Pegasus Press Summer 2015

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4-year program Trains

Veterinary Technologists E A R N I N G





Dr. David Smith, the Dr. P. Mikell and Mary Cheek Hall Davis Endowed

Professor of Beef Cattle Health and Reproduction, has developed a comprehensive guide on animal care aimed at educators of 6th- through 8th-grade students. This manual helps teachers talk to their students about good pet care, farm animal care, and the importance of animals in our lives—whether it is owning a companion animal or raising animals for food. Through this curriculum, students are exposed to animal welfare issues and the basics of biosecurity—skills that could help protect the safety of animals and themselves.

Many of our students volunteer their time to moving the surplus

of animals in the South to an area with a demand. This specific niche provided the impetus for students to create Homeward Bound, a studentrun program that provides northern shelters with highly adoptable dogs that would otherwise be euthanized. The program also allows southern shelters to open their doors to more animals in need. Dogs are examined, tested for diseases and behavioral problems, and transported to their new homes. To date, the program has transported more than 3,800 dogs to new homes. The program provides the opportunity for students and community members here and in northern communities to work together to solve the pet overpopulation issue.

a message from the

DEAN Dr. Kent Hoblet

Research is one of our institution’s cornerstones, but it really does not

mean a lot if we cannot communicate about it. Dr. Henry Wan, associate professor and influenza researcher, has been identified as one of the nation’s experts on flu viruses. In the midst of an avian influenza outbreak in the Midwest, Dr. Wan was called upon by the media to offer information to producers, growers, and consumers. Dr. Wan’s research is technical and complex, but, over the years, he has developed a means to communicate his work in a way that makes it applicable and understandable to the general

Having recently been through the AVMA Council on Education’s

accreditation process, we have, as a college, taken a close look at our programs and how we deliver them. First, with pride, I can tell you that our college has again been accredited successfully. We are, of course, glad to keep that accreditation status, but we are also thankful to be encouraged to examine what we do at MSU-CVM and expand in many areas. As we worked on what became our 100-page self-study to provide to the COE, we not only examined our academic and research programs, but also how we communicate those initiatives to the COE, our stakeholders, and the community at large. We invite you to read our self-study at http://www.

We have really expanded our outreach to our students, faculty,

and staff, as well as to the entire university and community. Faculty and students are taking their knowledge outside of the classroom and making significant strides in educating the public and improving the health of animals and people in Mississippi and beyond.

The CVM’s Veterinary Medical Technology program students, under

the supervision of faculty, are providing basic wellness care to unowned pets in local animal shelters. While there, they are also taking time to provide enrichment activities for the pets, helping them become more socialized

public. When the public understands, we have expanded opportunities to help protect public and animal health.

With the recent Ebola outbreaks in Western Africa, we found an

opportunity to show students how communication and outreach can help save lives. Using the outbreak as an example, students were trained in risk communications. They learned how to talk to the public when instructing them on behavior change that would ultimately protect health (for example, reporting first signs of disease to health authorities). They were tasked with developing short, concise statements to provide to the public in times of crisis. These skills will help them as they leave the college and work in areas that require community engagement to mitigate animal and human diseases.

Whether through education or by providing life-saving surgeries, our

students and faculty know that CVM isn’t just an institution of education; it is also a conduit for making a positive impact locally, across the region, and throughout the nation.

There are many avenues for talking about veterinary medicine and

how it impacts lives. We are traveling down many and know there are new ones to discover. We hope you find that evident in the pages of this magazine.

and adoptable. They are using their new skills while relieving the shelters of extra duties. Communicating to shelter staff about basic biosecurity and how to socialize the animals helps our VMT students demonstrate their expertise and increases their comfort level with client education.

Dr. Kent H. Hoblet Dean & Professor | CVM Office of the Dean | (662) 325-1131




Pegasus Press is published three times each year by the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Dr. Kent Hoblet

Keryn Page



Dr. Ron McLaughlin Associate Dean Administration

Dr. Mark Lawrence Associate Dean Research & Graduate Studies

Dr. Margaret Kern Associate Dean Academic Affairs

Karen Templeton Director Outreach & Communications

Kim Trimm Tom Thompson

Dr. Joey Burt Director Animal Health Center

7 N e w E q ui n e Th e r a py


Direct suggestions, requests, comments, and story ideas to: Karen TEmpleton (662) 325-1100 Pegasus Press is produced by the MSU Office of Agricultural Communications.

Katie Timmerman Communications Coordinator

c o n t e n t s

Graphic Designer

Dr. Rich Meiring Assistant Dean Admissions & Student Affairs


We are an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

8 Th e r i o g e n o l o g y P r o g r a m


11 Op e n H o u s e 2 0 1 5

12 V e t T e ch P r o g r a m

16 I n t e r n a t i o n a l T r a v e l

18 3 - D P r i n t i n g

Dr. Stephen Pruett Department Head Basic Sciences

Dr. andrew Mackin


Department Head Pathobiology & Population Medicine

Veterinary Medical Technology students Brandi James (left) and Katie Keely provide a special “spa day” to Emma the horse as part of the Equine Technical Skills and Nursing Care course.

Dr. Lanny Pace


Interim Department Head Clinical Sciences

Dr. Bill Epperson

Executive Director Mississippi Veterinary Research & Diagnostic Laboratory System

Veterinary Medical Technology student Stacia Applewhite works with an equine patient.



My Folks

My parents met when a small Southeast Arkansas school district hired each of them to be half of its school’s faculty. Edna Lee McKinstry (“Eddie” to her family and friends) was hired to teach the first four grades, and Albert White Groce contracted to teach grades 5 through 8 in the two-room schoolhouse. Each had 2 years of college and a teacher’s certificate. Don’t you know that eyebrows and tongues got a workout in this rural community when the entire faculty became an item? Later, the state required a bachelor’s degree with some education hours to be a certified teacher. I remember when I was 7 years old seeing Dad march to receive his degree after taking courses at night and in the summer for what seemed a long time. Mother only did substitute teaching after they married. School teachers of the era were expected to furnish their own hand bell to signal segments of the school day. I still have my father’s brass bell with a wooden handle. These two children of the Great Depression were married in 1940. When we asked Dad about the Depression, his reply was always the same: “There was no money.” He worked for the forerunner of the Farm Service Administration for a few years and farmed some. Dad enlisted in the U.S. Navy in September of 1942 at age 31 and was sent to the Naval Air Station (NAS) in Corpus Christi, Texas. I still have the wool watch cap issued to him in 1942 and have worn that cap on cold days on the tractor seat for many years.


Mother followed him to Texas, where they lived in off-base housing. The cellular mitotic cascade that produced the organism that you know as Wayne Groce was initiated in Corpus Christi in 1943. Knowing that Dad would be reassigned soon, Mother returned to live with her parents. He was sent to NAS Puerto Rico in April 1944. I was born in May of 1944 and was about 15 months old before my father and I met in, of all places, New York City. Mother wore out a Kodak sending images of my progress to Dad. He was sent to NAS New York in May of 1945. Mother and I went there to live with him for a few months in a boarding house room/apartment. She related that the bottom drawer of a chest of drawers served as my crib there. He was discharged shortly after VJ Day, and they returned to Arkansas in September 1945. Dad majored in agriculture his first 2 years in college and became the instructor in a local post-war GI Bill program that provided vocational agriculture training to returning servicemen, and Mother was a full-time homemaker. I think the veterans received a small stipend when they were enrolled in this training. His task was to enhance their skills and knowledge base in modern agricultural practices. He later taught multiple grades in rural schools for several years before being hired by a school in a nearby county seat to teach junior high science and drive a school bus, which he did until his retirement. He checked crop acreage allotment compliance for 2 to 3 months each summer for most years that he taught school. The first home I remember was a bat-and-board structure on the farm my Dad was paying a mortgage on. It was constructed of virgin heart-pine lumber and roofed with hand-split cypress shingles. A veritable kindling pile! It had only four rooms: living room, bedroom, kitchen/dining room, and storeroom, plus a “path.” I remember the morning shortly after my brother was born that Mother was cooking on the wood stove in the kitchen and cried out, “The house is on fire!” Thankfully, there was a woman helping my postpartum mother wash clothes that day who was tending a boiling, cast-iron wash pot in the backyard. This brave woman grabbed a wooden ladder hanging on a nearby fence and propped it against the back of the house, then scampered up it with the garden hose she was using to fill the wash pot and put out the fire around the cook stove flue. Dad repaired the damage after work that day. The section of shingle roofing over our only bedroom leaked prodigiously. When it rained, we would stand the beds against a dry wall and put out the pots and pans and all go sleep on the pull-out couch in the living room. It was a joyous day when Dad had six sheets of corrugated tin roofing delivered to cover this defect. We lived in this house until 1949. Building materials were scarce and expensive in the post-war period, so Dad had our next home built primarily of materials salvaged from a barn and two barracks he purchased from a nearby WWII prisoner of war camp. He hauled all these materials 20 miles on a farm wagon (designed for horses) behind a light truck. He reused everything from the barracks; not just lumber. I don’t know how he got the sheetrock and Cellotex off the walls and ceilings in one piece to reuse them in our “new” house. Some of the sheetrock had Nazi graffiti and some pinups on it. There was even one nice oil painting of a lone palm tree on the sheetrock lining one of our closets. Mother, over many years’ time, taped, puttied, sanded, and painted all the walls and ceilings in the house. Light fixtures and doors from the barracks were used in this house. The only “locks” in this house prior to remodeling in the 1970s were simple screen-door hooks, which meant that you could not secure the house when you left. It was definitely a different era in our small town when we were young. My parents were loving, honest, hard-working people who expected the same of their children and erred on the not-spoiling side of the old

