Student organizations handbook final 9 17 15 5

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policies resources



STUNDENT ORGANIzation officer handbook Table of contents

POLICIES & PROCEDURES student organization fundamentals 6 registration 8 Registration guidelines 10 student organization constitution and bylaws 12 other criteria 14 student organization rights & responsibilities 16 failure to adhere to regulations & policies 19 policies on posting on campus 21 student organization informaiton tables 23 fundraising folicy 25

resources available

Office of student activities 30 orgsync 33 student travel program 34 student government assembly 36 club hub 38 ahec campus event services 39 met media 40 student conduct & conflict resolution program 41 student organization event funding 42 campus events funding 44 recruiting & promotional funding 48 spending your funding 50 student organizations incentive program 52 student organizations coucil 54

Purchasing and Selling guide

accounts 57 procurement card program 58 other purchasing options 60 fundraising 62 promotional items 63 how do i sell something? 64 depositing funds into your account 65

Frequently used contacts office of student activities

tivoli 305


office of student government

tivoli 307


auraria campus event services (aces) tivoli 325


Room/Campus Reservations ……………...……………………………………...


Club Hub (Tivoli 346) …………………………….………………………………


met media

tivoli 313


campus police and security

admin 110


Campus Approved Catering Full-Service Caterers

Specialty Caterers


BLACKJACK PIZZA MARK PI’S 303-333-8811 303-825-1061


VANILLA BEAN 303-324-7927

SAJ MEDITERRANEAN GRILL SUBWAY 720-722-1932 303-607-9090

resources available Student

organization policies & procedures

INtroduction Student Organizations at Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) offer students the opportunity to join together in academic/professional, honor, political, service, social, cultural and/or spiritual groups or societies. Organizations also offer opportunities for students to assume various leadership roles while carrying out the mission of their organizations. In addition, student organizations contribute a range of perspectives to the campus community, which enrich MSU Denver’s academic environment.

What the Student organization policy does for the relationship between MSU DENVER and student organizations MSU Denver has established a policy to define the relationship between the University and student organizations and the responsibilities and privileges afforded to registered student organizations. This process serves many purposes. First, it establishes parameters in which organizations can function and defines the University’s expectations for student organizations. Secondly, it identifies a communication pattern between organizations and the Office of Student Activities for more efficient collaboration. Finally, it outlines consequences for organizations that choose not to operate in accordance with these guidelines. MSU Denver is committed to supporting the student right and privilege to organize and participate in groups that center around common interests and goals and contribute to co-curricular life on campus. Though student organizations function on campus and enhance campus life, neither the Office of Student Activities nor MSU Denver assumes responsibility for the organization. The University does not assume financial responsibility for an organization or extend insurance coverage to its members.

Student organization conduct A registered student organization is responsible for conducting its affairs in a responsible manner consistent with the policies and procedures of MSU Denver, the Student Code of Conduct, and all student organization policies. Registered student organizations will be held accountable for the action and behavior of their members or guests at their functions. It is the responsibility of the registered student organization to familiarize itself with the contents of the Student Organization Handbook. Officers are responsible for informing other members of their organization about University policy. Any change in officers, advisor, and/or constitution should be promptly submitted to OrgSync via the registration form.


Student Organization fundamentals definition of a student organization A student organization is defined as any associated group/organization of students that meet all criteria for registration at MSU Denver. This criterion, as outlined in this document, states all responsibilities, duties, and rules of being a registered student organization at MSU Denver. Foremost in this criterion, student organizations must be directly and solely initiated, operated, controlled, and led by students (currently enrolled at MSU Denver) with a common set of developed goals. Student organizations provide extra-curricular (outside of the academic curriculum) and co-curricular (along with the academic curriculum) activities and programs that enrich the academic experience of the students of MSU Denver and further the University’s mission. A student organization’s leadership structure is constituted of four currently enrolled MSU Denver students serving as officers (i.e. President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary). These officers shall be responsible for organizing and leading the organization in alignment with its developed mission. The officers and the member students, as defined by the organizations constitution, are exclusively responsible for deciding on the current and future direction, goals, activities and programs of the student organization. As such, student organizations cannot be led, instructed, controlled or organized by non-students (including outside agencies, entities or individuals) in their daily operations: such groups do not meet the definition of a registered student organization at MSU Denver. All registered student organizations must have one faculty/staff advisor to serve as liaison between the University and the student organization. Advisors assist student organizations in achieving their goals and act in a consultative, resourceful, and supportive capacity. This relationship shall not be supervisory in nature nor may a student’s grade, work, or other forms of evaluation be based on his/her performance and involvement with the student organization. Full-time faculty and/or staff of MSU Denver are eligible to serve as a student organization advisor. Student organizations support and enhance academic life on campus. Student organizations provide extra-curricular (outside of the academic curriculum) and co-curricular (along with the academic curriculum) activities and programs that enrich the academic experience of the students of MSU Denver and further the University’s mission.

Organizations must be Student-LeD •The officers and the student members, as defined by the organizations constitution, are exclusively responsible for deciding on the current and future direction, goals, activities and programs of the student organization. •Student orgs cannot be led, instructed, controlled or organized by non-MSU Denver students (including outside agencies, entities or individuals) in their daily operations: such groups do not meet the definition of a registered student organization at MSU Denver.

policies and procedures required leadership structure president

vice president

•A student organization’s leadership structure is constituted of four currently enrolled MSU Denver students serving as officers (i.e. President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary). •These officers shall be responsible for organizing and leading the organization in alignment with its developed mission.



ADVISOR REQUIREMENTS •All registered student organizations must have one faculty/staff advisor to serve as liaison between the University and the student org. •Advisors assist student organizations in achieving their goals and act in a consultative, resourceful, and supportive capacity. •Advisor relationship shall not be supervisory in nature nor may a student’s grade, work, or other forms of evaluation be based on his/her performance and involvement with the student organization. •Full-time faculty and/or staff of MSU Denver are eligible to serve as a student organization advisor.

MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS •Active membership in registered student orgs shall be limited to currently enrolled students from the Auraria campus. •At least 50% of membership must consist of MSU Denver students. •Active members may participate at all levels in the organization’s activities (beyond membership registration and payment of financial obligations) as determined by the organization. •Membership shall be completely voluntary and shall not be the basis of academic credits nor shall any coercion be used to forcefully maintain membership.


registration DEFINITION OF REGISTRATION •The approval of registration is a function of the Office of Student Activities. •Registration shall be identified as the process whereby a student organization acquires eligibility to receive University recognition. •The relationship between the University and registered student organizations generates neither a contractual relationship between the University and the organization, nor a property right or expectancy in the organization of any sort. •Duties performed and activities undertaken by registered student organizations are not those of the University. •Organizations that are not registered may not represent themselves as MSU Denver student organizations or avail themselves of the privileges afforded to registered organizations. •Student organization registration is completed using OrgSync ( •Registration status may be rescinded at any time by the Office of Student Activities.

ORGSYNC OrgSync offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed specifically to meet the needs of student organizations on campus. These tools allow students to communicate with members, manage calendars and event planning, maintain accurate websites, and store unlimited amounts of information to help build sustainable organizations. To learn more about utilizing the tools offered through Orgsync, contact the Student Organization Support Staff to schedule a training for your organization.

registration status definitions Registered A registered student organization is one that has fulfilled all of the registration requirements set forth by the Office of Student Activities and is fully recognized and in good standing with the University.

Inactive An inactive student organization is one that has not fulfilled all of the registration requirements set forth by the Office of Student Activities. Inactive student organizations cannot function or represent themselves as a MSU Denver student organization. Inactive student organizations cannot utilize any campus resources provided for registered student organizations. All student organizations become ‘inactive’ on July 1 of each year until they fulfill the requirements set forth for registration by the Office of Student Activities.

