Bild: Pablo Heimplatz
MS DOCKVILLE ARTCAMP 2014 SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT – THE ARTCAMP IS TAKING A NEW APPROACH M S D O CKVI LLE S U M M E R 20 1 4 D aughter v ille Sat., 05.07.2014 M S D ock v ille A R tcamp Sat.,19.07 - Sat., 09.08.2014 Lü tt v ille Mon., 21.07. - Sat., 26.07.2014 S cience v ille Fri., 25.07. - Sun., 27.07.2014 S P E K T R U M Sat., 02.08.2014 B U T T E R L A N D Sun., 03.08.2014 M S D O C K V I L L E F E S T I VA L Fri., 15.08. — Sun., 17.08.2014
CALL FOR ARTISTS OF ALL GENRES FOR THE MS DOCKVILLE ARTCAMP 2014 BACKG ROU N D M S D O C KVI LLE S U M M E R The MS DOCKVILLE will be back for its 8th year in 2014. What originally set out to be a weekend festival has evolved into a process of cultural activities lasting for several weeks. The term MS DOCKVILLE has developed into a synonym for cultural diversity. In the past years various autonomous projects developed which have partly been transferred into independent structures. The formerly artistic festival line-up has expanded into a curated Art Camp featuring international artists and distinctive event formats. The charitable kids’ recreational holiday camp Lüttville has firmly established itself in the cultural interconnection and education of the Hamburg art scene. In its second year, the SPEKTRUM has established itself as an open-air format dedicated to current musical trends, which originated in hip-hop. In 2013, the Daughterville Festival organized by adolescents from Wilhelmsburg and its surroundings celebrated a successful premiere. All projects combined make up the MS DOCKVILLE Summer, which culminates as usual in the MS DOCKVILLE Festival with approximately 25,000 visitors. TE R RAI N All activities take place on the Elbe River Island Wilhelmsburg by the Reiherstiegknie in Hamburg. The heterogeneous terrain is located at the edge of the harbour directly on the waterfront opposite imposing industrial repositories. Each year the terrain is subjected to transformation by a variety of national and international artists during the MS DOCKVILLE Art Camp. Gradually the area was artistically unlocked in new ways and in a collaborative open-air creative process, the Art Camp emerged. Address: Reiherstieg Hauptdeich / Alte Schleuse, 21107 Hamburg As of now the call for artists of all genres for the MS DOCKVILLE ARTCAMP is open:
D e a d l i n e : 17 t h o f M a r c h 2 0 1 4
PRESS CONTACT Lara Goldsworthy · Janna Rath EMAIL TEL 00 49 40 800 06 09 15 FURTHER InfoRMATION ht Press material
Bild: Sarah Bernhard
PROCESS This year everything will stay the same but simultaneously be different as the Art Camp is taking a new approach. For one, there will be no division into an „internal“ and a „public“ Art Camp anymore. The aim is to emphasise the processual character of the Art Camp and to give visitors the opportunity to accompany the artistic process. In 2014 the Art Camp will be divided into three production and presentation weeks: each week alternating teams of artists will spend 1 week working and living on site respectively. During the first four days the artists will work under cover on their projects. From Friday onwards the visitors will then have the opportunity to explore the terrain, to make contact with the artists, to engage in a dialogue and witness the creative process. Every Saturday the completed art works are festively inaugurated. Accompanying concerts and performances put the finishing touch on the programme. On Sunday the teams of artists will change and in the following week new art works will be produced. This provides for an organically designed Art Camp that grows from week to week.
TH E “N O N- S U BJ ECT“ In contrast to the past years we will not provide a meta theme anymore. Moreover, we have an image before the inner eye, which we want to further develop in a dialogue with the artists in regard to specific projects. The following word and association cloud is to serve as an inspiration from which specific topics can be derived, however it is more influenced by a certain mood rather than a thematic objective: Functionalism meets surrealism; transgression of thresholds; lust; desire and participation; Hieronymus Bosch visiting Wes Anderson’s Spree Park Berlin; tea at William Blake’s; salon culture; the fading patina of abandoned things; relics; more bathos than pathos; unobtrusive self-ironic melancholy; sensuality and sensitivity meet megalomania and radicalism; scientific research and nemesis fantasies; yesterday’s belief in progress and today’s retro faith; natural scientists and anthropologists on the ship of fools; out of date Zeitgeist painting; aesthetics and functionality of space
PRESS CONTACT Lara Goldsworthy · Janna Rath EMAIL TEL 00 49 40 800 06 09 15 FURTHER InfoRMATION ht Press material
FA C T S W H AT W E A R E LO O K I N G F O R A R T I S TS We are looking for artists of the following disciplines: fine arts (architecture, sculpting, painting, graphic design) and performing arts (theatre, dance, performance as well as cinematics, light art and musical art.) Please DON’T send us band or DJ applications. Infrastructure: The Art Camp is an open-air event. The art works must therefore be weather resistant and comply with the applicable venue regulations. TI M E FRAM E The MS DOCKVILLE ARTCAMP will take place from the 19th of July until the 9th of August 2014. The respective production period on site can vary between 1-6 days. In general the artists will present their work in person on three consecutive days and nights as part of the event programme. After the presentation all installations will remain on the premises and can still be visited by participants of the MS DOCKVILLE Summer.
