Thomas Edison

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Thomas Edison and the Light Bulb By Madison “Man it’s so dark in there!” “No it is not, I bought one of Thomas Edison’s light bulbs. They work great, and they’re really bright!” Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. Thomas Edison didn’t go to school until he was 7 years old. As a child he got sick quite a while. Thomas Edison wasn’t very interactive in school so his classmates thought Thomas wasn’t very smart, so he dropped out of school and then got homeschooled by his mom. When Edison was little he had a lot of serious ear infections, so he was part deaf. Thomas Edison was very intelligent. He liked chemistry the most so he set up a lab in his home and started mixing stuff together. Then when he got older he got interested in science. He set up a science lab everywhere he could. When he was 13 he had a job on a train and got to sell candy, fruit, and newspapers. He asked his boss if he could set up a lab on the train and his boss said “yes”. During one of his experiments he set one of the carts on fire!! Thomas Edison was such a good inventor that he got more than a thousand patients. While Tomas Edison was making the light bulb, the Louisiana Purchase was happening, as well as Civil War was happening. Thomas Edison married Mary Stillwell in 1871. Thomas worked hard and liked spending a long time at his lab, but his wife and children didn’t. Sometimes he slept at in the lab his wife and children barely got to see him ever. Many people thought that Thomas Edison made the light bulb, but he just perfected it. Others have made it before him but they didn’t make it that bright, they didn’t last long, and they smelled bad. Most of the stuff that Edison “invented” like the light bulb, he perfected it. The light bulb made life easier and benefited people because there wasn’t dark anymore, you can see more with a light bulb than a possibly dangerous candle, and you don’t have to go looking in the dark for a match to light a candle. Edison’s first patented invention was the vote recorder. He thought that it would save time. How it worked is instead of writing your vote down you could just say it. Most people thought it was stupid and lame. Thomas Edison died because of old age in 1931, at the age of 84 in his New Jersey home, but don’t forget that Thomas Edison made your life easier by making the light bulb.

Works Cited

"The Free Automatic Bibliography and Citation Generator." EasyBib. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. "Thomas Edison Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. "Thomas Edison." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Apr. 2013. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. "When

Was the Light Bulb Invented?" When Was the Light Bulb Invented? N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.

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