Part-Time Manager Job Summaries #3

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MANAGER JOB APPLICATIONS Diversity Services Assistant Director Mac Breadbin Assistant Director Deputy Returning Officer Mac Farmstand Director CLAY Coordinator Horizons Coordinator Maccess Coordinator


Part-Time Managers are MSU staff whose primary responsibility is to manage an MSU Service. PTMs are paid for anywhere between 8-16 hours per week, depending on the job, and also do some paid summer preparation before the school year begins. They train and manage their volunteers, manage the service budget, report to their supervisors, and most importantly, oversee the operation of their service as per their operating policy.

Dear potential applicant, Hello and thank you for your interest in our Part Time Manager (PTM) positions within the MSU. Each The PTM is ultimately responsible for overseeing and setting the vision for an MSU service. However, there are also common elements that can be found within the core responsibilities of a PTM that are relatively consistent across services. PTM position has its own unique challenges and areas for growth that are dependent on the specific goals of the service. All PTM’s are responsible for managing an executive team, overseeing a budget, and setting the year-long vision for the service. Part Time Managers are also responsible for all of the administrative tasks that are associated with the service. Most importantly, the PTM opportunities allow students to develop a number of soft skills that they can carry forward into their future pursuits, such as conflict resolution, stress and time management, and budgeting skills, amongst others. Giuliana Guarna Vice President (Administration) & CAO | McMaster Students Union H.BSc Biology | McMaster University P: 905 525 9140 x23250 F: 905 529 3208

deadlines Date


Jan 5

Chief Returning Officer Diversity Services Director Mac Breadbin Director EFRT Director Jan 10 Advocacy Coordinator Maroons Coordinator QSCC Coordinator Spark Coordinator SCSN Director SWHAT Coordinator TAC Coordinator WGEN Coordinator PSL Coordinator SHEC Coordinator Shinerama-Terry Fox Coordinator Diversity Services Assistant Director Jan 31 Mac Breadbin Assistant Director Deputy Returning Officer Mac Farmstand Director November CLAY Coordinator* Horizons Coordinator* Early Jan Maccess Coordinator* * = currently not hiring

Diversity Services

Ryan Deshpande, Assistant Director Role Summary: The Diversity Services Director is responsible for recruiting and training volunteers and assisting the Director in the programming and awareness events to promote campus diversity. Furthermore, the Diversity Services Assistant Director shall act in the role of the Diversity Services Director in their absence. Hours: 8 hours/week (academic), variable capped (summer) Job Application Deadline: January 31, 2016 Email:

As the Assistant Director, I spend on average, about 13-15 hours a week meeting with the executive one-on-one, preparing for and chairing the service’s executive meetings, communicating with internal and external partners, and supporting our programming on all levels. Coming into this role, I think that having a very strong understanding of equity and oppression is essential - and people get this understanding through many places, with lived experience being the primary one. I enjoy working with my executive and supporting their needs, because when they succeed, the whole service does. Having a cohesive volunteer base is extremely rewarding. The challenging parts of my job include the vast amount of communication and keeping things on track – this can sometimes be difficult to accomplish especially with balancing school and life. If you’re considering my job, you’re already partway there! The Assistant Director position is a great job to build your managerial skills with a strong support system, but having knowledge of systemic oppression, especially the way different systems of oppression intersect, is necessary to be able to guide the direction of programming that the service puts out. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

Mac Breadbin

Assistant Director Role Summary: The MAC Bread Bin Assistant Director works closely with the volunteer team and Director to manage the Meal Exchange Chapter, including its programming on campus. The Assistant Director is the liaison between Meal Exchange Canada and the McMaster chapter associated with MAC Bread Bin. In addition, the Assistant Director shall support the Events Coordinator and Promotions Coordinator in their roles and responsibilities. The MAC Bread Bin Assistant Director is responsible for coordinating food raising and fundraising initiatives, as well as educating McMaster students on the causes and consequences of poor food systems and the support resources available to students. The MAC Bread Bin Assistant Director will perform the duties of the Director if they are absent. Hours: 10 hours/week (academic), variable capped (summer) Job Application Deadline: January 31, 2016 Email:

The Assistant Bread Din Director is outlined to have 10 hours per week. However, expect to go over this amount depending on different circumstances in any give week. Experience in working in teams and being able to empower your peers to reach any goals. As an Assistant Director, you’ll be tasked with taking on any roles within Mac Bread Bin on a fly. Experience in social media and maybe some graphic designing would be great! Seeing the development of peers and learning new things from them and the individuals that we support. It’s amazing to work in environments where there’s lots of passion and lots of support. Staying on top within such a diverse service that offers multiple outlets of programming. We don’t expect to be perfect in anything, but staying informed and always keeping up can be a bit challenging! Never assume that as an Assistant, the Director calls all the shots. Your opinions and values matter, so speak up, create excitement, and be awesome.


