Portfolio 2022

Page 20


birth: 15. 1. 1997

phone: +420 606 264 803 adress: Bily Kamen 70, Vyskytna n. Jihlavou, 588 41 Czech Republic

email: MSevela@seznam.cz sevelmat@student.cvut.cz

Tampere University, Finland Faculty of Built Environment (2022)

Architecture Exchange studies for one semestr (two periods)

Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Architecture (2021 - present)

Architecture and Urbanism

Expected graduation with a master´s degree

Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering (2017 - 2021)

Architecture and Civil Engineering

Yellow card 2021 - Ruzyne family house Yellow card 2020 - Social services Campus

Bachelor degree

Secondary School of Civil Engineering, Jihlava (2013 - 2017)

Civil Engineering Construction of Vysocina 2015 - New operational block TWR at Jihlava - Hencov Airport - The public Award Wienerberger 2016 - competition for the best project of the year - 2nd place (national round)

monom works s.r.o. (junior architect)

No Limits Design a.s. (3D creator)

VYŠEHRAD atelier s.r.o. (junior architect)

LUCIDA s.r.o. (junior engineer)

IAESTE Czech republic (public relations)

SEBAPOL s.r.o. (builder)

Skills English B2/C1

Finish learning Czech native

Autodesk AutoCad proficient

Autodesk Revit proficient

Adobe Photoshop advanced

Illustrator intermediate

InDesign advanced

Rhinoceros 3D intermediate SketchUp advanced

Lumion proficient

Vray basic



summer 2022 atelier of urbanism, Studio Cikán

Current status

According to the cadastral territory, Řevnice has an area of 1014 ha. The built-up area makes up less than a fifth, the rest of the area is made up of vegetation - forests, meadows, fields. Řevnice has not changed much since the beginning of the millennium, rather it has maintained its appearance. It changed the most during the early 20th century, when there was a lot of construction activity. Řevnice

is characterised by a uniform development of family houses, mostly solitary with private gardens. This way of building has made Řevnice a concept of a small recreational town in the green. Řevnice is actually an ideal town, all amenities are represented here, from the theatre associations to the technical court. Population development occurred primarily in the last century and is minimal today.

The river and the city. Berounka and Řevnice. A relationship that is beautiful. A relationship that can also hurt a lot. A connection that brings many beautiful moments, but once in a while it takes it back with huge consequences. Water has great power and can show us not to mess with it, but to respect and honour it. In return, it offers us the opportunity to spend time in its proximity. I set out to find these

and show their beauty. My design focuses on a conceptual

to place-making around the river. The essential starting point

in understanding the character and discovering its strengths and weaknesses. I am creating a set of interventions for each character that are then applied to individual points in that river character.

1 2 3 4 5 Concept

Trail to the Black Rock. From the bridge the road runs parallel to the river. Along it are built the buildings of a swimming pool and a summer recreation area. Through the trees we can see down to the water. Continuing further towards the rock, the greenery thickens considerably and becomes more impenetrable. The shore is overgrown with trees and becomes very difficult to access, only at a few points is it cleared by fishermen. At the level of the boating clubhouse there is the remnant of an orchard that used to

be several times larger. There is also a building of the now defunct cynological association on this site. The footpath disappears in the dense vegetation and gradually leads us to the Black Rock. Around it is a small clearing. At the top of the rock there is only a dirt road, bushes, overgrown edge of the slope and beautiful views.

The immediate surroundings of the rock are in a rather impoverished state. My interventions improve this condition and elevate the place to a space with a clear character. I am adding a simple mobile to the existing fireplaces, thus making the space more legible and increasing its attractiveness for the local

inhabitants. I deck the path over a steep section in close proximity to the rock and river, which is otherwise very difficult to navigate. Natural access to the river, supplemented by a wooden pier, provides views of the river, the opposite bank and entertainment for swimmers.



winter 2021 atelier of complex of buildings, Studio Redčenkov & Danda

Current status

At present, the garden of the children‘s home, the promenade of the former monastery and the Dvořák orchards are located in the area.

An unpleasant fact about the arcades is their „siege“ by socially excluded persons, which often further discourages other visitors who would like to see the place.


