Oct 2016

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Oct. 2016


Assault in MSJC Gender Neutral Bathrooms By Noah Colome

Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States By Kyle Selby

That’s right folks, Republican candidate Donald John Trump will take office in January as the 45th President of the United States. For a nail-biting couple of hours, the electoral vote stood at 254 (Trump) against 218 (Clinton), late Tuesday, November 8 (or Wednesday, November 9, depending on what timezone you were in). Opponent, Secretary Hillary Clinton declined to make a presence in the penultimate moments of the night, defeat looming just around the corner. Instead, Chairman of the Clinton Campaign, John Podesta stood in front of the crowd at Clinton Headquarters in New York City at 2 in the morning, thanked them for their support, and asked everyone CONT. ON PG 12

On Oct. 3 at 9:00 in the morning, a student was confronted by a very real threat on the Menifee campus of Mt. San Jacinto College. A young woman, age of 18, who shall remain anonymous, was accosted by an assailant in the gender neutral bathroom stalls of the 500 building. Riverside County’s Sheriff’s

sergeant James Burton was the reporting officer with respect to that morning. “At approximately 9:00 A.M., an eighteen-year-old female Mt. San Jacinto College student was approached by male who was later identified as 29-year-old Hemet resident Tyrell Brown.” Brown had demanded that she change CONT. ON PG 3

A Temporarily Removes Pledge of Allegiance at Meetings By Patrick Arellano

In Sept. 2016, Mt. San Jacinto College’s Student Government Association (SGA) made the decision to abolish the pledge at the beginning of the meetings. The consensus was that some members who disagreed with the pledge felt uncomfortable abstaining and that its removal would be the best way to avoid stigmatization. On Oct. 7, SGA fulfilled its decision and did not recite the pledge of allegiance at its meeting. However, the very same meeting saw the decision being rescinded

with the pledge being reinstated at the meetings. Of the eleven senators, nine voted. Six were in favor while three opposed. One member abstained. The revision may not entirely be final. SGA will revisit the debate after hearing the opinions of students at a forum in Nov. 14. Morgan Comstock, commissioner of college activities who opposes the rescission, stated, “I don’t like saying we’re backing down to the community and people who are bullying us. I feel we are being bullied. By standing up and holding our ground, we’re stronger.” CONT. ON PG 5




The Talon meets Thursday’s from 12:15PM-2:00PM in room 453(MVC). Join us!

MSJC to switch to Canvas by fall of 2017 By Kyle Selby MSJC has been a Blackboard school since the inception of its online program in 2001. However, with graduation rates not where they wanted them to be, they decided it was time to make a change. In 2014, the Online Education Initiative (OEI) was funded by California Governor Jerry Brown, and was tasked with championing a program that would improve graduation rates for community college students. They put together a proposal which targeted students who had a hard time completing courses that they needed to graduate, and looked at the best solution to get students through their AA degree. They decided they were going to offer online courses throughout different community colleges through an exchange program. The goal was to select a single location where students can find courses within the entire California Community College System. But to deliver those courses, they needed what is called a “common-course management system”. The Selection process was in Sacramento, winter 2015, where the OEI evaluated Blackboard, Canvas, and Moodle (a Virginia-based company). An Ad-Hoc committee through the Educational Tech Commitee was created with representation from administration, faculty, classified, and students, who examined the different platforms through a presentation process. Del Helms is the Distance Education Activity Coordinator at MSJC, and one of his primary functions is to assist faculty with any distance education needs they might have, and to plan a

course of action for the future for the school’s technological needs.

keep up with the transition to mobile very well at all.”

“We basically created a rubric of criteria of what features we thought the products needed to have, and we evaluated the products against the rubric, not against each other,” said Helms. “And we decided that Canvas was going to be the better fit, especially for the future.”

According to Helms, the OEI had so much infusion of money, that they were able to pay for Canvas for all colleges that adopted it for the first two years. The annual licensing fee will be paid for by the OEI, which was an incentive considered during selection.

Display capabilities on mobile devices were one of the biggest deciding factors in the selection. Helms claims there was a simplicity of design in Canvas that seems to be more geared toward a student preference. The committee recommended to the Academic Senate that MSJC adopt Canvas as a course management system beginning in the fall of 2017. In the meantime, MSJC would work on transitioning from Blackboard to Canvas this Fall, which already offers about 25 course sections, and Helms predicts that we will have 50-75 course sections in the spring. “They decided there was going to be a better partnership with Canvas,” said Helms. “Blackboard is kind of the 800pound gorilla in the room; they’ve basically designed a course management system for instructors to teach with. Canvas has created a course management system for students to learn from.” At the time of the selection process, only five of 113 California community colleges were using Canvas. Today, 94 of them have since adopted the system. “It was time to change. [Blackboard] had just gotten so big, and they didn’t

Helms is currently teaching an eightweek class on Canvas, as well as “Introduction to Canvas” workshops held at both MVC and SJC usually once a week. Faculty members can enroll, and work at their own pace, where they are offered blank “sandbox” courses, which allows them to start building a course from scratch in the new system. “It’s going to be a little cumbersome,” admitted Helms, when asked about faculty being required to make the switch. “They’re different course management systems, so there’s not a seamless integration between the two.” However, Helms is hopeful that the benefits from the adoption outweigh the doubt. “When you log into Canvas it’s just intuitive. It kind of makes sense of what you need to do and where you need to go, especially if the instructors have set up the course well.” When Canvas is officially instated, students will continue to use the same log-in information, just in a different location. In Canvas, users can adjust their notifications to their preferences; so personal email addresses, and/or phone numbers can be connected through Canvas for students who want to keep up with their grades conveniently.

