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SIX SIGMA TRAINING COURSES – WHICH LEVELS ARE RIGHT FOR YOU If you are interested in taking up six sigma training courses, whether to enhance your own knowledge base or to implement as a compulsory training exercise in your organisation, you might already be aware of the fact that there are many types of it. In fact, this training offers four different levels of certification and each one is devised in accordance with a specific type or level of an organisation’s workforce. This is why it becomes very important for people to understand the core of each type and be able to select the one that will be best for their training requirements. Six Sigma training courses offer four types of certifications – the yellow belt for the lower level workers and managers (not intended to lead projects), Green belt that is meant for middle level managers, black belt training for top level management executives and master belt training which is the highest one, meant for enterprise owners and CEOs. People believe that black belt training in Six Sigma is the most important one but I strongly feel that this is not the case. You have to understand that the actual work in an organisation goes on at the lowest level of the hierarchy. This is why it is important for managers at the lower and middle levels to understand the best practices to employ in order to extract maximum productivity from workers. It is always recommended that yellow and green belt Six Sigma training courses be given more preference so that the entire machinery working to run the organisation becomes skilled rather than a few chosen individuals who sit at the top of the tree.