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Lots 35 & 36... Collusion sons out of Stony 8351F.


- Lot 35 is another deep ribbed, easy made Collusion son out of Stony 8351F, and he was the high performing one of the brothers.



- Lot 36 comes from one of the best set of flushmates we had this year, including three heifers that sold to Hansine Ranch in SD.

During our sale at the Heartland Regional Stockyards in Plainville, KS you can view the bulls live in the sale ring... or you can view them on the video up on the big screen... but the best view might be from the ‘hospitality room’ up in the balcony!

Lots 37 & 38... Abigrace’s influence is strong throughout the offering.

- Lot 37 is one of five flushmate full brothers that blew up our ultrasound scan data this spring... this guy scanned well for both Marbling and REA.

- His sire, STRA Relentless, is a popular AI sire in the breed today and has earned one of the breed’s premier calving ease proofs with an 18 CED and -7.1 BW EPD. Probably more impressive is how well his sons scan for IMF... these flush brothers had ratios of 129, 155, 147 and 169!

- Check out the littermates selling as Lots 9-11 & 69.

Lot 38



- Lot 38 is the lone Collier Finished Produce son in the sale and he is a good one. This long, dark made bull is out of Abigrace 635D, the other red full sister to Franchise 6305 that is now a top donor in the Holton Cattle Company herd in Cisco, TX.

Lot 39



- Lot 39 is the first of two Collusion sons, both out of black/red gene carrier outcross donors here at C-Bar Ranch. Four full brothers were featured in the ‘21 sale, going to R-J Farms in KS, Scott Peavey in KS, Lazy F Livestock in WA, and Brad Mathews in AR. This year he has two littermate brothers that sell as Lot 4 and 39.



- Lot 40 is one of the top performers in the offering, posting a 856 AWW and 1368 AYW.

- He is the natural Collusion son out of Leanna 8146F, our black/red gene carrier donor that offers outcross genetics with her sire, Musgrave Aviator. She is a full sister to the dam of C-Bar Red Baron 207J.

Lots 42 & 43... outcross genetics by Red Eagle & Red Bear.

Lot 42... outcross genetics with the C-Bar look.


- Lot 42 is a super performing Red Eagle son out of Abigrace 563C, one of the three black/red carrier outcross females we have in the donor pen sired by Stevenson Rockmont and out of the famed Abigrace Y11 cow.

- His maternal brother by PIE Commander sells as Lot 66.


- Lot 43 is another good performing son of Duff Red Bear and out of Mimi 7302E, the direct daughter of Damar Mimi W085 by Anticipation that is one of our elite donors.

- Be sure and check out his maternal brother by Big River that sells as Lot 17.

Lot 44... this one could make the most astute breeders envious.


Lot 44’s maternal siblings...

- Red Envy is a powerhouse herdbull prospect from our sale manager, Seth Leachman. If you would like to add muscle, power, width and bone then take a look here.

- His sire, Red Box, has dominated the tanbark the past few years, siring many champion females and bulls. Most recently he sired the National Champion Female and Bull, and the bull went on to be named Supreme Champion over all breeds!

- His dam, Rachel 210 668, was Seth’s pick of the open heifers in Kurt Rich’s ‘16 sale, and is now a proven donor in his program, producing a pair of top daughters that highlighted the Bet On Red sale.

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