Pending A pending student organization is one that has initiated the process of registration, but has not fulfilled all of the registration requirements. Student organizations in pending status may not function or represent themselves as a MSU Denver student organization.

policies and procedures registration process Registration consists of 4 stepS


Update your student org profile on OrgSync. a.Update officer information b.Update advisor information c.Update constitution (Constitution template can be found here:

All officers attend an officer training (Sign up for an officer training using the OrgSync calendar:



ADVISOR verification form completed (Advisor verification form can be found here:

Completion The registration process is completed when a student organization satisfies the above criteria, the Office of Student Activities verifies that the student organization is in compliance with all policies and procedures, and the organization’s registration on OrgSync is approved.


need more information about this registration business?...


registration guidelines officer qualifications at least four separate officers must •Be MSU Denver students. •Have a 2.0 GPA minimum. •Be listed on your org’s portal •Be enrolled in at least three (3) academic credits for both fall and spring semesters, and have completed three (3) credits in a prior semester at MSU Denver. •Complete the required Officer Training through the Office of Student Activities.

equal opportunity •MSU Denver has a continuing moral and legal obligation to foster equality of educational opportunities and to ensure that no one is discriminatorily excluded from its programs or activities because of her/his race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability/handicap, veteran status, sexual orientation or preference, gender identity and expressions. Student Organizations must comply with this non-discrimination policy. •Student Organizations categorized as Religious and Military may choose to ensure that no one is discriminatorily excluded from its programs or activities because of her/his her race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability/ handicap, veteran status, sexual orientation or preference, gender identity and expressions. •MSU Denver will also take whatever steps are necessary to prevent unlawful discrimination in its educational, social and recreational programs and activities. •For more information regarding equal opportunity, please refer to:

financial responsibility

The president and the treasurer for each organization; whether new or re-registered, have financial responsibility for the student organization funding account. These two officers must attend an officer training session in order to complete the registration or re-registration process. In the event that either the president or treasurer is replaced during the year, the new president or treasurer is required to contact the Office of Student Activities to set up a time for an officer training session.

policies and procedures registration deadlines •Each student organization must register every fiscal year. The fiscal year runs from July 1 – June 30. •The registration of a student organization will begin on July 1st and end June 30th of every year. On June 30th, all organizations will be moved to pending status until the registration requirements are fulfilled. Pending status means you are unable to access student organization benefits.

constitution •Every organization is required to have a constitution and bylaws •Click on the following link to access the Student Organizations Constitution Template: files/583683/show (Use this template to update or create your constitution.) •Writing or reviewing your organization’s constitution is a great opportunity to refine your mission, officer responsibilities, meeting rules, and membership requirements. •Much like government constitutions or laws, a student organization’s constitution is important when questions arise about the activities or mission of the group.

need an example? we’ve got you covered...


Student organization constitution & bylaws Sample:

(please modify to meet your organizations needs or develop your own) *Please use this template to develop a complete and accurate constitution for your student organization. In order for your constitution to be complete, you must address all of the Articles and Sections below in your constitution. ARTICLE 1. NAME

What is the exact title to be used in addressing your organization?

ARTICLE 2. PURPOSE Section 1. a) What is the purpose? b) Is it fostering a broad educational goal? c) Is it a social, cultural, or political aim? d) Why was the group founded? Section 2. This section should be a statement of the group’s willingness to abide by established University policies.

ARTICLE 3. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. a) Who is eligible for membership? b) Are there any restrictions? c) How does one become a member? d) How are members identified? Section 2. Voluntary withdrawal of membership may be provided for Section 3. Nondiscrimination clause should be provided for and include the following: race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions or disability in admissions

policies and procedures ARTICLE 4. OFFICERS

a) How many officers are there?

b) What are their titles and duties?

c) Will the officers constitute an executive committee?

d) Description of any standing committees should be included, probably in the bylaws.


a) How are officers elected?

b) What type of ballot?

c) When are they elected, and for what period?

d) Who is eligible for office?

e) When do officers assume office?

f) How may officers be removed?

g) Clarify the role of the advisor.

h) How are advisors selected and removed?

ARTICLE 6. FINANCES *This section is for student organizations that have an account with the University. If your organization does not have an account or does not spend money please write “Not Applicable�

a) How will the organization finance its activities?

b) Who has access to the organization account?

c) Please describe the organizations process for expense approval. How does your organization decide on spending organizational funds?


a) How are amendments to be proposed and by whom?

b) Should there be a delay before voting on amendments?

c) How are the amendments to be voted upon?


other criteria •Student organizations cannot seek registration through multiple campus departments or offices. The offices below will determine which area is the best fit for the student group. A student organization may only be registered through one of the following offices: o Office of Student Activities o Campus Recreation o Club Sports •The goals, direction, purpose, and mission of any student organization must be substantially different from any fee-funded program or any administrative program. •The name of a student organization must clearly express the goals, direction, purpose, and mission of the organization. •Student organizations are encouraged to use the words “MSU Denver” or “Metropolitan State University of Denver” in their name. •Student organizations that indicate an affiliation to a local, national, or international organization in their name must submit a letter from the organization approving such affiliation. It is the responsibility of the organization and its membership to pay for any dues that result from such affiliation. •Every student organization must have an advisor that meets all criteria outlined in the “Responsibilities of a Student Organization Advisor” section. •If an organization is suspended from the University for any reason, it may not re-register under a different name with the intention of functioning in the capacity of the suspended group. •If an organization remains inactive for three years their account will be closed. If the organization reregisters within 12 months of closing all monies will be transferred back into their account. •Groups wishing to be considered under the fraternity/sorority category have separate registration requirements and must contact the Office of Student Activities. Fraternities and sororities are not classified as student organizations at MSU Denver. A student group cannot be registered as both a fraternity/sorority and student organization.

policies and procedures


Student Organization Rights & Responsibilities Student Organizations at Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) offer students the opportunity to join together in academic/professional, honor, political, service, social, cultural and/or spiritual groups or societies. Organizations also offer opportunities for students to assume various leadership roles while carrying out the mission of their organizations. In addition, student organizations contribute a range of perspectives to the campus community, which enrich MSU Denver’s academic environment. MSU Denver has established a policy to define the relationship between the University and student organizations and the responsibilities and privileges afforded to registered student organizations. This process serves many purposes. First, it establishes parameters in which organizations can function and defines the University’s expectations for student organizations. Secondly, it identifies a communication pattern between organizations and the Office of Student Activities for more efficient collaboration. Finally, it outlines consequences for organizations that choose not to operate in accordance with these guidelines. MSU Denver is committed to supporting the student right and privilege to organize and participate in groups that center around common interests and goals and contribute to co-curricular life on campus. Though student organizations function on campus and enhance campus life, neither the Office of Student Activities nor MSU Denver assumes responsibility for the organization. The University does not assume financial responsibility for an organization or extend insurance coverage to its members. A registered student organization is responsible for conducting its affairs in a responsible manner consistent with the policies and procedures of MSU Denver, the Student Code of Conduct, and all student organization policies. Registered student organizations will be held accountable for the action and behavior of their members or guests at their functions. It is the responsibility of the registered student organization to familiarize itself with the contents of the Student Organization Handbook. Officers are responsible for informing other members of their organization about University policy. Any change in officers, advisor, and/or constitution should be promptly submitted to OrgSync via the registration form.

Rights of Student organizations In addition to the rights assured to students (as outlined in the University Catalogue), student organizations have the following rights: •Student organizations have the freedom of speech and the right to peaceful assembly. Students have the rights to organize groups or to join associations. Students and student organizations have the right to present dissenting views, and to promote discussion and demonstrate against issues, policies and world events so long as these are held in an orderly manner and do not disrupt the University’s functions. •Student organizations have the freedom of press and the right to publish. •Student organizations have the right to choose an advisor and the right to change their advisor. •Student organizations have the right to develop and amend their constitution.

policies and procedures Responsibilities of Student organizations and officers •Student organizations must adhere to all other student organization policies found in this Student Organizations Handbook. •A student organization, its officers and members shall abide by University policies, as well as federal, state, and local laws. •Raffles and other forms of gambling are strictly prohibited. •A student organization, its officers and members shall abide by and be subject to the Code of Student Conduct. •Each organization is responsible for the activities and/or actions of non-student members and guests while participating in any function sponsored by that organization. •Student organizations must abide by all Office of Student Activities, University, and/or State fiscal policies and requirements. Officers are required to work with the Office of Student Activities staff to comply with these requirements. •Officers are encouraged to improve their leadership skills through attendance at available workshops and other opportunities provided by the Office of Student Activities. •Individual student organizations must be unique and substantially different entities. The extent of such uniqueness shall be demonstrated through differences in members, officers, advisors, and/or the purpose of the organization. Student Activities will have final authority to decide if an organization is duplicate and/or similar to any other registered student organization. •The Office of Student Activities is the final authority in the interpretation of student organization policies and guidelines, including but not limited to exemptions and exceptions. •Student organizations must be directly and solely initiated, operated, controlled, and led by currently enrolled students at MSU Denver.

Rights of Student organizations A student organization advisor is a consultant, resource, and support system to an organization. S/he provides direction through advice, understanding and clarification. Download the Student Organizations Advisor handbook here: files/528346/show, The advisor handbook provides the most comprehensive information about the roles and responsibilities of advisors. Advisors must be full time MSU Denver faculty or staff members.

An advisor should •Be aware of the rules and regulations that pertain to a student organization and its members. • Be available to organization members for consultation and mentorship. • Stay up to date on what is occurring within the organization as well as in the campus community. • Provide constructive feedback. • Assist in developing programs and campus events. • Incorporate “classroom” learning with “co-curricular” activities into student organizations activities and/or events whenever possible. • Serve as a liaison between the University and the student organization.

18 Rights of Student organizations An advisor should (cont.) • Interpret University and state policies and procedures. • Be aware of and assist the organization in the management of its financial operations. • Attend the student organization’s functions that meet the following criteria: 1.Admission is charged at the door. 2.The event takes place “after hours.” 3.The event is an official University dance, party or concert, which is being advertised off campus. •• Consult periodically with the Assistant Director of Student Activities or designated staff concerning the student organization’s direction, programs and function; to notify designated staff in the event the organization has decided to or has ceased to function as a student organization. • Assist the organization in the periodic examination of its progress toward the goals specified in the organization’s constitution.

