2 minute read
Jourdan River Blueway Spotlight

As part of the Mississippi Gulf Coast National Heritage Area’s Nature-Based Tourism effort, the Blueways program was established to provide explorers an unforgettable experience along miles of beaches, rivers, creeks and bayous. There are currently 15 Blueways, or water trails, that have been mapped out for recreational canoers and kayakers within the six coastal counties in Mississippi. Here is a quick look at the Jourdan River Blueway in Hancock County.

The Jourdan River, running through the center of Hancock County, is one of the primary coastal streams that brings water straight to the Gulf of Mexico. The Jourdan River Blueway Trail links the McLeod Park canoe launch to the Bayou Talla boat launch. The river plays host to a variety of water activities including canoeing and kayaking along an 8.5-mile river trail. North of the McLeod Park launch, the upper half of the river is a tranquil home to wildlife, hardwood forests and artesian springs. Paddlers will encounter natural oxbow lakes and beautiful bluffs all the way up to Bayou Bacon. Down river from the McLeod Park launch, paddlers will enjoy exquisite sandbars to explore or to rest and absorb the unparalleled scenery. This section of the river is influenced by the tide and fishermen can find largemouth bass, catfish and alligator gar that are so huge you’ll want to stay in your kayak!

For nature enthusiasts, visitors can take the Jourdan River Blueway Trail through coastal floodplains where they can explore a unique riverine ecosystem. The river trail has ample and accessible launches at McLeod Park and the Bayou Talla boat launch, so paddlers can easily cruise through the natural beauty of Hancock County. There are many restaurants that line the river, so hungry paddlers can stop for some delicious local eats. Even the birds love Jourdan River. Eagles, hawks and osprey can be found in the tall trees that line the river.