter of actors Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer.

Emma decided to put her life under the sign of continuing her grandmother’s legacy. Since many years, she advocates for children’s rights, having worked closely with UNICEF and UNHCR.

We were delighted to host her at the naming ceremony of MSC Seascape and to receive her support for the Foundation.

news 40 December

Mercy Ships Board Members on MSC Seascape COMMUNITY SUPPORT

The MSC Foundation was honoured to welcome the Board of Mercy Ships aboard MSC Seascape for a dedicated ship visit, followed by a cocktail with MSC top management and an exclusive gala dinner.

MSC Foundation announces winners of SeAct call for innovations to scale up coral restoration

Late in 2021, MSC Foundation partnered with the Crédit Agricole Group business accelerator Le Village by CA Milano to launch a call in March 2022 for economically-sustainable and environmentally-efficient innovations to scale up coral restoration.

We subsequently received almost 115 proposals from companies, start-ups and research entities in 24 countries across 5 continents. Each was evaluated in relation to relevance, innovation, social and environmental impact, evidence-based cost-effectiveness, proven record of expertise and applicability.

The two winners selected for financing and a potential final partnership were the Coral Spawning Lab from the University of Derby, UK, and Intellireef from the USA.

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MSC Foundation & Red Cross Geneva in third “Festive Smiles” initiative COMMUNITY SUPPORT

The MSC Foundation and Geneva Red Cross joined forces again to support Geneva families in need, including refugees from Ukraine.

Our MSC Geneva colleagues donated 324 gifts for families in need, while 40 volunteers out of the many who came forward donated almost 150 hours to wrapping and helping distribute the parcels.

news 42 December

Ocean Cay is designated a Hope Spot MARINE CONSERVATION

During the MSC Seascape Naming Ceremony in New York, we were proud to announce that the Mission Blue Council has officially designated Ocean Cay a “Hope Spot”, a special place that is critical to the health of the ocean. The official announcement will be in early 2023.

There are only 147 Hope Spots in the world. Each scientifically identified as critical to the health of the ocean. The Hope Spot are championed by local conservationists who Mission Blue assists with communications, expeditions and scientific advisory support.

Supporting the most vulnerable COMMUNITY SUPPORT EDUCATION

MSC Foundation donated CHF 50,000 as part of an initiative by the Consul General of Italy to support 500 Italians aged over 80 living in isolated and fragile economic conditions in Geneva, Vaud and Valais, providing them with CHF 200 per year in food stamps.

news 43 December
I wish you would use all means at your disposal – films, expeditions, the web, new submarines, campaigns – to ignite public support for a global network of marine protected areas, Hope Spots large enough to save and restore the ocean, the blue heart of the planet. “ Dr. Sylvia Earle.



Super Coral Programme makes super progress

We made crucial progress in several areas of our Super Coral Programme as the year drew to a close, obtaining the Bahamian authorities’ permission to set up underwater coral nurseries as a first step to populating coral species resistant to climate change in and around Ocean Cay.

Another important step saw us receiving Bahamian Migration authorisation to host two marine biologist graduate interns on Ocean Cay, one from NOVA Southeastern University and the other from the University of Miami These interns are now working under the Foundation’s Marine Programme and Research Manager to identify existing particularly resistant coral species in the Caribbean, and to set up coral nurseries at 2 different sites: Lobo and Brown Cay.

Thus, the first phase of the coral nursery installation was completed by the two graduate interns from Nova Southeastern University and the University of Miami, under the supervision of our Marine Research Programme Manager.

Lastly, the main Research Laboratory results of our university interns led by Dr Joana Figueiredo and Dr Chris Langdon have been most promising, with University of Miami intern Nikki identifying certain genotypes that could survive up to 60 days at a water temperature 2°C warmer than the present average maximum summer temperature. Corals with that degree of heat tolerance will have a good probability of surviving until the end of the century and longer if we succeed in limiting global heating to 2°C.

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news 45 December

Mercy Ships & MSC Foundation mark 11 years of bringing hope and healing together

End-to-end support from container shipping and logistics to fundraising and maritime expertise has helped maximise the hospital ships’ lifechanging work for thousands of people over 11 years

The MSC Foundation donated the free transport of 76 containers in 2022, enabling Mercy Ships to:

• Provide 765 surgeries

• Treat 695 patients (a single patient can have multiple surgeries)

• Deliver medical training for 293 participants

news 46 December

Connecting and Engaging with People

Our communications gained increased visibility and presence on social media, including through a new CRM platform with which we sent out 13 newsletters over the course of the year, reaching more than 2,000 subscribers

Our main targets have been MSC employees, the media and institutions, potential partners and the general public who support our work.

The main subjects have been our programmes, which we present following a “human first” approach, bringing to life the point of view of our partners and above all the beneficiaries impacted by the Foundation’s work.

Total followers: 11,479


7,216 followers (+ 30.32% in 2022)

56 posts

360,000 impressions



55 posts, 75 stories

Total reach: 73,092 (+1516% in 2022)



52 posts, 56 stories

Total reach: 18,753 (- 5.7% in 2022)


101 subscribers

Total 31 videos

news 47
MSC Foundation Social Media MSC Foundation Newsletter December 2022 MSC Foundation Newsletter October 2022
With special thanks to everyone who helped the MSC Foundation rise to the chall enges of 2022!

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