The main intention was to reopen the inner part of the former monastery block and to revive the public spaces. This is also connected with the clear demarcation of the Dvořák Orchards area and the definition of the fortification circuit. At the same time, attention was paid to the children‘s home and its enclosed courtyard facing the historic building of Spořitelna.


I strictly define the green ring of the Opava City Parks by two separate masses of university dormitories and a children‘s home.

Towards the centre, the blocks give way to the public space and make the inner blocks accessible. A garden with a playground is being created next to the children‘s home, replacing the former asphalt area. A space for active leisure is created next to the

dormitories. The amphitheatre will be used by art school students for performances and shows..There is also a bar with a café. A coworking office is located above the amphitheatre itself, so there will be no interruptions in the later hours. The student dorm rooms face the park and are separated from the courtyard by a porch. I maintain a community garden at St. Elizabeth‘s Church that is very popular with Opava residents. The other part of the courtyard still serves the children‘s home. There is a garden where children can


spend their free time. The children‘s home block provides facilities for a low-threshold centre and starter flats. The children‘s home itself houses a multifunctional hall where children can play sports or hold various social events that can be attended by the public. On the next floor there are community rooms and living rooms for two family groups. The starter flats are suitable for adult children who want to become independent but have problems getting their own flat. The low threshold centre is being built as a result of situations

in the original arcades. It was a place strongly sought after by homeless people. As a substitute, I offer them a place where they can have a safe place to eat, do their hygiene or even sleep. The services of a low-threshold centre are not only about providing food and a place to sleep, but also helping with reintegration into mainstream society, which is often a long and difficult process.



summer 2021 bacheleor thesis, Studio Daďa16

Family house in Ruzyně. The subject of the bachelor thesis is the design of a family house. The sumbited site is located in an older development in the Ruzyne district of Prague 6. It is designed for a family of four. The main idea that runs through the whole project is the timelessness of the design. Clean lines, flat surfaces and a combination of solid and glazed areas support the compositional solution of the whole building. The main mass is two storeys tall with a receding attic floor. An imaginary longitudinal axis runs through the first floor, perpendicular to Stochovská Street. This axis

carries the communal part of the house and naturally leads into the generous living space. On the second floor, this axis turns and passes into the private part, which includes the children‘s rooms and the parents‘ bedroom. The bedroom has its own terrace, which is volumetrically enclosed by a frame structure that complements the mass of the second floor. This frame structure also frames the views from the house to the outside. The top floor is reached by a staircase that is covered by a sloping roof that follows the slope of the staircase. Here is the studio.



summer 2020 architectural design studio 3, Studio Smolík & Med20

Modřany social services campus.

The assignment from the Prague 12 municipality was to design a social services campus. After analysis, we divided the building programme into four blocks. The first is a home with a special regime - a home for the elderly who require permanent care. The next is a nursing home - a home for the elderly who can manage almost all the normal tasks of life, and a caregiver regularly visits them at home. Social flats - small flats for young families with

children or socially vulnerable people who need housing but cannot afford their own flat. The last building is a community centre with a multifunctional hall, workshops for interest groups and space for a kindergarten.

Developed in collaboration with Matěj Střecha. We both contributed equally to the work.

We have placed the buildings on the site in such a way as to preserve the quiet character of Jordan Jovkov Street and the rather transit function of Nikola Vapcarov Street. We divide the area diagonally into two parts. In the north-western part we propose two apartment buildings and a nursing home, these are connected by a garage in the underground level. In addition to the housing function, the buildings also contain commercial space for social business and facilities for a field care service. In the eastern part we propose a home for the elderly and a home with special regime.

We have developed the structure as a terrace house, which is more than unusual for this type of operation, but due to the sloping nature of the site it is a very convenient option. At the same time, there are terraces that serve as a safe outdoor space for the elderly residents. We have proposed a community centre in the southern part of the site. The shape of the community centre stands out completely from the surrounding prefabricated buildings. This contrast illustrates the social function of the building and is intended to attract visitors.




The subject of the studio is the design of the municipal library in Klánovice and the related public spaces. The library should be an intellectual and social centre of the village with a contemporary architectural expression, using state-of-theart technology and equipment based on the architectural tradition of the place.