birthday, make my first Dad did not did. but the kitten

Dad and Mother.

Me and my brothe r with Shep: This is one of hundreds of feed-sack shirts tha t Mother made for us.

“spare the rod and spoil the child” adage. Dad conducted what was, at that time in our region, a fairly extensive crop and livestock operation while teaching full time, driving a school bus route, and checking crop acreage allotments in the summer. My brother and I were expected to take care of early-morning chores, after-school tasks, and whatever was required on nights and weekends to get things done. Mother was a great cook, and during the growing season, we all harvested vegetables that she canned or froze for our winter use. She tended the farm chicken flock and harvested the male broilers and cull hens, which were frozen for later consumption. She was a confident seamstress and turned out many of our work clothes on a Singer treadlepowered sewing machine. It was common in that era for flour and poultry feed to be sold in printed cotton sacks. She would take the time at the feed or grocery store to search out enough like-patterned sacks to fulfill a sewing project she had in mind. This same sack fabric was used to fashion dishtowels or pillowcases and to back handmade quilts. They were both active in their church and both taught Sunday school. Dad served for decades on the local school board and the board of the county farmers’ cooperative. Both were 4-H club adult leaders for many years, with Dad assisting the boys with livestock, crop, and automotive projects, while Mother supervised the girls’ cooking and canning projects, as well as the crafting of clothing for the annual county dress review contest. They encouraged their children in their pursuit of education and helped others in the community in their times of need. They were loving parents who provided what we needed and taught us to appreciate and take care of what had been provided to us in this world. I owe them a real debt of gratitude. Until we meet again to share reflections and recollections from the tractor seat, please remember, if you are not hurting, you probably are not doing enough. Thank you.

A. Wayne Groce, DVM Professor Emeritus | P.S. They, with the help of a couple of Jersey milk cows, still found time to make cake or cookies to go with hand-cranked ice cream that we enjoyed nearly every weekend during the warm seasons. Photos: (Left) Dad, my brother, me, and a puppy on the front porch of our first home as a family. (Right) Dad, shy me, Mother, and her first cousin, R.J., at the Brooklyn apartment. R.J.’s half-brother is still on the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor. Pegasus Press

Summer 2015 |5


The faculty Dr. Anna Szivek

Medical Oncologist Joins CVM Team

As MSU-CVM’s oncology caseload has steadily increased over the years, the need became apparent to have a board-certified oncologist on staff. Dr. Anna Szivek joined the team in April to fill that need. “The arrival of Dr. Szivek represents an important step in the process of developing our clinical oncology expertise,” said Dr. Andrew Mackin, interim head of the Department of Clinical Sciences. “We already offer advanced cancer diagnostics, such as advanced imaging (CT and MRI), ultrasound, laparasopy, thoracoscopy, and endoscopy; on-premises board-certified clinical pathologists; and therapeutic modalities, such as surgical oncology, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Dr. Szivek will help coordinate and improve our use of these diagnostic and therapeutic tools.” Szivek earned her undergraduate degree in microbiology from the University of Arizona and her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Kansas State University. She completed a residency at the University of California–Davis before coming to Mississippi State. One of the things Szivek hopes to bring to MSU is an expansion of clinical trial offerings. Clinical trials follow a specific set of guidelines and meet rigorous scientific and ethical standards, and the results—whether positive or negative—are typically submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Clinical trials offer new options to pet owners deciding how to proceed with treatment for their pets. It also provides learning opportunities for clinicians and veterinary students. Szivek said the success of treatments depends on the type

of cancer and the specific animal being treated. A typical day for Szivek can vary quite a bit. While she has seen up to 20 patients on a very busy day, there are also quieter days. Because the needs of the patient can be unpredictable at times, she said she often must be flexible to meet those demands. “In my job, I particularly love the opportunity to offer options to clients,” Szivek said. “So often, I see older dogs being brought in, and their owners think euthanasia is the only option when met with a cancer diagnosis. Depending on the desires of the client and specific circumstances, I am able to offer them other options for treatment, and that is rewarding.” She is particularly excited about the opportunity to use more minimally invasive diagnostics, which have a host of benefits for pets and their owners. They are


The arrival of Dr. Szivek represents an important step in the process of developing our clinical oncology expertise.

easier on the pet, provide a cost savings to clients, and are generally just as accurate as other methods. As the demand for oncology services increases in years to come, CVM is prepared to meet that demand. “Dr. Szivek will help coordinate and improve our use of diagnostic and therapeutic tools,” Mackin said. “Over the next few years, we plan to build oncology up to a ‘stand-alone’ service with two boarded oncologists and dedicated oncology house officers and technicians. Student exposure to oncology expertise will be significantly enhanced by this growth process.”

By Katie Timmerman PHOTO: Dr. Anna Szivek (left) and MSU-CVM student Keaton Speights talk to a client about his dog’s treatment.

CVM Offers

New Therapy for Horses Horse owners across the Southeast can benefit from a new service offered by the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine. The technology known as extracorporeal (outside of the body) shock-wave therapy has been available at the college since December 2014. This noninvasive treatment can stimulate healing in both new and old injuries to horses. The therapy is used to control pain, to promote wound healing, and to treat tendonitis, insertional desmopathy, back pain, foot lameness, stress fractures, nonunions, osteoarthritis, and degenerative joint disease. “Shock-wave treatment is administered by introducing a focused, high-energy sound wave through tissues using a shock-wave probe,” said Dr. Robin Fontenot, MSU-CVM assistant clinical professor and board-certified equine surgeon. She uses VersaTron electrohydraulic technology to deliver the therapy using one of four probes, depending on the location and depth of the injury. Due to noise associated with the therapy, veterinarians may administer a mild sedative to the patient before treatment. “The therapy works by administering a shock wave that results in an increase of pressure in the targeted tissue. The pressure changes create increased blood flow and new blood vessel formation at the specific area of treatment,” Fontenot said. “This increased blood supply is an important part of healing.” Extracorporeal shock-wave therapy can be used along with other therapies, and it is often part of a multimodal treatment plan. Fontenot said that, while the service is relatively new to CVM, clinicians have already used the technology to treat soft tissue stifle injuries as part of a multitherapy plan. The therapy also is used to treat back pain, navicular syndrome, and tendon and ligament injuries in horses. Both muscle- and spine-related back pain can be treated with the therapy. In some cases, the addition of shock-wave therapy can

increase the effectiveness of other treatments and reduce their number and frequency. Shock-wave therapy also can be used to treat a variety of conditions in small animals, said Dr. Ryan Butler, CVM assistant professor and board-certified small animal surgeon. “The main indications are for treatment of osteoarthritis and ligament and tendon injuries. Other potential uses include treatment of delayed fracture unions, superficial wounds, and various back conditions,” Butler said. “Anticipated results may be seen in both horses and small animals within one to three treatments.” Dr. Andrew Mackin, interim head of the CVM Department of Clinical Sciences, said shock-wave therapy has been a welcome addition to the college’s Animal Health Center. “We are excited and proud to offer this new technology for our patients,” Mackin said. “We recognize that treatment of orthopedic conditions often involves a combination of multiple treatment approaches, and the new shock-wave unit adds one more important tool.” Mackin said the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine is committed to offering the very best that is available in new and innovative treatments. “The most important tool in our toolbox, however, continues to be the advanced training and expertise offered by the skilled equine and small animal surgeons on our faculty, who can identify the very best uses for this equipment in the patients under their care,” he said.

