1:1 Earcos Laptop Presentation

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Going 1:1 In The Classroom The good, the bad and the awesome

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Looking for a copy of the presentation? www.MichaelBoll.me Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Michael and Michael

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Our bias perspective

“Real artists ship” Steve Jobs Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

http://m.socrative.com/student Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


http://m.socrative.com/student Room 95462 Which one describes you? A. Technology is awesome and I love it B. Technology is a means to an end C. Technology drives me crazy some or all of the time. Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


http://m.socrative.com/student Room 95462

Which one describes you?

A. I am relatively new to 1:1 access for laptops B. I have been using 1:1, but am looking for more C. I use 1:1 comfortably now, but am looking for new ideas D. I know this stuff so well, I can do the presentation better than you two Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

First Question

http://m.socrative.com/student Room 95462 Three words/phrases that describe your current 1:1 laptop program. Yes we know some of you don’t have it yet.

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Is this you?

Getting To Know Each Other Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Divide Up Into These Groups Getting ready to go 1:1 Biggest worries Already 1:1 Success stories Goals for the future 1:1 for a long time Success stories Goals for the future Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Which Costs You The Most?


Parent Impact

Teacher Impact

Student Impact

Logistical Impact

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Back Channel • Twitter Hash Tag #EARCOS1:1

• Todaysmeet.com/


• openetherpad.org/ Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

What To Cover Earl, how does corn relate to technology?

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

So We Brainstormed...

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Five Domains

Five Zombies

Sorry! Middle School Humor Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

# 1 Using Them In The Classroom • Most Important; Most Neglected

• Requires Extreme Emotional Labor

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

# 2 Training

Tricky to implement Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

# 3 Care and Feeding of Constituents (people)

•Admin •Parents •Teachers •Students •Tech Director

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

# 4 Network Services The stuff that lets laptops connect and enjoy the communication revolution

It must simply “work� Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

# 5 Laptop Management

• Not rocket science • Includes distribution, tracking, fixing them • Requires organization • Not rocket science • Librarians do this stuff all the time • Tech people are not very good librarians Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Fixing them is a budget commitment Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


•Introductions •Using laptops 10:00-10:30 Break 10:30-12:30

•DQ: Your good, bad and awesome •Training •Care and feeding of people 12:30 Lunch 1:30-2:30

•Pick your topic: •Infrastructure and Logistics •curriculum and Things That Work

2:30 Break 3:00-4:00

•Map your future.

Where do you want to go? What next for you? 4:00 •Share and final reflection

Schedule 8:30 -10:00

Introductions and using laptops


Break time!


Discussion:Your good bad and awesome Training Care and feeding of people


Pick your topic: Infrastructure and logistics Or Curriculum and ideas to use in the classroom


Map your future: Where do you want to go? What is next for you?


Sharing and final reflection

Michael Lambert Time

Soap Box Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Using Them Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Reasons Schools Go 1:1 Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Everybody Else Is Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Status Quo

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Status Quo •Pen and paper to

write and articulate •Discussions •Teacher centered •Research options limited texts, periodicals, video •Anything else? Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

True # 1 reason to have 1:1 in the classroom Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

A Platform for Innovation

Eric Whitacre’s Story Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Ubiquitous access to technology (1:1) speeds transformation in these areas :

•Collaboration •Media and film •Content Distribution •Access to information

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Eric’s efforts covered the areas in yellow...

Collaboration Media and film Content distribution Access to information Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

#1 Collaboration

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Collaboration Before Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Collaboration Now Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

My Story Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Jumping In First Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Learning To Build an Online Reputation IntenseDebate.com

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Linh Vu and Math Chats http://phoenix.ciss.com.cn/ websites/msmath/

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me



Tribes Now Scale www.coetail.asia/

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Flat Classroom Project www.flatclassroomproject.org Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


EtherPad Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Discussion Question: What innovation(s) do you believe will happen at your school using the 1:1 laptop program http://openetherpad.org/creativeideas Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

What success stories do you have? Discuss and add to the etherpad Your turn openetherpad.org/laptopsuccessstories Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

#2 Media and Film

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Media and Film Before

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Media and Film Now

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Barriers Lifted Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Students Now Create This Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Taking The Lead Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Laura Brown and SAM Animation Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Tony Tovar: Bringing Words To Music Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Video Assessment Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Carey Halula: The News Express Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Michael Lambert Time

Soap Box

Creating a culture of media literacy Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

What film and success stories do you have? Discuss and add to the etherpad Your turn openetherpad.org/laptopsuccessstories Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

#3 Content (Ideas) Distribution

A communication revolution Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Content Distribution Before

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Content Distribution Today

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

“The individual whose ideas spread, wins!”