Klánovice was founded by Václav Klán, originally a court clerk in Zbraslav and later a real estate agent. He bought the land for the construction of the village from the Prince of Liechtenstein and from the court in Jirny in 1874. On 22nd March 1878, he obtained permission from the Czech Governorate to establish the settlement of Klánovice, which was formally connected to Šestajovice. The establishment of the Jirny-Koloděje railway station, which took place in 1883, was an important impetus for the development of construction in the area. The settlement of Kolodějské Zálesí, which was part of the village of Koloděje, was established near the station.

An important period of Klánovice was the 1920s and 1930s. In 1911, the Chapel of the Mother of God, today‘s Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, was built here. After 1920, a project by the architect Rudolf Utěšil was


Klánovice. A small town on the very outskirts of Prague. A peaceful retreat in an environment closely connected with the surrounding forests. The part of the village where the land is located is situated between a primary school, a kindergarten, the municipal office and a sports hall.

The current situation is rather sad. An area that could be an important part of the city is occupied by several buildings that are only degrading the place. Our task was to change this situation.

I didn‘t feel very comfortable while inspecting the building site. The considerable lack of clarity and chaos of the area

realized. He designed a large-scale development of the village connected with the construction of the Klánovice Spa, a swimming pool, a colonnade and a restaurant with a guesthouse. A bronze statue of T. G. Masaryk was unveiled in the park near the railway station.

During the Second World War, a forest golf course gradually grew up here. The investor was Golf Club Praha, which moved to Klánovice from Motol in Prague. The course was built on the land donated by Prince Liechtenstein, and Baron František Ringhoffer, among others, contributed to its construction. When fully completed, the playground covered an area of 86 hectares. The six-hole course was opened in August 1938 and by 1950, 15 holes had been completed. The spa complex fell into disrepair after 1950, and the main facility was liquidated in 1988. Stalinist labelling also affected golf in Klánovice; for ideological reasons, Golf Club Prague was closed down in 1950 and most of the playing areas were ploughed and reforested. In 1974 Klánovice was annexed to Prague.

Today, Klánovice is a popular place for luxury living surrounded by forests and preserved nature. Thanks to the railway line included in the Prague Integrated Transport System, it is possible to get from Klánovice to the centre in 30 minutes. Klánovice thus fulfills the urban theories of living in one‘s own family home and yet within easy reach of the centre of the metropolis.

evoked negative feelings in me. Even though the lot is large, the amount of buildings and obstructions define a really tiny usable area. This is what I wanted to avoid with my proposal. Thats why I designed a smaller, single storey building that does not interfere with or degrade the outdoor spaces.

The mass is oriented parallel to the street line and appropriately complements the urban design. Four cross sections nicely articulate the interior space and at the same time illuminate it. In the middle of the layout there is a small amphitheatre used both for teaching children and as a space for projections or lectures. Above the amphitheatre, a generous space opens up, which is glazed above the roof level and thus provides sufficient light for the interior.

winter 2019 architectural design studio 2, Studio Rychtařík & Med
GATE summer 2019 architectural design studio 1, Studio Kročák & Novotná28

Dejvice Gate.

A task almost 100 years old and still unfinished. Our task was to create this gate. I immediately focused on the urban design of Dejvice by Professor Engel. The seamless connection of the newly emerging Dejvice to Bubeneč was and still is breath-taking. The combination of enclosed courtyards and open public spaces inspired me to create a building with two faces. The first one is set to all those coming from the north towards Vítězné náměstí. This face is serious and solid. It doesn‘t smile. It‘s monumental.

The plan drawn up in 1921 for the new urban design of Dejvice was so sophisticated that we do not even notice the continuity between the existing Bubeneč and the newly emerging district. The main centre of focus for the entire design is Vítězné náměstí, from which roads run in six directions. It was an elegant solution to deal with the connection between the checkerboard urbanism of Bubeneč and the desire for a classically symmetrical circular square with radial street spokes. The imaginary gates/entrances to Dejvice were probably to be built on all six directions, but unfortunately, the plan was never completed in its original form. Only two gates have survived to this day. One is located on Evropská Street. The other one is on Podbabská Street and was the assignment for our studio.

The proposed site is located at the northern end of Dejvice towards Suchdol. Historically, there has always been a building, which was built at the same time as the garages of the Electricity Company. The site is interesting for several reasons. One may be the very fact that it should form the gateway to Dejvice. Another may be, for example, good access to the centre and good availability of amenities in the vicinity. Unfortunately, it also has several shortcomings. The high traffic and the associated traffic noise in the vicinity of the building is really considerable. The orientation is also far from what is considered ideal.

