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ProS ..... Profitability and Sustainability is an all-purpose index that predicts average economic differences in all segments in the beef supply chain. This index is a combination of the breeding objectives modeled in the HerdBuilder and GridMaster selection indexes. In this index, replacement heifers are retained from within the herd and all remaining progeny are fed out to slaughter and sold on a quality-based grid. Traits included in this index include calving ease, growth, HPG, STAY, Mature Weight, Dry Matter Intake and carcass traits. The resulting index is expressed in dollars per head born (Index/High Value).
HB ....... HerdBuilder is a maternal selection index that predicts the economic differences of animals for traits that are important from conception through weaning. Expressed as dollars per head born, HB is calculated based on the scenario that bulls are mated to heifers and cows, replacement heifers are retained and all remaining progeny are marketed at weaning. Traits included in the HB index include Calving Ease Direct, Calving Ease Maternal, Weaning Weight, Milk, Mature Weight, Heifer Pregnancy and Stayability (Index/High Value).
GM....... GridMaster is a selection index that predicts the average economic difference of non-replacement calves through the post-weaning phase of production. GM places selection pressure on growth, feedyard performance and carcass traits. Expressed as dollars per head born, GM is calculated based on the scenario that progeny are fed out to slaughter and marketed on a quality-based carcass grid. Traits included in GM include Average Daily Gain, Carcass Weight, Dry Matter Intake, Marbling, Back Fat and Rib Eye Area (Index/High Value).
CED Calving Ease Direct predicts differences in the percent of calves born unassisted out of 2-year-old dams. (Percent/High Value)
BW Birth Weight predicts differences in actual birth weight of progeny. (Pounds/Low Value)
WW Weaning Weight predicts differences in 205-day weaning weight. (Pounds/High Value)
YW ........ Yearling Weight predicts differences in 365-day yearling weight. (Pounds/High Value)
ADG ....... Average Daily Gain predicts differences in weight gain between 205 and 365 days of age. (Pounds/High Value)
DMI ....... Dry Matter Intake predicts differences in daily feed intake as measured in a feedlot during the post-weaning period. (Pounds/Low Value)
MILK ..... Milk predicts differences in weaning weight attributed to the milking ability of the animal’s daughters. (Pounds/High Value)
ME ........ Maintenance Energy predicts the difference in maintence energy requirements. (Mcal per Month/Low Value)
HPG ....... Heifer Pregnancy predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to conceive and calve at 2 years of age following exposure to breeding. (Percent/High Value)
CEM Calving Ease Maternal predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to calve unassisted as 2-year-old heifers. (Percent/High Value)
STAY Stayability predicts differences in the ability of an animals’ retained daughters to remain productive in the herd – calve every year – through 6 years of age. (Percent/High Value)
MARB Marbling predicts differences in marbling score – amount of intramuscular fat measured at the 13th rib. (Marbling Score Units/High Value)
YG Yield Grade predicts differences in USDA Yield Grade, which is calculated using CW, REA and Fat. (Yield Grade Units/Low Value)
CW Carcass Weight predicts differences in actual hot carcass weight. (Pounds/High Value)
REA Ribeye Area predicts differences in square inches of ribeye area measured at the 13th rib.(Square Inches/High Value)
FAT Fat predicts differences in the depth of backfat measured between the 12th and 13th ribs. (Inches/Low Value)
Lot 1... our first Lot 1 ever, he was an easy choice.
- We are excited about the Red Angus business and a little anxious about what to expect at our first ever bull sale, but when it came down to selecting which bull would lead off our inaguaral event, Berwald Confident 2044 was the easy choice. He is the complete package, from his performance and carcass scan, to his unbelievably balanced EPD proof where he ranks in the top 1-3% of the breed for 6 traits! His flushmate sister also leads off our elite heifer offering as Lot 61.
- His sire, Brown CRSB Confidence G1410, took the breed by storm this past fall and he is the hottest thing since sliced bread, with his first daughters demanding prices of $100,000, $68,000, $55,000 and $38,000. He is an outcross son of the great Angus sire, Connealy Confidence Plus.

- His dam, Jaylo 0007, is one of our top young donors by Quarterback and from the famed Ms Joline Z243 cow that was a donor at C-Bar Ranch in KS. This cow family originated at Hueftle’s in NE and is behind many of the breed’s top genetics. She has a pair of Guidance sons, one natural and one ET, that sell as Lots 34 and 37.
- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
Lot 2... he is the complete package!
Every animal has been parent verified & genomically enhanced EPDs will be available by sale time!
- The genetics in this offering are no accident... rather a very planned out program that was several years in the making. Completely 2056 is the fifth genaeration in a row that are all from ET matings! He has been a standout all summer, fall and winter and we feel he is a prime candidate to carry on his sire’s lineage.

- His dam, Stony 0001, is quite a specimin to behold... this young female is so deep and stout that she rivals many of the mature cows in our herd. She is sired by Quarterback and out of the famed Ms Stony A302 cow whose picture has been used as the poster child for the breed for nearly a decade now. Be sure and check out 0001’s natural born Guidance son selling as Lot 17.
- His sire, Complete 7000E, was the bull of the ‘18 season, topping the Hueftle’s sale in NE for $180,000. He has lived up to expectations, earning a -2.3 BW to 134 YW EPD spread with a top 2% breed rank for Marbling. Unfortunately the bull was lost this past summer due to an injury and there is very little to no semen available.

- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
Lot 3... could be the heir-apparent for his deceased sire!
Berwald Successor 2067
Lot 3’s dam, Abigrace 0018, pictured last summer as a first calf heifer, is the most influential donor cow in our entire program.
- With Complete now gone and little to no semen available, it is logical to scour the country in search of his best son. We feel Successor 2067 is a strong candidate to take over for his sire... he has everything his daddy had to offer and much more!

- His dam, Abigrace 0018, is the epitome of where our program is headed. Powerful yet feminine, and productive and sound as the they come, she bred AI on the first try, was succefully IVF flushed as a heifer, calved at 24 months, bred AI again on her first try, was flushed again all summer while raising her exceptional natural born Guidance son (Lot 16), and just calved again right on time! She has 10 head of progeny already to her credit, and this sale features sons and a daughter selling as Lots 3, 5, 6, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20 and 66.
- The Quarterback progeny crossed with Franchise has been a magical mating. Lot 3’s granddam, Abigrace 636D, is a full sister to 9 Mile Franchise 6305, and this mating with Quarterback has produced top donors at the Pieper’s in NE, and Hansine Ranch in SD, as well as our exciting young $77,500 herdsire, PIE Commander 0100, whose five full brothers and one sister are featured in the event as Lots 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 64. Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.