Veterinary students have also benefited from the addition of the service. “Students get exposure to the technology through the equine rotation as part of their training,” Fontenot said. “It is somewhat dependent on the cases coming in, but we try to make sure that each rotation coming in gets exposure to the technology. In many cases, students can help administer the treatments.” With virtually limitless applications for the technology, some animal owners may have a difficult time assessing whether shock-wave therapy would be beneficial to their livestock or pets. Owners with questions about the therapy should call the MSU-CVM Animal Health Center at (662) 325-1351 to help determine if it is right for their animals.

By Jenny Burns

PHOTOS: CVM assistant clinical professor Dr. Robin Fontenot administers shock-wave therapy to an equine patient to help resolve back pain issues. Student worker Haleigh Parker assists.

Pegasus Press

Summer 2015 |7

Theriogenology Program

Raises Bar

of Veterinary Care A request by a senior veterinary medicine student in 1995 resulted in a comprehensive program that is improving animal health and producer efficiency across the state. “During a reproductive work-up on a mare at the Animal Health Center one day, a student mentioned they had never performed a rectal palpation on a mare,” said Dr. Richard Hopper, a theriogenology specialist and professor in the Pathobiology and Population Medicine Department. “The procedure was basic but a necessary skill for equine practice.” So Hopper and colleagues Drs. Al Rathwell and Charles Estill wrote a curriculum and got approval to add an elective class on horse reproductive management. That was the first step to what is now one of the few comparative theriogenology programs in the country. As the college increased its emphasis on equine reproduction, the American

Quarter Horse Association changed its rules to allow transported semen and embryo transfer for breeding member horses. This change boosted the demand for assisted reproduction techniques. The theriogenology specialists built a referral client base throughout Mississippi and neighboring states and, within a few years, caseload at the college had grown from 100 cases per year to more than 800 per year, said Hopper, who is board certified by the American College of Theriogenologists. During this time, an active research program was developed and focused on problems faced by Mississippi horse owners. “The initial work dealt with fescue toxicity and was led by Drs. Peter Ryan and David Christiansen,” Hopper said. “Actor Morgan Freeman saw the value of this work and helped establish the Morgan Freeman Equine Reproductive Research Center.”


Currently, the theriogenology group’s research efforts include bull fertility trials and heifer development studies. Through the college’s Animal Health Center, students get the opportunity to work with dogs, horses, and cattle. Clinical services offered through the program include cryopreservation of semen, artificial and surgical insemination, embryo transfer, restorative reproductive surgeries, neonatal care, and infertility treatment. “I have always felt that our students benefit most from a comparative approach to this specialty,” Hopper said. For veterinarians who practice the specialty, the field is wide open, said Dr. David Christiansen, assistant clinical professor in Pathobiology and Population Medicine. “Theriogenologists can work with any species,” he said. “That’s the cool thing about this specialty. People most often think about it as a specialty that

helps maintain genetic bloodlines for racehorses, show animals, or food animals. But theriogenologists also do work with endangered species, including fish, birds, and other wild animals.” In the last 10 years, the college has trained several Mississippi veterinarians in the specialty and guided them through their board certification, which has raised the standard of veterinary care in the state. One of those practitioners is Dr. Mike Thompson, who has a mixed animal practice in Holly Springs and New Albany. He became board certified in theriogenology through a program that

allows veterinarians to remain in practice and prepare for the board exams under the supervision of theriogenologists at MSU. “I’ve always done some reproductive work, like all veterinarians, but now I am able to work with shipped and frozen semen for artificial insemination,” Thompson said. “I’m better equipped to handle mares that are hard to get into foal. It’s also helped me do a better job of checking bulls for fertility.” He credited the professors at the college for his ability to help clients. “I now better understand each problem and am able to better deal with

it when things don’t go as they should,” Thompson said. “That is all due to the education I got there and because of the ongoing research and outreach by the theriogenology department. They offer continuing education seminars and are always available to help me on the phone or in person.”

By Susan Collins-Smith PHOTOS: Dr. Heath King examines a sample to look for certain fertility traits in a mare.



Pegasus Press

Summer 2015 |9

Imaging Grant

Benefits Four-Legged Patients

Animal imaging at the CVM is quickly advancing pet health, and a recent grant award will help take the technology even further. Dr. Alison Plumley, MSU-CVM veterinary resident, was recently awarded a competitive American College of Veterinary Radiology grant to conduct research in advanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques in dogs. This is the first time ACVR has awarded a grant for this specific type of imaging research. Plumley, along with her mentor Dr. Jennifer Gambino, a CVM assistant professor, will use noninvasive diagnostic MR imaging to examine different chemicals in dogs’ brains to assess the normal biochemical profile of the brain. In the future, these techniques can help diagnose brain diseases such as inflammation, infection, and tumors. The research and imaging will primarily be conducted at the Veterinary Specialty Center, or VSC, an affiliate of the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine and MSU’s Institute for Imaging and Analytical Technologies. At VSC, experts are using imaging technology to understand more about canine and feline brain tumors. VSC is housed within the Premier Imaging complex in Starkville, just a few miles from the veterinary college. Premier treats human patients, while VSC treats animal patients.

“Normally, animal and human patients have to undergo brain biopsies to get information on a tumor,” Plumley said. “These procedures are time-consuming, invasive, and can sometimes present further risk. Imaging can assist neurologists in obtaining the information needed to determine the best treatment plans.” Plumley, Gambino, and their team will compare results from two different types of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)—single- and multi-voxel imaging, which are advanced techniques that can quantify the molecular brain chemicals. Single-voxel imaging can be advantageous as it can be run quickly and provide detailed information to the clinician. Multi-voxel imaging is more robust and specific, but it provides pages of data that can take clinicians more time to interpret in the clinical setting. “We can run a single-voxel in 7 to 8 minutes. In people, research has shown these techniques to be effective methods of obtaining information on brain tumors, infections, and inflammatory disease states,” said Gambino, a board-certified veterinary radiologist. “It is to our advantage to see what viable information we can gain from shorter processes, so we can provide the greatest amount of information with the least invasive of techniques to guide further diagnostics and treatments.” Imaging is becoming an increasingly important tool in both research and clinical care. Today’s imaging technologies can provide incredibly detailed information about the brain and brain tumor structure while providing functional information, right down to the molecular level. “The goal is to eventually identify different types of tumors based on the combined results of the conventional MR images and MRS so we can better provide

recommendations on treatment—surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination thereof,” Gambino said. “With the plethora of information gleaned from the imaging, we can make effective treatment decisions before approaching any type of invasive techniques. This is something that also has a huge impact on human health.” The second part of the team’s funded research is to determine if lower doses of a solution called gadolinium will allow effective diagnostic imaging. “Gadolinium is used safely in humans and animals all of the time and provides additional information with regard to brain disease or lack thereof,” Plumley said. “Just as with other contrast agents or drug therapies, reactions (allergic or anaphylactic) can occur. Currently, the dose of these agents in dogs and cats is extrapolated from the use of the agents in people. Evidence-based dosing is very desirable to minimize any side effects. Our main goal is to improve safety while maximizing benefits and improving the diagnostic quality of our MR studies.” Plumley, a graduate of Washington State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, came to MSU-CVM through a residency match program. She said the radiology program at the college was highly recommended and carries a strong reputation. “Being here gives me ample opportunity to research novel imaging techniques,” she said. Also involved in the study is 2ndyear CVM student Emerald Barrett from Louisville. As part of the college’s Summer Research Experience Program, Barrett will spend the next few months helping the team analyze the results and publish the research. “The students are the nuts and bolts of these kinds of projects,” Gambino said. “We really depend on their extra set of eyes and perspective. This is one of the few places in the country with the type of equipment, specialized software, and trained personnel to do this kind of research. It’s a great place to be.”

