Curriculum vitae 2009

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cv, 4/11/09 "In my view, there are now only two kinds of biologists: those who work at the level of the individual cell or organism in the laboratory, and those who work at the level of populations of organisms in their natural environment. The division of the first type into biochemist, molecular biologist, geneticist, cell biologist, pharmacologist, etc. refers to the main approach they use rather than the subject that they study and, in truth, the person who sticks to only one of these approaches is foolish." Grahame Hardie (Trends in Biochemical Sciences 20, 16)

Emmanuel Spanakis (PhD, Stirling, UK) Biologist Thesis in population dynamics and evolution, 1982

Greek, French; born 1953; male; compulsory military service Sep 1982 - Nov 1983. LANGUAGES Greek (mother tongue), English (PhD; 12 years), French (14 years), Spanish (10 years), Italian (2 years). CURRENT POSITION Senior Research Fellow (since Apr 2001)

Head of the Quantitative Genetics and Epigenetics laboratory

Sanofi-Aventis R&D, Department of Biological Sciences – Target Identification Biology, Evry Genetics Centre, France.

SUMMARY: Academic research experience and collaborations (1984-2001); pharmaceutical industry experience (since 2001); academic-industrial collaborative projects (since 2005); international experience (worked in 4 countries) Main research domains: •

Molecular genetics and epigenetics of complex human disease (cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and metabolic disorders); (pharmaco-)genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics

Genome-wide therapeutic target identification; candidate gene validation

Invention and development of original biotechnology, methodology and software; systems’ biology

Human and animal population genetics, molecular epidemiology, developmental genetics and epigenetics

Human and mouse cell biology (leukemia, breast cancer, AIDS, melanoma, skin cell development)

Microbial population genetics and evolution (bacteria, bacteriophage); viral molecular genetics (HIV)

Professional experience and achievements: •

Management of industrial laboratory (since 2001)

Development of high-throughput mutation detection methods for large populations (since 1996)

State-of-the-art genome-wide analytical methodologies (since 1991)

Molecular pharmacology, eco-toxicology (since 1987); theoretical and experimental DNA thermodynamics (since 1996)

Bioinformatics; integration, mining and multivariate analysis of large and heterogeneous data-sets; artificial intelligence (since 1984)

Cell biology and cell culture; molecular, cellular and developmental genetics (since 1984)

Quantitative biology, advanced statistics, methodology (since 1976)

Natural population survey design and sampling (since 1976)

EMAIL: TEL: +33 (0) 1 4274 3342, +33 (0) 1 6079 8701, MOBILE: +33 (0) 6 7682 7379, FAX : +33 (0) 1 6079 8720 WORK : 2, Rue Gaston Crémieux, F-91057 EVRY Cedex, France

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CURRENT SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS Academic, industrial and internal collaborations for therapeutic target, compound and model identification or validation Since Apr 2001

Head of the Quantitative Genetics and Epigenetics laboratory. Sanofi-Aventis R&D, Department of Biological Sciences – Target Identification Biology, Evry Genetics Centre (Dr JF Deleuze)

Therapeutic target identification

Collaboration with external academic and industrial partners as well as with SA therapeutic departments for target-gene identification using cutting-edge genomic and epigenomic technologies •

Driver amplifications in breast cancer (Cancer Res. Centre, Montpellier, France)

Amplified genes amenable to antibody therapy (REGENERON, USA)

Expressed amplifications in gastric, glial or ovarian cancers (SA Oncology Dept.)

Epigenetics of human IPS (stem) cells and of epilepsy in rodent models

Target, compound and model validation Numerous collaborative projects for genetic annotation and phenotypic characterisation of treated and non-treated cell models or disease/control groups: sequence variation; copy number; promoter methylation, histone modifications; miRNA profiling; transcript expression •

Validation of candidate target amplifications identified by AVALON (USA)

Validation of VGF-trap targets (REGENERON, USA)

Integrative genetic and epigenetic annotation of biochemical pathways in model cell lines (SA Oncology Dept.)

