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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-10, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

Bacteriological Analysis of Drinking Water from Different Sources in Nguru, Yobe State Gambo, A1 ,Abdallah, M.S2 , Haruna A.3 & Warodi, F.A4 1

Primary Health Care Management Board Damaturu, Yobe State, Research Assistant, Desert Research, Monitoring and Control Centre, Yobe State University, Damaturu, Nigeria. 3 Mai Idris Alooma Polytechnic, Geidam, Yobe State. 4 Desert Research, Monitoring and Control Centre, Yobe State University, Damaturu, Nigeria. 2

Abstract: Water samples from different sources used for drinking in Nguru were analyzed bacteriologically to detect the total viable and coliform count and subsequently, organisms present in the water samples were Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp, shigella spp, pseudomonas spp, proteus spp and Klebsiella spp. Moreover, the isolates were all gram negative and belonged to the family enterobacteriaceas. The total viable count ranged between 5.8 x 104 – 9.5 x 104 cfu/ml while coliform count ranged between 2.9 x 104 – 4.2 x 104 cfu/ml. All the four different sources were generally high exceeding WHO, NAFDAC and NSDDWQ standard which is 1.0 x 102 cfu/ml, for portable water. Key words: Isolates, enterobacteriaceas, coliform and viable count.


The public health significance of water quality cannot be over emphasized, many infectious diseases are transmitted by water through the fecaloval route. Disease contacted through drinking water kill about five million children annually and make 1/6th of the world population sick (WHO, 2004).Water is the basic of all life and primary needs for vital process with increasing urbanization, industrialization and population growth, water sources available for various purposes such as drinking, recreation and agriculture have been adulterated with industrial as well as animal and domestic waste. As a result it has become the most important means of transmission of several infectious diseases. Polluted sewage contain solid as dissolved organic compounds the impact an offensive odor and several as excellent medium for growth and multiplication of micro organisms (Aneja, 2005).Portable water is the water that is far from disease producing microorganism as chemical substances that are dangerous to health (Lamikran, 1999). The bacterial quantities of ground water, pipe borne water and over natural water supplies in

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Nigeria have been reputed to be unsatisfactory with coliform count fear exceeding the level recommended by WHO (Dada et al., 1999a, 1999b, Edema et al.,2001). According to 1998 study by WHO at least, 30,000 people die every day in developing countries of world believe of unsanitary water supplies. However, the problem of providing portable drinking water for both rural and urban population of the third world nations has been of great concerns. Lack of portable water has been coursing on still is causing untimely death at children in under developed countries (WHO, 2007 and Feachem, 2009). According to WHO (2010), nearly 80% of Africa’s total population has to get water from contaminated sources and one third of all urban dwellers collected in buckets and store it at home where it is likely to become contaminated. Another one third draws water from unprotected wells, water vendors, uncovered over head tank stand pipes, rain barrels as polluted streams. Drinking water supply is liable to contamination into sewage or other exceed matter which may occur outbreak of intestinal infectious such as typhoid fever, cholera, and other diarrhea disease (Feachem, 2009).Several researchers (Ekundayo, 1972; Fleisher et al 1998 and Okafo et al., 2003) have documented that health significance of fecal pollution of water bodies, indiscriminate dumping of untreated waste into water bodies which brings about biological, physical and chemical deteriorations such water bodies especially when these discharges are beyond their natural purifying capacities (Hovvat et al., 1999 and Fujioka et al., 2001). This will no doubt endangered the resident aquatic organisms as well as impair the beneficial uses of the bodies (Fleisher et al., 1988). The objective of this research is to determined the coliform and viable count of the isolates from the samples of portable water collected.

Materials and method Study area

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-10, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in Nguru or (Ngourou) is a local government area in Yobe State, located in the semi arid environment of north eastern Nigeria. Its headquarter is in the town of Nguru near the Hadejia river at 120 529 4511 N, 100 2711 0911 E. It has an area of 916km and a population of 150,632 (2006 census). The town date back to 15th century with a variety of landscape types in the area including Hadejia – Nguru wetlands of Nguru lake, and the “sand dunes” a semi desert area. Nguru is the terminus of the western railway of Nigeria. The town also has a tertiary medical facilities, Federal Medical Center (FMC). Increased in population due to rural-urban migration, insecurity in north eastern part of the country and rapid population growth meant an increase in the demand of portable water in the town. Nguru like all towns in Yobe state is facing the problems of lack of portable and adequate water supply that is safe for human consumption. Most of Nguru dwellers water buckets from hand pump while other from water vendors which are likely to be contaminated. Collection of water samples Drinking water samples from taps, hand pumps, water vendors and borehole water were collected in a low capacity sterile sample bottle of all the samples were also collected at random in four wards Bulabulin, Hausari, Sabon Garin Kanuri and Tsohon Nguru wards, as concerning to APHA (1980) and Okoro (1983), the sample were stored in low box and transported to the laboratory of the department of biological sciences, Yobe state university.

Bacteriological analysis of water samples The water sample were generally diluted using standard service dilution procedure of APHA (1985) and as adopted by Arzai (1995). 9mls of normal saline was pound into the test tubes as 1ml of the water sample was turn faced into the test tubes containing the normal saline which serves as stock prepared as diluents. Sterile dilution of 10-1 of the diluents was used from which subsequent of up to 10-4 was made (4 – fold dilution). For the total viable count, the samples were plated on nutrient agar while EMB agar was used for the total coliform count. The plates were placed in an incubator at 370C for 24hours (Madigan and Martinko, 2005) and (APHA, 1957). Identification and characterization of the isolates Microorganisms especially bacteria were characterized by their ability to produce various enzymes. The presence of various enzymes in turn can be determined by metabolic generation of the appropriate end products in the medium (John, 2007). Different bacteria produce various compliments of enzymes and where can be useful in determining their identity based on enzymic profile (John 2007). The pure culture of the isolates, were identified using the cultural characteristics, gram staining reaction, biochemical test and sugar utilization test as desirable by Cheesbrough (2003).