By Karen Templeton 10 | EARNING RES P E C T B Y E X C EE D ING E X P E C T A T IONS

Open House 2015 Thousands of students and their families attended CVM’s 30th Annual Open House to learn about animal care, veterinary careers, and more.

Pegasus Press


S u m m e r 2 0 1 5 | 11


Veterinary Technology Program

Provides New Experiences By Karen TEmpleton

Proudly graduating its fourth class, the Mississippi State University Veterinary Medical Technology program is growing and helping many find careers in the dynamic animal health field. The 4-year undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in veterinary medical technology began in the fall of 2010. The college established the program to address the national shortage of veterinary technologists and to provide the highest standard of healthcare to animals and the public. The program is one of only three associated with a veterinary college. Educating veterinary technologists alongside veterinary students establishes a reciprocal relationship, benefiting all those involved. “The students in our program have access to all of the latest veterinary medical tools and technology,” said Dr. Allison Gardner, director of the VMT program. “For instance, they are using the most up-to-date rehabilitation tools. This is an area of interest for the students, and they get to work with boarded specialists. It’s a really unique experience.” Students must complete all university core curriculum coursework before becoming eligible for one of the 30 slots available for each class. Interested students meet with Gardner or CVM clinical instructor Dr. Mandy Kohler during their first 2 years as undergraduates to ensure they are meeting the requirements and completing the appropriate coursework before they move to MSU-CVM to complete their 3rd and 4th years. “The program has really grown,” Gardner said. “Originally, we were recruiting students from the MSU undergraduate population. That continues, but we are now seeing students choose MSU because of our VMT program.” One such student is Jannah Iles from Slidell, Louisiana. Iles attended the college’s Veterinary Camp as a high school student. She originally intended to one day become a veterinarian. “Vet Camp introduced me to veterinary technology, and I knew it was for me,” Iles said. “I loved learning that vet techs can focus on areas like physical therapy. I was just so impressed with what I learned about the field that I knew I wanted to be a part of it.” Iles knew that a 4-year veterinary technology program at a veterinary college would provide her with the skills and experience she desired. “A 4-year program gives students a chance to really experience it all,” she said. “The more you know, the more you can do. I am still working on my university core classes but have already gotten so much from the prerequisites. I know that my 2 years at MSUCVM will really prepare me.” The program has also attracted students from Illinois, Michigan, Texas, and Puerto Rico. To meet the interests of the expanding and increasingly more diverse classes, Gardner and her team are offering more hands-on experiences.

“We have started taking groups of VMT students to two local animal shelters,” Gardner said. “They get to use skills such as nail trimming, administering vaccinations, and assisting in physical exams. Additionally, they are providing the animals with social enrichment by bathing and grooming them, and even just playing with them.” Gardner said veterinary technologists have a real opportunity to not just help treat patients, but also provide them with social enrichment. “Vet techs work hand-in-hand with the veterinarian and, often, they’ll be the ones to be with the patients during diagnostics and treatments, maybe even right after a surgical procedure,” she said. “I think vet techs have such a nice opportunity in their jobs to provide a lot of nurturing. I can see how our students like that aspect of it.” New to the program is a 3-week clinical elective in a specialty area such as intensive care, internal medicine, theriogenology, equine medicine, or food animal medicine. “Just like the DVM students, the veterinary technology group can choose areas they have a particular interest in to learn more about,” Gardner, an MSU-CVM alum, said. “We have some graduates who now specialize in certain areas.” Brittany Vannoy, a 2013 graduate of the program, will complete her certification to specialize in internal medicine this fall. She has worked as a veterinary technologist with Memphis Veterinary Specialists. “I learned about veterinary technology as a freshman,” Vannoy said. “I love how the program offers a Bachelor of Science. I feel like everything I experienced there helped prepare me for my current job.” The program has achieved 100 percent job placement, and graduates like Vannoy are finding that their 4 years in the MSUCVM program introduced them to experiences that make them good job candidates. “We weren’t just observers in the program,” Vannoy said. “We always got to participate in cases—ones that I considered interesting and an important part of my education. I was running anesthesia under careful guidance, and I came into my current job ready and able to do that more confidently.” Gardner said students are enjoying other new aspects of the program, such as 4-week externships in which they explore their interests and tailor their skills even further. “The students’ interests grow, and so we try to stay ahead to give them the experience and skills they want and need,” Gardner said. “A dynamic experience is what we want to provide so they can be ready for a field that’s really advancing.” PHOTO: CVM student Stacia Applewhite (left) and equine resident Dr. Brenna Burkett examine an equine patient.

Pegasus Press

S u m m e r 2 0 1 5 | 13

CVM Office of

Development News Educating future animal health professionals is, of course, the priority here at MSU-CVM. We are dedicated to making sure these outstanding individuals have access to the resources, experiences, and tools they need.

Significant funding is needed to help support

a talented and diverse student body. We want our graduates to start their careers with lower debt burdens so they can concentrate on their mission of improving animal health here in Mississippi and around the world.

It is pretty clear what scholarships can do for

students: help fund their veterinary education, perhaps finance a trip to study abroad, help them purchase books and materials, provide them with unique research opportunities, or help them with travel expenses to externship opportunities.

The benefits to students are obvious. But what do

these scholarships provide to donors?

Through the development of scholarships and

Hortense and Bill McClain Endowed Scholarship

2015 CVM

AWArds Program

The annual CVM Awards Program recognizes the accomplishments of our students and our appreciation of the generous donor support our college receives. Dr. Melanie Johnson of the Department of Pathobiology and Population Medicine was selected by students as this year’s Zoetis Distinguished Teacher and led the graduating class into the commencement ceremony. Individuals, organizations, and corporate entities have established scholarships to commemorate the contributions of individuals to the veterinary profession and to veterinary medical education. The 2015 scholarship recipients follow.

Dr. A. Wayne Groce Alumni Scholarship

Bedenbaugh Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine

Peach VanWick

Martha Frances Dalton

Addie Foundation Annual Scholarship

Dr. Betsy Lipscomb Scholarship

Samantha Aumann Nicole Blevins Marissa Blomstrand Megen Cummings Erin Johnson Katherine LeJune Olivia Pitillo Ryan Poling Lydia Shafer

Mark Lee

Dr. Alexander “Bam” Williams Scholarship

Dempsey and Ruby Lazar Scholarship

funds, I’m able to really get to know our donors’ and friends’ interests and passions. Scholarships are set up for students interested in a particular kind of medicine, such as feline medicine. That scholarship may have been initiated in memory of a client’s beloved cat. Some clients are so touched by the care that a particular student provided their animal that they want to set up a scholarship that suits that student’s needs. You can read in this issue of Pegasus Press about two travel funds set up in memory of Dr. Paul Farmer and Mr. Paul Eggert.

The students who hold these scholarships all

have unique interests, talents, and goals. We foster the relationship between donors and recipients, so donors can see firsthand how their gift is providing something meaningful and tangible each year. Recipients can communicate with donors on what they are doing with the scholarship or fund, and we also provide an annual opportunity for donors to meet recipients. It is fulfilling to see how a gift—no matter the size—can help dreams and goals come to fruition.

Please never underestimate the difference you can

make. Contact me anytime to discuss how you can be involved in our growth.