Interested in writing for The Talon? E-mail our Editor at msjctalon@gmail.com


Assault in MSJC Gender Neutral Bathrooms continued

Tyrell Nathaniel Brown

Inclusion of a women’s bathroom in place of a gender neutral stall

her clothes with some he had brought himself. While reports of sexual intent are unclear, what is certain is that after she refused to change her clothing. Brown attempted to prevent her from leaving the bathroom. The young woman then defended herself and broke free of the bathroom and successfully escaped Brown. Email notifications were promptly sent to students and staff regarding the incident. MSJC spokeswoman Karin Marriott sent out a statement saying,” For students, visitors and employees, safety is our priority. We are always asking people to be mindful and be watchful of their surroundings, and if you see anything suspicious, you should contact law enforcement or call 911 in an emergency.” Before the incident on the Menifee campus, Brown broke into the nearby house of Kevin Faler, 55. Faler’s son was busy on his computer with his headphones in when he glanced over to see Brown distressed and sweating next to him. Brown was asking where his sister was when Faler’s son retorted, “Dude, your sister is not here and you’re not supposed to be here. What are you doing in my house?” Faler’s son and friend then escorted Brown outside the house. When Faler saw Brown’s photo released with an article about the assault on campus, he identified Brown. Tyrell Nathaniel Brown was arrested on Tuesday October 4th at his home in Hemet. He was sent to the Southwest Detention Center on suspicion of assault with intent to commit rape and false imprisonment as Hemet Sherriff’s release and booking records show. The bail was set at $50,000. Karrin Marriott asserted that he was not a student and that security around the bathroom would be increased. Since, one of the gender neutral bathrooms has been changed to a female bathroom in possible response to the incident. New locks have also been put in place on bathroom stalls.



Call me ridiculous, call me cheap, but being required to pay an extra six dollars per semester for a bus pass irritates me to no end. Not every student rides the bus to school, so is it really fair to require them to pay for something that they will never use? While, the GoPass program is great and should definitely continue to be implemented on our campus’, I don't believe it should be mandatory. As it is, I pay twenty dollars per semester so I'm able to park my car in the school lot, however to even be able to buy that parking pass, I have to buy a bus pass. As college students, we often have to look for the best ways to save and that can be difficult to manage when bills and fees are thrown in. I have definitely gone entire semesters with less than 10 dollars in my bank account after paying for my books and other basic necessities, so when I’m trying to access my transcripts and am unable to do so because of an overdue fee, I’m out of luck. Every time I see the sentence, “In spring 2011; students voted to keep the popular “GoPass” program on campus for a nominal $6 fee each semester” on our school website, I think about what a great program it is and how lucky MSJC’s students are to be able to have it. However, I also think about the times that I have been short for textbooks and blue books and every other small thing that is not itself vital, but has been unattainable or pushed back due to low funds. By no means am I saying that all student’s financial struggles will be solved if the fee was optional, but the change may be able to relieve a small amount of stress from some shoulders. Sometimes an extra six dollars is just not possible for students to pay and the school should at least acknowledge that. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this newspaper are soley those of the original authors and other contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of the Talon staff, and/or any/all contributors to this media platform. To respond to this editorial, submit a comment to msjctalon@gmail.com. Have an opinion? Pitch your piece to The Talon at msjctalon@gmail.com!

Distributed to over 16,000 students on the Menifee, San Jacinto, Temecula, and Banning campuses and community members of the surrounding areas, students will have the opportunity to display their talents to the public, as well as earn valuable time working within the area of their major.

Interested in writing for The Talon? E-mail our Editor at msjctalon@gmail.com


A Temporarily Removes Pledge of Allegiance at Meetings continued Maya Cardenas, SGA Advisor and Director of the Student Life & Development Program for MSJC, claimed that the pledge’s removal was more motivated by it being perceived by an online petition as “a waste of time.” Cardenas added that the removal was an attempt to show respect to both those who oppose and those support the pledge, claiming, “There were people who felt very strongly that we should be protecting folks’ rights to respect-fully decline to say it, and on the other hand, honoring the fact that for the people who do say it, it’s a part of their tradition and it’s a way they identify.” According to the MSJC SGA and SGA President, Brenda Esparza, Comstock emailed Cardenas the idea from Tyler Mendel, Senator of Institutional Effectiveness. The idea took the form of an agenda item for their next meeting. The President explained her reasoning, saying “As student representatives, we present the student voice whether other students agree with it or not.” “There was no motivation behind [the motion], it was simply a line item that the body wanted to discuss, whether they felt like they needed to say the Pledge of Allegiance at our meetings or not,” Esparza continued. Many students who are in favor of bringing back the pledge are military veterans. Dara Nash, a Marine veteran, stated “I wish that you didn’t ban the Pledge of Allegiance but allow those who want to stand and pledge to do so.” Another supporter of bringing back the pledge is Tom Ashley, Chair of MSJC Board of Trustees. He stated, “Mt. San Jacinto respects the rights of students to exercise the freedoms they have under the U.S. Constitution. However, it is sad to see the Student Government Association reach a decision that comes at the expense of one of the last unifying symbols of our nation - The Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.” It should be noted that SGA is a student run committee and that its views do not reflect those of MSJC as a whole. They later released a statement that the Mt. San Jacinto College District has no plans to remove the Pledge at its meetings.

Student Government President, Brenda Esparza, at the SGA Forum

SGA Senator speaking at the MSJC SGA Forum

Interested in writing about MSJC sports for The Talon? E-mail the editor msjctalon@gmail.com.

The Talon meets Thursday’s from 12:15PM-2:00PM in room 453(MVC). Join us!