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Joseph Kony --0 Jason Russell -- 1 Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

This Idea Spread Fast Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Will This Spread? Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Worth Spreading? Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Look Whose Watching Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Students Hang Out Here Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Their Parents Hang Out Here. Maybe You Do Too? ;-) Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Why Videos Go Viral http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/ kevin_allocca_why_videos_go_viral.html

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Showing The Way Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

QR Codes and the MS Yearbook Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Content Management Systems Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Kathy Gordon and the Flipped Classroom Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Seth Godin and Tribes http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/ seth_godin_on_the_tribes_we_lead.html

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

What success stories do you have? How do/could/should you distribute content today? Discuss and add to the etherpad Your turn http://openetherpad.org/laptopsuccessstories Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Michael Lambert Time

Soap Box

The new way to do curriculum Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

#4 Access To Information

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Access To Information Before

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Access Today

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Daring To Dream

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Delicious accounts for students and teachers

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Google Custom Search Engine


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Lib Guides Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Skype Calls Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

What success stories do you have? How do/could/should you access information today? Discuss and add to the etherpad Your turn http://openetherpad.org/laptopsuccessstories Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

My Story #fail Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Early Years

“Technology is so exciting” Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Reaction From The Crowd Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

My One Ally Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Next Try

Send my ideas via email

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Too Much Email Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

10,798 emails in the past 24 hours 67,117 emails in the past 7 days

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Create a Website With Lots of Helpfiles

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Create Courses! CISS

Larry, Curly and Mo?

Course Descriptions Whether you see us as The Three Amigos, The Chipmunks or the Three Stooges, remember that there are great tools we would love to share with you! We’re ready to serve you if you’re ready to learn!


Did you say something about famous trios? David Larson, Michael Boll and Annie Hall are Three Amigos

Common Questions What can I do to ensure I know more than my kids and my students about using tech? Good luck! Remember that our students don’t have real jobs like us and they have a lot more time to play with, thereby learn, tons about their computers! It’s a good idea to find a tool or a few tools you really like and stay with that. What am I going to learn? Course offerings are based on strands identified as important to teachers. We THINK we’ve been listening to you; times & topics vary. How much of a time commitment is this? It’s up to you. Michael Boll’s amazing and prestigious university credit course will require a greater time commitment, and yield greater results. Other courses can be taken an hour or two at a time to fit your needs, interests and schedules. Who are the teachers? This spring, your teachers will be the faboulous trio; Mike Boll, David Larson and Annie Hall Paulson... unless we can get some other volunteers to help out :) What do I get when I finish? Upon completion of a strand, you will receive a proficiency certificate, university credit where applicable, AND your great new knowledge and expertise garnered in the number of hours spent on the professional development of your choice.

QUICK COURSES Geared toward specific (smaller) learning goals Time Commitment for each course: 1-2 hours


March 23: iMovie- Advanced with Green screen Take iMovie to the next level and find out how to add special effects and use the video in your class.

• “Quick” Courses • iMovie with Green Screen

March 30: WordPress Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or expert, use this time and support to get your Website going!

• Digital Art - Basics (PhotoShop/Gimp (X11) • Using your existing software (on the Mac) if there’s interest... not listed below:)

April 6: Photoshop and Gimp Participants will learn some of the basic tools in Photoshop/Gimp (X11). Participants must come to the class with the software installed and an idea in mind... or at least a photo or two to work with.

• and more... see complete list for details • Need University Credit? Take this course: Using Today’s Technology to Enhance Student Learning and Collaboration Inside and Outside of the Classroom • This university credit course runs a total of 18 hours and is led by Michael Boll. At the completion of this course you will earn college credit. • Shanghai Learning Summit • As an Apple Regional Training Center, we have broadened our commitment to helping you use technology in your class. This morning summit will give you a chance to practice using a few tools you’ve dreamed about using!

† TIMELINE ¢ • Quick Courses begin March 23rd on Tuesdays after school (Location TBA) • Using Today’s Technology course April 2010 • Shanghai Learning Summit May 15, 2010. This is our first opportunity to SHINE; we are now an Apple Region Training Center.

April 13: How to improve reading fluency During this session, learn to set up your classroom digital workshop using iMovie, PhotoBooth and Garageband to focus on improving fluency in reading at all grade levels. April 20: Understanding Hardware ( Scanners Cameras, Video Cameras, Copiers) Participants will learn important information about the above tools (such as where to find them) and receive hands-on instruction on using them as cool school tools. May 4: Adobe Illustrator Teachers will learn how to guide students through some of the basics of Illustrator to make a concrete poem, word art, and more. Creativity a must!