Table 1 bacteriological quantity of different sources of water Water sources Total viable count Tap water 5.8 x 104 Borehole water 9.5 x 104 7.2 x 104 Hand pump water 8.0 x 104 Water from vendors 1.0 x 102 WHO standards 1.0 x 102 NAFDAC standards 1.0 x 102 NSDWQ standards

Total coliform 2.9 x 104 4.2 x 104 3.3 x 104 4.0 x 104 1.0 x 102 1.0 x 102 1.0 x 102

Table II biochemical characteristic of bacteria isolates from the sample Samples Tap water Borehole water Hand pump E. coli Salmonella Shegella Klebsiella Psuedomonas Proteus

+ve +ve +ve +ve +ve -ve

+ve +ve +ve +ve +ve -ve

+ve +ve +ve +ve +ve -ve

Water vendors +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve


Key:- (+ve) indicate the presence of operation Negative (-ve) indicates the absence of the organism in the sample

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-10, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in


The results of bacteriological analysis and biochemical characteristics of bacterial isolates from different sources of water for drinking in Nguru were shown in the table I and II respectively. Table I shows the bacteriological quality of different water samples the bacterial locid (total viable count) of the area under investigation range from a.5 x 10-4 – 5.8 x 104cfu/ml in all samples. The maximum count has a.5 x 104 cfu/ml in borehole water and the minimum count of 5.8 x 104 cfu/ml in tap water, all the sample were not in compliance with WHO, NAFDAC, and NSDWQ standard limit of 1.0 x 102 . The coliform count of the area under investigation ranged between 4.2 x 104 – 2.9 x 104 cfu/ml. The maximum count of 4.2 x 104 was recorded in borehole water and the minimum of 2.9 x 104 cf/ ml was recorded in tap water. All the samples were not in compliance with standard limit of WHO, NAFDAC, and NSDWQ. The table II shows various type of bacterial spp. Isolates in different biochemical characteristics test. The identified isolates include E.coli, salmonella spp, shegilla spp, proteus spp, klebsiella spp and pseudomonas spp. Fecal pollution of drinking water introduces a veriety of intestinal pathogens (WHO, 2012). Accordingly, the total coliform counts of all water samples were generally high exceeding WHO NSDWQ standard limit of 1.0 x 102 coliform count for drinking water which was adopted by NAFDAC (WHO, 2012 and NSDWQ, 2007). The high coliform counts vividly indicates the water sources are fecally contaminated (EPA 2003; Osuide and Enuezie, 1999). There is evidence of coliform contamination in all samples. The total viable counts ranged from 5.8 x 104 – 9.5 x 104 cfu/ml, while the total coliform count ranging from 2.9 x 104 – 4.2 x 104 cfu/ml which are not in compliance with the standard. The feacal coliform on E. coli count per 100ml of drinking water should be zero (NSDWQ, 2007 and WHO, 2012), but the value were not observes in all the samples. This finding is not surprising considering the population density and close proximity of available water sources to pit latrines. The sewage could seeps slowly into underground water there by polluting it. Also, long term usage of boreholes may lead to deteriorating of the water quality, becaue pipelines may be corroded with random cracks and most cases dogged with sediment (onemano and otun, 2008), this will allow passage of inorganic metals and bacteria. The implication of these findings is the possibility of the presence of pathogens they may come acute intestinal illness which are mostly fatal (Addo et al., 2009; Olowe et al., 2005,NSDWQ, 2007). The ability to detect faccal contamination in

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drinking water is necessary, as pathogenic microorganisms from human and animal faces in drinking water pose the greatest danger to public health.

Conclusion The principal aims of monitoring drinking water are to prevent the spread of water borne diseases and to protect the public health. The importance of access the good quality water can not be over emphasized. Increase in population in Nguru with rise in human activities pose a great pressure on provision of safe drinking water. It necessitates large number of people to consume water from non standard sources like wash borehole and water vendors which constitute a major problem due to close proximity to such sources to pit latrines. Looking at the result discussed, it is evident that the water sources from Nguru is contaminated and does not comply with the standard guidelines for drinking water of WHO, NAFDAC and NSDWQ. Since the potential human pathogens were isolated from the water during this study, it can be concluded that the water might pose threat to the health of consumers. REFERENCES American public health association APHA(1957). Examination of food, water and drinking product. Manual of microbiological study of American bacteriologist. 10th edition Mac Graw Holl, New York APHA (1980). In: Arnold E.G, Rhodes, R.T and Lenoves S.C (1985). Standard method for the examination of water and waste water 16th edition Addo, K.K Mensah G.I, Benkoe M, Bonsu C, Akyen M.L (2009). Bacteriological quality of sachet water produce as sold in Teshie, Nungua, Surburbs of Accra, Ghana. African journal of food agriculture, nutrition and development 9 (4): 1019 – 1030 Aneja, K.R (2005). experiment in microbiology, plant pathology on biotechnology new age publisher, New Delhi P355 – 370 Arzai, A (1995). Bacteriological examination of water for sanitary quality, unpublished Cheesbrough M (1987) medical laboratory manual for tropical countries butter worth, Heinemann Oxford Dada, O.O Okufo, C.A and Yusuf, Z (1990b). The relationship between residual chlorine and bacteriological quality of tap water in the water distribution system of Zaria Nigeria Savannah 10(2): 95 – 101

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