Menifee Mayor, Scott Mann, in hot water after using campaign funds for personal use By Serena Steele State Sen. Jeff Stone, R-Temecula, who endorsed Days after the Menifee Mayoral Candidate Mann in the 2012 election, delivered a statement pushing Forum at Mt. San Jacinto College, citizens of Menifee for Mann to quit both the council and as party chairman. were shook with the news that current Mayor, Scott “Given the recent findings of financial malfeasance Mann, misused nearly $45,000 in campaign funds. ... , I believe the best thing he can do is resign his position on According to the FPPC (Fair Political Practices the City Council as well as his position with the Riverside Commission) statement issued Oct. 21, Mann confessed to using County Republican Party,” Stone said in the release. $44,894 in campaign funds for personal use and of committing “The people need to be able to count on campaign record-keeping defilements. He has reimbursed their elected leaders to exercise good judgment and $17,152 to his campaign Scott Mann has failed his committees, state officials said. constituents. His actions have Amid calls for Mann to shown he is not worthy of step down as both mayor and serving those who entrusted chairman of the Republican Party him with great responsibility.” in Riverside County, Menifee city Neil Winter, Mann’s leaders called a special meeting grassroots opponent for mayor Oct. 19 in wake of the scandal. in the Nov. 8 election, believes The meeting to discuss Mann should give up the post. Mann’s situation and hear public “He really should step comment is in response to the down and let the city move California Fair Political Practices forward so we can start clean Commission’s announcement and people can feel good about Oct. 21 regarding a suggested having an honest government,” settlement with Mann in which Winter said. “There’s just no he will be fined $60,000 for way he should stay in office.” spending campaign money on However, Mayor Mann personal expenses, including has stated in an interview that a trip to Malibu for a family he will not step aside either as wedding several years ago. The mayor or party chairman, whose commission’s board is scheduled term expires in December. to formally act on the settlement “I have no intention of when it meets Dec. 2016. resigning from my positions On Oct. 17, Mann issued nor suspending my campaign for mayor,” he said. an online, public apology to the citizens of Menifee, stating, “I “I am content to let the voters decide on Nov. 8.” wanted to reach out to all of you personally and apologize deeply Councilman Matt Liesemeyer, who said Mann for the embarrassment I may have caused you and our city.” should take a leave of absence until the FPPC matter “At times, between 2010 and 2013, I was in extremely is settled, noted he was displeased with Mann’s difficult financial circumstances. The choices I made included statement that the commission’s action reflects a borrowing campaign funds for personal use, a decision I settlement negotiation that’s over three years old. deeply regret. With the support of family and guidance “I don’t know that I really agree with his from my Pastor, I was able to emerge from my despair… passive responses that, oh, it happened three years At no time did this strictly personal situation affect the City ago, it’s not a big deal anymore,” said Liesemeyer. of Menifee or interfere with my performance as mayor.” “It was a big deal then, and it’s a big deal now.” Mann concluded, writing, “I expect our city to Councilwoman Lesa Sobek said she has claim its bright future and look forward to working rescinded her endorsement of Mann for re-election, with each of you and other community leaders. but otherwise wants to see what happens in the special “Although these events are three years in the past, it’s meeting before deciding on any course of action. important that I take responsibility for my actions. While I “It’s an embarrassment to our city,” have already been forgiven in the eyes of my God, I humbly she said. “I’m just so extremely disappointed.” ask all of you for your forgiveness from something that According to the Nov. 9 results, Neil happened three years ago. Like many of us have before, I Winter has won the Menifee mayoral election made a mistake that I deeply regret. I have let many of you with 11,223 winning votes to Mann’s 10,556. down as a result. Again, please accept my heartfelt apology.”

Menifee Mayoral Candidates Forum Held at MSJC On Tuesday evening, Oct. 11, incumbent mayor, Scott Mann, and distinguished Menifee businessman, Neil Winter, squared off at Mt. San Jacinto College at the Menifee Mayoral Candidates Forum to present their plans if they become the city’s mayor for the next two years. Mann and Winter tackled nearly two hours of intense questioning from panelists. The candidates first answered multiple challenging questions posed by panelists Professor Mike Donaldson, MSJC Political Science teacher; Adam Evetov, Wellsaid Communications, Menifee Chamber of Commerce; and Denis Nurmela, Yes Place from Menifee Buzz. MSJC political science students then presented questions from the citizens in the audience about why they wanted to be the city’s mayor, what they want to see in the growing Menifee community, and how they believe they can achieve their goals. Bill Zimmerman, MSJC trustee member, acted as the moderator for the forum. Scott Mann is the Chairman of the Riverside County Republican Party, and is also a U.S Navy veteran. This is Scott’s 2nd term as mayor, elected as the first Mayor of Menifee in December of 2012. Before his first term as Mayor, Mann was elected as a board member into the Menifee Union School District in 2011, and served as a member of the Menifee City Council back in 2008. Neil Winter is a retired business man and a longtime resident of Menifee who has worked closely with the members of the Menifee Chamber of Commerce. Winter was a Senior Manager in business of Software development and sales. The first question asked was about Menifee’s relationship with the Riverside Sheriff Department that contracts for the city’s policing. Both Mann and Winter said they had a close relationship with the officers and agreed Menifee needs more police officers circling the city streets. “I think we have an excellent relationship with out police department,” said Winter. “They’re there whenever we need them. They are pretty responsive when they have a call.” He said he stood on a lot of street corners in his campaign and has seen a lot of police cruisers go by but, “they are thin…we need more of them.” “The key point here,” said Mann, “we need more boots on the ground.” He discussed about earlier successes in getting enough police officers in the community; however, when the recession hit in 2011 “the governor took the rug out of our feet,” referring to more than $4 million taken away from the city’s motor vehicle licensing fees, which resulted in the loss of deputies on the street. The mayor described that he would like to see the city get motor officers and a small task force.

