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appreciateyourthoughtsaboutofftrailridingandthe courageofMISORVAMagazinetoentertainadiscussion onthetopicintheNov/Dec2022issue.Off-trailriding, orboondocking,remainsmyfavoritewaytoenjoyand experiencethebeautyofwinter.Whetherit’ssnowcovered forestroadsoruntrackedstateorfederallands,gettingoff thebeatenpathexposesonetofarmoresightsandexperiences thanzippingdownthesamegroomedtrailstimeandagain.The pointneedstobemadethatofftrailriding,orboondocking,is notsynonymouswithtrespassing.Mostofthetrespassingwe hearaboutisfromtrailriderswhojumpoffthetrail,goaround gates,andsimplyignoresignsalongtrails.
Iama30-plusyearmemberoftwoseparateclubsandlife memberofMSA/MISORVA.I’veriddentensofthousandsoftrail milesthroughlowerandupperMichiganandOntario.Isimply preferboondocking.IhostedmyfirstBoondockersclubridein 1997intheNWLower.Welegallyrodeandexploredmilesof forestroadsandadjoiningstatelandandthatexperiencehas ledtomanyyearsofoff-trailtripswhileconvertingmanyofmy ridingbuddiestooff-trailsleds.It’saslowerpacewithfewer milesthatcanchallengeyourridingskillsandendurance.It’sa greatworkoutifyou’reintothat.
Makenomistake,ourtrailsystemmakesitallpossible.Those thatcreate,maintainandgroomourimpressivetrail systemmakeoff-trailridingpractical.Withnotrailsystem, snowmobilingingeneralwouldbealmostnonexistent.Tothose thatcreatethissystemandopportunity,thankyou.
However,mytrailridingexperiencesinthepast20yearshave beentroubling.Highspeeds,insidecornering,andgenerallack oftrailetiquettemakemeuneasyontrails.Ialmostalwaysstand upwhiletrailridingtogetabettervantagepointofoncoming traffictohavemoretimetoreact.Whenridingwithmyfamily Itrytofindcountyandforestroadroutesthatkeepusoffthe maintrail.Idon’tfeelthatanxietywhileboondocking.
Inthepast20yearsoff-trailridinghasmostlybeendiscouraged andimpugned,andIgetit.Thosethatdon’tdosowith knowledgeorrespect,castanegativelightonallthatsimply wanttoexplorenewareasandavoidcongestedtrails.Any attempttoincreaseoff-trailridingawareness,expectations,and opportunitiescanonlybenefitourconstituentsandpossibly increaseparticipationinMISORVA.
Bill - your perspectives mirror those of my own — off-trail riding is far too often equated to trespassing, and as you have so eloquently explained, that simply does not have to be the case. While I had great intentions to further promote the legal off-trail initiative within these pages, I found a great deal of resistance, and/or closed doors, as I looked to develop a legal guidebook of sorts, showcasing off-trail riding destinations and rules. Knowing I must err on the side of caution, I tabled the feature until I can further research and speak about select riding areas with 100 percent confidence.
The appetite to ride off-trail is not going to fade away (like some hope it will). Quite the contrary, the next generation of snowmobilers love this type of riding, and many find trail riding “boring.” We (as leaders of organized snowmobiling) must look for ways to embrace this new generation of riders versus shutting them out or punishing them. In the process it is imperative all stakeholders are part of the discussion including landowners, state and local agencies, clubs and organizations, and most importantly the riding community, especially those who crave off-trail riding. Feedback such as yours gives me hope we can eventually build more alliances with the boondocking community and create a snowmobiling community accepting of all riding passions.

Thank you for your letter!
Pat – MWR Editor
Hayward Power Sports Hayward WI
715-462-3674 haywardpowersports.com
Jay’s Power Center Reedsburg WI 608-768-3297 jayspowercenter.com

Len Ebert & Sons Clintonville WI 715-752-4428 lenebert.com
Leos South Lakeville MN 952-435-5371 leossouth.com
Miller Implement & Pro Motorsports
Fon du Lac
920-922-8521 millerimp.com
Miller Sellner Powersports Sleepy Eye MN 507-794-2131 millersellner.com
Minneapolis Motor Sports Minneapolis MN 763-634-0244 mplsmotor.com
Monroe Powersports Inc Monroe WI 608-325-5056 mpsskidoo.com
Motor Sports of Willmar Willmar MN 320-235-2351 motorsportsofwillmar.com

Nielsen Enterprises Lake Villa IL 847-356-3000
Olson Power & Equipment North Branch MN 651-674-4494 olsonpower.com
Power Lodge Onamia MN 320-532-3860 powerlodge.com
Power Lodge Ramsey MN 763-576-1706 powerlodge.com
Ray’s Sport & Cycle Grand Rapids MN 218-326-9355 rayssportandcycle.com
Rob’s Performance Motorsports LLC Johnson Creek WI 920-699-3288
St. Boni Motor Sports St. Bonifacius MN 952-446-1554/877-385-0339 stboni.com
Tomahawk Sports Center Tomahawk WI 715-453-5373 tomahawksportscenter.com
Track Side
Eagle River WI 715-479-2200 tracksideinc.com nielsens.com robsperformance.com
* Red listings denote electronic link to dealer website in digital edition of Midwest Rider. Visit mspninc.com
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