TECHNOLOGIES Project-oriented applications and industrial state-of-the-art platforms for target, compound and model identification/validation Cutting-edge genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, molecular genetics, population genetics and analytical methodology; cell biology, microbiology miRNA profiling

Stem-loop Quantitative PCR (QPCR) and array hybridisation (since 2007)

Epigenetic modifications of chromatin

Identification of histone signatures of activation/silencing of candidate-gene promoters by QPCR (since 2007); epigenetic-target identification by array hybridisation (ChIP-on-chip; since 2008; under development)

Chromosomal aberrations

Candidate gene copy number analysis by Taqman or SyBRGreen QPCR (since 2005); genome-wide identification of chromosomal aberrations by Comparative Genome Hybridisation arrays (array-CGH; since 2006)

DNA methylation

Bisulfite-treatment and melting-point profiling (since 2006), cloning and sequencing (since 2008) or genome-wide methylated-DNA analyses by array hybridisation (meDIP; MIRA; since 2008; under development)

Molecular biology, gene expression

All classical methods, applications of DNA thermodynamics, quantitative PCR and array hybridisation analysis (since 1987)

Population genetics, epidemiology

Collection and management of biological specimen banks; DNA and RNA extraction, tissue dissection and storage; integration and analysis of genetic, epigenetic, demographical, phenotypic and/or clinical data (since 1976)

Bio-statistics, system’s biology

Experimental and population-survey design (since 1976); integration of large and heterogeneous data sets, biochemical pathway analysis, text mining (since 2005); in-depth understanding and comprehensive applications of inferential and exploratory, univariate and multivariate methods (since 1976); expert use of SPSS and other packages (since 1976); software design and programming (.NET, Visual Basic, SPSS; SAS)

Cell biology, microbiology

Cell culture, fluorescence immuno-histochemistry, in-situ hybridisation (since 1987); bacterial and viral culture; P2 and P3 works; continuous culture reactors (1976-1988)

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TECHNICAL INNOVATION Bio-technology, bio-informatics Examples: Discovery of unknown genetic variation Development of low-tech, high-throughput methodology and hardware based on DNA thermodynamics and gel-electrophoresis (melt-MADGE) for detecting and typing de novo genetic variation (up to 500bp in up to 5000 samples/device-hour); design of hardware for parallel gel casting (twelve 384-well gels/device in 10 min) Epigenetic DNA methylation

Invention of a technically simple quantitative method for measuring the rate of DNA methylation; development of software for turning this method into a full-featured industrial platform.

Advanced molecular genetics

Development and implementation of assays for detecting/genotyping copy-specific variation in highly homologous genomic regions (e.g. pseudogenes; duplication sorting); molecular haplotyping along 10 Mb; alternative low-cost genotyping methods based on melting-point analysis of short amplimers.

Experimental microbial evolution

Design of original chemostat systems for experimental studies of microbial population dynamics, genetics and co-evolution of model microbial host-parasite communities.

Cell culture

Development of novel culturing methods for isolation and in vitro differentiation of mouse and human melanoblasts.

Genomic biochemistry

Selected by Amersham (UK) to perform alpha-tests on a novel whole-genome amplification method.

Transgenic mouse genotyping

Invention, implementation and management of a novel one-tube genotyping process based on real-time PCR followed by a DNA melting-point assay.

Genetic epidemiology and DNA banks

Development of a protocol for high-throughput (96 samples/hour) human DNA extraction protocol; adopted by one of the largest molecular epidemiological studies in the UK (ALSAPC). Initiation and management of a large human DNA bank (Southampton Women Study).

Informatics and data analysis

Development and deployment of software for: •

integration of genomic (gene copy number), transcriptomic and epigenomic data (DNA methylation, miRNA expression and histone modification profiles) with clinical data and numerous public databases.

automated statistical analysis of integrated genome-wide data

automated target identification and prioritisation from integrated data

text mining

manual and automated batch assay design, data management and analysis; modules for more than 10 technically distinct data production platforms.

quantitative-PCR and Array-Comparative-Genome-Hybridisation data management, quality control, analysis, banking and reporting

project and resource management and real-time reporting

DNA-bank management

Participation in the development of a Laboratory Information Management System.

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MANAGEMENT AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES People, resource and project management, scientific conduct officer, teaching, clinical service •

Management of a team of 8 members of staff and 2 trainees/year (since 2001)

Project management; internal and external collaborations

Technological survey, evaluation, implementation, development (since 2001)

Member of the Management Committee of the Evry Genetics Centre (SanofiAventis)

Departmental Research Conduct Officer; member of the Research Conduct Committee of the School of Medicine (Southampton University, 1997-2001).

Member of departmental Information Technology Committee (Southampton University, 1997-2001).

DNA and RNA resource management (samples and data); member of departmental DNA Resource Management Committee; in charge of the largest resource of ~30000 samples (Human Genetics Department, Southampton University, 1997-2001).