Helen Zeng, Deputy Returning Officer Role Summary: The Deputy Returning Officer is responsible for promoting all elections/referenda as well as the Elections Department. As well, they are responsible for hiring and managing all of the poll clerks as required. Moreover, the DRO assists the Chief Returning Officer (CRO) in the elections process acting in the place of the CRO when they are unavailable. Hours: 12 hours/week (academic), variable capped (summer) Job Application Deadline: January 31, 2016 Email:

The responsibilities of the DRO apply mainly to the promotional aspect of the Elections Department. If there is an election coming up or an Elections related event, I am responsible for organizing promotional material and coordinating social media releases. The time commitment is pretty true to the job description, 12 hours a week, which includes office hours, answering emails, going to meeting, and whatever other odd jobs I have to do. If you have held a position as a promotions coordinator before, it would be useful but not entirely necessary! Relevant leadership roles affiliated with elections, such as being a part of the Elections Committee would also provide a better insight into the department. The part of my job that I enjoy the most is how much I get to learn about the SRA and MSU, while still being impartial. I don’t feel there is any pressure to become caught up in the politics, and I get to hype democracy and fairness as a whole: two of my favourite things! Like the CRO, the DRO is expected to show a degree of professionalism, which may be new especially to those who have never held such position. Elections is an important MSU service and so the Department can come under heavy scrutiny at times, however sticking to our mandate of fairness and transparency has proven successful thus far. On a final note, don’t be afraid of trying out! A lot of people fear that they do not have necessary background for a management role, but as long as you are motivated to learn and passionate about your service, you will 100% do fine. The transition process is quite extensive and there are so many experienced people who are willing to show you the ropes, don’t let previous experience be a barrier to trying out. I believe in you! Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.

Mac Farmstand

Jonathon Patterson, Director Role Summary: The Farmstand Director will be responsible for executing all aspects of the Mac Farmstand. Hours: 8 hours/week (April 1 - November 30) Job Application Deadline: January 31, 2016 Email:

Coordinating Mac Farmstand involves working with paid staff and volunteers to run a market stand two days a week in addition to events, promotions, and other outreach. There a lot to juggle. On a weekly basis this means being part of the set up/take down of the stand, organization of the produce, setting of prices, working with farms, accounting/bookkeeping, and being at the stand. Meetings with everyone involved, networking and collaberating with other campus groups, planning, reporting to the executive board add up to account for another few hours a week. Depending on team organization, and your goals this can be as few as 12 hours and as many as 20 or more. Most important is to spend most of your time supporting your team so they can succeed. Experience building a team and creating a common vision is important, as is some understanding of handling produce and of local food networks. Most of what you need to know can be learned as you go, but it is key to do the background research up front, consult, and go into it with a plan. For me past experience with Farmstand as well as gardening with the Hamilton Victory Gardens helped me immensely. I absolutely loved the amazing people that came together to make this possible. Between everyone there were so many great ideas for how we could make food on campus healthier and more local. My favorite part was distilling everyone’s ideas into a plan and working together to deliver it. It was a hard job but very rewarding in so many ways. Managing produce is very challenging to know how much to order and to predict what people will want. There are many people on campus who are knowledgeable about produce and farming, find them and listen. Also, hiring for the CSR, Exec, and volunteer positions. Those interviews (in my opinion) require hiring for potential not because someone necessarily blows you away with their experience but because they have the passion to learn and make this their own. We have an amazing community on campus of people who are sustainability focused, understand the impact of our diet on some level, and want to change the world for the better. Find these people, collaborate with them. Focus on your collaberative vision and make the mission of local, sustainable eating the core of everything you do with the service and you will succeed. Know that you will put more time into this than you are paid for but you will also take away more than you expected. If you are applying for this role or want to talk about it you can always message me on Facebook.