Camille Black

Arkansas Veterinary Medical Foundation Scholarship Kacie Johnson Matt Ryan Meghan Sommers

Auxiliary to the Arkansas VMA Scholarship Kaitlyn Mitchell

AVMA PLIT Scholarship Spencer Mills

Jimmy Kight

Bayer Excellence in Communication Award

CVM Director of Development

Stephen Hutter


Clarice C. Jackson Memorial Scholarship Jamie Steins

Dr. Clyde E. Taylor Endowed Scholarship Tyler Gamble

Andrew Nelson

George B. Kerr Memorial Scholarship Julianna Frum Jessica Wilson

Greenville Kennel Club Scholarship Haiden Rodgers

Greta Somerville Endowed Scholarship Katelyn Hlusko

H. Kelley Jones South Carolina Association of Veterinarians Scholarship Lauren Emery

Kristin Teague Ali Tobia

Hugh M. and Kathryn C. Arant Sr. Memorial Scholarship Cameron Volpe Josh Wells

International Veterinary Humanitarian Scholarship Megen Cummings

Isabel M. Devine Endowed Scholarship Janet Gomez Whitney Kiehl

James D. and Kay B. Bryan Scholarship Will Gentry Katya Sczepanik

Dr. James F. Perkins Annual Scholarship Jenny Tucker

Jean and Walter W. Rotchild Endowed Scholarship Ben Lee

Karen J. & John G. McCord Scholarship Izzy Swann

Lehman Food Animal Scholarship Katy Havill

Linda “Big Lou” Schuerer Memorial Scholarship Dalton Pate

Mac, Stephen, and Dava Imes Endowed Scholarship Monica Fentress

Dr. Carol F. Akin Feline Medicine Scholarship Emily Pearce

Drs. Mark and Carol F. Akin Equine Scholarship Patrick First

Mary Ann Long Endowed Scholarship Becky Telle

Michael J. Lee Memorial Scholarship Phoebe Ainsworth

Mississippi Cattlemen’s Foundation Annual Scholarship

P. Mikell & Mary Cheek Hall Davis Feline Medicine Scholarship

Michael (Andrew) Tucker

Lauren Belser

Mississippi Veterinary Medical Association Dr. Harvey F. McCrory Memorial Scholarship

Recycled Pets are Best Annual Scholarship Ali Tobia

Bayard Grillis Brittany Moore-Henderson Hannah Shackleford

Robert & Kathy Olsen Annual Scholarship

Morgan Freeman Endowment for Veterinary Medicine

Robert O. Williams Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Courtney Hunter

Nestlé Purina Scholarship Sarah Castaldo

North Alabama VMA/ Dr. Christy Parker Scholarship Leah Moody

Paul Bass Annual Scholarship Samantha Lesniewski

Paul Eggert International Education Travel Fund Sherry Blackmon

Paul Farmer Memorial and Nutramax Laboratories Student Travel Support Endowment Megen Cummings Rachel Montgomery

Sharon Thornhill

Veterinary professional organizations and certifying boards for veterinary specialties provide most awards for proficiency in various clinical disciplines or for exhibiting leadership in the college or local communities. Some awards are provided by the college. The 2015 student award recipients follow.

Three veterinary medical technology scholarships were given.


MVMA Junior

Monica Fentress

Bradley Bishop

Simmons & Associates Scholarship Mark Lee

Thomas C. Randolph Jr. Memorial Scholarship Eileen Balz

Dr. Tip Hailey Annual Scholarship Sarah Morse

Tupelo Small Animal Hospital Scholarship

Dr. P. Mikell and Mary Cheek Hall Davis VMT Endowed Scholarship

ACVAA Kale Hatten

ACVO Student Award

MVMA Ryan Gibson (Auxiliary)

Becky Telle

Ora Ford (Auxiliary)

ACVIM Excellence

Bradley Bishop (Companion Animal)

Lydia Shafer (Affiliate—Neurology) Phoebe Ainsworth (Large Animal) Roxy Cooper (Small Animal)

ACVRA Heather Troutman

ACVS Patrick First (Large Animal)

Poco & Clio Gentle Doctor Monica Fentress

Proficiency in Theriogenology Kale Hatten


Veterinary Cancer Society

Vicksburg Kennel Club Scholarship

CPC Attendance Award

Katie McKnight

Michael Pesato

P. Mikell & Mary Cheek Hall Davis Beef Cattle Scholarship

West Virginia Veterinary Medical Foundation Scholarship

CPC Award

Garrett Bailey

Grace Skaff

Nathalia Torres-Cosme

For more information on how to provide support for the MSUCVM scholarship and recognition programs, please contact director of development Jimmy Kight at (662) 325-5893 or jkight@foundation.

Hillary May (Production Animal)


Rachelle Stammen

Samantha Ross

Kale Hatten (Large Animal)

Katelyn Hlusko (Small Animal)

Morgan Sullivan

Cayla Crisp

Karlie Woodard

Judy Kovach

Lauren Dabney

Rona and Dan Belser Endowed Scholarship

Elanco Companion Animal Award

MVMA Senior

Tyler Scott

Sarah Loper

Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Award Ryan Roberts

Veterinary Learning Award Rachel Montgomery

Support MSU-CVM There are a number of ways to support the CVM’s efforts. You may want to consider making an annual gift or creating an endowment.

Annual gifts are crucial to the CVM because they provide ongoing support for the College, individual departments, research programs, academic programs, and student support services. Your annual contributions provide critical assistance and ensure that we maintain quality programs and a high level of excellence. Your gift can be designated to support any of the CVM’s needs and can be used immediately to make a difference. Endowments to the CVM help to provide a resource for generations to come. Your contribution is held in perpetuity, the principal is invested, and only the income from the investment is spent, allowing your legacy to continue for years. Endowments may be named for the donor or in honor of another person of the donor’s choosing.

For more information on annual and endowed funds and how to become involved in efforts at the CVM, please contact the Office of Development staff.

Make a Donation!

Jimmy Kight | CVM Director of Development

(662) 325-5893 |

Melissa Montgomery | Advancement Coordinator (662) 325-5170 |

Pegasus Press

S u m m e r 2 0 1 5 | 15

MSU-CVM veterinary students are enthusiastic about traveling abroad to expand their veterinary experience, enhance their leadership skills, and teach others—all while helping people and animals in need. Interest in global veterinary medicine experiences among CVM students increases every year, and the college is committed to providing the best learning experiences for students beyond the traditional classroom and laboratory. Traveling across borders does not come without financial burden. Typical costs range from $1,500 to $8,000 per student. For most veterinary students, global experiences are only possible with generous support from friends and alumni of the college. In 2003, the Pegasus Partners Fund was established by donors gifting $10,000 each over a 5-year period. The goal is to create a $2.5 million endowment to sustain support for continued faculty and staff international efforts. “The Pegasus Partners Fund has already made a significant impact on the number of CVM students who are able to participate in unique studies abroad,” said Jimmy Kight, CVM director of development. “We continue to seek additional donors who want to encourage our veterinary students to step outside of the classroom and travel all over the world to make a global impact.” Recently, Dr. Todd R. Henderson, president and CEO of Nutramax Laboratories Veterinary Sciences Inc. and a 1992 CVM graduate, created a new travel fund dedicated to his classmate, Dr. Paul W. Farmer, who died following a battle with pancreatic cancer. The Paul Farmer Memorial and Nutramax Laboratories Student Travel Fund supports students who want to pursue domestic and international travel to promote the practice of veterinary medicine. Rachel Montgomery and Megen Cummings are the first recipients of this award. In March, both students traveled to Haiti along with other Christian Veterinary Fellowship members. They were able to treat around 1,500 animals in 4 days. The students gained surgical experience, worked with the CDC rabies control program, and helped educate local people about caring for their animals. 16 | EARNING RES P E C T B Y E X C EE D ING E X P E C T A T IONS

Diane Eggert also recognized a need for support of student travel at the CVM. Her late husband, Paul Eggert, had a long career at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. He was instrumental in many plant pest eradication programs. He traveled to Asia, Africa, and Rome to establish good working relations in the fair and safe trade of fruits, vegetables, and wood products. The Eggerts were introduced to CVM’s international programs when their daughter, Karen Templeton, began working for the college. Mrs. Eggert, who is passionate about pets and the education of students, established the Paul Eggert International Education Travel Fund in memory of Mr. Eggert. “Knowing that I am able to financially help veterinary students participate in unique opportunities across the world is so fulfilling. It would make my husband proud to see that students are participating in similar activities in his memory,” Eggert said. Dr. and Mrs. Kent Hoblet hear positive stories from CVM students every day. They are also aware of the debt that most veterinary students incur. Through the Hoblet Family International Education Travel Endowment, students receive partial funding for hands-on veterinary experiences that connect them with the world and have a lasting impact on their careers. Haiti, England, Scotland, Guatemala, and Honduras are just a few of the destinations CVM students have traveled to this year or plan to visit this summer. If you would like to support students by funding a life-changing international opportunity, please contact Kight at (662) 325-5893. Donors may choose to contribute to an existing fund or start their own.