UNIVERSITY COURSE Using Today’s Technology to Enhance Student Learning and Collaboration Inside and Outside of the Classroom April 2010

SHANGHAI LEARNING SUMMIT May 15, 2010 8 am-12 noon 4 sessions @ 3 classes per session = 12 possible sessions

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Computers and the Internet have been around for a relatively long time, yet for many teachers, our methodologies have not kept pace. While our students are moving forward in how they interact with the world and each other, our educational system is not. What should an educator do? How can an educator possibly keep up?

POSSIBLE TOPICS: Comic Life Podcasting 1 & 2 Movie Scoring with Garageband iMovie 1 & 2 Final Cut 1 & 2 Keynote Wordpress Photoshop 1 & 2 Pages Round Table Discussions Tech and Science Tech and Math Tech and History Tech and Language

This class will address that very issue by focusing on two areas: • The tools that make your classroom environment technologically efficient and purposeful • The ideas and pedagogical shifts that need to take place to prepare our students for a future that is hard to predict LEADER: Michael Boll TIME COMMITMENT: 12 class hours + 6 project hours This 18 credit university level course is taught by the famous Mr. Boll. You can check out his site and find out more about the course at Mr.Boll.com (www.mrboll.com). Check the HOL tab for all the information you dreamed of... and more. Most importantly, the Bibliography and Course Syllabus.

The Shanghai Learning Summit is hosted by Concordia International School, Shanghai

Concordia Tech Training Institute Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Send Out a Newsletter Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Tech Doctor program Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Offer Courses for Graduate Credit http://www.michaelboll.me/online-courses/ Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Learning 2.0 Conferences

Parent Tech Talks

Apple Regional Training Center

Help Make Concordia a Learning Hub for Technology

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


TECHNOLOGY TRAINING Common Questions What can I do to ensure I know more than my kids and my students about using tech? Good luck! Remember that our students don’t have real jobs like us and they have a lot more time to play with, thereby learn, tons about their computers! It’s a good idea to find a tool or a few tools you really like and stay with that. What am I going to learn? Course offerings are based on strands identified as important to teachers. We THINK we’ve been listening to you; times & topics vary. How much of a time commitment is this? It’s up to you. Michael Boll’s amazing and prestigious university credit course will require a greater time commitment, and yield greater results. Other courses can be taken an hour or two at a time to fit your needs, interests and schedules. Who are the teachers? This spring, your teachers will be the faboulous trio; Mike Boll, David Larson and Annie Hall Paulson... unless we can get some other volunteers to help out :) What do I get when I finish? Upon completion of a strand, you will receive a proficiency certificate, university credit where applicable, AND your great new knowledge and expertise garnered in the number of hours spent on the professional development of your choice.

Choices • “Quick” Courses • iMovie with Green Screen • Digital Art - Basics (PhotoShop/Gimp (X11) • Using your existing software (on the Mac) if there’s interest... not listed below:) • and more... see complete list for details • Need University Credit? Take this course: Using Today’s Technology to Enhance Student Learning and Collaboration Inside and Outside of the Classroom • This university credit course runs a total of 18 hours and is led by Michael Boll. At the completion of this course you will earn college credit. • Shanghai Learning Summit • As an Apple Regional Training Center, we have broadened our commitment to helping you use technology in your class. This morning summit will give you a chance to practice using a few tools you’ve dreamed about using!

† TIMELINE ¢ • Quick Courses begin March 23rd on Tuesdays after school (Location TBA) • Using Today’s Technology course April 2010 • Shanghai Learning Summit May 15, 2010. This is our first opportunity to SHINE; we are now an Apple Region Training Center.