Advisor Resignation Procedures If an advisor chooses to resign her/his position, she/he has the responsibility of notifying the Office of Student Activities as well as the student organization. Upon receipt of notification, the student organization has thirty days to find a new full-time faculty/staff advisor. In the interim, the resigning advisor will remain in full capacity until a new advisor has been found and an advisory change form has been completed. In the case that the resigning advisor cannot carry out the duties of the position, the student organization may exist without the advisor until a suitable replacement is found (within the thirty-day limit). In this scenario, the Assistant Director of Student Activities will serve as the advisor. If an advisor is not found after thirty days, the student organization will be placed on pending status until an advisor is found.

hazing Hazing as defined by the MSU Denver Standards of Conduct states: The term “hazing” is defined as an act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student or which destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. Hazing can be further defined as any action that produces physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Activities including, but not limited to, the following are defined as hazing and are strictly forbidden: •paddling •public stunts •physical shock •causing excessive fatigue •forced calisthenics •dangerous, offensive behavior •morally degrading/humiliating game •activities which interfere with academic work/success •activities that engage in discrimination, whether racial or gender-­based •forced consumption of food, beverages, or alcohol; or exposure to extreme weather conditions. •activities which interfere with the policies and regulations of the Office of Student Activities, MSU Denver, UC Denver, CCD or AHEC Organizations engaging in such activities may be subject to the withdrawal of University recognition, and thus privileges and services, by the Office of Student Activities. Questions concerning this policy should be referred to the Director of Student Activities. All acts of hazing will be immediately dealt with; acts of hazing will refer to the University’s conduct Officer and the student organization will be subject to sanctions.

policies and procedures Failure to adhere to Regulations & policies Student organization registration may be removed or partially removed by University officials for violations or potential violations of this handbook and/or the Code of Conduct.

appeals Appeals of sanctions may be applied for through the Director of Student Activities.

authority The Office of Student Activities makes the final decision regarding the registration of an organization in accordance with these guidelines and may grant certain exceptions or make additional requirements on a case-by-case basis.

20 Tri-institutional organizations through MSU Denver definition Tri-Institutional Organizations are defined as an organization that represents the shared views of the student body of Community College of Denver (CCD), Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver), and University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver). The three institutions have not agreed on an official policy pertaining to tri-institutional organizations. The Office of Student Activities encourages student organizations to include students from CU Denver and CCD, and work as a unified organization. Tri-Institutional organizations must meet the requirements outlined in this document.

Student Organization alcohol policy *For your reference, the complete MSU Denver Student Organization Alcohol Policy is available under ‘files’ on OrgSync. It is the responsibility of all MSU Denver Student Organization members, officers, and advisors to read and understand this policy. Student Organizations enjoy rights and privileges associated with official recognition by MSU Denver. Student Organizations are allowed to have alcohol at end of the year banquets, induction ceremonies, or similar events. All events must be preapproved through the Office of Student Activities. All university policies and procedures must be adhered to at all times including, Student Code of Conduct, state and university fiscal policies and Student Activities policies. Not Covered By This Policy: Events that do not involve students covered under the Student Organization Policy are not subject to this policy. This includes groups such as Athletics, Academic Departments, and University Offices and Departments. Please visit the Office of Student Activities at Tivoli 305 or call 303-556-2595 for complete policy information. To request permission to serve alcohol at your event, please arrange a meeting with a professional staff member in the Office of Student Activities and complete the Alcohol request form on OrgSync.

Student Organization travel policy *For your reference, the complete MSU Denver Student Organization Travel Policy is available under ‘files’ on OrgSync. It is the responsibility of all MSU Denver Student Organization members wishing to use organization funds for travel to read and understand this policy in its entirety. The Student Organization Travel policy applies to students who are members of a recognized Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) student organization in good standing and who plan to travel domestically without an advisor or a full time faculty or staff. MSU Denver recognizes that students are responsible adults and that travel has the potential to provide students with a valuable learning experience outside the classroom. Students traveling without an advisor must utilize the funds from their own Student Organization account, otherwise known as an 81 account.

policies and procedures policies on posting on campus Permitted Posting – Where & How

•The name and contact information of the person or organization posting the material must be clearly identifiable on any posted material. •Most Auraria building and grounds have designated areas set aside for the general display of announcements, posters, handbills, etc. All off-campus individuals and organizations shall limit their postings to general display areas. •All materials posted in general display areas shall be limited to one posting per area and may not exceed 11 X 17 inches in size and shall be posted in such a way as not to interfere with or cover other postings.

•Materials must be removed by the party posting them within 48 hours after the advertised event has occurred. In any case, all materials will be removed from general display areas at regular intervals throughout the semester. Boards at the Tivoli Student Union are monitored/ cleaned and updated every weekend. •Institutional departments and recognized institutional and student organizations have specific designated display areas for their exclusive use. These are posted with written notice that the area is for their exclusive use. Each department or organization shall be responsible for clearly designating and maintaining their respective areas.

•In addition to the above options, at the Tivoli Student Union flyers advertising on campus events (abiding by the criteria established herein) may be posted on the UNPAINTED brick pillars and on the glass surfaces of the building entrance doors (avoiding the vinyl letters on the glass.) - Only one flyer per surface is allowed. - Flyers may only be posted on the unpainted brick pillars up to one week in advance of the event. - Flyers may only be posted on the glass surfaces of the building entry doors on the day of the event. - The Tivoli Student Union staff may relocate flyers to avoid damage; or to ensure ingress/egress from the building. - Flyers must be advertising open events (not products or services, etc.) The Auraria Campus Event Services office may, from time to time, authorize additional posting locations to maximize advertising opportunities for Campus sponsored events (this includes special consideration at Student Government election times.

Prohibited Posting

I know where I can Post, what about where I can’t?

22 Prohibited Posting First priority for the use of Auraria campus facilities is given to the students, faculty and staff of those institutions. All uses of Auraria campus facilities are subject to reasonable time, manner and place restrictions. Posting of announcements, handbills, posters, advertisements, flyers or printed material of any kind is prohibited everywhere on the Auraria campus, except on authorized kiosks, bulletin boards, and other expressly designated areas. Prohibited areas include the following: • Light posts • Fences • Doors • Building Exteriors • Windows • Trees • Classrooms • Signs • Motor vehicles • Restrooms • Painted Surfaces • Trash Cans • Parking Lots Chalking, tagging, painting or marking of any kind is prohibited on all Auraria buildings, grounds and facilities. Water-soluble chalking is permitted on the ground level (sidewalk) exterior entries, to advertise special functions (sponsored by campus departments & recognized organizations and taking place on the campus) on the day of the event. Chalking is only permissible on the horizontal concrete ground surfaces (not on walls, brick surfaces, etc.) and must not be on the elevated step entries.

posting violations All postings that do not comply with this policy shall be summarily removed. Individuals and/or organizations shall be required or pay repair and removal costs and may forfeit campus posting and scheduling privileges for repeated violations of this policy. For more information about Auraria campus posting areas and regulations, persons should contact: Auraria Campus Event Services.

Table tents Table Tents advertising is available for advertising open events and campus services. Table Tents must be registered through the Auraria Campus Event Services Office (ACES).

policies and procedures student organization information tables Information Table Requirements A specified number of information (info) table spaces are available for recognized student organizations to reserve on campus for promotion of their clubs/organizations and for information dissemination regarding special events, etc. Category 2 users may reserve space to disseminate information regarding their programs for a nominal fee per day. The following must apply: 1. Student organizations must be recognized/registered by their respective institution Student Activities/Student Life Offices. Sports Clubs must be recognized by the authorized campus department. Only current officers of the student organization are allowed to make bookings. 2. Organizations/departments must directly reserve the spaces through the ACES Office, according to established reservations procedures. Space is available on a first-comefirst serve basis. (Note: reservation of multiple table spaces for a larger organized event is considered an Outdoor Event/ Festival and is addressed in the Outdoor Special Events/Festivals section). Organizations/departments may not change tables or move tables from one location to another, unless specifically approved in advance by the ACES Office. 3. Organizations must have a sign attached to the reserved table (in clear view; not smaller than 8 ½” X 11”), identifying the sponsoring student organization or campus department and contact information. Signs and other material may NOT be attached to any adjacent wall or glass surface. Organizations/departments will be held responsible for any damages incurred to the facility or the facility property. 4. Student organizations/campus departments must conduct official business and/or promotion of their organization or department. Student organizations and campus departments may not sponsor table space for outside vendors or other private parties, except as provided for in the following section on fundraising. Any sales associated with the table must be directly related to the role and mission of the student organization/campus department by way of ticket sales for special events or promotional materials depicting the nature of the organization, such as club t-shirts. This regulation will be strictly enforced and organizations not complying may have future reservation rights revoked.