By Melissa Montgomery PHOTOS: (Top) Sherry Blackmon, a travel fund recipient, enjoys time in Uganda studying transboundary diseases. (LEFT) A group of MSU-CVM students in Uganda work hand-in-hand with public health experts. (RIGHT) Dr. Kent Hoblet, Sherry Blackmon, and fund donors Diane Eggert and Karen Templeton attend a Scholarship Awards Breakfast. (BOTTOM): MSU-CVM student Rachel Montgomery (second from left), also a travel fund recipient, learns about population medicine in Haiti.

New Faculty Armour


Dr. Natalie K. Armour joined the Pathobiology and Population Medicine faculty March 1 as an associate clinical professor with the Poultry Research and Diagnostic Laboratory. Armour earned a Bachelor of Veterinary Science degree from the University of Pretoria in South Africa in 2004, after which she worked as a state veterinarian at Allerton Provincial Veterinary Laboratory in South Africa from 2005 to 2009. She earned a Master of Avian Medicine degree in 2010 and a PhD in Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences in 2014, both from the University of Georgia. Her doctoral research at the University of Georgia’s Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center was in the field of avian mycoplasmosis. Armour is a diplomate of the American College of Poultry Veterinarians.


Dr. Martha Pulido-Landinez also joined the Pathobiology and Population Medicine faculty March 1 as an associate clinical professor with the Poultry Research and Diagnostic Laboratory. Pulido previously was an associate professor in the Department of Animal Health at National University of Colombia’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Before that, she was a research assistant in avian medicine at the same college. She was a short-term scholar in December 2012 at the CVM Poultry Research and Diagnostic Laboratory. She has special training in food safety and bacterial diseases of poultry (Salmonella and Campylobacter). She earned a DVM in 1990 and a master’s in Animal Health and Production in 1996 from National University of Colombia, and a Doctor of Veterinary Sciences degree in 2013 from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre,Brazil.

Dr. Anna Szivek joined the Clinical Sciences faculty March 1 as an assistant clinical professor of medical oncology. She previously was a veterinary medical oncologist with Veterinary Specialty Center of Tucson in Arizona. Szivek earned her bachelor’s degrees in Microbiology and Veterinary Science in 2002 from the University of Arizona and her DVM in 2006 from Kansas State University. She completed internships in small animal medicine (2007, Southern Arizona Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center) and small animal oncology (2008, University of California–Davis, VMTH). She then completed a 3-year small animal medical oncology residency (2011, University of California–Davis, VMTH) and became a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in 2011.

Nonprofit Grant Assists

Safe Haven The American Kennel Club’s Humane Fund Inc. has awarded the MSU-CVM with a grant to support the college’s Safe Haven for Pets program. The grant will cover some of the expenses incurred as the program provides care to the pets of women escaping domestic violence. Dr. Sharon Fooshee Grace, a CVM clinical professor, applied for the competitive grant and administers the program along with CVM assistant clinical professor Dr. Christine Bryan. In many capacities throughout her career, Grace, an MSU-CVM alum, became aware of the needs of women and their pets in leaving violent situations in their homes. When practicing veterinary medicine in Tennessee, Grace initiated a pet safe haven program for pets of women entering a local shelter and

provided care for these animals at no charge to the owners. In 1999, Grace returned to MSU—this time as a faculty member. Grace established the Safe Haven for Pets program at MSU-CVM through a partnership with Leslie Payne, director of the Care Lodge Domestic Violence Shelter in Meridian. The college provides shelter and healthcare to pets until their owners are able to retrieve them. While in the program’s care, animals receive needed treatments, such as heartworm medication, spay or neuter surgeries, vaccinations, and socialization. Faculty veterinarians and veterinary students care for them. “There is a definite connection between domestic violence and animal cruelty and other forms of violence,” Grace


said. “In a house with domestic violence, animals are often the first victims as the violence escalates. Concern for pets also can keep human victims in the house too long. Having a safe place for their pets may help victims escape their situations sooner.” The AKC grant will help cover the costs of transporting the animals to the college and providing them appropriate healthcare during their stay. “This is a special program that touches the lives of abuse victims in a positive way,” said Jimmy Kight, MSU-CVM’s director of development. “This AKC gift will make an impact long after our students graduate, as they are getting the unique opportunity now to learn how to better serve their communities and to address animal cruelty issues.”

To learn more about Safe Haven for Pets or to support the program, visit www.cvm.msstate. edu. By Karen Templeton

3-D Printing

Models Patient Injuries A year ago, the Veterinary Specialty Center (VSC) at Mississippi State University became the home of a Lutzbot Taz 4 3-D printer. The name of the device hints at what it is designed to do: print three-dimensional objects. But the name doesn’t tell the whole story or why it is now one of the VSC’s most valuable pieces of equipment. “Overall, we have used it to look at spinal and skull injuries in the animals referred to us, and to find new ways to correct them,” said Dr. Andy Shores, chief neurosurgeon and neurologist with the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine. “We take CT scans of spinal injuries, convert them into three-dimensional images on a screen, and convert those to files that can transmit that information to the printer. The result is a plastic model identical to what was on the screen.” The VSC, a CVM satellite facility located off campus in Starkville, specializes in neurologic, neurosurgical, and ophthalmologic care. Veterinarians there perform radiation therapy and advanced imaging for pets with problems such as brain tumors, spinal injuries, or other trauma. The printer is one of multiple devices at the center that provides specialists and practicing veterinarians an internal view of animals without the use of invasive procedures. The three-dimensional printer at VSC is capable of producing plastics that can be heated up to very high temperatures and transferred through a nozzle as they melt.

The printed designs are rendered using a computer-aided design program. Shores said the new device is proving especially useful with MSU veterinary students and neurosurgery residents because it provides the capability to produce and preserve models of different types of spinal and skull injuries for them to observe and inspect. “The equipment prints out bony structures, so future students can see exactly how a particular injury looks and get a better appreciation for the condition we’re talking about while on rounds,” he said. “If you have a patient with a broken bone or vertebrae, to be able to put that structure in your hand goes a long way toward the students’ understanding what it is and how to repair it.” The device is also being used in research projects to develop new technology that would allow pet owners to treat various ailments themselves. “One of our projects has to do with designing a plate that would be put at the bottom of vertebrae for a spinal injury,” Shores said. “We’re also looking at designing an atomizer that is connected to a nasal catheter to be used for home emergencies such as seizures. We have a design that will be part of a physical therapy device to help dogs with mobility issues move their back legs.” Shores said he is hopeful that, in the short term, the VSC can also purchase a three-dimensional printer capable of producing structures made of


biocompatible materials that can be implanted into an animal’s body. “If we have a dog that has a badly fractured vertebrae that can’t be repaired and will continue to deteriorate, a biocompatible device allows you to take dimensions of the vertebrae, reconstruct them on a screen, print it out, and replace the body part,” Shores said. “The limitations of a three-dimensional printer in medicine and surgery have to do with your imagination. The technology is a crucial component in the future of surgery and medicine. We don’t want to be reading about it. We want to be a part of it and be at the forefront.” Dr. Andrew Mackin, professor and interim Clinical Sciences department head, said having the new equipment in the VSC’s arsenal keeps CVM in step with the top veterinary programs in the country. “Our neurology team is working at the scientific cutting edge with their creative use of this new technology,” Mackin said. “The direction that Dr. Shores and his group are taking is exciting. What seems almost like it is lifted straight from the pages of science fiction today will become the standard of care for our veterinary patients in the near future.”