The greater challenge was to create a design that would not just be an ordinary apartment building, but a building that would combine modernity with historical plans, that would respond to the problems of today and that would create a pleasant environment not only for the inhabitants themselves, but also for the people living around the building.

It is addressed to all comers, strangers, foreigners. The other face is shown only to the acquaintances. It is seen by those who are already in Dejvice and can look out. She smiles at them. She plays hide-and-seek with them. She blends into her surroundings and only slightly looks out from her cover, which she turns to the others.

I view the building as a living being. It will live and evolve. She and her old friend across the street lean in and chat, letting all the traffic flow between them and keeping an eye on it, embodying the Dejvická Gate.



winter 2018 atelier of architectural design basic 2, Studio Smolík & Dvořáková & Čivrná32

House for a ferryman in Vrane nad Vltavou. The charismatic place located on the right bank of the Vltava River, at the beginning of the village of Vrané nad Vltavou, directly encourages the creation of interesting architecture. Now there is a local ferry serving to transport people to the other side of the river and the end of the right bank cycle path. Today the ferry operates only on weekdays. In the design I took into account flood conditions, especially the high level of the Vltava River, with a flow of

five to one hundred years of water. The proposed building connects the place with its shape, forcing one to stop and linger here. It acts as a knot binding the place and the people. It won‘t leave you calm. Its audacious shape can delight one and outrage another. But in both cases, it forces debate, and that‘s a way to make a place and architecture itself visible.

The shape connects not only the place but also the function of the object. The upper private half houses the ferryman‘s service apartment with a flowing layout transitioning from the living area in the form of a living room overlooking the river, through the kitchen to the bedroom and bathroom. From the vestibule we enter the ferryman‘s office.

In the other half, which is public, there is a small bistro, which also serves as a covered waiting area for people using the ferry services. The shape is mainly based on the view axes. From the ferryman‘s apartment we can see the image of the river with the area of the Daliborka park in the background. From the waiting room we have a view of the Zvolská homole lookout.




Our skin shapes our experience of the world around us. Its folds, creases and contours define the physical limits of our identities, whilst its structure regulates our internal environment and enables us to feel. It unifies us as a species, revealing our age, ancestry,

emotional depth, physical comfort and discomfort, insecurities and past traumas. Yet, the subtle differences that make us all unique have also inspired the worst treatment of one another. Our skin is saturated with feelings of love and (self) loathing, but most importantly it keeps us alive. We have learnt to care for the skin

their envelopes are not in order, the inside of the buildings suffer.

is necessary to accept reality and strive for healing.

your wounds and don‘t be ashamed of your desire to recover.

a common way for people to feel.

2_ If their envelopes are not in good shape, the inside of the buildings suffer. It is necessary to accept reality and strive for healing. Acknowledge your wounds and don‘t be ashamed of your desire to recover. It‘s a common way for people to feel.

3_ They hide their wounds under a patch, which they leave for the world

how are they healing the building?

learned to take care of

but at the same time, we accept additional

of skin with added

4_ The BAND-AID project provides buildings with a new temporary look to be proud of, even if their true skin is suffering. We are using scaffolding that looks unaesthetic on the building and only hinders the public.

new layer

not want to forget the building during


the building

but let‘s enjoy

náplast Simona Horáková Markéta Kanyzová Matěj Ševela 127 m227 m2 SUPERSTUDIO 10TH EDITION - skin
5_ A
with a new function. We do
its reconstruction and therefore we
giving it a new use. Let
it in spite of it! 1_ If
to admire. But
our skin,
winter 2021

we live in and to wrap ourselves in new skins, whether make-up, clothing or facades, each with their own symbolic meaning and added layers of comfort.

We would like to use this competition as a vehicle to question the nature of facades. With seismic and potentially catastrophic changes to our environment, there are sustained calls to reuse and reinsulate our existing building stock to minimise energy loss and our carbon footprint. We will take these urgent and prosaic imperatives as the departure point for formulating an alternative approach to architecture.