5. The Offices of CCD Student Life, MSU Denver Student Activities and CU Denver Student Life may sponsor an information table (non sales/non-commercial) for certain “not for profit” organizations, should those offices deem the information being disseminated has educational value for their student population. 6. Each organization/department is limited to a maximum of one (1) info space per day, and a maximum of five (5) days in any one month. (Table sponsorship by the Office of CCD Student Life, MSU Denver Student Activities and CU Denver Student Life is not limited to the five day period.) Overnight reservations are not allowed. 7. Shouting or other noisy attraction methods designed to gather attention to the info space are not permitted. For indoor info spaces, activities must take place from behind the assigned table so as not to interfere with ingress/egress through the buildings. For outdoor info spaces (at the Madre Square or Central Classroom Exterior Plaza) activities must take place within the area of the assigned table. Activities must not impede pedestrian traffic. 8. Due to fire regulations and Governorʼs Order on smoking, burning of materials of any kind is not allowed. This includes cigarettes, incense burning, etc. 9. The info table space for a student organization must be staffed by a current student who is a member of the student organization and the info table for a department must be staffed by a faculty or staff person from the campus department at all times. Children which accompany any student organization/campus department personnel must be attended to at all times. 10. Organizations/departments must remove all items, including trash and debris from their info table area daily. Items must not be left overnight, including signage, etc.

24 Information Table Requirements 11. Small portable multi-media (music, audio-video) systems are allowed at the Tivoli and Madre Square info table locations when they are an integral part of the info program, provided the sound level is limited to being only audible within the immediate vicinity (approximately 6 feet) of the reserved table space. These systems are not allowed in any other info table locations (classroom buildings, etc). To ensure that adjacent functions and activities are not interfered with, the ACES staff reserves the right to request that sound levels be lowered or turned off. The use of a portable system must be identified at the time the reservation is placed. Power is not available for these systems, so they must be self-contained. Bands, amplified instruments, speakers, performances, radio station broadcasts and other functions of this nature are not permitted under the Information Table Space Guidelines.

Information Table Requirements In addition to adhering to numbers 1 through 11 above, recognized student organizations and campus department fundraising is permissible under the following additional guidelines: A. Promotional Materials As defined in #4 above, where the sales or promotions associated with the info table are directly related to the role and mission of the student organization/campus department. This is achieved by way of ticket sales for special events or promotional materials depicting the nature of the student organization such as club t-shirts, etc. B. Bake Sales The sale or distribution of food or other products is not allowed, except as provided for in this section. Student organizations may conduct bake sales from info table locations which include the Madre Square sites; the South Classroom Lobby; the North Classroom Atrium, Event Center entryway, and the Central Classroom Exterior Plaza locations. Bake sales are not allowed at other info table space locations. Foods that must be temperature controlled are not allowed. City & County of Denver regulations must be adhered to. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to ensure that they are compliant with these regulations, including but not limited to food handlers permits, preparation in approved facilities,

pre-packaging, etc. Student organizations are responsible for getting pre-approval from their respective Student Activities/ Life Office and should recognize that additional limitations or conditions may be required by those offices. Sponsorship of commercial companies is not allowed. However, re-sale and/or distribution of commercial baked products is permitted provided it not in conflict with the goods or services of current official lease holders, contractors and/or AHECʼs Auxiliary Programs. C. Non-sales Commercial Sponsorship Student organizations/campus departments have an opportunity to raise funds by sponsoring private entities who wish to provide information about services or products to the campus community. Such entities are not authorized to sell these products or services, but may disseminate information/coupons/etc. regarding them. The Sponsoring Organization is responsible for the conduct of the individuals representing the private entity while they are on campus. The 8 ½” X 11” sign must reflect the sponsoring organization name and contact information.

The sponsoring student organization and the campus department will be charged a per space per day fee. The sponsoring student organization/campus department may then assess a fee of their choice (in addition to the Reservation fee) to the private entity. The ACES Office will only collect directly from the sponsoring organization the reservation fee. The sponsoring organization and their respective Student Activities/Life Office are responsible for collecting any additional fee they have chosen to assess the private entity. The use of info/fundraising tables for the sale or distribution of food or other products is not allowed, except as provided for in this section. Personal information is discouraged from being solicited at info/fundraising tables, regardless of sponsorship by recognized student organizations or campus departments. Other manners and venues for these activities may be available. In each instance, the sponsoring organization assumes liability for the function and is responsible for any applicable license requirements, tax collection/ payment, refunds for defective items, etc.

policies and procedures fundraising policy The need for registered student organizations to conduct fundraising activities to provide financial support for their organization is encouraged at MSU Denver. Recognizing this need, the Office of Student Activities has established this fundraising policy with the following procedures and guidelines for conducting fundraising activities. The overall purpose of this policy is to help organizations be as successful as possible in their efforts. All funds collected from student organization fundraising activities must be deposited into the student organization account.

definition For the purposes of this policy, fundraising activities are defined as the following: the selling of printed materials, student-produced goods, student-provided services, the selling of tickets, charging admission to private or public activities or the soliciting of contributions, and the selling of other goods and services.

Limitations Financial Benefit Fundraising activities held on campus may not directly financially benefit individual officers and/or members.

Fundraising Privileges Only registered student organizations may conduct fundraising activities on-campus.

Promotional Materials Fundraising is allowed where the sales or promotions associated with the info table are directly related to the role and mission of the student organization. This is achieved by way of ticket sales for special events or promotional materials depicting the nature of the student organization such as club t-shirts, etc.

26 sponsorship of off-campus entities Student organizations/campus departments have an opportunity to raise funds by sponsoring private entities who wish to provide information about services or products to the campus community. Such entities are not authorized to sell these products or services, but may disseminate information/coupons/etc. regarding them. The Sponsoring Organization is responsible for the conduct of the individuals representing the private entity while they are on campus. An 8� X 11� sign on the table must reflect the sponsoring organization name and contact information. The sponsoring student organization and the campus department will be charged a per space per day fee. The sponsoring student organization/campus department may then assess a fee of their choice (in addition to the Reservation fee) to the private entity. The ACES Office will only collect directly from the sponsoring organization the fee. The sponsoring organization is responsible for collecting any additional fee they have chosen to assess the private entity. The use of info/fundraising tables for the sale or distribution of food or other products is not allowed, except as provided for in this section. Personal information is discouraged from being solicited at info/ fundraising tables, regardless of sponsorship by recognized student organizations or campus departments. Other manners and venues for these activities may be available. In each instance, the sponsoring organization assumes liability for the function and is responsible for any applicable license requirements, tax collection/payment, refunds for defective items, etc.

compliance The sponsoring organization assumes all responsibility for conducting a fundraising activity in compliance with the ordinances, written policies and regulations of MSU Denver. In addition, the organization is responsible for knowing and abiding by all local, county, state and federal laws.

assistance If you need assistance, the Office of Student Activities staff provides assistance to student organizations conducting fundraising activities.

policies and procedures

Resources available

introduction in this section The following section covers the various resources across campus that are available to registered student organizations. These resources provide student organizations with the necessary tools and support to be successful on campus. All of these resources are provided at no cost to student organizations. Please feel free to contact the appropriate department for more information regarding access to these resources. We hope that you take the opportunity to utilize the many great support services and resources provided.

resources covered Student Activities • Funding assistance • Basic Office Supplies • Balloon Inflation

• Copies • Sno-Cone Machine • Conference Room

• Digital Sign • Weekly Blorg

Student Government Assembly • Graphic Design

• Election Services

• Canopies

OrgSync AHEC Campus Event Services Events Funding

Student Travel Program MET Media Incentive Program

• Resource Room • Button Maker

Club Hub Conflict Resolution Student Organizations Council


office of student activities tivoli 305


The Office of Student Activities believes in each individual and the collective power of students to transform their communities. Collaboratively, we design opportunities for engagement and exploration by providing resources, programs, and services at MSU Denver. We are your catalyst for connection! Follow US ON SOCIAL MEDIA!

$$$ Student Fee funding assistance Any student organization currently registered with the Office of Student Activities is eligible to apply for funding assistance that is provided by student fees. This funding may be used to pay for on-campus events and programs, as well as for recruiting and special promotions. More information can be found in the subsequent sections of this handbook.

Basic Office Supplies Receive up to five free basic office supplies per semester, including items such as file folders, pens, stapler, etc. Please complete the Office Supplies request on OrgSync under Forms and you will be contacted when the supplies are ready for pick-up.