Management of 12 platforms of (epi)genetic or (epi)genomic discovery: sequencing, quantitative PCR and RT-PCR, DNA methylation, chromatin immunoprecipitation, mRNA, miRNA, array comparative genome hybridisation, transcriptome hybridisation, ChIP-on-chip, methylated-DNA immunoprecipitation; PCR and array-hybridisation based technologies (since 2001).

Training of technicians and students; research project supervision: post-doctoral fellows, PhD students, technicians, research assistants (various positions)

Teaching at undergraduate and post-graduate level at the University of Crete Medical School (1985-1988) and at other positions.

Setup of teaching laboratories for medical microbiology and of research laboratories for plant physiology, fish biology and population genetics (University of Crete; 1984-1987).

Clinical services: molecular diagnosis of HIV infections (AIDS Reference Centre, General Hospital of Iraklion and University of Crete; 1986-1988).

PREVIOUS POSITIONS Worked and/or trained in 14 institutions in 4 countries. Feb 1996 – Mar 2001

UK Medical Research Council Senior Research Fellow; Department of Cardiovascular genetics (Pr S Humphries), University College London Medical School, London and Department of Human Genetics (Pr INM Day), Medical School, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK

Sep 1994 – Jan 1996

European Union Research Fellow; Institute of Pharmacological Research 'Mario Negri' (Pr S Garatini, Dr M. D'Incalci), Milan, Italy

Feb 1991 – Aug 1994

Research Scientist; Institute of Human Oncology (Pr L Israel), University of Paris XIII, France

Dec 1989 – Dec 1990

Welcome Trust Research Fellow; Anatomy Dept (Pr PN Dilly and Dr DC Bennett), St George's Hospital Medical School, University of London, UK

Dec 1988 – Nov 1989

European Union Research Fellow; INSERM U268 (Pr C Jasmin), Paris, France

Aug 1984 – Sep 1988

Research Fellow and Assistant Professor in Microbiology; Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (Pr F Kafatos), Biology Dept (Pr E Zouros) and School of Medicine (Pr D Emmanouil), University of Crete, Greece

Nov 1983 - Aug 1984

Research Assistant; statistical analysis of social psychology data; Psychology Dept (Pr M Haritou-Fatouros), University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Sep 1982 - Nov 1983

National service, Greece

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‘Co-evolution in Model Ecosystems’; University of Stirling, UK (1976-1982)

Diploma in Biological Sciences

University of Patras, Greece (1971-1976)

Team building

Sanofi-Aventis, 50h (2002, 2003)

Communication and team cohesion

Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg, France, 21h (2005)

Theory of misunderstanding

Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg, France, 21h (2005)

.NET programming

Learning Tree International, Paris, France, 28h (2006)

SAS programming

SAS, Paris, France, 21h (2009)

INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION Favourable published evaluations and reviews from academics and industrial strategists Methodological concepts have been applied for the development of commercial products (gene expression arrays and related reagents), and are cited, by leading biotechnology companies (e.g. many CLONTECH product user manuals). Hundreds of citations in journals with subject matters ranging from plant biology to human disease


Awards by competitive examination

1977-80 1972

Scholarship of the Greek Government for postgraduate studies abroad, gained by nationwide competitive examination (classified 1st) Prize of the Greek Government for achieving top scores in the nation-wide written competition for entry to the Greek universities (classified 2nd)


1986 1988

Elected Assistant Professor by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Crete, Greece Nominated for the position of Lecturer in Medical Microbiology; School of Medicine, University of Crete, Greece


1998 1994-96

Medical Research Council (UK); equipment Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General XII (EU); salary, insurance, administrative costs, travelling expenses (17 months; institutional grant) Association pour le Développement de l'Enseignement, de la Recherche et de l'Exercice de la Médecine (France); salary (6 months; sole author) Association for Cancer Research (France); salary (18 months), research laboratory consumables, congress participation (42 months; principal author) Groupement Etudes Recherches Cancérologiques (France); salary, congress participation (18 months; principal author) Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General XII (EU); salary, research laboratory consumables, administrative costs, insurance (sole author) Ministry of Research and Technology (France); salary, travelling expenses (short term scientific exchange) Ministry of Health (Greece); research laboratory consumables. Ministry of Research and Technology (France); salary, travelling expenses (short term scientific exchange) Ministry of Industry, Research and Technology (Greece); salary, research laboratory equipment and consumables, administration costs (36 months) Ministry of Education (Greece); salary, tuition fees, travelling and dissertation expenses (36 months)

1994 1991-94 1991-92 1988-89 1988 1987-88 1984-87 1977-80 Page 5


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PUBLICATIONS Chapters in books •

