What exactly should you choose as your six sigma belt

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Article 1: MSICertified.com

WHAT EXACTLY SHOULD YOU CHOOSE AS YOUR SIX SIGMA BELT? In the business world these days, have a six sigma certification has become very important, and in some cases, mandatory. Six sigma courses are actually very varied and of different kinds, all with a different area of focus. Usually when a business suffers with optimization troubles, six sigma training is imparted to those involved as an attempt to smoothen out the processes. Those who don’t know or understand the utility of different six sigma courses often get confused when it comes to choosing the right training module for them. This article attempts to explore the actual meaning and purpose of the diversification that six sigma courses have. The first thing that the readers need to know is that there are three modes of six sigma certification: first party, second party and third party. First party means that you have made a self-declaration of being a six sigma certified professional. Second party certification is when an organization that provides this training sets up their own standards of certification. Third party certification is when the certificate proclaims that a process, product or service meets certain defined and industry-dependent criteria reviewed by an unbiased party. Majority of the certificates these days are second party. The second thing you need to know about online six sigma certification is the meaning of “belts” in this training. Belts are actually tiers of sorts in the training curriculum. Most widely accepted belts are Green, Black and Master Black. It is not necessary to first take the Green belt training before the Black one. People who opt for the Green belt training are usually required to work on projects as a part of their job – on six sigma projects. Black belts are a tad higher than the green ones and are mostly the managerial-type works are handled by these professionals. Black belt professionals only work on six sigma projects. Master Black belt is the highest training tier of six sigma, and people who take this training are usually mentors and trainers, consultants, etc. The work they learn and do is managerial, mostly, and they learn more soft-skills which enhances their versatility to work across verticals. Project manager online certification can be availed from many websites if you know what you’re doing. Speaking of the online mode, industry-specific curriculum of the six sigma training can be found on some websites which will facilitate and enhance your learning experience by teaching you specifics of the industry you belong to. Apart from these belts, there is a Lean Six Sigma course which basically deals with the elementary knowledge and concepts of the six sigma. The contents include industry-proven philosophies and methodologies and tools to optimize functions and operations. Which king of certification you want to avail is actually totally dependent on you and the amount of time you have. Many training agencies have different six sigma curriculums so it is better to do some research work first before jumping head-first into this. To know more about 6 sigma certification online, visit MSICertified.com. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jemma Fitzgerald is a Six Sigma certification expert. Through her articles and blogs, she likes to provide her informative tips and advice to trainees as well as business houses looking to take up these courses. She recommends MSICertified.com as the best and most trusted online training provider for the purpose.

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