A question turned toward the problem of homelessness in the community and if the candidates supported fulltime shelters in the area. Mann explained the last survey showed there were 16 homeless individuals in the city. He also noted that Menifee recently joined the Southwest County Coalition for Homelessness that are looking at a regional approach to provide the needs of the homeless. “I think we have to have enough compassion and caring for those in need and help them get the tools they need to become economically viable – if they want it.” Winters then approached the question stating, “Yes and no… I believe we need to have homes. We need facilities,” said Winter. But, they need to be the “right kind of person,” in the homes. Toward the end to the forum, Zimmerman said they were going to “throw a curveball” at the candidates and give them an opportunity to ask each other questions themselves. Winter went first, asking Mayor Mann what connection he had with the planned International Documentary Festival coming to Menifee in December. Mann responded saying that the festival is a partnership between the college and Santa Rosa Academy, and that he was working to bring it to the city as a private individual and not as a part of his city business. “It is a private business enterprise,” Mann explained. “It is something I am doing on the side.” Winter then turned to the audience to ask what kind of mayor they wanted. “…Do want a mayor who will be totally immersed in your city or do you want somebody that is great… and I mean Scott has done a great job… we’ve got a great staff at this city and they are the ones who carry the heavy load. They make the big money… so what I am suggesting is that when you are picking somebody for mayor, he has great experience, he has done a great job. But it is time for some new ideas and it time to change the culture cast and it’s time for you when you get an elected official in that that elected official is here for you. Not just sometime, but for the full time.” Mayor Mann said the only full time mayor in the county is the Riverside mayor who holds a paid position. “You have to think about who you’re going to vote for. You have think about who can represent the city. Who can be the best chief cheerleader for the city on all these regional roles,” Mann concluded.


If you are a Communication Major or have a passion for Communication, then the Communications Club is here for you. Regardless of how experienced you are with Communication, the Communication Club is here to accommodate you. We are here to help promote Communication throughout the community, as well as help be a resource for those who need any help with their Communication skills. The Communication Club meets on Tuesdays from 12:30 pm- 1:30 pm in room 479.

Creative Writing Club

All Creative Writers Welcome! The MSJC MVC Creative Writing Club focuses on developing ideas as well as working together to improve your creative writing as a whole. MSJC MVC Creative Writing Club welcomes all writers and artists regardless of experience level. Tuesdays 12:30-1:30 p.m. Room 488 For info, email swinslow@msjc.edu


Distributed to over 16,000 students on the Menifee, San Jacinto, Temecula, and Banning campuses and community members of the surrounding areas, students will have the opportunity to display their talents to the public, as well as earn valuable time working within the area of their major. FOR MORE INFORMATION, E-MAIL US AT MSJCTALON@GMAIL.COM

Eagle Veterans and Dependent Organization (EVDO)

Through campus events Active Minds aims to remove the stigma that surrounds mental health issues, and create a comfortable environment for an open conversation about mental health issues on campus. Active Minds meets every Thursday at 1:00pm- 2:00pm in Building 400 in room 486 on the Menifee Campus.

The EVDO is a fun family friendly club. We are here to help our fellow vets and their Dependents transition from service life back to school life. There are many of us going back to school for the first time in years. With the help of the EVDO and Veterans Resource Center (VRC) those vets have reassurance there are others here to help them transition smoothly into college atmosphere. In addition to this we also have a set of core values we try to maintain regularly they are. To promote education, professionalism, and camaraderie among veterans, members of the Armed Forces, and their dependents To help past, present, or future military personnel and their dependents through information, education, and/or mentorship To unite veterans and dependents of all armed services in order to provide support to any veteran, service member, or dependent in need To enforce and maintain the pride and integrity of service and professionalism For more information, e-mail EVDO President at Dosteen116@student.msjc.edu


The Talon meets Thursday’s from 12:15PM-2:00PM in room 453(MVC). Join us!


MSJC Volleyball Drops Tough One On Sophomore Night The MSJC women's volleyball team won the first set on Wednesday, but couldn't keep it going as they lost to visiting Palomar 3-1 on "Sophomore Night".vballsophnightphoto-16. jpg

Taoete, Carillo, Schaffer, and Brandy Olive were the four Lady Eagle sophomores honored for their participation with the program over the past two seasons.

The Lady Eagles took the first set 25-22 before the Comets seized the momentum in the second. Palomar would win the second 18-25 and then put the match away with back to back 13-25 wins in the third and fourth.

The loss dropped MSJC, at least temporarily, into third place in the Pacific Coast Athletic North Conference standings with a league mark of 4-3. MSJC is 14-8 overall on the season. Palomar improved to 4-2 in conference play and 7-12 overall.

MSJC, who honored four sophomores playing their final regular season home match, were led on the night by 14 kills from Dayanerrah Taoete. Luann O'Kane added 10 kills for the Lady Eagles while Rozary Barrett and Alexxis Carrillo both had 5. Camryn Bootsma had a team high 23 assists in the loss while Hannah Schaffer passed out 12. On defense three MSJC players reached double figures in digs with Jeannie Hifo leading the way with 20. O'Kane added 17 digs and Bootsma had 12.

MSJC will play their final conference match of the season on Tuesday when they travel to College of the Desert for a 5 pm match. The Lady Eagles will wrap up the regular season on November 10th and 16th with a pair of crossover matches against teams from the PCAC South. Opponents and locations of the final two matches will be announced next week.

MSJC Soccer Shuts Down Palomar

The MSJC women's soccer team scored once in each half on Tuesday to pick up a Pacific Coast Athletic Conference North Division win over Palomar 2-0 at home.morganschaffsoccer-16. jpg The Lady Eagles scored the first goal of the day when Stefania Navarrete put it in the net off an assist from Savanna Alcantar. MSJC would take a 1-0 lead into the halftime break. The Lady Eagles added their second score on a goal from Morgan Schaaf. Schaaf's goal came off an assist from Destiny Blythe. The MSJC defense which has been stellar all season long earned another shut out with Goal Keeper Riley Ludwig making four saves.

The win evened the Lady Eagles record in PCAC North play at 3-3-1 on the season. MSJC is 10-5-2 overall on the year while Palomar dropped to 0-6 in conference matches and 4-13 overall. The Lady Eagles have three matches remaining on the season and will be back in action on Friday when they travel to College of the Desert for a 3 pm match. MSJC will wrap up the regular season next week with a pair of home matches on the Menifee Campus Tuesday and Friday.


