Game consoles Buyer’s guide
A different kind of game time
It doesn’t matter what type of gaming you enjoy, there’s a style of gaming that matches you and your needs. Whether you’re just looking for something to liven up family time, wanting to connect with friends, or have your eye on pwning noobs (that is, dominating your opponents), you’ll be able to find it at Vann’s. With so many options, this guide should help you find the right gaming system, give you information about choosing the right games, and start you on your path towards fun!
Game ratings E (Everyone) Suitable for ages 6 and older. May contain minimal cartoon, fantasy, mild violence, and/or infrequent use of mild language. T (Teen) Suitable for ages 13 and older. May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language. M (Mature) Suitable for persons ages 17 and older. May contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content, and/or strong language. E+ (Everyone 10+) Suitable for ages 10 and older. Titles in this category may contain more cartoon, fantasy or mild violence, mild language, and/or minimal suggestive themes.
Audio | Video | Appliances | Portable
With Kinect for XBOX 360, you are the controller. No gadgets, no gizmos, just you!
XBOX 360 Xbox 360 is the gamer’s console. While it has a wide variety of games, most are aimed towards more mature gamers and online multi-player. The Kinect accessory lets players control the game with their whole body through motion tracking, creating a unique, social gaming experience. With a subscription to XBox Live, you
not only get multi-player possibilities, it also lets you stream movies and television shows, download games and game trailers, and show off in-game achievements with customizable online avatars. If you’re looking for a fastpaced online gaming experience, with high-definition video and sound, then you’re looking for the Xbox 360.
Memory: 4GB, 250GB | Streaming: Netflix, ESPN, Zune music and movies, Downloadable content: Games, demos, music, movie trailers, TV
Stream movies, sports, and watch 3D movies when you hook up to your 3D TV!
Playstation 3 The PlayStation 3 is a potent combination of media center and gaming system. The PlayStation 3 has a wide variety of games, most aimed at older gamers. With the addition of the PlayStation Move, it also has the capability for precision motion gaming. Built-in Blu-ray functionality lets you play DVDs, Blu-ray discs, and is compatible with 3D Blu-ray discs.
The PlayStation 3’s online capabilities allow you to stream movies, television, music, and even photos from not only online sources, but also your home computer. You can also download games and game trailers, and connect with friends for online play. If you’re looking for a versatile gaming system that can act as a media hub, then you’re looking for the PlayStation 3.
Memory: Either 160GB or 320GB built-in, expandable via USB memory.
Wii The Wii from Nintendo was the first motion gaming console, and has the largest selection of active, familyfriendly games available. Games range from sports and exercise to adventure and fantasy, but they all have one thing in common: fun. With its online
connectivity, you can stream movies, download games and game trailers, and connect with your friends using custom avatars called Miis. If you’re looking for a family friendly console, with a huge library of active and fun games, then you’re looking for the Wii.
Memory: 512MB built-in, expandable with SD cards | Streaming: Netflix, Vudu, VidZone Downloadable content: Games, demos, video
Common Myths MYTH: Game consoles are just for gaming
Today’s consoles include the ability to stream movies, music, photos, video, websites‌ and more. Game systems like the Playstation 3 double as Blu-ray and DVD players, while other systems like the Xbox 360 can be used to video chat through Skype.
MYTH: Games are anti-social
Wii wheel (above)
Party games let you and your friends do any number of activities, from playing tennis or going bowling, forming your own band, or just dancing the night away. Online, you can find your friends and play cooperatively or against each other. Facebook and Twitter help you to keep updated.
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