Creating Leadership Amongst Youth Jonathan Davis, Coordinator

Role Summary: To plan, promote, and run the CLAY leadership conference, in conjunction with the CLAY Planning Team and committee. To inform the Executive Board through Vice President (Administration) of all proceedings, outcomes pertaining to all aspects of development and execution of the CLAY Conference. Hours: 5 hours/week (Nov 1–Jan 31), 15 hours/ week (Feb 1–May 31) Job Application Deadline: Early November (2016) Email:

The CLAY Coordinator gets to create a fantastic selfdevelopment opportunity for high school students in the local community, as well provide leadership opportunities to current MSU members. On a week-to-week basis, the workload associated with this job can be unpredictable. The Coordinator likely works about 8-10 hours a week, with workload increasing exponentially towards the conference date. Some weekly tasks might include; leading a planning team meeting, visiting a local school to promote CLAY, meeting with the BOD to track progress, running a sponsorship initiative, or emailing delegate parents. This role requires a flexible schedule, as the Coordinator will likely have to schedule meetings with execs and other individuals involved on a weekly basis. Keep in mind that two exam periods fall within the CLAY preparation months - so, being able to balance exams while running a service is key! This role also requires a lot of logistical and administrative competency. Having previous experience with team management, budgeting, event planning, and meeting facilitation would definitely be an asset. If you love working with other people on group projects, you would probably love this role! On a final note, CLAY relies heavily on external partnerships. This means that on any given week, the Coordinator is communicating with school boards, teachers, guidance counsellors, corporate sponsors, city counsellors - you name it! This is a great way to reach out into the local community, but communication can often be challenging seeing as these external parties do not always have the same onus to reciprocate/respond that an MSU-internal party would. With that said, this is still a highly rewarding role where you can develop a number of your professional skills, while working with a fantastic group of planning team members!

Horizons Conference

Raymond Khanano, Coordinator Role Summary: The Horizons Coordinator is responsible for planning, promoting, and running the Horizons Conference for incoming first year students, in conjunction with the Horizons Planning Team. Hours: 5 hours/week (Nov 1–Jan 31), 15 hours/ week (Feb 1–May 31) Job Application Deadline: Late November (2016) Email:

The Horizons coordinator operates the service from February to early August, where they will oversee and execute the major planning functions of the conference. A typical week may involve communication with campus partners hosting the conference as well as communication with the executive team through 1-on-1s or weekly exec meetings. The coordinator should expect to work 15 hours a week on Horizons during the summer. Experience relevant to the job would definitely be familiarity with the MSU conferences (especially Horizons, but CLAY as well) as well as extensive organizational and team management skills under complex logistical situations. The part of my job I enjoy the most is twopronged. The first, is developing strong ties with the planning team you work with for the entire summer. The second is seeing the impact Horizons has at the end of the weekend, and throughout the school year when delegates reflect on their experience! The most challenging part of the job is more of an individual skill, and that is to be adaptable and anticipate plans being changed last minute - but always try to be proactive if you can! If you have any questions please feel free to contact Raymond at


Alex Wilson, Coordinator Role Summary: The Maccess Coordinator is responsible for the creation and delivery of programming and awareness events and campaigns about Abilities issues on campus. They will operate within an Anti-Racist and AntiOppressive Framework, and create a welcoming and secure environment on campus for those with visible or invisible disabilities and their supporters. Hours: 12 hours/week (academic), variable capped (summer) Job Application Deadline: Early January (2017) Email:

This is a new position for the 2016-2017 year. As such, it is likely the position will be very dynamic for the first few years as the service is being established. The current role involves weekly meetings with relevant partners like MSU Diversity Services, Human Rights and Equity Services, and Student Accessibility Services as well as work setting up the framework of the service (logo, space, operating parameters, writing volunteer job descriptions, etc.) Knowledge of and/or experience with on campus services related to disability and general advocacy are very relevant to this role. In addition, being able to work collaboratively in a variety of group settings is very helpful. A dedication and commitment to working within an anti-oppressive framework is essential. Not only does all programming need to be inclusive and barrier free, the environment surrounding Maccess needs to feel safe for all students to share experiences and come together.

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