Apple Regional Training Center

Having An Arsenal Of Training Opportunities Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

But How Do I Reach The Crowds? Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

How Do We Encourage Teachers To Take On New Challenges? Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Remember, Ideas That Spread Win Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Creating a Culture of 21 Century Skills and Teaching

Soap Box Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Concordia’s Formula Personal Coaching + Arsenal of Training Opportunities __________________________ A Changing Culture

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Create a Formula For Your School Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Horizontal Marketing

Late Adopter

Eager Adopter Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Care and Feeding of People •Students •Parents •Teachers •Tech directors

and administrators

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Three Types of Users Light



Computer is Uses it 24-7 Homework and some fun, but would chatting if possible rather be out with friends Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Three Reasons Students Attend School



Parents make them Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Three Reasons Students Love Laptops



Parents don’t understand them Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Laptops Are Mostly Designed as Entertainment Devices

Entertainment School Work

75% 25%

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

20,000 Dollar Pyramid

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

PARENTS Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

STUDENT POINT OF VIEW Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

PARENT POINT OF VIEW Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

PARENTS MAY FEEL ABANDONED Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Parents Have Lots of Concerns They take that laptop everywhere! WHY IS SHE ALWAYS SO HAPPY ON THAT LAPTOP? They are always using some sort of technology Why would my child rather use a laptop than books and paper? Are they looking at inappropriate sites? My husband and I don’t agree about laptops Will I still be able to communicate with my son? When my daughter gets together with her friends, they still open those laptops My son uses the computer in a lot more ways than I thought he would This laptop really stresses me out I don’t know who she is communicating with anymore Why would my child rather use a laptop than books and paper? Will my son take care of his laptop? Is he using my credit card? I don’t like that he knows so much more about using a computer than I do How much does this laptop really help my son with homework? Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Solution: Get Ahead of Potential Resistance and Get Your Message Out First

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

PSO Sponsored Parent Tech Talk Apple Regional Training Center Webhost: PSO, Auction, School Store Websites

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Parent Tech Talk Topics

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

REMEMBER: IDEAS THAT SPREAD WIN Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

AND YOU WANT THIS IDEA TO SPREAD: My child’s school is really on top of this laptop program thing

Laptops rock! Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

TEACHERS Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Union Teacher

REACHING DIFFERENT TEACHERS Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

TEACHER CONCERNS “I don’t know how to use these things or the technology” “Kids goof off on these computers” “I will have to change how I teach”

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

WHAT OTHER CONCERNS DID WE MISS? http://openetherpad.org/teacherconcerns Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Student playing video game

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


http://openetherpad.org/laptopsandpeople Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Innovation v. Resistance ? Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Can You Tell Who Is Who? Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me






• http://goodlifezen.com/2010/09/10/what-is-your-


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


“Error on the side of innovation”

NETWORK SERVICES SHOULD SERVE •Access to Information •Collaboration •Media and Film •Content Distribution Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Access To Information Resist Blocking Sites (It does not work anyway)

Have a Library Site

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Collaboration EtherPad Skype, iChat, Social Networks Content Management Systems Wordpress Moodle Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Media and Film Green Screen Room Video Cameras Software (iMovie, Premiere) Courses for Students Media Lit, Film, Broadcast Microphones Distribution platform: iTunes, Wordpress, Moodle Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


“Technology should just work”

Ease of use Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Laptop Management

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Things To Consider • Distribution • Acceptable Use Policies • Naming schemes • Repairs • Work Order System • Wireless Network security • Software Image • Backing Up

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me


Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Considerations •Staggered by Grade •Parents Own the Laptops •Arena Registration Each Year •Given Before or After Summer?

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Label Those Machines!

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Any Other Ideas?

http://openetherpad.org/laptopmanagement Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Acceptable Use Policy

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Summary The Tech Code can be summed up in two points: •

I commit myself to think before I act, to learn the implications of my actions, and to willingly take responsibility for my actions, including making appropriate apologies and restorations. I commit myself to the Golden Rule, that is, to treat others as I would have them treat me.

Avoid “lawyering” of the issue

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Any Other Ideas?

http://openetherpad.org/laptopmanagement Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Naming Scheme We Use a Student’s ID As a Unique Identifier Example: madison2014123 First Name

Graduation Year Student Number

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Repairs and Maintenance

Concordia’s fix it team

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Take The Teacher Out Of The Equation Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Work Order System •Efficient Ways to Handle Tech Requests

•Allows You to Look for Patterns

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Wireless Network Security Password or MAC Address

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Software Image Get Lots of Input and Make It Better Each Year

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Any Other Ideas?

http://openetherpad.org/laptopmanagement Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Backing Up •No Current Network Solution •Teachers Given Hard Drives •Students HIGHLY Encouraged to Purchase a Backup Drive

Michael Boll and Michael Lambert | www.MichaelBoll.me

Final Reflection

Please answer these questions in the comments section of the website: http://tinyurl.com/earcosreflection ◦ What did I think about 1:1 in the classroom before this workshop? ◦ What do I think now? ◦ What is the first thing I am going to do when I go back to my school?


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Create a flipbook
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