MSJC Football Can't Pull Off Homecoming Victory The MSJC football team scored the first points of the afternoon on Saturday, but Victor Valley roared back in the second and third quarter to win 45-27 in the Eagles 2016 Homecoming game at ElijahBrownPassTdvsvvc-16.jpg Carl Quandt Stadium. Corwin Cutler started the scoring on the day when he hooked up with Elijah Brown on an 18 yard touchdown pass with 1:47 to play in the first quarter, giving MSJC a 6-0 lead. The Rams came back to take the lead on the first play of the second period when they matched the Eagles 18 yard TD pass with one of their own, and after the extra point led 7-6. The Eagles would respond just 4 minutes later when Cutler and Brown connected again, this time on a 40 yard scoring strike and after the Josh Gonzalez extra point led 13-7. From that point on however, Victor Valley seized control of the game. The Rams scored 17 straight points to end the first half, culminated by a 42 yard field goal by Austin Williams with just 2 seconds remaining giving them a 24-13 lead at the break.

Victor Valley kept the rally going as they out scored MSJC 21-0 in the third quarter to push their lead all the way to 45-13. The Eagles were able to score two fourth period touchdowns on a 56 yard pass from Cutler to Mike Reed and a Noah Kimbrough one yard run. Cutler finished the day going 17 of 28 passing for 260 yards and three scores. Brown wrapped up his day with 6 catches for 140 yards and Reed also hauled in 6 receptions for 67 yards. On the ground Jomari Becnel and Kimbrough were held to just 65 combined yards rushing on 19 carries. The loss was the Eagles fifth straight and kept them from earning their first American Mountain Conference win of the year. MSJC is now 3-5 overall on the season and 0-3 in conference games. Victor Valley improved to 5-3 and 2-1. MSJC will host their final regular season home game next Saturday when they take on San Diego Mesa in a 1 pm game.

Three Women's Golfers Qualify For Regionals

The MSJC women's golf team wrapped up the regular season this week by shooting 417 and 395 at Sun Lakes in the Pacific Coast Athletic Conference Finals, to finish third.briannapaquetforconffinals-16.jpg The Lady Eagles advanced three players on to the individual CCCAA Southern California Regional competition, as a team MSJC finished in 3rd place in the final conference standings behind PCAC Champions Cuyamaca and College of the Desert. Taylor Brown led the Lady Eagles this week with scores of 99 on Monday and 93 Wednesday. Brown not only qualified for the Regional Tournament, but also earned a spot on the All Conference Team for her play throughout the season. Brown finished with the 8th best scoring average in the PCAC at 92.6. Joining Brown both as a Regional qualifier and an All Conference pick was teammate Brianna Paquet who shot 103 and 95 at Sun Lakes this week. Paquet finished the regular season right behind Brown with the 9th best PCAC scoring average at 96. Amber Thornburg is the third Lady Eagle who qualified for Regionals as she shot 111 and 100 in the PCAC Finals. These three players will represent MSJC next week, November 7th and 8th at Chino Hills. Ashley Coy shot 98-108 at the conference finals this week, she finished the PCAC season with a scoring average of 94.3, that would have been good enough to qualify for the post season, but she did not compete in the minimum number of matches for the Lady Eagles. Illiannah Laguna shot 112-and 107, while Mary Money shot 117 and 121 to wrap up their seasons for MSJC.

Trump spoke early Wednesday morning in New York City to address his victory as President of the United States of America. to go home and get some sleep, hopeful for a miraculous turnof-events in the morning. Not just 41 minutes later, Podesta’s worst nightmare had been realized. At 2:41 am EST, the state of Pennsylvania rolled in with the deciding final votes in Trump’s favor, and confirmed his position as 2016 President-Elect, with a total of 274 electoral votes. “This is an historic night,” started Vice President-Elect Mike Pence, at the Trump HQ in New York City 2:45 am EST. “The American people have spoken and they’ve elected their new champion. I come to this moment deeply humbled, grateful to God for his Amazing grace.” Pence thanked his family for all of their support before introducing his presidential runningmate, President-Elect, Donald Trump. Trump opened his acceptance speech with the announcement that opponent, Democratic presidential candidate Secretary Hillary Clinton had just called and congratulated his victory. He repaid the favor. “I congratulated her family on a very hard-fought campaign,” Trump revealed. “We owe her a very major debt of gratitude.” The crowd responded in an eruption of cheer and applause. Trump, a businessman with little to

no political experience, beat Clinton in electoral votes, however the two major candidates nearly tied in popular votes, with TrumpTrump at 59,480,726, and Clinton with a slight lead at 59,681,098. Even so,Trump tried to keep the mood hopeful and civil. “It is time for us to come together as one united people,” he said. “As I’ve said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign, but rather an incredible and great movement...Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.” He thanked the veterans he met during his campaign, and promised that America would see “great” relationships with other nations, stating “Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.” In closing, he thanked his family, his campaign staff, and former Republican nominees. “Now that the campaign is over, our work on this movement is just beginning.” First time voter, Jessica Bethke, an MSJC student for nearly three years, was excited to fulfill her civic duty for the first time. “It’s definitely going to make me more aware of the choices that I made as a voter, and actually pay

attention to the leaders that I put in [or didn’t get] into office,” said Bethke. “I think it’s just going to help with awareness and being able to make wiser choices in the future.” “I’ve only been following the election for the past two weeks” revealed Andrew Do, nursing student here at MSJC. “I think it was just up to who was hated more or less. [I think] there was just so much more negative [coverage] towards Hillary, even though it seemed more people didn’t like Trump.” Do confessed that he was content with the results, as opposed to the alternative candidate. However, not as many people across the country share Do’s accepting nature. Tens of thousands of upset protestors in the ensuing days took to the streets of New York City (Trump Tower), Chicago, and even rallied and successfully shut down the 101 Freeway in Los Angeles, shouting such phrases as “Fuck Trump” and “Not my President” while burning American flags and paper mache replicas of Trump’s head. Time will only tell whether the country will continue to object to America’s ultimate decision, or eventually embrace the inevitable course the country will take.