The Office of Student Activities provides button-making supplies for up to 50 buttons per semester. Your organization will need to provide the print-outs of the button designs. The size of the buttons is 2 Ÿ� diameter. You can find a button template on OrgSync under Files in the Student Organization Resources Folder. Additional buttons are $.25 each.

button maker

Copies BLACK AND WHITE COPIES Active organizations receive 150 free black and white copies per year. Organizations must have their print codes in order to print or copy. Please contact the Student Orgs Team for your print code at: COLOR COPIES Active organizations receive 100 color copies per year. Organizations must have their print codes in order to print or copy. Please contact the Student Orgs Team for your print code at:

Snow-Cone Machine The Office of Student Activities has a snowcone machine for student organizations to rent for same-day events and fundraisers. The snow-cone machine is free for registered student organizations, and includes two half-gallon flavors of syrup and 100 cups. Student Organizations are responsible for supplying their own ice for the machine. To reserve the machine, please complete the Snow-Cone Machine Rental form on OrgSync. Student organizations are responsible for cleaning the machine after use. If returned damaged or dirty, the student organization will be charged accordingly.

Balloon Inflation Bring your own balloons to the Student Activities Office and inflate them using our helium tank for free. Limit 50 balloons per semester, per organization. The cost for additional balloons is $.25/per balloon.


Digital Sign The Office of Student Activities operates two flat screen TV signs. These signs are available for student organizations to promote events, meetings, and announcements. Submitted flyers must be in PNG format and must be 1052 pixels by 762 pixels in size. Complete the Student Activities Digital Sign Request form on OrgSync to submit your digital poster.

The Weekly Blorg The Weekly Blorg is a way to communicate relevant information and news to student organization members and advisors. This is a great way to let the campus, community, and other organizations know about your events, meetings, and other gatherings. Student organizations may submit articles to the Blorg by completing the Weekly Blorg Submission form on OrgSync.vv

Conference Room The Office of Student Activities has a private conference room available for registered student organizations to use for meetings and events. The space includes tables, chairs, projector, sound, laptop, and a white board. The conference room can accommodate groups of 8-10 for up to an hour. To reserve this space, please complete the Conference Room Request form on OrgSync.

resource room The Office of Student Activities has a large, private resource room available for registered student organizations to use for multiple purposes. The space may be used for meetings, events, crafting, business, or even for lunch. Within the resource room are two computers, a laminator, craft and office supplies, whiteboards, and a microwave. In order to use this space, please call the Office of Student Activities to check availability.

orgsync OrgSync is an online platform where you can promote your organization, access tools and resources for better efficiency, and connect with new recruits, current members, or other organizations. OrgSync includes:

•A calendar of events

•Organization communication tools

•Forms and documents


Do I need a login? You will need to setup your own login for OrgSync. Visit and click the “Sign Up” button in the top-right corner before filling in the requested information. Please be sure to select “Metropolitan State University of Denver” as your community.

Can You Teach me how to use orgsync? yes The Office of Student Activities provides OrgSync training for student organizations members and advisors. Please fill out the OrgSync Training Request form under the “Forms” tab on OrgSync or by clicking on the following link:


student travel program tivoli 305


The MSU Denver Student Travel Program is a Student Fee funded program that provides travel grants. These grants help fund the cost of transportation, registration and lodging for qualified individuals or student groups wishing to attend regional and national professional conferences. Individual students, pairs, or stu.

dent groups may apply for funding once each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).

Individual Funding Eligible for up to $600 per conference (limit one per year). In order to qualify for individual funding the student must be presenting at the conference.

Pair Funding Eligible for up to $1,200 per conference (limit one per year). In order to qualify for pair funding both students must be presenting at the conference. This option is most commonly used for twosomes who are presenting research together at a conference.

Group Funding Groups (three or more students) are eligible for up to $1,800 per conference (limit one per year).

Student Travel Timeline & Deadlines for conferences in

proposal is due

presentation date

july 2015

May 1, 2015

May 15, 2015

August 2015

June 1, 2015

June 12, 2015

September 2015

July 1, 2015

July 10, 2015

October 2015

August 1, 2015

August 14, 2015

November 2015

September 1, 2015

September 11, 2015

December 2015

October 1, 2015

October 16, 2015

January 2016

November 1, 2015

November 13, 2015

February 2016

December 1, 2015

December 11, 2015

March 2016

January 6, 2016

January 15, 2016

April 2016

February 1, 2016

February 12, 2016

February 19, 2016 May 2016

March 1, 2016

March 11, 2016

June 2016

April 1, 2016

April 15, 2016

July 2016

May 1, 2016

May 13, 2016


student government assembly tivoli 307


Graphic Design SGA graphic designers will work on graphic design projects for registered student organizations. Undertaking of these projects will be done on a first come, first serve basis. Submit your graphic design requests on OrgSync by filling out the Student Organization Graphic Design Request Form in the Student Government Assembly portal. •One custom logo design per calendar year •One custom designed poster/flyer per calendar year Must allow 4 weeks for all graphic design requests to be processed and completed. SGA is under no obligation to rush last minute requests, and late submissions may not be processed.

election services & constitutional development

The Student Government’s Election Commission can assist student organizations once per year with developing and executing officer elections. The Election Commission will likewise be available to assist Student Organizations with creating and developing Constitutions.

•Under the SGA OrgSync page, under “forms”, you may fill out an “Election Commission Support” form. •You are allowed to receive support from SGA’s Election Commission once per semester.

canopies There are two canopies available for daily checkout by student organizations for outdoor events.

•Reserve a canopy by filling out the Tent Request Form in the Student Government Assembly portal.


club hub

tivoli 346


The Club Hub features work space for over 60 clubs, as well as meeting spaces and lounge areas for group meetings. Additional meeting space can be reserved in the Tivoli for your club, free of charge, through the Auraria Campus Events Services office in Tivoli 325. Clubs must have received official recognition from their institution to be entitled to Club Hub privileges.

resources Other Club Hub resources include: •Computer workstations •Internet access and printers •Fax machine •Mailboxes •Office supplies

policies and procedures Need more info on Club Hub policies and procedures? Click the following link for more information about Club Hub policies and procedures:

AHEC Campus Event Services

Tivoli 325


Registered student organizations may reserve and use campus facilities and space at no charge or at the discounted student organization rate. Space is available for a wide variety of purposes from meetings to concerts as well as facilities for small fundraisers such as bake sales, car washes, etc. Most of the space on campus is free to student organizations; however, if there is a charge to reserve space, you will need to fill out the Group 1 Authorization form, which is provided by the ACES team. To view the AHEC Campus Event Services Policies and Procedures, visit:

AHEC Policies and procedures You can also click on any of the following links below to download and view each policy directly: •Event Services Policies & Procedures - •Posting of Printed Materials on Campus - •Auraria Campus Sign Policy - •Exterior Signage Policy - •Interior Signage Policy -



Tivoli 313


Student Media prepares MSU Denver students for successful careers as communications professionals through the support of student-led multimedia outlets, including:

•KMet Internet radio

•Metrosphere literary and arts magazine

•The Met Report television newscast

•The Metropolitan newspaper

Advertisement Offers At Student Media, we value and promote the student voice, diversity, community engagement and journalistic integrity through partnerships with members of the Auraria Campus and the Front Range community.

Student Media offers all student organizations one free radio acknowledgment and one free print one-eighth-page classified ad per year.

Student conduct and conflict resolution program tivoli 311


Student Conflict Resolution Services assists MSU Denver students experiencing college-related conflicts. Each situation, each student, and each student organization are unique. We start by having a conversation about what’s going on, and then we work with you to develop an approach to help you move forward in a constructive way.

what we do This program can help student organizations and advisors with situations where mediation and conflict resolution is needed. This service is free and open to all student organization members and could include: -Conflict coaching -Facilitated dialogues -Mediation -Restorative practices if members or groups have been harmed -Assistance navigating University processes and procedures


Student organization event funding tivoli 307


Starting fiscal year 2015-2016, the Student Organization Event Funding program will be managed by the Student Government Assembly (SGA). Now student organizations, sororities, and fraternities will interact with student lead groups to improve the students’ University experience! Any student organization currently registered and in good standing with the Office of Student Activities is eligible to apply for funding.

SGA Mission Statement & goals MISSION STATEMENT “To support the transformation of Metropolitan State University of Denver, the Student Government Assembly advocates in the interest of all students, provides leadership opportunities, and enhances the university experience by unifying and empowering all of our students.” GOALS Our goal with this program is to help student organizations financially by allocating student fee monies fairly, and providing “real-world” experience. In order to assist student organizations, SGA will be implementing two assistance programs: Campus Event Funding, and Recruiting and Promotional Funding.

Application process All proposals shall be sent through OrgSync. Each program has a different process for receiving funding; however the processes are similar in the sense that the student organization must submit a proposal via OrgSync, wait to be contacted with a response, then may receive further instructions or news. To figure out which funding your student organization needs, please read both programs. Also, please pay close attention to our deadlines, any proposals that are submitted after the deadline will not be accepted. See the Office of Student Activities if your student organization is a first year organization, or if you do not have an OrgSync.

Types of Student Fee funding Assistance There are two differrent types of funding that you are eligible for: CAMPUS EVENTS and RECRUITING AND PROMOTION funding.