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Day INM, Aldahmesh MA., Haddad L, Alharbi KK., Chen X, Rassoulian H, Humphries SE, Spanakis E and Eccles D (2005) MeltMADGE: economical very high-throughput mutation scanning using thermal ramp electrophoresis in conjunction with MADGE (microplate array) gels. In, Taylor GR. and Day IN. (eds.) Guide to Mutation Detection. Wiley, Hoboken, USA, 85-99 Spanakis E (2002): Human DNA sampling and banking. In " Molecular Genetic Epidemiology – A Laboratory Perspective, Principles and Practice", INM Day (ed), Springer, Heidelberg. pp 27-54. Day INM, Spanakis E, Hinks LJ, Voropanov A, Chem X, O’Dell S (2002): Microplate array diagonal gel electophoresis (MADGE): the first five years. In "Molecular Genetic Epidemiology – A Laboratory Perspective, Principles and Practice", INM Day (ed), Springer, Heidelberg. pp 157-182. Day INM, Al-Dahmesh MA, Alharbi KK, Chen X, Ganderton RH, Gaunt TR, Hinks LJ, O'Dell SD, Spanakis E, Day PJR, Suchard MA, Zhang BB and James MR (2002). Electrophoresis in microplate formats. In, Ye, S. and Day, I.N.M. (eds.) Microarrays & Microplates: Applications in Biomedical Sciences (Advanced Methods). Garland Science, Oxford, UK. pp 145-165. Sayers I, Shu Y, Chen X, Holgate S, Day INM and Spanakis E: MADGE and other SNP methods as applied to the molecular genetic epidemiology of cardiovascular and asthma susceptibility. In "PCR Techniques: Markers for Genetic Analysis". Hajeer A, Worthington J and John S (eds). In press. Spanakis E and Day INM (1997). The molecular basis of genetic variation; mutation detection methodologies and limitations. In 'Genetics of common disease: future therapeutic and diagnostic opportunities'. INM Day and SE Humphries (eds), BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford. pp 33-74. Day INM, Palamand D, Spanakis E (1997) Population-scale genotype assays: APOE gene in Alzheimer's dementia and coronary risk. In 'Genetics of common disease: future therapeutic and diagnostic opportunities'. INM Day and SE Humphries (eds), BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford. pp 129-149. Day INM Al-Dahmesh MA Alharbi KK Chen X Ganderton RH Gaunt TR Hinks LJ O'Dell SD Spanakis E Day PJR Suchard MA Zhang BB and James MR. Electrophoresis in microplate formats. Pp 145-170 in Microarrays & Microplates: Applications in Biomedical Sciences. Ye S and Day INM, eds. BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd, Oxford, UK, 2003.

Invited articles and reviews • • • • •

Spanakis E, Al-Dahmesh M and Day INM (2001). Temperature-controlled electrophoresis for high-throughput mutation detection. Technical Tips Online*. Day INM, Gu D, Ganderton RH, Spanakis E and Ye S (2001). Epidemiology and the genetic basis of disease. Int. J. Epidemiol. 30:661-667 (2001). Chen X, O’Dell SD, Hinks LJ, Spanakis E, Gaunt TR, Ganderton RH and Day INM (2001). High resolution MADGE. Technical Tips Online*. Ganderton RH, O’Dell SD, Gaunt TR, Chen X, Hinks LJ, Spanakis E and Day INM (2000). Microplate array diagonal gel electrophoresis (MADGE) systems for high throughput electrophoresis. Technical Tips Online* ( P02068. Gaunt TR, Hinks LJ, Chen X, O’Dell SD, Spanakis E, Ganderton RH and Day INM (2000). 384-well MADGE for high throughput DNA bank studies. Technical Tips Online*. ( P02069.

* Technical Tips Online is a peer reviewed electronic journal descending from Trends Genet.

