Chicken Coop Guide (New)
How to Make a Chicken Coop - Your Ultimate Guide A chicken coop is a place where your chicken can perch, sleep and eat, and a safe place where they can lay their eggs. As an extension, an outdoor chicken run may be attached to it. So what are the things that poultry owners or chicken raisers consider when they plan to make a chicken coop? First, the coop should be spacious enough so that the chickens can move around more freely. The minimum space that you should allot for each chicken is four square feet minimum. So if you are to keep 10 chickens, the coop should have a floor area that is approximately 40 square feet or more. Second, when you build a chicken coop, make sure that you have an 8inch minimum perch measurement per chicken. Remember to place trays below the perches for chicken droppings. Third, consider the lighting, keep in mind that proper lighting incites egg laying. Most experts advise that the chicken coop should have one source of light per 40square feet area. Place it above the feeding or water tray, the light will also serve as a heat source for the chicken and their eggs during the cold weather. Fourth, there should be enough number of nesting boxes for each hen. Ratio should be 3 nests for every 8 chickens. These boxes should be 4 inches deep and should contain wood or straw shavings. Fifth, the aeration is also an important factor to consider when you make a chicken coop. Small vents or windows should be strategically located so that fresh air can enter and allow moisture and odor to escape. And last but not the least; bear in mind the chicken's protection prior to building their pen. Be wary of the predators that might feast on your hens, their chicks and eggs. A wired fence to add as a barrier is most recommended. It should be sturdy enough to withstand pressure and the changes in weather. Once you are aware of these factors, you are now ready to build the hen house for your chicken. This is just an outline for what you can do to make a chicken coop yourself. For more info and tips visit Article Source:
Chicken Coop Guide (New)