1. Campus Events Funding 2. Recruiting and Promotion Funding

Here’s the breakdown

Types of Student Fee Funding Assistance Available

Allocation amounts new organization/1st year 2nd Year or more Any organization

$2,500 /per year $3,000 /per year $500 /per semester

Now, Let’s get down to details...


campus events funding

Campus Events Funding is available to active student organizations that need funding assistance for their programs and events that are held on the Auraria Campus. Expenses covered but not limited to: •Facility rental •Food/Beverage/Catering •Decorations •Speaker Transportation & Lodging •Honorarium (Speaker fees) •Event Promotional Materials •Awards/Frames •Security (Non-alcohol events only) •Salaries or items for individuals

Expenses NOT Covered • Expenses not included in proposal •Fundraising functions for the student org. •Gifts and Gift Cards •Activities for a single political candidate or issue •Religious services or ceremonies •Purchase of alcohol or security for event with alcohol •Prizes •Donations to other student orgs.

•Off-Campus or weekend events

application requirements In order for the proposal to be accepted, it must be submitted by the deadline and the following list of items must be uploaded/provided in the proposal: •Name of the proposed function •Promotion and Advertising strategy for the •Detailed description of proposed function event and target audience •Date, time and location •Detailed budget of all the function expens•Venue confirmation (must be held on the es (Preferably in an Excel document). Certain Auraria Campus) events must have AHEC approved vendors.* •Expected number of attendees •All vendors must be approved by the Uni•Goals and purpose for the function versity, please see list of approved vendors •Detailed timeline for the event with planhere ning start and end date (includes deadlines •Quotes from all vendors for purchasing items, making reservations, •List of benefits attendees will receive from event set-up, responsibilities during the the function event, and clean up) If the student organization’s proposal is denied, the Funding Manager will notify the organization and provide reasons for denial. The student organization may submit one redo proposal before their event is totally denied.

presentation After the student organization’s proposal has been accepted, student organizations are required to present their proposal to the Campus Event Funding Committee. The student organization representative and another officer of their student organization must present. Their proposal and presentation will be factors to if their organization receives funding and also the amount of funding.

campus event funding commitee To be fair and transparent, a Campus Event Funding Committee will make the decision to allocate your student organization and how much will be allocated. You can expect to see:





3 student representatives two reps from The Office of Student Activities

student at large

1 professional Staff member (non-voting Member) Student Activities

Voting members shall score the presentations and proposals for funding based upon pre-established viewpoint neutral criterion and scoring rubric. The scores will be tallied and this will determine the amount to be allocated by the committee. If there is a conflict of interest between one of the members and the student organization, that member must decline to vote for such purposes. After the committee has made its decision, the student organization will have the opportunity to request scorecards and comments.


allocation scoring and amounts Allocation amounts

Here’s the breakdown

Types of Student Fee Funding Assistance Available 1. Campus Events Funding 2. Recruiting and Promotion Funding

new organization/1st year 2nd Year or more

$2,500 /per year $3,000 /per year

Any organization

$500 /per semester

New student organizations have the potential to receive up to $2,500 a year. Student organizations that have been active for two or more years may receive up to $3,000 once a year. Student organizations may have more than one event as long as their total expenses during the year is under their funding maximum. For example, a third year student organization may have one event with expenses of $1,500, this same student organization may have another event during the year as long as their expenses are $1,500 or under. Any left over funding will not be rolled over or added to the student organization’s account. The funding allocation per event is dependent on the scorings of their proposal and presentation.

How Does Allocation Work?

Based upon the committee’s evaluation of your proposal and presentation, an allocation may be awarded. One of the following amouths will be alllocated by the commitee:

Full funding

100% of total Budget

Score of 19 and above

Partial Funding

80% of Total Budget

Score between 16 and 18

No Funding

0% of Total Budget

Score below 16




Proposal and presentation meets the expectations of the committee by receiving an average score of 19 and above.

Proposal and presentation met the expectations of the committee by receiving an average score between 16 and 18.

Proposal and presentation did not meet all the expectations of the committee by receiving an average score below 16. The committee may decide to fund one item from the budget proposal or not fund the function at all.

Campus Event Funding will only cover expenses included in proposal. If a student organization is awarded partial funding or one-item funding, they will be responsible to pay for a portion of the event even if final costs of event are lower than originally expected. If student organizations are not able to fully fund their function, partial funding or one-item funding may not be awarded to the student organization for the specific function. Allocated funds do not roll over from semester to semester. If you do not spend your funds that have been allocated by the listed deadline, they will be rolled back in to the student fee funding assistance account. Your organization will need to submit a new proposal the following semester to reacquire the allocation you have not spent.

Deadlines for Campus Event Funding Proposals








July 1

July 11

Tivoli 305


July 15

July 25

Tivoli 305


August 1

August 8

Tivoli 305


August 15

August 22

Tivoli 305


September 1

September 12

Tivoli 305


September 15

September 26

Tivoli 305


October 1

October 10

Tivoli 305


October 15

October 24

Tivoli 305


November 1

November 14

Tivoli 305


November 15

November 28

Tivoli 305


December 1

December 12

Tivoli 305


December 15

December 19

Tivoli 305


January 1

January 16

Tivoli 305


January 15

January 30

Tivoli 305


February 1

February 13

Tivoli 305


February 15

February 27

Tivoli 305


March 1

March 13

Tivoli 305


March 15

March 27

Tivoli 305


April 1

April 10

Tivoli 305


April 15

April 24

Tivoli 305

September October








Funding proposals shall be due every 1st and 15th of the month prior to the student organization’s event. Presentations to the Campus Events Funding Committee shall be scheduled at least two business weeks after proposal submission. Student Organization must spend their allocation at least a month after their event date. Any excess monies after the spending deadline will be refunded back to the Campus Event Funding. If students did not spend their maximum funding (of $2,500 or $3,000) for the year, they may submit other proposals to have other events during the year.


RECRUITING & PROMOTIONAL FUNDING Funds are available to assist you in promoting your organization and recruiting new members. Expenses covered but not limited to: •CLOTHING ITEMS •BANNERS •TABLE SKIRTS •WATTER BOTTLES/COFFEE MUGS •CANOPIES •PRINT AND WEB ADVERTISEMENTS •BUSINESS CARDS •LANYARDS

Expenses NOT Covered: • Expenses not included in proposal •Fundraising functions for the student org. •Gifts and Gift Cards •Activities for a single political candidate or issue •Religious services or ceremonies •Purchase of alcohol or security for event with alcohol •Prizes •Donations to other student orgs. •Salaries or items for individuals •Off-Campus or weekend events

Your student organization logo and/or name must be included on your promotional items. Organizations may not use these funds for unethical purchases that do not support their mission, or enhance the University’s experience for students. All proposals will be reviewed to ensure that funding will be spent appropriately.

application requirements In order for the proposal to be accepted, it must be submitted by the deadline and the following list of items must be uploaded/provided in the proposal: •Plans for recruitment for present semester/ •Provide all quotes from approved vendors school year •Explanation of how item(s) will maximize •Semester or yearly goals for the organization the organization’s effectiveness in achieving its goals •List of all expenses and amount of requested items (preferably in Excel document) •Explanation on how items are planned to be used •Total amount of funding applying for. Certain events must have AHEC approved vendors.* •All vendors used must be approved by the University, please see list of approved vendors here If the student organization’s proposal is denied, the Funding Manager will notify the organization and provide reasons for denial. The student organization may submit one redo proposal before their event is totally denied.

Allocation Scoring and Amounts The maximum amount of funding that a student organization can receive for their proposed item is $500 per semester. Student organizations may have more than one event as long as their total expenses during the year is under their funding potential. For example, if an organization spends $250 of their maximum amount, they may submit a proposal to spend up to $250 during the same semester.

How Does Allocation Work?

The funding allocation is dependent on the score of the proposal made by the Co-Chair of the Campus Events Funding Committee :

Full funding

100% of total Budget

Score of 6 and above

No Funding

0% of Total Budget

Score below 6



Proposal meets all the expectations of the committee by receiving a cumulative score of more than 6 points out of 8 points.

Proposal does not meet all the expectations of the committee by receiving a cumulative score of less than 6 points out of 8 points.

Allocated funds do not roll over from year to year. If you do not spend your funds after one month from receiving the allocation, they will be rolled back in to the Student Organization Event Funding account. Your organization will need to submit a new proposal to reacquire the allocation you have not spent. The Co-Chair of the Campus Events Funding Committee shall oversee the Recruiting and Promotional Funding program and make all funding allocation decisions. The Co-Chair shall make funding allocation decisions based on a score sheet with very specific requirements that are asked from the student organization submitting a proposal. If the student organization has met all the minimum requirements for funding, then it will be awarded funding for the proposed recruitment and/or promotional item(s).

deadlines for reqruiting and promotional funding There will be a rolling deadline for Recruiting and Promotional funding. Meaning that student organizations can apply when they feel is needed during the semester. However, the student organization should apply at least one month in advance to ensure that they receive funding in time and take into consideration the time for shipping and handling. Student Organization must spend their allocation at least a month after they have received their funding. Any excess monies after the spending deadline will be refunded back to the Recruiting and Promotional Funding. If students did not spend their maximum funding (of $500) for the semester, they may submit other proposals to have other recruiting and promotional events during the year.