MSJC Astronomy professor weighs in on President Obama’s mission to Mars Reported by Kyle Selby

President Obama has about three months left in

office, and one of his final goals is to get the ball rolling on a motion he proposed six years ago.

“We have set a clear goal vital to the next chapter of America’s story in space: sending humans to Mars by the 2030s and returning them safely to Earth, with the ultimate ambition to one day remain there for an extended time,” he wrote for CNN. “Getting to Mars will require continued cooperation between government and private innovators, and we’re already well on our way.” On Thursday, October 13, the White House co-sponsored the Frontiers Conference, a one-day assembly in Pittsburgh hosted by Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh to bring the nation’s top scientific minds together. Topics on the agenda included robots, exploration, and the future of American innovation. Here at MSJC, our very own brilliant mind, Dr. Tofigh Heidarzadeh, PhD, has offered to shed some light on America’s mission to Mars from an Astronomical perspective. “This trip is not an easy one,” started the Astronomy professor. “ Even if the alignment of the two planets and the timing of launch let the probe practically travel the shortest distance, there are technological/logistical problems, as well as problems associated with the long stay of human being in space. From more than a dozen of probes that have travelled to Mars, Mariner 4 (1964) reached Mars in 228 days, Mariner 7 (1969) in 128 days, Viking 2 (1975) in 333 days, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (2005) in 210 days. “Therefore, the average time to land on Mars can be something between four months to a year. But it is not a one way trip! Make it round trip, and add days, weeks, or even months-time for astronauts’ excursions on the planet.

Dr. Tofigh Heidarzadeh, PhD Astronomy Professor “So far, we have had good experience of living in space for a long time: Valeri Polyakov and Scott Kelly have spent 437 and 340 days in the Space Station respectively. However, regular trips of cargo ships provided whatever they needed. We will not have this opportunity in a Mars mission. That is the why we need time to overcome all technological, medical, and scientific problems which may occur in this odyssey. Can we solve all these problems within just 13 years? Never give up hope!” While the issue of time may be hindering the mission, Professor Heidarzadeh predicts that the mission would most likely produce new discoveries in the field of biology once it gets rolling. “If we look at the terrestrial planets, Mercury is dead without any geological activities or atmosphere, and has a harsh thermal difference in day and night. Venus is extremely hot everywhere around 470 Celsius (or 900 Fahrenheit), and has no precipitation or water. However, Mars had water in the past and now, most probably, has underground water, seasons similar to seasons on the earth, and it could be a place to harbor life. So, it is very interesting to investigate Mars; its geology, its river beds and rocks, and search for any sign of fossil life. The existence of water increases the possibility of existence of simple forms of life.” Professor Heidarzadeh believes that in the meantime, between now and 2030, our space program needs to ensure that our technological advancements meet the requirements of such an historic mission. “The trip is not done by robots, but mankind. So, scientists should enrich their knowledge about the physical and psychological issues of humans’ long stay in space. On the other hand, the probe should be capable of carrying all requirements of astronaut(s) for about two years,” Heidarzadeh continued. “ Technological problems, from the probe design to propulsion systems, payload problem, providing a sustainable and reliable power for a long time, and doing all these with a high accuracy and minimum risk factors are among the main problems that should be solved.”


Trump in Trouble Again

For Lewd Comments By Katie Lakina

Donald Trump has been at center stage for a number of statements he has made throughout his campaign, but it seems the latest has garnered the most attention. In a video clip recently released by The Washington Post, Trump is heard making demeaning comments about women on the set of Days of Our Lives. The footage released dates back from 2005, but the words spoken by Trump are still shocking to the public, even if said over ten years ago. A number of comments were made, such as: “[I] just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything”. The one causing the most controversy is, “Grab them by the pussy”. An obviously explicit remark, the statement has created another debate: Does his commentary promote rape culture or is it simply ‘locker room’ banter? Trump himself has, in his apology, stated,“This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago.” Trump also took the opportunity to point fingers at opponent Democratic candidate Hilary Clinton’s husband, in an attempt to cast the negativity to someone else in light of the recent allegations. “Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course-not even close. I apologize if anyone was offended,” stated Trump. Consequently, Trump’s attempt at an apology has elicited a number of shocked and disgusted voters. Trump has already been labeled misogynistic by a number of his non-

supporters and this new information only adds fuel to the fire. On the other spectrum, his comments have been dismissed as typical male behavior by a few, who state that Trump’s comments are just that- meaningless comments made on account of male interaction. Those who disagree fire back that those meaningless comments degrade women and exhibit aspects of sexual assault, not just talk. Trump’s apology is also being viewed as a non-apology, instead as a means of normalizing and defending his statements by opponents. This will affect Trump’s chances at winning the ballot in November, and it has already resulted in a number of Republican supporters retracting their support. Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Reince Preibus, said, “No woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner. Ever.” U.S. Representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah, also retracted his support along with endorsement, stating, “I’m out. I can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president. It is some of the most abhorrent and offensive comments that you can possibly imagine.” This leakage, however, didn’t appear to lessen Trump’s chances in the Presidential Election..

“No woman should

ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner. Ever.”


