The Reputation Complex
t: @pbeucler
“When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.�
I trust your clients are asking you many questions, these days, like‌
‌and most importantly: why Reputation Management is such a challenge in a world where‌
That’s what The Reputation Complex is:
What is Corporate Reputation? •
Why Corporate Reputation matters, today: • • •
• • •
Corporate Reputation is what supports Corporate Equity •
A fast-changing ecosystem •
Reputation Management has to face a very unfriendly, suspicious, negative environment
L’air du temps: Seen in a restaurant in Berlin
Few years ago, Reputation was a somewhat elusive intangible asset, in the hands of a little number of gatekeepers.
Photo from untitlism on Flickr
In a nutshell, we’re dealing with low predictability
Low level of public trust vs. High level of people’s empowerment: =
Reputation as the #1 risk
Reputation as the #1 risk •
Reputation as the #1 risk •
It takes 20 years to build A reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that you’ll do things differently.
The “post-disintermediation” Age • •
From Public Affairs to People’s Affairs. •
The power of empowered people.
The power of empowered people.
Every issue is potentially global, social, viral.
Photo from Gamma-Ray Productions on Flickr
1. Interplay between mainstream and social
• •
2. Interplay between local and global
photo from h.koppdelaney n Flickr
3. Interplay between planning and responding •
The news curve
The crisis curve
The ‘real world’ crisis
Example: BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill
Example: BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill
The ‘flash mob’ crisis •
Example: Greenpeace vs. NestlĂŠ KitKat
Example: Greenpeace vs. NestlĂŠ KitKat
Government officials inspecting road
Why a Command Center matters today • •
So, what is it about?
It’s mainly about two essential dimensions:
It’s primarily about articulating the key components of Reputation today • •
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It’s then about rightly engaging with all stakeholders: content & relationship •
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• •
Building & managing a reputation today is firstly building and managing a content strategy, then rightly engaging ON IT with ALL RELEVANT AUDIENCES A few examples‌
Stakeholders today care about a variety of topics which are directly impacting firms’ reputation: •
• •
Over the past few years, some companies which happened to be at stake did better than others, because‌ • •
The Power of a Strong Purpose: IBM
The Power of a Clear Positioning: PricewaterhouseCoopers
The Power of Consistency: Munich Re
The Power of being an Employer of Choice: Dow Chemical
The Power of being a Good Corporate Citizen: Tata Group
The Power of Cultural Leadership: GE
Corporate Reputation
So, what are the core pillars?
Corporate Citizenship:
Employer Value Proposition:
Social Openness:
See Coca Cola Enterprises: