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The technology transfer cycle illustrates a high-level overview of how research, development and funding produce innovation outcomes here at Morgan. The funding lays the groundwork for research and development projects spearheaded by Morgan professors, staff and students that over time become tangible innovations The innovations range from methodologies and concepts to products and services, as indicated in the story on page 3 Once the technology/invention has been more fully developed and tested, the Office of Technology Transfer team works to ensure the University and inventors are protected and credited for their work through the filing of patents with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
The next phase in the cycle includes marketing and licensing of innovations through various platforms depending on the innovation OTT works to identify licensing opportunities with local entrepreneurs and businesses that can produce noteworthy commercial success in the marketplace, in turn generating revenue. A small portion of a company ’ s revenue in the form of royalties and fees are shared with Morgan innovators and used to fund additional projects and continued innovation