We would like you to explore the potential of wrapping existing buildings in new skins, creating buildings within buildings. Start by identifying an existing building whose façade is failing to perform. We have deliberately left this open to interpretation however, this

could be because the building is poorly maintained, its façade is environmentally damaging, or because the building has become a contested symbol of political, cultural or religious power. We would then like you to wrap the building in a new skin. You may want to peel away parts of the existing façade, to offset the new façade encasing the building in a new layer of programme, or to play with ambiguous definitions of interiority, exteriority and climatic comfort. In all instances, we would like you to explore the poetic potential of a second skin, not just its environmental performance. In doing so, we hope to create a space for more diverse forms of representation to coexist.

6_ Let‘s use the scaffolding for temporary entertainment. An installation that on the one hand fulfils its primary function and on the other hand brings benefits to the public? YES! Efficiency. One of the key factors in any job these days. We use scaffolding that is going to be erected on the building anyway. So please put just a little more of it up there.

7_ Our BAND-AID takes up only a little more space than conventional scaffolding. So we can offer a crowded city another space where people can live. Everyone knows the feeling when you arrive on a trip to a new city and the buildings are covered with a shell that only makes them look ugly and you get nothing out of it but disappointment.

8_ Let‘s take advantage of it! Would you like to go to the cinema, swim in the pool, have a good cup of coffee or go on a slide?

9_ And all this with a view from a completely different perspective, which the BANDAID construction offers us? YES!

10_ And what if the building is healed? Then just remove the scaffolding and take it to the next sick building that needs a nice band-aid.

Developed in collaboration with Simona Horáková and Markéta Kanyzová. We contributed equally to the work.


summer 2015 secondary school of civil engineering Jihlava, Urban38

New TWR operating block at Jihlava - Henčov Airport.

The appearance of the building follows the profile of the wing. We are moving to a small city airport, but this does not mean that the building cannot be inspired by large international terminals. Thanks to its modern design, it will be easy to remember and thus increase awareness of the airport‘s existence. The building is being built at the instigation of large German companies operating in the area of Jihlava, so that managers can visit the local facilities quickly and

efficiently. At the same time, it will also serve ordinary passengers, both those arriving from European Union countries and those from outside the Schengen area. There is a small café, facilities for pilots and premises for the operation of the customs administration on the first floor. On the second floor there are two generous internal terraces that provide views of the runway. There are also air club offices and meeting rooms. On the top floor there is a tower for air traffic controllers.



autumn 2020
Michal Bernart,
Igor Hobza, Jan Bradáč, Jakub
Monika Ohrazdová, Matěj
Ševela Bytový dům, Plešivec
N Bytový dům, PlešivecPůdorys 1NP Bytový dům, PlešivecŘez příčný Bytový dům, PlešivecAxonometrie Bytový dům, PlešivecAxonometrie 42

The design of the apartment building enters the beautiful environment of the Ore Mountains nature with respect. Traditional morphology and simple plan and material structure are interpreted in a contemporary architectural language. The basic volume, which exceeds the dimensions of the surrounding solitary buildings, is divided and softened by the use of notches in the mass and by means of loggias and large-format windows. A further reference to traditional architecture is the use of timber cladding on the façade of the building. Larch timber or burnt planks may be considered.

In both cases, this is a very interesting aesthetic solution, as well as a solution with minimal maintenance and the ability to age naturally. The entire above-ground part is firmly based on a plinth made of natural stone, which gives the house a seriousness and again refers to the traditional materiality in this area. The house as a whole does not belie the period of its construction, yet it is integrated into the wider context and co-creates a strong urban and architectural coherence.

Bytový dům, Plešivec Perspektiva Bytový dům, Plešivec Perspektiva Commercial project made in the studio where I am employed as a Junior architect.


winter 2022 team| M. Bernart, I.
Vašek, M. Zapletal, M. Ševela, M. Zahorová,
M. Ohrazdová44

Greenery. Full grown trees. Basic elements of life determining the character and spatial arrangement of a place. The urban spa building will become an integral part of the natural environment. Synergy between the work of man and nature. Sensitive relationship with mature trees. The relationship between architecture and landscape, architecture and the human body, these are the basic design principles. Nature grows through utilitarian volumes, they tiptoe around it. The overall spatial

arrangement offers a variety of spaces, half natural half man-made, from intimate nooks, sunny places, panoramic views into the treetops to public space.

The jury decided on a split fourth place.

Commercial project made in the studio where I am employed as a Junior architect.

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