Spending your funding campus events funding Funding Manager schedules spending consultation with Student Org. Rep.

Student Org. Rep. submits itemized receipts to SGA Funding Manager

Student Org Rep. meets with Funding Manager and checks out Pro-Card from SGA Office

SGA Adviser processes the expenses

The student organization may not get reimbursed (petty cash) for expenses related to their function that may have been made out of pocket. All expenses for their function must follow the above process.

Student Org. Rep. pays for invoices

recruiting and promotional funding Campus Events Funding Chair schedules spending consultation with Student Org. Rep.

SGA Adviser processes the expenses

Student Org. Rep. pays for invoices

Student Org. Rep. checks out Pro-Card from SGA

Student Org. Rep. submits itemized receipts to Co-Chair

The student organization may not get reimbursed (petty cash) for expenses related to their function that may have been made out of pocket. All expenses for their function must follow the above process.

Approved VenDors Promotional items — including pens, water bottles and other imprinted merchandise — must be ordered exclusively from the Auraria Bookstore or from three vendors with University purchasing agreements.

Auraria bookstore contacts

promotional product vendors

MICHAEL CLARKE 303-556-3414 DONOVAN DOWLING 303-556-4879

HALO BRANDED SOLUTIONS HALO BRANDED SOLUTIONS Jack Wilson Kristi Williams 2489 S. Newcombe St. 1563 Chickadee Street Lakewood, CO 80227 Loveland, CO 80537 720-203-6878 970-302-9808

Clothing and signage (including banners and table drapes) are not considered promotional items, and may purchase these items from the vendor of your choice following the normal procurement process. All items imprinted with the University logo (formal or informal) require advance review and approval by Marketing and Communications.

OFFICE DEPOT Carrie Toland 4690 Geneva Street Denver, CO 80238 720-460-0848

A SMALL PRINT SHOP 2830 Larimer Street Denver, CO 80205

food —Catering for meetings or events should have caterers who are approved by AHEC and the University. The authorized caterers provide variety, quality, and competitive pricing to make your event special.

Full-Service Caterers

Specialty Caterers


BLACKJACK PIZZA MARK PI’S 303-333-8811 303-825-1061


SAJ MEDITERRANEAN GRILL SUBWAY 720-722-1932 303-607-9090 VANILLA BEAN 303-324-7927


student organizations incentive program tivoli 311


The incentive program aims to provide opportunities for organizations to earn points from meaningful and productive experiences, activities, and participation. Organizations earn points that eventually will lead them to achieving either a bronze, silver or gold status. Each level encompasses their own incentives, which provide student organizations with resources and rewards to become more successful. The program will be available to students as long as there is funding available.

how the program works Student Organizations can earn points for different accomplishments throughout the year. Some points are as simple as registering/ renewing an organization on-time and participating in major campus events and activities. Other points are awarded as members of the organization attend Student Activities sponsored workshops and other organizational development opportunities provided by the University and other offices around campus. Student Organizations can earn points from tabling at Student Involvement fairs, Fall Fest, Spring Fling, Homecoming Week, Orientation programs, student leadership conferences and events, Student Activities/Organizations sponsored fairs and carnivals, and other programs. The Office of Student Activities will publish a list of all events and activities throughout the year in which student organizations can accumulate points. Each time a student organization wants to collect/earn points for an activity/event/program, they will be required to complete an “Incentive Program Reward� form ( on OrgSync and will be subject for review by a Student Organizations staff member. You have one week to submit this form on OrgSync after the event has taken place; forms submitted before the date of the event/program will not be accepted. Once the activity is validated, the student organization will be awarded points to a tally sheet. Incentive point updates will be published in the Weekly Blorg.

Incentive Levels For a list of qualifying activities for the Incentive Program, please click on the following link: Student organizations have the choice of 2 of the following incentives once they reach the appropriate level: Level 1: Bronze 25 points •$25 credit to student organization account •100 free color copies by the Office of Student Activities •Credit of 50 extra buttons and 50 extra balloons •Business cards for officers of the organization (50 business cards for each officer) Level 2: Silver 50 points •$50 credit to student organization account •200 free color copies by the Office of Student Activities •1 free large format poster print and design •Credit of 50 extra buttons and 50 extra balloons Level 3: Gold 75 points •$75 credit to student organization account •Vinyl banner with student organization name and logo •Advertisement in The Metropolitan •Credit of 50 extra buttons and 50 extra balloons •200 free color copies by the Office of Student Activities


student organizations council tivoli 305


The Student Organizations Council (SOC) was an idea suggested by student organizations. It was created to provide Student Organizations at Metropolitan State University of Denver the support and resources needed to accomplish their goals. SOC is dedicated to building a stronger campus community within SGA and the participating organizations by providing organizations the opportunities to cooperate, collaborate, and grow and allow for more meaningful experience for the student body.


Student Organizations Council Representative Eligible for up to $600 per conference (limit one per year). In order to qualify for individual funding the student must be presenting at the conference.

•The SOC is comprised of one member of each of the recognized student organizations.

•The SOC representative may change each meeting, allowing more members of the organizations to gain leadership experience and insight into other organizations.

goals •Share resources and services available for student organizations. •Ask questions, share concerns, offer recommendations, seek help and advice. •SOC representatives update one another on their events and project plans. •If more than one organization is planning a similar event/project, then they may collaborate and organize the event together, •Or they can share ideas, successes, and struggles/challenges to help their project be better.

meeting DAtes day time location Wednesday, September 9


senate chambers

Wednesday, October 14


senate chambers

Wednesday, November 11


Senate chambers

student organization finances

accounts Accounting & Accountability Student organizations have the option of opening an on-campus student organization account (81 account) or opening an off-campus account. Many student organizations currently have an on-campus account. Before determining which account is best for your student organization, we recommend that you contact the Office of Student Activities to find out whether you currently have an account. Invoice and Certification of Personal Services. This is a special MSU Denver form for subcontractors (individuals only). This form must be accompanied by the Colorado Certification for Personal Services Agreement (CPS), a W-9, and a copy of the subcontractor’s state issued identification. This form can be found in the Office of Student Activities.

Advantages of On-Campus Accounts 1.Convenient to Open. On-campus accounts are convenient to open. Student organizations can simply email a member of the student organization staff and an account will be set up in about 5 business days. 2.Student Activities Support. The Office of Student Activities will have access to all on-campus accounts and can assist students with any account issues. 3.Tax Exempt. Student organizations with on-campus accounts are exempt from paying taxes when making purchases. These accounts are best for student organizations that do not spend a lot of money and prefer oversight from Student Activities.

Advantages of Off-Campus Accounts 1.Easy to Spend/Less Paperwork. Student organizations with off-campus accounts will no longer have to follow MSU Denver’s fiscal procedures 2.Account Balances. Students will have immediate access to account balances. 3.More Options. Student organizations with off-campus accounts can use any technology they would like to collect funds (i.e. PayPal or Square). These accounts are best for student organizations that have financial support from national organizations, spend money frequently, and/or prefer no oversight from Student Activities. The following purchases are prohibited for off-campus and on-campus student organization accounts. If a student organization is found to have purchased any prohibited items they may be placed in an inactive status: •Alcohol, marijuana, and other DEA scheduled substances •Items for personal use •Illegal goods or services •Goods or services that do not fit the mission of the student organization

on-campus Account policies * The policies and procedures in this section only pertain to on-campus accounts.

(continued on next page)


Procurement card program Purchases

To make purchases, a student organization should use a procurement card.