By Nathan Gregory PHOTOS: A 3-D printer allows veterinarians to look at spinal and skull injuries in animals and find new ways to correct them. Students and residents benefit from being able to observe and inspect models of different types of spinal and skull injuries.

umni Weekend 20 l A 15 ! for

September 18 & 19 at MSU-CVM

Continuing education courses | Meet & mingle reception | Tailgating & football Contact for more information!



May 2015 Preston

Laurie Preston is known for her friendly personality, and that’s what makes her a successful clinical admissions assistant. “I love my job and really enjoy working with our clients and veterinarians,” she said. Laurie has been at MSU-CVM 5½ years and serves as a liaison between clients and the college’s veterinarians. She helps ensure clients’ needs are met and that the attending veterinarians are aware of those needs. When she’s not working, Laurie enjoys spending time with her 3-year-old grandson, Bryce. She says MSU-CVM is a family affair, as her daughter, Dr. Kristin Crocker, is a class of 2011 graduate. Laurie’s four-legged family members include terrier Taz, poodle Penny, and cat Joey. Pegasus Press

S u m m e r 2 0 1 5 | 19

Improvement to the HVAC system for the 3A animal facility at MSU-CVM. $475,053

& Awarded to CVM Faculty

External Grants Mariola J. Edelmann (PI); Bindu Nanduri and R. Hart Bailey (co-PIs). USDA-NIFA. Identifying active deubiquitinases and kinases in chicken. $149,950 Russell L. Carr (PI) and Matthew K. Ross (co-PI). National Institutes of Health (NIH). Disruption of the endocannbinoid system as a target in developmental OP toxicity. $425,939 Chinling Wang (PI) and Alejandro Banda (co-PI). Elanco Animal Health. The effect of immunomodulators on humoral immune response against avian viruses. $68,283 Carla Huston (PI) and David Smith (coPI). Zoetis Animal Health Inc. Large animal veterinary workforce survey. $5,000 David R. Smith (PI). University of Nebraska (USDA-NIFA). Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) in the beef chain: Assessing and mitigating the risk by translational science, education, and outreach (year 2 funds). $104,500 David R. Smith (PI). USDA-NIFA. Using system dynamics software and data management tools to minimize loss from new, foreign, and emerging pests and diseases of livestock. $47,464 Robert L. Linford (PI); R. Hart Bailey and Elmer Heath King (co-PIs). Michigan State University (USDA-NIFA). Healthy animal/safe food: A comprehensive webbased educational tool to enhance food safety training of veterinary students. $67,440 Lucy H. Senter (PI); Mark L. Lawrence, John D. Hardy, and David O. Howell (coPIs). National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Cyprianna E. Swiderski (PI); Jacquelyn E. Bowser, Bindu Nanduri, Andrew K. Claude, and Alison L. Eddy (co-Is). USDANIFA. Protein networks mediating airway hyper-responsiveness in equine airways. $438,153 Andrea Varela-Stokes (PI) and Mark L. Lawrence (co-PI). Merial Limited. 2015 research experience program for veterinary students. $10,000 Xiufeng (Henry) Wan (PI). National Institutes of Health. Genome-based influenza vaccine strain selection using machine learning (year 1 funds). $381,704 (total award $1,869,842)

Internal Grants Kari Lunsford and Camilo Bulla. MSU CVM ORGS. Platelet and leukocyte priming of tumor cell metastatic potential. $5,000 George Howell (PI). MSU ORED. Crosscollege research grant. $2,000 Chi-Ya Chen (PI) and Elizabeth A. Swanson (co-PI). MSU CVM ORGS. Evaluation of normal bacterial biofilm in the canine urethra, common bile duct, and external ear canal using a combination of histopathological exam, electron microscopy, bacterial culture, and 16s rRNA pyrosequencing technique. $2,000 Alison Plumley (PI) and Jennifer Gambino (co-PI). MSU CVM ORGS. Comparison of single- and multi-voxel 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 3 Tesla in the normal canine brain. $2,000 Kristen M. Fizzano and Lan-Hsin Kui (PIs); Andrew K. Claude, Simone B. Hinz, Todd M. Archer, Robert L. Linford, Paul Vaughn, Matthew K. Ross, and Robert W. Wills (co-PIs). MSU CVM ORGS. Assessment of an infraorbital palatine nerve block in canine rhinoscopy with biopsy. $2,000 Ranendra Dutta and Richard Hopper (PIs); David Christiansen, Kevin Walters, Heath King, and Kathryn Bass (co-PIs). MSU CVM ORGS. Utilization of amniocentesis to predict fetal maturation in late pregnant mares. $2,000 Uri Donnett (PI); Kimberly Woodruff and Jacob Shivley (co-PIs). MSU CVM

ORGS. Intra- and post-surgical complication rates observed during routine sterilization surgery and the development and description of a tool for training shelter personnel in accurate pain and post-surgical complication identification. $1,840 King Wa Chiu and Ryan Butler (PIs); Steven H. Elder and Karanvir S. Aulakh (co-PIs). MSU CVM ORGS. The effect of plate position on double SOP construct strength in torsion and bending: Unilateral versus orthogonal plating. $1,000 Kathryn Bass (PI); Heath King, Kevin Walters, Richard Hopper, and David Christiansen (co-PIs). MSU CVM ORGS. Administration of dexamethasone to pregnant mares in late gestation. $2,000 Michelle L. Foote and John Thomason (PIs); Todd Archer and Andrew Mackin (co-PIs). MSU CVM ORGS. Effects of leukoreduction on coagulation factors in units of canine fresh frozen plasms. $2000 Paul Vaughn (PI); Jason Syrcle, Jennifer Gambino, John Ball, Steven Elder, and Ron McLaughlin (co-PIs). MSU CVM ORGS. Pullout strength of monocortical and bicortical screws in metaphyseal and diaphyseal regions of the canine humerus. $1,991 Samantha Muro and John Thomason (PIs); Todd Archer, John Stokes, and Andrew Mackin (co-PIs). MSU CVM ORGS. Effects of storage and leukoreduction on phosphatidylserine expression on canine packed red blood cells. $2,000 Katherine Gerken, Todd Archer, Patty Lathan, and Brittany Thames (PIs); Andrew Mackin, Todd Mlsna, and Suranga Rajapashka (co-PIs). MSU CVM ORGS. Xylitol concentrations in gum after being chewed for differing time periods. $2,000 Allison Kenzig (PI) and Elizabeth Swanson (co-PI). MSU CVM ORGS. Evaluation of poliglecaprone 25 versus polydioxanone suture for cystotomy closure in rats. $2,000 Lesley M. Moser (PI) and Suzanne G. Genova (co-PI). MSU CVM ORGS. Pharmacokinetics of tulathromycin in regional limb perfusion in the distal limb of adult cattle. $2,000

VMT Graduation

Years of Service Thank you for your dedicated support of MSU-CVM.

30 Years Linda M. Pote

25 Years Patricia A. Newman

Frank W. Austin

Michelle M. Banes

Deborah A. Gallik

Becky W. Harrison

Pace Earns

National Award

A Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine laboratory system director recently received the National Institute for Animal Agriculture’s Advocate for Animal Agriculture Award. Dr. Lanny Pace, executive director of MSU’s Veterinary Research and Diagnostic Laboratory System, was recognized by the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) for his dedication to animal agriculture, specifically for involving the organization in aquaculture. Dr. Tony M. Forshey, state veterinarian with the Ohio Department of Agriculture Animal Health, also received the award. “This award honors individuals who effectively build bridges with consumers by delivering strong, positive messages about animal agriculture,” said Katie Ambrose, NIAA chief operating officer. “Dr. Pace encouraged NIAA to dive into the world of aquaculture—a very important industry.” Because of Pace’s efforts, NIAA has incorporated aquaculture as part of the regular agenda for its

annual conferences and established a National Roundtable for Sustainable Aquaculture. This group brings animal scientists from around the country together to discuss and collaborate on aquacultural research, which ultimately improves the health and viability of this industry. Pace is on the NIAA board of directors as an executive committee member and recently served a year as president of the Mississippi Veterinary Medical Association. He oversees the veterinary college’s network of four laboratories, which provide essential services to the animal agriculture industry and veterinarians in microbiology, anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, molecular diagnostics, serology, and virology. “Dr. Pace understands the Mississippi animal agriculture industry and has seen firsthand how important aquaculture is to the state, the region, and the nation,” said Dr. Kent Hoblet, dean of the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine. “We are proud to see that his advocacy of such a vital industry has gained him national recognition.” Pace earned his Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees from MSU and his doctorate from Louisiana State University. His area of expertise is anatomic pathology, for which he is board-certified through the American College of Veterinary Pathologists.