Indexed articles • Page 6

Alharbi KK, Spanakis E, Tan K, Smith MJ, Aldahmesh MA, O'Dell SD, Sayer AA, Lawlor DA, Ebrahim S, Davey Smith G, O'Rahilly S, Farooqi S, Cooper C, Phillips DI and Day IN: Prevalence and functionality of paucimorphic and private MC4R mutations in a large,


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unselected European British population, scanned by meltMADGE. Hum. Mutat. 28, 294-302 (2007). Alharbi KK, Aldahmesh MA, Spanakis E, Haddad L, Whittall RA, Chen XH, Rassoulian H, Smith MJ, Sillibourne J, Ball NJ, Graham NJ, Briggs PJ, Simpson IA, Phillips DI, Lawlor DA, Ye S, Humphries SE, Cooper C, Smith GD, Ebrahim S, Eccles DM and Day IN. Mutation scanning by meltMADGE: validations using BRCA1 and LDLR, and demonstration of the potential to identify severe, moderate, silent, rare, and paucimorphic mutations in the general population. Genome Res. 15: 967-77 (2005). Macé S, Cousin E, Ricard S, Génin E, Spanakis E, Lafargue-Soubigou C, Génin B, Fournel R, Roche S, Haussy G, Massey F, Soubigou S, Bréfort G, Benoit P, Brice A, Campion D, Hollis M, Pradier L, Benavides J and Deleuze JF. ABCA2 is a strong genetic risk factor for earlyonset Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol. Dis. 18:119-25 (2005). Day INM, Spanakis E, Chen X and O'Dell SD: Microplate array diagonal gel electrophoresis for mutation research in DNA banks. Electrophoresis 20, 1250-1257 (1999). Rank 4/21 Day IN, O'Dell SD, Spanakis E, Weavind GP: Microplate array diagonal gel electrophoresis (MADGE), CpG-PCR and temporal thermal ramp-MADGE (Melt-MADGE) for single nucleotide analyses in populations. Genet Anal. 14, 197-204 (1999). Day INM, Spanakis E, Palamand D, Weavind GP and O'Dell SD: Microplate-array diagonalgel electrophoresis (MADGE) and melt-MADGE: tools for molecular genetic epidemiology. Trends Biotechnol. 16, 287-290 (1998). Rank 2/71 Spanakis E and Brouty-Boye D: Discrimination of fibroblast subtypes by multivariate analysis of gene expression. Int. J. Cancer 71, 402-409 (1997). Evaluated of special interest Georgoulias VA, Malliaraki NE, Theodoropoulou M, Spanakis E, Fountouli P, Tsatsaki D, Kotsaki S, Karvela-Aggelaki A, Malliaraki-Pinetidou E: Indeterminate human immunodeficiency virus type 1 western blot may indicate an abortive infection in some low-risk blood donors. Transfusion 37, 65-72 (1997). Spanakis E and Brouty-Boye D: On the distribution of insulin-like growth factors in breast tissues. Int. J. Cancer 68, 555-556 (1996). Spanakis E: Determining the specificity of quantitative variation in gene expression. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 87, 1179-80 (1995). Impact factor 10.3, rank 2/96 Spanakis E and Brouty-Boye D: Quantitative variation of proto-oncogene and cytokine gene expression in isolated breast fibroblasts. Int. J. Cancer 61, 698-705 (1995). Adam L, Crepin M, Lelong JC, Spanakis E and Israel L: Selective interactions of mammary epithelial cells and fibroblasts in co-culture. Int. J. Cancer 59, 262-268 (1994). Citations >20 Starzec A, Spanakis E, Nehme A, Salle V, Veber N, Mainguene C, Planchon P, Vallette A, Prevost G and Israel L: Proliferative responses of epithelial cells to 8-Bromo-cyclic AMP and to a phorbol ester change during breast pathogenesis. J. Cell. Physiol. 161, 31-38 (1994). Spanakis E and Brouty-Boye D: Evaluation of quantitative variation in gene expression. Nucleic Acids Res. 22, 799-806 (1994). Spanakis E: Problems related to the interpretation of autoradiographic data on gene expression using common constitutive transcripts as controls. Nucleic Acids Res. 21, 38093819 (1993). Citations >40 Sahraoui Y, Allouche M, Ammar A, Spanakis E, Clemenceau C, Jasmin C, Perraki M, VarelaMillot C and Georgoulias V: Interleukin-2 production and interleukin-2-receptor expression by human immature leukemic T cells. Leukemia 6, 1025-1035 (1992). Spanakis E, Lamina P and Bennett DC: Cloned mouse melanocyte lines carrying the developmental coat-colour mutations si (silver) and rs (recessive spotting). Development 114, 675-680 (1992). IF 9.2, rank 3/23, citations >20 Sahraoui Y, Ammar A, Lunardi-Iskandar Y, Tsapis A, Spanakis E, N'Go N, Allouche M, Bellile VG, Jasmin C and Georgoulias V: Abnormal expression of IL-2b (p70)-binding polypeptide on HIV-infected patients' cells. Cell. Immunol. 139, 318-332 (1992). Thanos D, Allouche M, Sahraoui Y, Spanakis E, Perraki P, Papadogiorgaki E, Galanopoulos V, Papamatheakis J and Georgoulias V: Intracytoplasmic detection of the Tac (p55) chain of the interleukin-2 receptor in pre-B leukemic cells associated with a constitutive expression of the Tac mRNA. Leukemia 4, 819-825 (1990). Theodoropoulou M, Maliaraki N, Spanakis E, et al: Serum antibodies against HIV1 gagencoded proteins: a latent or an abortive infection? GSF Journal 1, 41-44 (1990).


