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Notes from the VP
VP NOTES Let’s Make Some Changes
Lori Heideman – Vice President
At our summer directors meeting change was mentioned. Change for some is a very scary word, but sometimes change is needed to make things better. The dictionary says change is to make the form, or content, or future course of something different from what it is or what it would be if left alone. And in today’s society change happens on an hourly basis, especially in technology. Computers and phones are obsolete almost as soon as you purchase them.
So, in the snowmobile club, change means many different things. It may mean us older members should relinquish our leadership roles and instead become mentors to the younger generation. Change may mean we show someone else how to groom. It may also mean we find different ways of doing things. One of the scariest phrases used today, “That’s the way we’ve always done it.”
When I first was introduced to snowmobiling and got involved as secretary, we did not have computers. Do you know how much easier life is for a secretary to use the computer? We did not have online membership when I was a membership chair. Do you realize how easy it has become to go online and submit your rosters?
One change we all affect is elections. It is very important to know who you are voting for, and what they stand for, or what their views are. Voting is important at all levels of government. Know your local politicians and once elected invite them to your meetings. Know your senators and assemblymen, some day you may need their input and again, invite them to your meetings. And finally know your legislators in Washington DC. Get out and vote. Change is good.
We have the pleasure of watching our KAOS members become involved in their counties, clubs and at the executive level of the AWSC. They make great leaders and they represent the AWSC so well. They have so many more opportunities to be involved at different levels than we ever had. For example, two of our past miss snowflakes sit on the Governor’s Rec Council. Look at the kids we send to ISC, they are routinely asked to speak on youth and their input is valued. They are already embracing changes. Let’s face it, some of us have been around for many years and most times it has been for way longer than we had anticipated. So, change is good. Let the younger members be your social media guides. Vote that new treasurer in and let them get some experience. All these changes help make your club much healthier and a much happier place to meet people. Everyone benefits from letting that new member participate. They may even have experience in something that may help you as a club, such as fundraising or grooming.
So, let’s make this year a year of change. Let’s embrace the younger members in our snowmobile clubs. Let’s mentor those who want to be in a leadership position and teach them how to be better leaders than we are. Let’s get out and vote and let’s make some good changes.

See you on the trail!

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