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The Mississippi State University Extension Service, with offices in each of the state’s 82 counties, is the Magnolia State’s “classroom in the field.” Extension faculty and educators, or agents, in every county provide practical, research-based information to help individuals, businesses and communities solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.
Extension Director Gary Jackson
Established by the Smith-Lever Act of 1914, the Cooperative Extension System has marked more than a century of service to diverse groups across the United States. Extension agents bring research-based education and recommendations from the state’s landgrant universities to help people in their communities make informed decisions about agriculture, natural resources, consumer issues, community development, family life, youth development and much more.
Mississippi lays claim to the foundation of the nationwide 4-H youth development program that started in Holmes County in 1907, when the first federal dollar for youth farm programs was given to W.H. “Corn Club” Smith, who later became MSU president. Today, more than 60,000 Mississippi young people are involved in 4-H projects, including citizenship, public speaking, livestock showing, robotics, leadership and shooting sports.
Extension’s ongoing priorities include agriculture, natural resources, family and consumer education, government training and community resource development, and 4-H youth development. Extension professionals empower volunteers to teach others and extend research-based education to improve all Mississippians’ quality of life.
For more information, visit extension. msstate.edu.