How to obtain a pro-card: 1.Attend Student Activities Procurement Card Training (please check the OrgSync events calendar for available dates) 2.Complete Pro-card Training (online test) 3.Complete Purchasing Training (online test) 4.Complete application (Accounting Services will send application to students after they complete the Pro-card Training online) 5.Complete Role Affirmation Form and submit to Accounting Services (student organizations do NOT need a “reallocator”) 6.Accounting Services will contact students when the card is ready to be picked up in the Student Success Building, Suite 320 a.Bring valid ID to pick up procurement card

pro-card expectations Student organizations are responsible for the following when using the pro-card: 1.Abiding by all Accounting Services policies and procedures 2.Submitting statements with itemized receipts and lists of attendees (if purchase involves food/beverage) to Accounts Payable at the end of the month a.An Unavailable Document Form ( must be submitted anytime an item on the statement does not have an itemized receipt 3.Ensuring that the student org account has sufficient funds at the time of each purchase 4.Following approval procedures as written in the student org’s constitution *Failure to meet these expectations will result in sanctions from Student Activities and/or Accounting Services During registration, student organizations will identify 3 members of their organization who are authorized to use the pro-card. Only these members will be able to make purchases on their student organization’s behalf.

purchasing & selling guide how to use your pro-card 1. Submit Procurement Card Purchase Authorization Form on OrgSync ( a.Once received, the Student Organizations Business Coordinator will review your submission as well as check your account bal- ance to make sure you have sufficient funds for your purchase. 2. If your submission is approved then you can use your card to make your purchase. Only approved cardholders can use the card to make purchases. 3.Make your purchase and save the original itemized receipt. a.Purchases for food or beverages must include an itemized receipt. b.Gift card purchases must include a list of individuals who received a gift card and their 900#. 4.Enter all expenses and supporting documentation into the “departmental log�. This log, in the form of a spreadsheet provided by Accounting Services, will include date of transaction, name of person who used the card, amount of expense, and type of expense. 5.Store your receipts and card in a secure location. 6.At the end of each month, student organizations that have made pro-card purchases must submit a signed statement and itemized receipts for each purchase to Accounting Services. Submit copies of your receipts and statement to the Student Organizations Business Coordinator. a.Late statements or missing receipts may result in disciplinary action as determined by Accounting Services or the Office of Student Activities.


other purchasing options Student Activities recommends using the procurement card for most purchases. If you cannot use the procurement card, you may use one of the following purchasing options.

spo and check request 1.A SPO (Special Purchase Order) allocates a specified amount of funds in your student organization account to a vendor. To set up an SPO, submit the SPO form and a copy of the vendor’s W9 to Student Activities. 2.After goods/services are received, a check is written to the vendor and funds are removed from the SPO. To write from your student organization account, submit the check request form along with an itemized receipt to Student Activities.

SPO Example. Your student organization sets up a $500 SPO with Blackjack Pizza by completing the SPO form and submitting it to Student Activities. Student Activities sets up an SPO for your organization in about 3 business days and provides you the SPO number. You call Blackjack and order pizza with the SPO number. After receiving the pizza, you submit a Check Request form and the receipt for $25 to Student Activities. A check is sent to Blackjack and $25 is removed from the $500 SPO.

spo and check request 1. You can make purchases under $100 using your personal credit card and get reimbursed from your student organization account. To get reimbursed, submit the Petty Cash Reimbursement form to Student Activities along with the itemized receipt from your purchase.

forms To set up an SPO, pay with a check, or reimburse a student org member, please submit the appropriate form on OrgSync: • SPO: • Check Request: • Petty Cash Reimbursement:

purchasing & selling guide cashnet CashNet allows student organizations with on-campus accounts to set up a customized webpage that accepts online credit card payments and links directly to their accounts. To set up a CashNet page for your student organization, please email Lindsey Smith,, in the Cashier’s Office.

To bring a speaker to campus or pay an individual for services, you must complete an ICPS form and attach a W9, driver’s license, and an invoice. We recommend that students contact the Office of Student Activities to obtain the ICPS forms and receive guidance on how to complete the paperwork.

speakers Do NOT sign any contracts. Student Activities must approve all contracts. All contracts must be forwarded to the Office of Student Activities to approve or decline. Please allow at least 5 business days for a decision.

contracts You will need to provide the purpose for these purchases to the Office of Student Activities. Distribution records must be kept, indicating the date of distribution, as well as the name of the recipient, their affiliation with MSU Denver, and their 900# (if applicable) or SSN. The Office of Student Activities will also need to know the dollar value of the gift received by each recipient. Gifts and prizes can only be purchased using your organization funds.

donations A donation is a gift of money or goods, which is freely given without receiving anything in exchange. When receiving a donation you should ensure you deposit it at the Cashier’s Office the same day as receiving it and indicate on the transmittal form that the money was a donation. Donations are tax deductible for the donor. A donation letter is available for your donor, through the Office of Student Activities. The donation letter should indicate either the exact dollar amount for money donations, or it may list the items being donated. You may NOT place a dollar value on any items being donated, other than cash. It is important to note that some donors only want to give to a nonprofit entity (otherwise known as a 501(C)(3)). The University is NOT a 501(C)(3). Please be clear with any and all donors and do not lead them to believe the University is a 501(C)(3).

gifts/prizes Gift Cards are considered cash. Accounting Services will want to know the purpose for this purchase at the time of your request. Once purchased, gift cards must be locked up, like cash, until they are distributed. Distribution records must be kept, indicating the date of distribution, as well as the name of the recipient, their affiliation with MSU Denver, and their 900# (if applicable) or SSN. Accounting will also need to know the dollar value of the gift received by each recipient. Gift cards can only be purchased using your organization funds.



fundraising Fundraising activities are defined as the selling of good and services and/or soliciting of contributions. Only registered student organizations may conduct fundraising activities.

holding a fundraiser

Student organizations must follow the following procedures to hold a fundraiser: 1.Reserve space, if the event is on-campus, with AHEC 2.Submit the Fundraising Request Form on OrgSync five days prior to event for Student Activities’ approval: 3.Print MSU Denver sales tax licenses from OrgSync to display at fundraiser: a.Colorado ( b.Denver ( 4.Record Sales on Deposit Form. The sales tax deposit forms on OrgSync assist you with calculating sales tax on fundraising items. If you track the amounts and prices of the items you are selling on the first page of this form, the remaining boxes will be calculated for you. a.Deposit Form: ( 5.Collect funds and submit sales tax deposit form to Cashier’s Office


There are stringent state laws regarding raffles. Because of this, raffles are not allowed on campus at this time. Anytime you sell “a chance at winning” anything, it is considered a raffle and it is subject to state regulations. You may not sell raffle tickets and you may not imply that a ticket purchase will give someone a chance at winning anything.

purchasing & selling guide promotional items Promotional items — including pens, water bottles and other imprinted merchandise — must be ordered exclusively from the Auraria Bookstore or from three vendors with University purchasing agreements. Clothing and signage (including banners and table drapes) are not considered promotional items, and you may purchase these items from the vendor of your choice following the normal procurement process. All items imprinted with the University logo (formal or informal) require advance review and approval by Marketing and Communications.

auraria bookstore The Auraria Bookstore offers custom ordering and product searches in addition to the logoed clothing and other merchandise available for purchase in the store. Payment is with a procurement card.. The Bookstore works directly with Marketing and Communications on the review and approval process for the products they offer.

MICHAEL CLARKE 303-556-3414 DONOVAN DOWLING 303-556-4879

These vendors offer promotional clothing in addition to a wide variety of other merchandise. The vendors may offer the same or similar merchandise, but pricing may vary; you are encouraged to compare pricing before placing your order. Set up purchase orders with these vendors before placing orders, or use a procurement card. These vendors work directly with Marketing and Communications on the review and approval process for the products they offer.

HALO BRANDED SOLUTIONS HALO BRANDED SOLUTIONS Jack Wilson Kristi Williams 2489 S. Newcombe St. 1563 Chickadee Street Lakewood, CO 80227 Loveland, CO 80537 720-203-6878 970-302-9808 OFFICE DEPOT Carrie Toland 4690 Geneva Street Denver, CO 80238 720-460-0848

A SMALL PRINT SHOP 2830 Larimer Street Denver, CO 80205

promotional product vendors


HOW DO I SELL SOMETHING? PROCEDURES 1.At the time of your sale, you must place a copy of MSU Denver’s Sales Tax Licenses for Colorado and the City and County of Denver in public view at the location of your sale. (If you are in a different city, you must provide a copy of the sales tax license issued by that city.) Sales Tax Licenses are available on OrgSync under ‘Files’. 2.You must charge sales tax for any food, beverage, or goods you sell. There are different sales tax rates, depending on what you are selling and where you are selling. Please download a copy of the correct Sales Record form off OrgSync under ‘Files’ for recording your sales. 3.An Excel copy of your sales record must be emailed to the University’s Tax Accountant at the end of your sale, or by the end of the month – whichever is sooner. Please attach your Sales Record Form to your deposit transmittal form. If you need help with your Sales Record forms or your deposit, please feel free to contact the Tax Accountant in Accounting Services 303.556.6879. 4.There is a Sales Tax FAQ’s sheet on OrgSync. 5.Failure to follow these procedures may result in disciplinary action.

purchasing & selling guide depositing funds into your account It is important for Student Organizations to deposit all their revenue into their account (81# account) via the Cashier’s office. This not only protects the organization from theft, but it also ensures funds are not kept in an account controlled by any one officer. You must provide a detailed explanation on how the funds were obtained. A copy can be found under the files tab in OrgSync. You may also stop by the Office of Student Activities to download, complete, and print a deposit form for FREE.

PROCEDURES 1. Login to OrgSync and go to your student organization page 2. A copy of the form can be found under the ‘FILES’ tab. 3. Open the deposit form using MS Excel 4. Fill out the deposit form (must be typed) and print 3 copies when completed.

a. You must have a detailed explanation of how the funds were obtained.

5. Take all 3 copies, along with the money to be deposited to the cashier’s office in the Student Success Building 6. The cashier will keep one copy, you will keep one copy, and the third copy goes to the Office of Student Activities.

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