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Our Favorite Adventure for a Day Destination

We all love to plan, prepare, and of course enjoy those multi-day, or weeklong, destination trips. Often, they’re the highlight of our riding season, be it dirt or snow. Taking these kinds of trips are frankly necessary for riders like us – it’s what we live for. We need to get out and feel a blast of winter on our face or the grit of dirt in our teeth. But finding and creating the time to enjoy even a weekend of riding can be challenging. Be it work, schedules, kids, or simply life getting in the way, finding time to ride, unwind, and share a few laughs with friends or family is challenging.

Over the past few years, our crew here at Midwest Rider has enjoyed spur of the moment day trips. Whether it’s chasing a storm track in the winter or taking advantage of a recent rainfall that will keep dust down on the trail, these one-day trips satisfy our ride cravings and have created some of the best memories. With little to no plan, we hit the trails ready for whatever the next turn may bring, and the result is often a day of smiles, spur of the moment decisions, and adventure that often can’t be replicated by those well-planned trips.

With a day of adventure in mind, here are some of our favorite and most memorable day trip destinations. Each offers plenty of riding opportunities, great places to stop along the trail, and each welcomes the riding community with open arms. Let’s ride.

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