Give The Perfect Gift - Four Tips

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How To Give The Perfect Gift.

Give The Perfect Gift - Four T ips Have you ever wondered why some people have a special talent for giving the perfect gift for any occasion and conversely some people consistently give something off the mark? There is a reason for this phenomenon. It is called 'giving from the heart'--albeit it may seem like a trite or over used expression. The desire to do things for other people seems apparent, thus when we receive a gift we can not use, would not be caught dead wearing or have hanging on the wall, we say, "It is the thought that counts." Ironically, this statement is paradoxical, because it is 'the thought' that culminated in the off the mark gift. The person who gives the perfect gift does so by giving directly from their heart, instead of their minds. When our actions are precipitated from our hearts we are receptive to being alert to the myriad details; and facets of people's likes and dislikes, including minor details of color, texture, and taste. We have been taught to have the desire to do things for other people, but sometimes we might not have genuine intentions. You need to ask yourself: o Do I genuinely care enough about this person to spend money for a gift--no matter the amount? o Are my intentions authentic, well-intentioned and with love? o Can I afford this gift now, or would lending a helping hand of their choice be the 'perfect' gift? o Due to a rift with this person am I willing to 'lovingly' give a gift or do I need to resolve the rift first? When you give from your heart, your gifts will be authentic, well intentioned and filled with love. Giving to others is as easy and simple as a warm smile, a compliment or words of encouragement. If you are considering opening your heart to others so as to ensure that your gifts and generosity comes from a sense of genuineness, these tips will help you. o As you begin your day--give yourself a warm smile, a compliment or words of encouragement. o Treat yourself as you wish to treat others--generous, kind and supportive. o While thinking compassionate thoughts, imagine that your hug, smile or handshake is emanating directly from your heart. o Be aware that your loving energy is impacting others in ways you will seldom know has taken place. o Imagine your actions as an extension of your genuine love and compassion. o Imagine your kindness and gracious manner is deepening your connection with others. By visualizing your actions as coming directly from a place of love will help you cultivate love in everything you do. The act of giving from the heart reflects who you truly are--the authentic you, sans the adaptations and indoctrinations.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings. Article Source:,_PhD How To Give The Perfect Gift.

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