PURPLE INDEX MSLGROUP How well are the Fortune Global 100 communicating their initiatives and engaging people around PurPle ?
Executive Summary: Purpose, Participation & Performance MSLGROUP’S PURPLE INDEX: Benchmarking Purpose, Participation & Performance Background: In 2012, MSLGROUP launched PurPle, a new global offering aimed at helping business leaders drive positive impacts on the business and society by catalyzing collaborative social innovation and grassroots change movements. The specialty combines the agency’s CSR, Cause Marketing, Sustainability, Citizenship and Philanthropy expertise and over 100+ experts around the globe to deliver best-in-class strategy, approaches, ideas and execution in the broad corporate purpose areas of health, environment, education, and human potential. PurPle Index: In early 2013, the PurPle team at MSLGROUP embarked on an undertaking to rank the Fortune 100 companies in these purpose areas based on the level of participation/social engagement in their purpose communications and initiatives. In addition, the team wanted to correlate this level of participation to the companies’ overall performance and bottom line. Methodology: Each company was evaluated and scored on a number of aspects including successful storytelling of their purpose and how engaging the content was on their social networks. Was the content inspiring? Did the content have a strong call-to-action? Does the company crowd-source, curate and aggregate content on their platforms?
Executive Summary: Purpose, Participation & Performance Overall Findings: We found that the top performing Fortune global 100 companies use visual storytelling and direct engagement strategies and tactics to ensure their messaging around citizenship initiatives is amplified. The top performers consider engagement to be essential in maintaining or changing perceptions about the company. The citizenship initiatives are global in nature with a number of companies focussing on improving living conditions in developing regions. The lowest performing Fortune global 100 companies do not recognize the importance of engagement and do not have a presence on social platforms. Their communication is predominantly one way and used only to disseminate information. • • • • •
Purpose: Environment: Education: Health Human Potential:
(1) Wal-Mart, (2) Citigroup, (3) GE, (4) P&G, (5) Toshiba (1) GE, (2) IBM, (3) Toshiba, (4) Honda, (5) BASF (1) Wells Fargo, (2) Sony, (3) P&G, (4) ING, (5) HP (1) GE, (2) CVS Caremark, (3) McKesson, (4) Siemens, (5) P&G (1) HP, (2) Siemens, (3) IBM, (4) Toshiba, (5) Citigroup
In addition to a strong and clearly defined Purpose and an effective use of social networks to drive strong participation in their purpose; when compared to Fortune’s list of Most Profitable Companies 10 (ten) of the top performing companies on the PurPle Index are also on Fortune's list: BP, Chevron, Citigroup, Ford, GE, Nestle, P&G, Samsung, Walmart, Wells Fargo. The complete list and best-in-class PurPle examples can be found in the pages to follow.
What is the PurPle Index ? MSLGROUP’s PurPle offering and a MSLGROUP proprietary tool The Social Hive Index combine to give us the PurPle Index. The PurPle Index measures relative engagement for global Fortune 100 around each company’s shared purpose and the four PurPle opportunity areas.
The Methodology The PurPle index uses a combination of automatically updated social data, qualitative research waves, and our proprietary normalization algorithm to create a single score between 1 and 100. One time, annual, or quarterly qualitative research waves on storytelling and engagement around a topic.
Daily updated social data from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Kred, Klout, Peerindex and SEOMoz.
Proprietary normalization algorithm to convert social data and qualitative scores into a single score between 1 and 100.
PurPle Index: Results – Overall Purpose and Individual Themes
Source : Purpleindex.mslgroup.com, Dated 8th February 2012
LEADING INITIATIVES DRIVING ENGAGEMENT These initiatives drive engagement as stand-alone properties as well as creating content that engages users on regular social properties of brands.
Environment : Platforms, Partnerships and Games Environmental initiatives directly involving audiences or stakeholders bring greater engagement on social platforms for the Fortune Global 100. Some examples :
PLATFORMS GE Ecomagination, Panasonic Eco-Ideas and Think Blue by VW are co-creation and collaborative social innovation platforms while Nestle Water challenge and Samsung village are blogs for sharing, solving, ideating and discussing environment challenges.
PARTNERSHIPS Partnering directly with change agents is also popular with leading PurPle companies to spread awareness or innovate about the environment. HP partnered Energy star and Shell partnered Envirofit for grass root level change movements.
Chevron is promoting a energy awareness game Energyville built by The Ecnomist Group. This game allows people to understand the sources of Eneergy availabl an the multiple emand fators that ome into play for any energy producer.
Image : Ecomagination.com, http://dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/OnLiberianMedium/message/42115, Energyville.com
Education : Teachers, Tech, Partnerships & Awards Education is supported in multiple ways by the Fortune global 100. The top PurPle initiatives driving engagement are :
TEACHER ENGAGEMENT Engaging, providing resources through platforms and training are some of the leading initiatives for engaging directly with teachers. Telefonica, Total, BNP Paribas and BMW have created platforms providing access to educational resources. GE, Nestle and Exxon provide platforms for teacher training.
TEHNOLOGY ENABLED CLASSROOMS Bringing modern education to large audiences supported and pioneered by the Fortune Global 100. Samsung’s Internet school program for K-12 countries in Africa and Panasonic with Kids witness news and are examples of such programs.
Image : Total solar expert, Samsung K-12 schools initiative, P&G Hope schools stats
PARTNERSHIPS AND AWARDS A popular PurPle initiative is to create direct partnerships and engage with directly with change drivers. This ranges from creating financial aid, scholarships to setting up and running schools. Awards, contests and competitions are run to unearth, reward and celebrate outstanding students.
Health : Crowdsourcing, Partnerships and Apps Health an nutrition related initiatives range from problem identification and idea generation to partnering NGO’s, vaccination drives and empowering individual healthcare.
CROWSOURCING Co-Creation platforms – These health focused platforms bring together large audiences or domain thought leaders to discuss issues, ideas and create innovations. GE with Ecomagination and Siemens Healthworks collective are the leading examples.
PARTNERSHIPS Organisations partner with grass-roots change agents to help improve lives and living conditions of people. For example Walmart has partnered Human Vitality for a healthier food program and P&G has partnered UNICEF for a vaccination drive.
MOBILE APPLICATIONS Mobile apps have been built to empower individuals caring for themselves. Some are built to support off location healthcare to connect healthcare professionals and patients. Samsung, Siemens and GE have all launch similar apps.
Image : healthymagination.com, P&G partnership, http://www.mobilechannels.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=453:smartphone-health-apps-big-opportunity-&catid=54:appsbusiness&Itemid=81
Human Potential : Incubators, Micro-finance & Knowledge Supporting and encouraging human enterprise is another area of focus for the leading PurPle companies in the Fortune global 100. Some key types of initiatives are showcased
INCUBATORS Telefonica, BASF and Siemens are all running incubators for science or social enterprises. These provide some funding, guidance and basic infrastructure to help innovators and startups.
MICRO-FINANCE & PARTNERSHIPS Partnering with Micro-finance institutions to empower grass-roots level entrepreneurship is a popular human potential initiative. Citi, BASF, Chevron, BNP Paribas and Tesco have all created miro-finance partnerships.
Image : Thenextweb.com, Kiva.com, Grameen foundation logo, Shell Livewire.co.uk
KNOWLEGDE PLATFORMS A number of the organisations have created knowledge and awareness programs to share their learning and expertise. Financial companies are helping people organise personal finances and make prudent personal financial decisions.
Questions: Scott Beaudoin 917.674.0550 scott.beaudoin@mslgroup.com