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Stournaras C, Spanakis E, Perraki M, Athanasiou M, Thanos D and Georgoulias V: Triethyllead-induced inhibition of proliferation of normal human lymphocytes through decreased expression of the Tac chain of interleukin-2 receptor. Int. J. Immunopharmacol. 12, 349-358 (1990). Spanakis E, Tsimenidis N and Zouros E: Genetic differences between populations of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) from the Aegean and the Ionian Seas. J. Fish Biol. 35, 417-437 (1989). Citations >20 Spanakis E and Horne MT: Co-adaptation of Escherichia coli and coliphage lambda in continuous culture. J. Gen. Microbiol. 133, 353-360 (1987).

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Acknowledged for assistance in 4 articles

PhD Thesis Spanakis E: 'Co-evolution in Model Ecosystems'. University of Stirling, Stirling, UK (1982).

Indexed and/or published abstracts • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Alharbi KK, Haddad L, Ye S, Lawlor DA, Whittall RA, Spanakis E, Chen X, Rassoulian H, Simpson I, Phillips DIW, Cooper C, Smith GD, Humphries SE, Ebrahim S and Day INM. Workshop. W14.345 Mutation scanning of LDLR in the whole population. Atherosclerosis Supplements, 5, 80 (2004). Spanakis E and Brouty-Boye D: Gene expression in stromal - epithelial intercellular communication during breast cancer pathogenesis. Proc. AACR 34, 154 (1993). SRCH:ip: Adam L, Lelong JC, Boissier B, Kouyoumdjian JC, Spanakis E and Crepin M: Interactions and phenotypic changes of breast fibroblasts and epithelial cells in co-culture. Cancer Detect. Prevent. 17, 83 (1993). Spanakis E and Brouty-Boye D: Gene expression in stromal - epithelial intercellular communication during breast cancer pathogenesis. 84th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research Orlando, Florida, USA; Proc. AACR 34, 154. Spanakis E, Magnien V, Israel L and Brouty-Boye D: Expression of proto-oncogenes in breast stromal fibroblasts and epithelial cells. Anticancer Res. 12, 1810 (1992). Brouty-Boye D, Spanakis E and Magnien V: Stroma features in breast cancer. Anticancer Res. 12, 1843 (1992). Lunardi-Iskandar Y, E Spanakis et al: Study of the function and structure of the IL2-receptor in HIV-infected subjects. 5th International Conference on AIDS. Montreal, Canada (1989). Theodoropoulou M, Malliarakis N, Spanakis E, Malliaraki-Pinetidou E, Georgoulias V: Detection of serum antibodies against only the gag proteins: a latent or an abortive infection with an HIV variant? Int Conf AIDS (1989). Sahraoui Y, Ammar A, Spanakis E, Augery-Bourget Y, Lunardi-Iskandar Y, Jasmin C, Georgoulias V: Function and structure of 1L2-R expressed on HIV patients' T cells. Int Conf AIDS (1990). Georgoulias V, ... Spanakis M, et al: Spontaneous transcription of the Tac gene in a pre-B leukemic cell line and induction of high affinity interleukin-2 receptors by phorbol myristate acetate. Proc. AACR 29, 80 (1988). Spanakis E et al: HIV1 infection in some subjects displaying antibodies against only the gag proteins. 4th International Conference on AIDS. Stockholm, Sweden (1988). Georgoulias V... M Spanakis et al: Spontaneous transcription of the Tac gene in a pre-B leukemic cell line and induction of high affinity interleukin-2 receptors by phorbol myristate acetate. 79th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research. New Orleans, USA. Proc. AACR 29, 80. Alharbi, K.K., E. Spanakis et al: Definition of population 'reference range' for sequence diversity of MC4R gene using meltMADGE: two 'paucimorphisms,' occasional 'private' mutations and anthropometric consequences. HGM2004 Genome Diversity and Genome Dynamics

6 Long research reports to funding organisations 25 Non-indexed articles and abstracts

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