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AIR POLLUTION LINKED TO GLAUCOMA RISK In this study, researchers analyzed data regarding more than 111,000 adults in the United Kingdom and found that those living in areas with the highest levels of fine particulate matter air pollution had a 6% greater risk for glaucoma. Study author Dr. Paul Foster notes, “While we cannot confirm yet that the association is causal, we hope to continue our research to determine whether air pollution does indeed cause glaucoma, and to find out if there are any avoidance strategies that could help people reduce their exposure to air pollution to mitigate the health risks.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, November 2019 DIET: EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL MAY PREVENT VARIOUS DEMENTIAS. The accumulation of the protein tau in the brain is associated with an elevated risk for several forms of dementia. In this study, researchers observed that when mice prone to accumulations of tau consumed a diet high in extra virgin olive oil, they had 60% fewer tau deposits than rodents on a standard diet. Additionally, the mice on the extra virgin olive oil diet also performed better in standard maze and object recognition memory tests. Aging Cell, November 2019 EXERCISE: MUSCLE MASS LINKED TO HEART HEALTH. New research that reviewed ten years of health data concerning over more than 1,000 adults indicates that men and women with more muscle mass in middle age were less likely to have hypertension, diabetes, and obesity—all risk factors for heart disease— than participants with less muscle mass at midlife. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, November 2019

CHIROPRACTIC: PAIN IS COMMON IN KIDS, TEENS, AND YOUNG ADULTS. Researchers reviewed the healthcare usage of 373,178 Swedes under the age of 24 and found that 15.8% sought treatment for at least one painful condition in 2017, with abdominal pain, joint pain, headache, and back/neck pain being the most common. Of these individuals, one in seven consulted with their healthcare provider at least four times during the year. The findings suggest that pain is a common complaint among children and young adults. European Journal of Pain, December 2019 MENTAL ATTITUDE: CONCUSSIONS IN HIGH SCHOOL INCREASE RISK OF SUICIDE. An analysis of data concerning more than 13,000 high schoolers in the United States revealed that student athletes who reported having a concussion in the last year were more likely to report feelings of depression, suicidal ideations, and planned or previous suicide attempts. Lead author Dr. Dale Mantey writes, “Everyone needs to be aware of the warning signs and the risks that come with concussions—parents, teachers, coaches, but also the students themselves… If there is any concern that a child may have suffered a concussion, it is critical to seek medical attention. If a child is diagnosed with a concussion, everyone in their support network should look for changes in mood or behavior that may be warning signs of reduced mental wellbeing.” Journal of Affective Disorders, November 2019 WELLNESS/PREVENTION: IDENTIFYING RISK FACTORS FOR EATING DISORDERS. The National Eating Disorders Collaboration explains that eating disorders are the result of a combination of psychological, social, and genetic factors like low selfesteem or perfectionism; overvaluing body image in defining self-worth; stress, depression, and trauma; avoidance of social interaction; involvement in a sport that emphasizes body shape; troubled family or personal relationships; and teasing or bullying. National Eating Disorders Collaboration, November 2019.

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