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Since 1993, The Power Rangers franchise has swept the nation away with its action packed super heroes with attitude! The franchise has spawned 23 seasons with Ninja Steel being the 24th installment, two theatrical releases “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie” and “Turbo a Power Rangers Movie” which launched the fifth season, Power Rangers Turbo. The show has brought fans from all over the world together both young and old of the series. With the ongoing seasons, the roster and story lines have changed constantly and each series brings us something new. In March 2014, Saban Capital Group and Lionsgate had announced that they plan to do a project on producing a new Power Rangers movie. This is the first theatrical film since the 1997 release of Power Rangers Turbo. Dean Israelite (Project Almanac) has joined the project as film director. The movie is doing a reimaging of the original show with old characters portrayed by a new cast. (Left to Right) Ludi Lin as Zack, Becky G as Trini, Dacre Montgomery as Jason, Naomi Scott as Kimberly and RJ Cyler as Billy. Also adding to the list of cast members are Bryan Cranston, Bill Hader and Elizabeth Banks. Straying away from the traditional spandex suits, this reimaging dons a new set of futuristic

combat suits unlike anything before. Another new set of posters teased what the new Zords will look like. Billy with his Triceratops, Trini with her Sabertooth Tiger, Jason with the Tyrannosaurs, Zack with the Mastodon and Kimberly with her Pterodactyl. Fans are waiting in anticipation for this long awaited film, bringing 90’s fans back to their childhood memories and introducing young new fans to the phenomenon that began it all. Filming began February 29 of this year in Santa Monica, California and Vancouver Canada and has concluded as of May 28 and it is currently in post-production. It is set to premiere March 24th of 2017. Lionsgate Studios has announced that they will be producing an additional 7 movies possibly following the storyline of the original series. Walter Emmanuel Jones, the original Black Mighty Morphin Power Ranger had confirmed that none of the veteran actors/actresses would be making cameos.

Interested in writing for The Talon? E-mail our Editor at msjctalon@gmail.com

Horror or Lazy?


By Lawrence Mikh’ael Carter

When looking at earlier horror films such as Stephen King’s IT, Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elms Street, William Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist, Tom Holland’s Child’s Play, David Schmoeller’s Puppet Master, or any of the other horror films that was popular around that time, one would think that newer horror films such as Eli Roth’s Hostel, ‎James Wan & ‎Leigh Whannell’s Saw Series, Pascal Laugier’s Martyrs, or Tom Six’s The Human Centipede, would surpass their predecessors when it comes to the movie making magic of creativity; but unfortunately this is not the case. What one can expect from these movies however, is some of the most stomach turning material one will ever see. This begs the question: should gory movies be considered horror or just plain lazy? Gory movies are tricky little devils. Sometime they may have a horrifying back story, the terrifying theme music, and the very often used low level lighting, then WHAM! Someone’s getting a drill shoved into their knee and all you hear are crackling bones. At that point, most people are not scared, they’re mortified. Is this due to fear or the pure internal pain of watching someone go through such appalling treatment? One of the major differences between a good horror film and a good gory film is, with a good horror film one tends to discuss the paranormal aspect of fear, and with a good gory film one tends to discuss a physical sickness due to curtain scene in that film. For example, if you ask someone whom saw Stephen King’s THE SHINING what the scariest part to them was, and he or she might say it was the twin girls, but if you asked someone whom saw Clive Barker’s Hellraiser what was the scariest part to them was, and he or she might say the torture room. So are gory movies messing up the underlining fabric of the horror industry, or is

it actually tapping into a very lucrative business opportunity? As reported by Box Office Mojo, the Saw franchise averages $59,416,295 per film; collectively, the series have accumulated $415,914,068. With these numbers in mind, it is very hard to say whether or not movie producers produce these movies for the art aspect, or to make a guaranteed return on their investment. Whatever the case the case may be, these type of movies has shown time and time again that there is a market for the goriest films, and these production companies does a great job at taking advantage of that market. Whether or not one is a gory movie fan, or a horror movie fan, the overwhelming need to be scared out of one’s mind is evident. These movies have created a craving terror, an appetite for consternation, a desire to for stupefaction. Whether one loves the traditional style of horror or the gory style of horror, these two movies will fill anyone’s movie night with an unsettling trepidation. S u g g e s t e d : Traditional Horror: Jason Blum, Steven Schneider, and Oren Peli’s Insidious Gory: Richard Grandpierre’s Marytrs


Visiting the Museum of Death By Michelle Rivas

This was a chilling experience from the start and an exciting one in a strange way. Well let’s begin with how I heard of this wicked little place. I was watching a video on YouTube titled “5 Creepiest museums” from this channel called Dark5 which is dedicated to giving you the creeps and bringing to light all the darkness in the world. They have over a million subscribers, so you guys should definitely check them out. Anyways, I was really intrigued by this museum from the start because death is already as fascinating as it is. The entrance is decorated with flowers and a huge picture of a skull in a sort of day of the dead fashion-- you can’t really miss it One thing that I noticed was a little quote they had hanging by the doorway that read, “Where the stars end and where the darkness begins.” I thought it was a little cheesy until I realized what they were referencing. The quote is referencing the Hollywood Walk of Fame, which is where stars are aligned on the pavements with names of famous actors/actresses, singers, etc..The Hollywood Walk of Fame ends where the Museum of Death begins. I don’t know if that was by accident or by chance, but either way it adds a little eeriness and even a little magic to this already haunting enigma of a place. I walked in into the museum and it was a lot smaller and narrow then I imagined, and since it’s labeled a museum I thought It would be a little more spacious and professional After waiting in line for a couple a minutes in anticipation, I got to the front of the line, bought my ticket (student discount, yeah!) and I was told to walk into the first room which is covered by a black satin curtain. I was waiting to either be disappointed by cheesy party city-esque Halloween decorations and pg-13 horror fluff or I was going to walk into a place worth seeing filled with memorabilia of the raw, cut and dry reality of the things in life most people would choose to ignore. I was ready and here’s what I walked into: I walked into the first room called “The Serial Killer archives” and was treated to paintings, clothing, shoes, weapons, and letters of the World’s most brutal and evil serial killers right in front of face placed neatly in a glass box. They had the artwork of all the different serial killers, most notably those of John Wayne Gacy which is famous for being the serial killer who dressed up as a clown named Pogo and celebrated birthday parties with children. Serial killers from Nicolas Claux, Richard Ramirez AKA The night stalker, and Ted Bundy were all on display in almost glory for their horrible crimes and the entire room was a shrine of their memorabilia.