W H AT W E O F F E R SU PPORT After having developed the artistic frame with you, you will be responsible for the design and realisation of your projects yourselves. Of course we will provide technical contacts and in case of an emergency one or more helping hands. Due to the numerous art-loving visitors during the Art Camp and the more than 20.000 festival guests ranging from young to old during the music festival, we can unfortunately not ensure that your projects will not be affected. We ask you to consider these circumstances in the conception of your work. Furthermore we cannot insure the exhibits against theft and destruction. Board and lodging: You will stay in simple accommodation on the premises. Alternatively, own accommodations in Hamburg can also be used. Catering will be provided on site. FUNDING As we endeavour to carry the expenses of your projects, precise cost budgeting is of utmost importance. During the preliminary talks we will define a financial budget with the artists. Therefore, a first calculation of expected costs is necessary for a successful application. There is a basic stock of material resources on the premises, which can be drawn from. However, spontaneous individual wishes can only limitedly be fulfilled during the Art Camp. The responsibility for the procurement of material and helping staff lies with the artists. S E L E C T I O N O F PA R T I C I PA N TS The artistic direction of the MS DOCKVILLE ARTCAMP consists of Enno Arndt. Suntke Garbe and Dr. Ebba Durstewitz. All applications received by the 17th of March will be taken into consideration, assessed and a selection of participants chosen. THE RESULT OF THE SELECTION WILL MOST PROBABLY BE ANNOUNCED BY THE END OF MARCH 2014. All applicants will be notified of their acceptance or rejection by email. F U R T H E R I N F O R M AT I O N All artists are called upon to apply. The best thing for you to do is to send us your portfolio with excerpts from your previous work. We would appreciate portfolios submitted in digital form (pdf). In addition you can also submit first ideas and suggestions to the point of concrete projects. If you inspire us with your work, ideas and visions, we will invite you and develop a suitable framework for your project together. A detailed list of documents to be submitted can be found on the following page.
PRESS CONTACT Lara Goldsworthy · Janna Rath EMAIL TEL 00 49 40 800 06 09 15 FURTHER InfoRMATION ht Press material
I f y o u w a n t t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e M S D O C K V I L L E A R TC A M P 2 0 1 4 p l e a s e s e n d u s : • • • • • • •
a portfolio of your previous work (sketches, images, visualisations etc.) an exposé or a first draft of ideas a short biography and portfolio (preferably in digital form) a photograph of the artist / artist group a preliminary estimation of costs c o n t a c t d e t a i l s o f t h e c o n t a c t p e r s o n with regard to artist groups: team formation
b y t h e 17 t h o f M a r c h 2 0 1 4 t o : kunst @ dockville . de Kopf & Steine GmbH M S D O C K V I L L E A R TC A M P M a x - B r a u e r - A l l e e 2 77, 2 2 76 9 H a m b u r g Germany Incomplete applications will not be considered. Application documents sent by post cannot be returned!
V I S U A L I S AT I O N / A R T I S T P H OTO We w i l l u s e o n e o f t h e s u b m i t t e d d r a w i n g s a s w e l l a s t h e a r t i s t p h o t o f o r o u r P R . We t h e r e f o r e a s k you to mark the favoured visualisation and provide all relevant credits.
C A LC U L AT I O N The Kopf & Steine GmbH will bear the costs of the project implementation. In order to ensure this we need a detailed cost estimation and we reserve the right to discuss the cost points in case of commitment. P LEAS E LI ST 1. material costs 2. artist fees 3. travel expenses 4. number of helpers 5. estimated preparation and construction period 6. other
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at: kunst @ dockville . de We look forward to your proposals! MS DOCKVILLE ARTCAMP
PRESS CONTACT Lara Goldsworthy · Janna Rath EMAIL TEL 00 49 40 800 06 09 15 FURTHER InfoRMATION ht Press material