Art is

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Art is ... ?

We’re going to have a REFLECTIVE conversa8on about this ques8on before we look at some of the challenges around this no8on. .....

So ... name an artwork you like. Hold an image of the work in your mind’s eye and explore it

In your visual diary, write down 3 things you admire about it. Then the ar8st’s name, the 8tle of the work and why you like it. (FOR HOMEWORK TONIGHT – PRINT AN IMAGE OF THE WORK AND CREATE A SPECIAL PAGE DEDICATED TO EXPLORING THE WORK)

Now ‘call up’ the image on your iPad and write down 3 more things you no8ce about the work – again – use your visual diary to record your ideas.

Why did you chose that artwork? Share your reason with a friend beside you. Do you like the work they chose as much as your own choice? Write down something about your friend’s choice – what can you see to admire, enjoy or appreciate in the work?

Why do opinions about what is good art vary so much? Let’s chat about this one before I show you the work of several ar8sts I enjoy and we can debate the merits of their works.

What is ART supposed to do? Did the inven8on of the camera change what we believe art should be? Why? Is art supposed to be ‘BEAUTIFUL’?

What is BEAUTIFUL anyway?

No8ce there’s no decora8on and only one image so far ... Why did I elect to present the Powerpoint in this way?

Lots of ques8ons, so few defini8ve answers ... why is that do you think?

All right ... here’s some really powerful artwork that I admire (and I’ll share this with you), I’ve remained fascinated by this ar8st for decades.

Get your exclama8ons out of the way first Here it is

Then really look at the emo8onal context of the work. What do you see here, a\er the obvious ... what is the ar8st trying to get you to explore from within yourself here... OK share your ideas with one other person and write down your response and theirs ... Keep digging ... Be compassionate ... What do you see?

Here’s more angles on The Young Family – the Patricia Picinnini work you’ve just seen

So, what do you see now? Let’s focus on the emo8onal frame first.

And now, what can you appreciate about cra\ and skill in this work? Take a look at it from this perspec8ve 1. consider the medium Picininni has used 2. think about how you would go about making this work 3. See if you can iden8fy the scale of the work – does this change your understanding of it? 4. now think about how she’s used the elements of art

Now you’ve really looked, I challenge you with this ... you can’t ever appreciate artwork un8l you’ve considered the ar8st’s intended meaning. NOR CAN YOU IGNORE IT (Why can’t you ignore it?) In your considered, (now informed) opinion (BTW, opinions should never be other than considered and informed), what is Picinnini exploring here? What does she want you, the viewer, to consider? BIG QUESTION, BIG FONT Let’s examine some of these BIG ques8ons

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