The next few rooms were composed of somewhat random and morbid pictures and artifacts. As you can probably already imagine, the Museum of Death isn’t just dedicated to murders, it’s also dedicated to all the macabre forms of death. There were baby coffins and pictures of dead and decaying babies from the early 19th century along with embalmed dismembered body parts from different murder scenes and massacres. Yeah, definitely not for the faint of heart, or stomach for that matter. The next room was dedicated to the stars, rightfully so since were in West Hollywood. It was a room not meant so much to scare, but to fuel up some nostalgia for some of America’s most beloved icons. Old time movie stars and singers like Lupe Velez and Liberace were commemorated up on the walls with their beautiful black and white photographs as well as the melancholy and tragic stories of their deaths. Then we have the rock stars like Kurt Cobain whose memorabilia was also on display and even former president JFK was on the walls with pictures of his assassination and autopsy. Honestly, there’s a very haunting vibe to the room that almost makes you feel their very presence lurking around as the visitors pry into their life. In a funny way the Museum of death sort of immortalizes their life and story so that their never forgotten. Ironic, isn’t it? The rest of the museum has the appeal of a freak show, it reels you in because it’s creepy and bizarre in all the right ways. The following rooms were pictures and stories of the most gruesome and violent murders that happened in L.A, the famous Black Dahlia Murder of January 1947 was one of the main features along with pictures of victim Elizabeth short’s severely mutilated body parts on display as well as personal photos of her before her death with family and friends. Another room was filled with taxidermies of real animals that existed like a two-headed chicken, albino dogs, and even Liberace’s cat Candy was on display, stuffed in all its glory. At the end of my tour at the Museum, the last door leads to their gift shop, filled with neatest little things like buttons and stickers with the pictures of all the different murderers and you can also buy animal parts in a jar! I’m not kidding. It was bizarre but really awesome at the same time. I felt really impressed, not only with all the awesome artifacts, but with how much effort was put into making the displays as frightening as possible in the most authentic of ways- no horror fluff or party city decorations found here. It was truly fascinating and I would recommend it to anyone who either wants to see something new or interesting or to someone who is really into horror and gore because it’s a celebration of Death in its most wicked, sick, tragic, and deluded form.

Interested in writing for The Talon? E-mail our Editor at msjctalon@gmail.com

More Diverse than Candy


By Jamee Menez

Halloween ain’t always free candy and witches costumes. While that has become something the majority of Americans have made a tradition, it is not always the same traditions and customs of people from around the world. Certain cultures spend the 31st in a different way than people who have lived in the U.S. for their entire lives. To some families, October 31st is still used for it’s original meaning of All Hallows Eve, which would be used as a day to recognize and celebrate the dead. To other families, the 31st was never recognized because of the dangers that came with it. Angelynn Martinez, a second semester English major, moved from the Phillipines to the United States when she was only six years old. Since then, her and her family have adopted the habit of setting up halloween decorations, dressing up, and handing out candy to children on the 31st. However, before her family came here and began to practice what most consider traditional Halloween activities, she had a different set of customs that included family, food, and the honoring of past ancestors. “From my background, our definition of celebration is a whole lot different.” says Martinez. “In the Philippines, Halloween is an entire family gathering at my Grandma’s house where we’d all plan out who would bring certain items like food, candles, flowers, stuff like that. Then we would all head out to the cemetery where we would spend our day kind of circling around family members’ graves; since they're all sort of scattered. We take turns around each one just cleaning off the graves, putting out new flowers and candles. We kind of just make it a picnic out there all day just in the cemetery, and everybody is there with like, their families, so it’s kind of like a big gathering at cemeteries.” For many generation, this was the most important in the Philippines. In more recent years, Martinez says that Halloween has become a bit more Americanized. The tradition of taking the day off of work and spending the day with your relatives is still the same, but more main cities such as Manilla have added

costumes and trick­or­treating to their 31st activities. The same goes for 1st semester student Bernice Greenberg’s past Halloween experiences which were non existent, but have become more Americanized in recent years. Most of Greenberg’s high school and adult life was spent growing up in Cape Town, South Africa. After that she traveled and lived in England for 2 years and then again moved to Scotland where she worked and traveled for 1 year. Greenberg then immigrated to the United States where she moved her business, married, and had two children. Before having children and moving away from South Africa, Greenberg had no Halloween customs or celebrations, mostly because of the crime rate. “In South Africa, Halloween is not as traditional as it is in this country, like I said, because of the crime. It just wasn’t safe to go from house to house and collect candy from strangers. The safety level and the trust level is just very low. In this country I find it’s very accepting to walk around and take candy from people you don’t know which blows my mind.” Greenberg says that, since she has had children, she has taken part in what she believes is a very “money making” holiday. “ I think in this country [Halloween] has become very commercialized, it’s very much a money making thing. Whereas in South Africa, there’s not a lot of disposable income for that kind of stuff . The cost of living in Africa is very high. Here in this country, I find it’s much more accepting to spend a lot of money on decorations whereas back there, I think we spend more money on food, clothing, and just your basic necessities.” In closing, Greenberg says that she prefers organized Halloween function much better to the Americanized way of going to stranger’s houses. She believes that people are reverting back to their ways of untrustworthiness which gives people less and less opportunities to go trick­or­treating in the first place. Over the past few decades, the idea of Halloween has changed dramatically. Some people don’t partake in Halloween decorations and Trick­or­Treating because of the safety level, some don’t for religious reasons, and others just don’t want to. Regardless of what everyone does on October 31st, whether it’s going to a haunted maze, clearing the graves of their ancestors, or just staying in to watch movies and head to sleep early, I wish you all a very safe and very happy 31st.


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