20 Years Stephen B. Pruett

Eugene E. Washington

Sharon F. Grace

Steven A. Knox

Hazel Rambus

Thomas J. Thompson

15 Years Janet B. Ray

Tad C. Ballard

Abdolsamad Borazjani

William M. Dawkins

Lesya M. Pinchuk

Jeffery M. Thomas

Simone B. Hinz

Donald W. Carmichael

Linda F. Jackson

Elizabeth A. Fry

Susan R. McBride

Jamie D. Walker

L. Carole McLaughlin

Rodgers L. Polk Jr.

Ronald M. McLaughlin

Heather M. Cunningham

10 Years Schanna W. Beckham

Nancy N. Wilson

Tara N. LaCoss

Stevie J. Simmons

Cathleen A. Mochal

Peggy R. Johnson

Sonja C. Myers

Cheryl C. Bonnette

Ben E. Nabors

Kenneth E. Bell

Cyprianna E. Swiderski

Avery J. Cooley Jr. Melanie E. Johnson

5 Years George E. Howell III

Andrew K. Claude

Li Ping Long

Jennifer M. Gambino

Ann E. Peterman

Laurie A. Preston

Keun Seok Seo

Jason A. Syrcle

Yolanda M. Allen

Jung K. Lee

Julie L. Burt

By Karen Templeton

Pegasus Press

S u m m e r 2 0 1 5 | 21

Alumni P r o f i l e

What are you up to these days in the field of veterinary medicine? I am the owner of Animal Care Center of Tupelo, Mississippi, a four-doctor practice. We are a small animal hospital with a strong emergency presence.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. I am a Tupelo native and am married to my wonderful husband, Derek. We have one child, Wesley.

What or who inspired you to become a veterinarian? I always had a fascination with animals. Like most aspiring veterinarians, I had my fair share of orphaned kittens that had to be bottle-fed and a menagerie of lizards, hamsters, guinea pigs, and birds, but I never thought about veterinary school until I became a student at Mississippi State. I began my education as a biochemistry major, but I quickly became jealous of the animal interactions I saw in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. It was there that I became fascinated with the idea of veterinary medicine. I spent my summer volunteering at any animal clinic that would allow me the opportunity to fall in love with the practice of veterinary medicine.

What do you love about MSU-CVM? There is a level of professionalism and instruction that simply cannot be found at other institutions. MSU-CVM does not focus solely on test scores or rankings but prepares its students for the workforce by teaching practical application of the knowledge that is acquired. MSU also has a very nurturing environment that promotes learning. The staff were always willing to help me achieve my goals.


Getting to know our alumni better, one question at a time. Name

Graduation Year

Dr. Shelley Key-Russell

20 09

Favorite memory from your time in vet school? Looking back, several of my most memorable moments occurred during the days of sleep deprivation and utter exhaustion. At the time, I never thought I would look back on these times as favorite memories, but absence really does make the heart grow fonder. I think ICU rotation sticks out in all of our minds. It is always a very trying rotation, but the reward is just as great. I will never forget those long shifts and what they taught me about the reality of veterinary medicine.

Did you have a mentor while in vet school? If so, who was it? I did not have a particular mentor, but I am forever grateful to the veterinarians in my community that allowed me the experience of being in their clinics during veterinary school. I learned so much about how to remain passionate about my profession. I saw firsthand the challenges that come with private practice—everything from angry clients to financial issues to trying cases. Sometimes we all just have to sit down and bottle-feed a kitten to remember why we chose this course.

Any words of wisdom or encouragement that you’d like to share with recent MSU-CVM alumni? Never settle. Everyone has an idea of their role as a veterinarian. Continue on your individual path until you find satisfaction, even though it may not be where you thought it would be!

By Katie Timmerman

CVM Notes & News Alumni News • Dr. Jami Thrash (DVM 14) was accepted into the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps. She will enter as a captain and will be training with Dr. Judy Kovach (DVM 15). She also recently was married to Lee Abbott on Okaloosa Island. • Dr. Chase Atwood (DVM 10) achieved diplomate status with the American College of Veterinary Surgeons (small animal) in February. This was Dr. Atwood’s first time sitting for board certification. He previously completed a small animal rotating internship and surgical residency at Memphis Veterinary Specialists. He currently remains on staff with Memphis Veterinary Specialists in Cordova, Tennessee.

• Pathobiology and Population Medicine resident Dr. Jung-Keun (Kevin) Lee is a new veterinary anatomic pathology diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists. • Dr. Jennifer Gambino, assistant professor in Clinical Sciences, is a new diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Radiology.

• Dr. Alison Plumley, resident in the Department of Clinical Sciences, was awarded a grant by the American College of Veterinary Radiology for her research project, “Comparison of single and multi voxel H magnetic resonance spectroscopy and evaluation of the conspicuity of normally enhancing intracranial structures at varying gadolinium chelate contrast doses in normal dogs at 3 Tesla.” • Ruby Lynn Carter, animal health technician, and Daisy Wiggins, central sterile aide, were both awarded the university’s Zacharias Award given to employees excelling in service, enthusiasm, and volunteerism.

July 13 Monday

Student News • Stephen Hutter (Class of 2016) of Hot Springs, Arkansas, has been selected as the 2015 Bayer Excellence in Communication Award winner for MSU.

• Dr. Dena L. Lodato (DVM 08) of the Animal Emergency and Referral Center in Flowood is a new diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons.

Faculty and Staff News

Calendar of events

Megen Cummings (left)

• Megen Cummings and Rachel Montgomery (both Class of 2016) were awarded competitive U.S. Army Scholarships.

• Brittany Moore-Henderson (Class of 2016) has been accepted into the People Animals Love program in Washington, D.C. Over the summer, she will work with underserved children, introducing them to veterinary medicine.

Obituary • Mrs. Sara Ann Bennett of Starkville passed away April 24, 2015. For 16 years, this gracious woman served as the admissions receptionist for the CVM Animal Health Center. She was a great resource for clients and their beloved pets, and she made many friendships among the CVM’s students, staff, and faculty.

July 16–19 Thursday–Sunday

Alumni Reception at 2015 AVMA Annual Convention (July 10–14) Boston | LTK Bar & Kitchen 7 p.m. Contact (662) 325-0465 | Mississippi Veterinary Medical Association 2015 Summer Meeting Orange Beach, Alabama Perdido Beach Resort Contact (662) 323-5057

September 18 & 19 Friday and Saturday

Alumni Weekend 2015 CE courses, “meet and mingle” event, tailgating, and football game Contact (662) 325-0465 |

October 22–24 Thursday–Saturday

Alumni Fellow Recognition Program Contact (662) 325-0465 |

Fall 2015

SCAVMA members will host MSU-CVM tailgates beginning approximately 2 hours before kickoff at MSU home football games. We invite you to come by and visit with students, alumni, and colleagues. Reminders will be emailed to alumni and friends and posted on our Facebook page.

Note to CVM Alumni 2015 MSU Zacharias Staff Award winners include (front, from left) JuLeigh Baker, Beth Baker, Linda Miller, Donna Maykowski, Becky Hill, Jan Walton, (back, from left) Bubba Forrester, Ann Sansing, Anita Webb, Ruby Lynn Carter, Jennifer Easley, and Daisy Wiggins. With them is (back, center) President Mark E. Keenum.

This is your section of the magazine, and we need your assistance in gathering information to be disseminated through this column. If you would like to share news of marriages, births, deaths, awards, new positions, or anything else you consider newsworthy, please let us know.

Send your news to Katie Timmerman: Box 6100, Mississippi State, MS 39762 |

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